Based “Schizoposters” “Schizo” “Schizzed out”
“Schizophrenia patients are typically found to have low IQ both pre- and post-onset, in comparison to the general population.”
Just one problem: schizoposters are very rarely actually schizophrenic...
Schizophrenia is not something to be taken lightly.
in this case it seems to be shorthand for "unorthodox, sometimes conspiratorial thinking" which is bizarre because that defines what our sphere is supposed to be about as a whole.
(04-12-2022, 02:04 PM)parsifal Wrote: in this case it seems to be shorthand for "unorthodox, sometimes conspiratorial thinking" which is bizarre because that defines what our sphere is supposed to be about as a whole.
I think there's a bit of a difference between what goes on in Our Sphere vs Schizoposting, but there is some obvious overlap, which I think is a result of the fact that the RW/Frog Twitter Crowd in 2016 was a big tent that rallied around Trump's election. 

Schizoposters are often obsessed with Occultism, whether that's actually believing in demons and paranormal entities and ascribing world events to their actions, or focusing on Elites who themselves associate with occult/spiritual groups. Perfect example of this would be people who love to focus on Michael Aquino + the Temple of Set, Bohemian Grove, Skulls and Crossbones, things of that nature. There's an obsession with hermeticism and the belief that there's a secret history of what's really going on written into great works of art and historical accounts, you just have to read between the lines to really see it. The people who control the world are a shadowy cabal who only leave cryptic traces behind, and thus the valiant Schizoposter is a high-iq detective picking up on what most normal people can't. Hence the need for they themselves to communicate in a cryptic like fashion: the Truth can never be said plainly. In addition to the focus on secret societies, the Schizoposter regularly shows a strong interest in cryptography (necessary to uncover the truth in le secret writings of John Dee) and court espionage.

In contrast I don't really see Our Sphere as really being conspiratorial on the same level. While we do believe in Elite control, it's not quite the same. BAP for instance has always stressed the fact that the people who control things can be summed up in a list of 'a few hundred names,' and dealing with these people alone would make great changes. The Schizoposters seem averse to 'naming names,' as any name that could be named is simply just a powerful puppet in a multilayered conspiracy theory. In fact BAP rants against this type of conspiratorial thinking in many episodes of CR. The Schizoposter needlessly overcomplicates things, and the analysis they engage is usually entirely hollow or purposefully blackpilling: "it's too complicated for you to ever understand, and you can never even hope to change anything." 

Schizoposters are people who have over-indulged their minds while neglecting the body, and have thus severed contact with reality. Their analysis can never hope to be of aid to anyone living in the real world. Both body and soul must be nourished.
Nobody who actually has controversial ideas needs to call themselves 'schizo'; it's a cutesy affectation.

Talking about 'occultism' without actually believing in paranormal phenomena is a common symptom. Worse than that, many 'schizos' will hold forth on 'elite occultism' at length while completely eliding the possibility that the 'elites' themselves believe in the paranormal (whether or not it's objectively real).

'schizo': "Elites meet in occult lodges to discuss how to prevent an increase in the minimum wage."
actual schizo: "Elites meet in occult lodges to conduct rituals aimed at securing slaves in the afterlife."

The typical 'schizoposter' is a leftist who, like a caricature of a medieval schoolman, already has his mandatory conclusion before him ('capitalism bad'), but would like to festoon the well-worn groove he travels with secondhand trappings of interest and excitement.
I think a lot of people wish they had the sensitivity and intensity of feeling necessary to really become overtaken by passion for something, along with the fearlessness and individuality for that thing to be weird and unique. Schizo as an affectation is kind of half sexy Fox Moulder fantasy and half a desire to avoid standing by their own plain thoughts for their mundanity or their unpopularity. Easy example being Logo needing to talk about demons, atlantis, etc because he can't be of the right or a generic fuck capitalism guy.

Then on the other hand schizo as an insult is pretty much interchangeable with autist and incel, it's something people tend to throw around when someone's committing the internet sin of caring too much about something. I get called schizo on 4chan for pointing out stuff like thematic intentions in media. "Silent Hill is drawing on Carrie and The Fury? Okay SCHIZO."

