Bio-political implications of technology
Technology tends to be gauged against its practical implications and results. I suggest we should rather attempt to gauge it against its biological implications, and biological consequences.

Have you ever considered what happens to your insides when you drive 80mph in southeast asian crafted "shock absorbing" seating for a day and a half?
Do you have any idea of how your insterstitium already aches for Lebensraum?
Did you know that the denisovan-indio race stores its adipose tissue viscerally?
I believe this explains their insistance on riding a bike cart across their 600 square mile sewage plant of a "city".
If they had american highways in india their organs would explode is what I'm trying to tell you.
Fundamentally this is a problem of the Gravitational force equivalent

[Image: Car-Seat-Belt-Buckle-Car-Bottle-Opener-F....jpg_.webp]
This is real technology. With real biological consideration.

A steroid hormone is a fatsoluble hormone with a cholesterol base, able to penetrate the cell membrane and bind to receptors within the cell rather than outside of it. By way of the cytoplasm the steroid hormone eventually makes its way into the cell nucleus, where it activates gene transcription.
Hormonal contraceptives are steroid hormones, typically of the progestogen variety, and are taken by tens of millions of women DAILY.
This obviously has profound biological effects, down to DNA level mechanism of action. 
Many of you have heard of things like how women are attracted to varying facial structures and behaviors depending on stage of their menstruation cycle.
This is a tiny detail in the grand scheme of what the symbiosis between Estrogens and Progestogens are responsible for in the female physiology.
In particular their emotional state can be heavily effected, and the control they have (or rather do not have) on said emotional state.
This phenomenon is well known and can be found in the age old classic question, dating most likely past the pleistoscene, "Are you on your period or something?"

The women themselves don't seem to mind very much, they (quote from a woman I know) "Make their womb such a poisonous environment, that no life can form" with copper IUDs and the like. Sometimes they do it with big smiles on their faces. "Women are children" as Schopenhauer put it.

Fundamentally this all leads back to the 1960s and the jews, as do all of our contemporary problems.

"We use too much little screen time and it makes our little eyes tired" is the type of lukewarm midwittery we've all heard from [Social-Liberal News Outlet] the past 20 years. They identify the practical problems of our behaviour;

- "Cranked neck from looking at phone"
- "Cranked wrist from typing on keyboard"
- "Cranked back from sitting at desk"

An analysis completely void of the real consequences at hand. The real problem we face is Retardation, in the truest sense of the word.
It is not as they try to tell you "too much rewarderino molecule!!!".
There is no reward in the way most people spend their time online.
Watching all seasons of glee is not a reward.
Playing 600 games of leauge of legends and still being bronze 2 is not a reward.
Being constantly outraged at the latest news article is not a reward.
What we get from these behaviors is not a reward, but illusory Movement.
We feel like we are progressing toward something, moving forward through the season of glee or the league points.
We are of course not moving anywhere but backwards with these auto-lobotomizing activities.
If we keep this trend going long enough I believe we will slowly de-speciate into some kind of cambrian myriapod

Since the dawn of time man has wrestled with the elements.
Plenty of technology is fundamentally temperature related.
Temperature varies greatly geographically and we have thus over millenia developed differently physiologically.
Then how is it that I, a northern European am supposed to purchase the same AC unit as a wodaabe cowdung consumer?
Why am I supposed to wear the same hats as they are? The same shoes? 
My thermostat should never go past 65, yet the room temperature of a fulani cattle camp in tchad is probably into the 90s.
There should be an aisle for me and an aisle for them.
Have you ever seen a black person do the "wim hof breathing technique"?
I have seen kushites wear giant snow parkas in the midst of the boreal summer.
As soon as the temperature starts to drop they recede and are nowhere to be found for months, they sleep upside down in cocoons, 19 of them in their 350sq ft apartments.
If vampires were real they'd be habesha