People want to be cool and unique, but also hate what's cool and unique, and fear it, and fear being it. Schizo is cool and desirable, but only a very romanticised idea of it. Cool sexy Fox Moulder who only offends the powerful bad guys, because truth and integrity could never offend the masses.

And as for *actual* schizophrenia, I don't like the term. Just read the conclusion of what Billionare quoted.

Quote:Conclusions: These findings provide evidence for the existence of a high-IQ variant of schizophrenia that is associated with markedly fewer negative symptoms than typical schizophrenia, and lends support to the idea of a psychosis spectrum or continuum over boundaried diagnostic categories.

A spectrum. This is proposing an ass-covering move like when the 'autism' diagnosis became untenable. There are no schizophrenia genes. There is nothing we can test for in the brain to find conclusive 'schizophrenia'. It's a description of a state of mind and behaviours, and obviously not a helpful one since America has worse outcomes than the third world.
"There are no >160 IQ genes. There is nothing we can test for in the brain to construct a conclusive predictive model for performance on IQ tests. It's a description of a state of mind and behaviours, and obviously not a helpful one since England has worse outcomes than America."
(04-13-2022, 02:01 AM)Guest Wrote: "There are no >160 IQ genes. There is nothing we can test for in the brain to construct a conclusive predictive model for performance on IQ tests. It's a description of a state of mind and behaviours, and obviously not a helpful one since England has worse outcomes than America."

I think this joke breaks down at the end because England isn't organised around taking IQ seriously. Nowhere is. But we *do* have a tonne of states that take "schizophrenia" seriously, and who are terrible at dealing with it by their own admission.
"A proposed category corresponding to a set with high degree of heterogeneity in behavioral traits? Cause enough to reject the category. I am Gigachad."

>It's a description of a state of mind and behaviours, and obviously not a helpful one since America has worse outcomes than the third world.
>It's a description of a state of mind and behaviours, and obviously not a helpful one since England has worse outcomes than America."
>I think this joke breaks down at the end because England isn't organised around taking IQ seriously

the point is: if outcome differentials at differing locations are cause enough to reject a category, we ought to reject the ">160 IQ" category insofar as the correlations between the state of belonging to that category and life outcomes (income, health, wealth, etc.) are not the same everywhere around the world
(04-13-2022, 02:08 AM)Guest Wrote: "A proposed category corresponding to a set with high degree of heterogeneity in behavioral traits? Cause enough to reject the category. I am Gigachad."

Use it if you want but this thing is going nowhere slowly. The DSM definition isn't too bad, but the way it's been used in practice for so long has turned it into a thought terminator. The description/category is used as a diagnosis. Then meds are deployed. And when the meds fail we trust the plan. I'm big on jettisoning words and concepts rather than revising them.

How would the 'schizophrenia' field look if we forced people to talk about it without using the word 'schizophrenia' for a while? More or less coherent?

edit: just saw your edit.

The point of the third world thing is that they don't use western treatment models as much there. I'm pretty much following the Robert Whitaker line on this subject. The western "solution" is half of the problem. I'd like to see the concept of schizophrenia abandoned to force people to look at the issue with fresh eyes.
Frankly I don't mind them. Our age is one where truth has been rendered irrelevant, and what name you use on things is also irrelevant. Call them demonically possessed, or whatever, it really isn't important now, just that you register them as an enemy.

Conan on twitter wrote about lost cities and how acknowledging them unironically made people obsessed. Occultism and esotericism is the same. It's something you need to view as in a constant superposition of real and unreal, otherwise you start getting overly invested and turn into what you sought to not be in the first place.

Are (some) leftoids possessed by demons or whatever the fuck? Maybe, but it isn't important. Doesn't change the fact they need to get some lead in them.
(04-14-2022, 02:08 AM)ezrapoundlover Wrote:

you can literally test people's eye movements and have a definite correlation with schizophrenia, it more psychologically real than an autism diagnosis

This is still identification and description. How does this information empower us?
Based schizo posters don't seem very based to me in that they completely short out the ability to reason so they can get the deep insights afforded by a culture that CANNOT get to the truth. as obsecurefish has said they are leftists.
This can be seen perfectly in the reaction to the recent reaction to the subway shooting in NYC it was done by a figure almost type cast to be a example of the The Systems creation of malcontent blacks a 62 year old geriatric who shoots up a subway but kills nobody and whose youtube is filled with ranting that is in short niggas are helpless but also people who will be killed by the whyte man based on outdated revisionist history books of the evil south from the mid 20th century and whatever else.