Feel free to add other interesting biological implications technology has forced upon us, rape style.
"We all feel that in the distant future many may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, a race destined to become master of all the other peoples and which will have at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world." - Adolf Hitler
(07-13-2022, 11:06 AM)dairydeity Wrote: The women themselves don't seem to mind very much, they (quote from a woman I know) "Make their womb such a poisonous environment, that no life can form" with copper IUDs and the like. Sometimes they do it with big smiles on their faces. "Women are children" as Schopenhauer put it.
What I find humorous about the endemic use of birth control is that the reason most women give for 'getting on the pill' is some argument about wanting control over their own bodies. By this they mostly mean the ability to fuck-at-will with no consequences, and of course by "consequences" they just mean pregnancy. The other point they'll make is it 'helps regulate their cycle,' which true or not mostly just seems to tie back into wanting to fuck-at-will. Probably so they can know when they're ovulating and fuck condom-free the rest of the time, but I digress.

Contrary to their wish for control over their bodies, women's birth control comes with a number of side effects that seem to make them less in control of themselves than ever. Women that use oral contraceptives are reported to have "higher scores of depressed mood, mood swings, and fatigue," along with reduced emotional reactivity. Another study I looked at found that emotional side effects, worsening of PMS, decreased frequency of sexual thoughts, and decreased psychosexual arousability" were found in 87% of users of oral contraceptives. But of course these things are rarely discussed at large, both because the medical industry is happy to keep pushing the pill (and other varieties of contraceptives), AND because WOMEN seem more than willing to take all those negative consequences "with big smiles on their faces" as @dairydeity has said. I won't bombard you with studies, but there are many others you can find linking use of birth control and suicidal thoughts, mood swings, etc. Women trick themselves into the idea that birth control gives them a level of control over their bodies, and it does, a very small level of control. That level of control is vastly outweighed by the emotional damage, but they're willing to overlook that I guess. Or they simply have to pretend that 'late-stage capitalism' and 'the patriarchy' is what's making them feel so suicidal, I'm not sure.
Has any reputable male reported birth control causing substantially lower sex drive in attractive healthy female partners? I have only heard about this from The Science! and anonymous Reddit posts (penned by mentally ill men LARPing as women or fat women with fat beta male boyfriends for whom the concept of having sex is disgusting to any sane person). I would proceed by assuming this is true since there is no great need for birth control anyway, but the neurotic right can be very unskeptical about bioparanoia stirred up by hypochondriac women and Numbers that are pulled out of a pothead graduate student’s ass at 1 AM.
(07-16-2022, 05:23 PM)BillyONare Wrote: Has any reputable male reported birth control causing substantially lower sex drive in attractive healthy female partners? I have only heard about this from The Science! and anonymous Reddit posts (penned by mentally ill men LARPing as women or fat women with fat beta male boyfriends for whom the concept of having sex is disgusting to any sane person). I would proceed by assuming this is true since there is no great need for birth control anyway, but the neurotic right can be very unskeptical about bioparanoia stirred up by hypochondriac women and Numbers that are pulled out of a pothead graduate student’s ass at 1 AM.

Well it's possible that women are just being hypochondriacs when they report these symptoms, but it's something you find being reported across many different studies. At that point, whether birth control ACTUALLY lowers their sex drives or just consistently causes them to FEEL as if they have lower sex drives wouldn't make much practical difference. I looked for studies on male birth control and didn't find too many, but one I found did say "the most commonly reported side effects associated with hormonal male contraception include weight gain, acne, slight suppression of serum high-density cholesterol, mood changes, and changes in libido." I tend to Trust the Science on this matter, Heil Fauci.
(07-16-2022, 05:23 PM)BillyONare Wrote: Has any reputable male reported birth control causing substantially lower sex drive in attractive healthy female partners? I have only heard about this from The Science! and anonymous Reddit posts (penned by mentally ill men LARPing as women or fat women with fat beta male boyfriends for whom the concept of having sex is disgusting to any sane person). I would proceed by assuming this is true since there is no great need for birth control anyway, but the neurotic right can be very unskeptical about bioparanoia stirred up by hypochondriac women and Numbers that are pulled out of a pothead graduate student’s ass at 1 AM.