Whats the reaction from the based schizos? They claim its all part of some elite plan because it was 33 gunshots never mind that number is see able in as wide a context as the age of Our Lord or postal address its all a stage all a game by those...hecking freemasons right (discounting that number comes from media reports of the police saying it was AT LEAST 33 of course that would ruin the "fun"). Then there is the disgusting reaction of hey based hotep because the based schizo will examine for hours the contents of record albums for satanist magicks but never consider why is he looking over audio gutter trash from gangbangers be it music or information wise. Both examples showcase the missing  of the forest for the trees in this case the clear violent ideology of hotepism and what actions it leads to, the feature of all conspiracy consumerists of this type and the fact of the matter which is their raging conformism in that they will not question the absolute pillars of society(like why is man equal why is x group troublesome but important) but give things a fresh and zany new spin.

Meanwhile The System does one better and works to fundamentally bring a world of voodoo logic maintained by imperial bureaucrat eunuchs. "Well is there a solution?" you ask and its simple one could go on with the attempt at living in a world where instead of every man being fallen and prone to evil its actually every man is effected by capitalist imperialism which you now think of demonic influence or find the tradition of reasoning  a story that has been the lifeblood of western man from Aristotle to von Braun and show the lords of lies what truth is. Thats my two cents putting aside the raised question being a schizo in of itself is a invention of that medieval cartel we call the medical profession.
[Image: 3RVIe13.gif]

“Power changes its appearance but not its reality.”― Bertrand De Jouvenel
(04-14-2022, 06:12 AM)NuclearAbsolutist Wrote: Based schizo posters don't seem very based to me in that they completely short out the ability to reason so they can get the deep insights afforded by a culture that CANNOT get to the truth...This can be seen perfectly in the reaction to the recent reaction to the subway shooting in NYC it was done by a figure almost type cast to be a example of the The Systems creation of malcontent blacks a 62 year old geriatric who shoots up a subway but kills nobody and whose youtube is filled with ranting that is in short niggas are helpless but also people who will be killed by the whyte man based on outdated revisionist history books of the evil south from the mid 20th century and whatever else...Whats the reaction from the based schizos? They claim its all part of some elite plan because it was 33 gunshots never mind that number is see able in as wide a context as the age of Our Lord or postal address its all a stage all a game by those...hecking freemasons right

Cut up some of the post, but this nails my feelings on these people. The subway shootings are a great example of this, because the story is so plain and obvious: A Nigger Nationalist who hates white people and feels betrayed and at war with the System decides to get on the subway and gun people down. He has a Youtube channel full of WE WUZ KINGZ shit and rants against white people for every problem in the world. And what do our beloved conspiracy theorists and schizoposters have to say about the attack? They want to talk about irregularities in early reporting (which always happens during events like this, mind you), and supposed lack of evidence:

There's this reflexive belief that it has to be a conspiracy. There has to be some greater power involved. "Why would this 62 year old nigger go on a shooting spree in the middle of the day?" Because he's a nigger! It's really that simple. Niggers shoot up playgrounds, churches, fried-chicken joints, and funerals. There doesn't have to be an elaborate scheme behind every 'happening' and event. It's a sort of knee-jerk contrarianism. Of course they don't provide any evidence of what else might be going on here, but the truth is out there, somewhere, and you're a rube if you accept the clear and obvious solution to the problem. Some of the people who I see on My Side do engage in an amount of esotericism and joking around about out-there conspiracies. Hakan's classic "there are portals" comes to mind, as well as BAP musing on ancient, cthonic gods that hold sway over Great Men. But most of that stuff is said in such a comical nature, or is so out-there that it doesn't muddle their interpretation of real world events. Not every problem is a complex problem with complex solutions, and sometimes even complex problems have simple solutions. The schizoposter seems to me terminally allergic to such simple solutions.