It's not a complicated topic endocrinologically. And if you are a science sceptic for whatever reason (I don't believe really anyone on the right is a science sceptic, but they are sceptical of the cult of science whipped up by lib "science journalists", which often times is fundamentally anti-scientific in nature) the phenomenon can be easily understood by simple propositional logic and a look at the female physiology as it was meant to be

Women have a hormonal cycle of 28 days. They are much less endocrinologically active than Men, who have a hormonal cycle of 24 hours.
Fertility (Which really is simply a hormonal state of a handfull of hormones, for women mainly Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Progestogens and Estrogens.) peaks for the female leading up to ovulation, because the body wants to be impregnated. Once ovulation is reached, menstruation occurs IF an egg has not been fertilized. 

What hormonal contraceptives do, is manipulate the hormonal state in the body to where the female physiology simply does not ovulate at all. This means it never reaches its natural pre-ovulation heightened fertility, it never reaches any fertility at all. I don't think every woman who goes on oral contraceptives experience a lower sex drive, that would be the least of her problems anyways. 

If you want a more dramatic way of putting it you can call oral contraceptives "chemical castration"
"We all feel that in the distant future many may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, a race destined to become master of all the other peoples and which will have at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world." - Adolf Hitler
(07-16-2022, 05:23 PM)BillyONare Wrote: Has any reputable male reported birth control causing substantially lower sex drive in attractive healthy female partners? I have only heard about this from The Science! and anonymous Reddit posts (penned by mentally ill men LARPing as women or fat women with fat beta male boyfriends for whom the concept of having sex is disgusting to any sane person). I would proceed by assuming this is true since there is no great need for birth control anyway, but the neurotic right can be very unskeptical about bioparanoia stirred up by hypochondriac women and Numbers that are pulled out of a pothead graduate student’s ass at 1 AM.

Also the scientists who say this also say that women get horny for the body odor of men who are "biologically dissimilar to themselves" when they are fertile and the opposite when they are not fertile. Which just sounds like racemixing propaganda to me.
(08-06-2022, 06:08 PM)BillyONare Wrote:
(07-16-2022, 05:23 PM)BillyONare Wrote: Has any reputable male reported birth control causing substantially lower sex drive in attractive healthy female partners? I have only heard about this from The Science! and anonymous Reddit posts (penned by mentally ill men LARPing as women or fat women with fat beta male boyfriends for whom the concept of having sex is disgusting to any sane person). I would proceed by assuming this is true since there is no great need for birth control anyway, but the neurotic right can be very unskeptical about bioparanoia stirred up by hypochondriac women and Numbers that are pulled out of a pothead graduate student’s ass at 1 AM.

Also the scientists who say this also say that women get horny for the body odor of men who are "biologically dissimilar to themselves" when they are fertile and the opposite when they are not fertile. Which just sounds like racemixing propaganda to me.

There's some truth to the point about body odors but you shouldn't let people try to use it in order to talk about race-mixing, the 'dissimilarity' in question isn't about race and supposedly more about immune-system, so only a number of genes are involved. If that's how it worked you'd see way more interracial couples, whereas the numbers of these are actually pretty low considering how hard you can see media companies try to push it in commercials and elsewhere. I even remember Biden slipping up and referring to this last year. I think when libtards try to roll out this information they forget the immense amount of genetic diversity that exists within the White race itself. For comfort just realize that couples were already picking mates in this way when they lived in small villages, so the 'genetic distance' obviously doesn't have to be that far. Anyone who tells you otherwise is either retarded or purposely trying to misinform you. Also, as this article makes clear, it can be override by other factors:
Quote:They suggest such a preference can be overridden by cultural practices, however, such as those found in Israel, where mate choice is limited due to social standing or family practices.
Very convenient for those kikes!
Mitonuclear incompatability speaks quite staunchly against racemixing. Anyways, whenever the hard sciences are used in a political context like that it is some "science journalist" jew at work, referencing an article referencing an article of someone who glossed over the abstract and reached their own conclusion.
"We all feel that in the distant future many may be faced with problems which can be solved only by a superior race of human beings, a race destined to become master of all the other peoples and which will have at its disposal the means and resources of the whole world." - Adolf Hitler

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