(04-13-2022, 05:29 AM)Svevlad Wrote: Frankly I don't mind them. Our age is one where truth has been rendered irrelevant, and what name you use on things is also irrelevant. Call them demonically possessed, or whatever, it really isn't important now, just that you register them as an enemy.
I understand the point that our Age is not one of Objective Truth, but I'm a Man Against Time. I do care very much about the Truth of things, and that's what I wish to aim for. Now if all that's different between me and some guy is he thinks demons are real and exert control over the universe, that's whatever. If he agrees with me that we need to take away women's right to vote, protect the white race, lynch niggers and oppress sodomites and so on, that's all good, I have no issue. I can be a stickler for the truth but I can also recognize a practical alliance between people I disagree with or find retarded. But as a few people have pointed out above, many of these people turn out to be leftists. Their wish to draw everything into an elaborate, Elite scheme is oftentimes more harmful than helpful, in my opinion. Or they get caught up on things that don't matter, eg obsession over JFK, 9/11, Vegas Shooting, Roswell, and so on. So much time and energy spent on conspiracy theories which, even if "proven" in some way, would amount to nothing. The fact that they're devoid of meaningful consequences almost seems like it's the point.

I think what @anthony said about logo is a good example of this: he isn't content with being a right-wing guy, or a leftist who talks about class, so he has to mix in a bunch of shit about demons and atlantics and being freighter-pilled and whatnot. But the issue is, in adding all this stuff, he just runs around the truth, instead of saying it outright. Scroll the guy's timeline and so often it's a heap of nothingness, just vacuous statements that are designed to sound sophisticated but lack any meat:
And of course there's the supposed skeleton key to unravel all the conspiracies: "Just read Blake, man, and you'll get it. Read the Hermetica" No different then a drug addled hippy telling you that you just have to smoke DMT with him and then you'll get it." I at times book post. I enjoy reading and talking about ideas and engaging in intellectual discussion. But no one has to read a stuffy philosophy book or some rare esoteric literature to get it. 90IQ rural dads who dropped out of highschool and spend all day drinking busch lite often get it more than pencil-necked academics who do nothing but sit and read theory all day. Over-intellectualizing and over-complicating the problem often just leads people astray.

Edit: just adding in another post I think displays the kind of hollow pov 'schizoposting' leads to:
I guess it's a form of an inability to cope with the inherent chaotic nature of the universe. There's gotta be someone in charge. Results in misdirection and getting overly invested.

I said on twitter once when there was a spat between the uber-conspiracy people and the "nobody is in charge mang" moldbug types - false dichotomy. There's no one single Big Bad figure running everything, but that doesn't mean the system somehow magically drives itself. There's still groups of malignants and incompetents behind "the Cathedral." Shoot all of them and the problem "magically" fixes itself. But people must always be hyperbinarist in everything, resulting in such idiotic arguments.
Some people are just not very good at articulating their thoughts. Thoughts come to them as vague feelings and mudled forms, as they do to most people, but these people can’t take the next step of clarifying the thoughts into something that can be explained coherently. They compensate by just referencing loads of vaguely related things. As Leverkhün said they just want you to *get* it. They can't actually explain it, or the seed is just nonsense to begin with.
Anyway this is my interpretation of some types. Probably caused in large part by simple low IQ as Billionaire said in OP.
That said I do think there are some things that really do have to be realized (or maybe comprehended is a better word here) rather than just technically understood to really feel their profundity.

Then there’s just the quirky thread ideas. So, was the Sahara created by nuclear weapons to contain the bantu?…
Wydnaverse, Alex Jones, jinx, "CIA MKULTRA'd that spree shooter", "computers are demons", iceberg memes, etc, should not be called "schizo" and should be in some other bin.

"Schizo" is Terry Davis, Francis E Dec, the phantasmgamoriasationaloctolasionsationalsupraparamitperimeteridiachronologicaliKalādarśanamahasukhatantravatadhanikaāṃglānuvāda poster... it feels like something intense is pouring out of them and cannot be contained, like what anthony said above- "overtaken by passion"
(04-12-2022, 11:22 PM)skorr Wrote: "Schizoposting" just seems to be a form of LARP. Mostly for kids. It seems transgressive - "woah, the normies say I'm crazy.....well I actually AM crazy! how about that?"
(04-12-2022, 11:24 PM)obscurefish Wrote: Nobody who actually has controversial ideas needs to call themselves 'schizo'; it's a cutesy affectation.
(04-13-2022, 01:02 AM)anthony Wrote: Then on the other hand schizo as an insult is pretty much interchangeable with autist and incel, it's something people tend to throw around when someone's committing the internet sin of caring too much about something.

I don't remember when the trend of everyone online self-identifying as autistic started, but I believe it started on 4chan sometime in the early 2010's when the millennials who weren't ever going to be "normal" started to realize that they still hadn't naturally (without effort) grown out of it and had to confront that was going to be a part of the rest of their life. So, as a cope more and more people started referring to anything and everything they did which was abnormal as "autistic" (not completely inaccurate, web 1.0 - 2.0 was CatWorld with much catlike behavior) in a self-deprecatory manner, which then splintered off politically between the post-FYAD "weird Twitter" depressives and the "meme magic" shitposters.

In that, I consider "schizoposting" to be an evolution of "weaponized autism" (in terms of online self-image/esteem). "Autistic" now colloquially implies "caring too much" or as an abstracted version of general retardation vs "schizo" which is "uncontrolled" and therefore aspirational. "Autistic" becomes the self-deprecatory put down, "schizo" becomes the aspirational pick-up.

Additionally, it's also a subconscious attempted return to "edgelord" culture. This is the closest I've seen to people being able to freely make Columbine jokes since Newgrounds in 2005. I support it on those grounds, but just like all other "edgelordism" the teeth of "wholesome" inertion have sunken in attempt to subsume it into chungus.
[Image: 0b065d24f0c9a57c24af80cac8885ba2.jpg]
(04-21-2022, 11:28 PM)Guest Wrote: Wydnaverse, Alex Jones, jinx, "CIA MKULTRA'd that spree shooter", "computers are demons", iceberg memes, etc, should not be called "schizo" and should be in some other bin.

"Schizo" is Terry Davis, Francis E Dec, the phantasmgamoriasationaloctolasionsationalsupraparamitperimeteridiachronologicaliKalādarśanamahasukhatantravatadhanikaāṃglānuvāda poster... it feels like something intense is pouring out of them and cannot be contained, like what anthony said above- "overtaken by passion"
I see your point, but guys like Terry Davis are actually schizo. I think what we're talking about here is this group of people who think of themselves as "schizoposters" connecting all the dots and forming some kind of elaborate conspiracy system that they usually fail to articulate in any coherent way. I think @PIGSAW makes a nice parallel between these types of people and the 'autistic' posters that were popular a few years back, who similarly didn't actually have autism, there was just some kind of identification with abnormality and making it "based." 

(04-12-2022, 11:24 PM)obscurefish Wrote: Nobody who actually has controversial ideas needs to call themselves 'schizo'; it's a cutesy affectation.
I'd say this very same thing applied to the 'autistic' posters. The difference I'd want to draw between the two, is that "autism posters" are best thought of people who dug incredibly deep into a single subject, and mastered all there is to know about it. Eg an 'autism poster' is some guy who has read every book there is to read about katana crafting and could make a 100 tweet thread on how the method changes over time. I think this type of poster is more respectable because despite the fact they're so laser-focused on a single subject, they at least have something substantive to say about it. "Schizoposters" in contrast read incredibly widely, hence why they always pretend to know everything there is to know: 'it's all connected man, the united fruit company and the tankers and the NATO-4th Reich and the Anglo Theosophical Societies and the East India Company' and so on, you get the point. But stop this person from their big-systems babble for a second and actually pin them down on any single subject, they usually don't know shit. These types are much more disgusting and facetious in my view, but the "schizoposting" does proabably come out as some kind of counter to the "autistic poster."

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