Collected Sayings of E-Dalits
Was just thinking of a few funny comments that were shared with me recently and thought it might be fun to start a thread to compile and discuss funny, silly, and offensive comments made on media and culture observed online. A kind of light internet anthropology exercise. Focusing maybe particularly on comment sections and reactions to media phenomena.

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This scene came up in a discussion today, and the character of the comments was noted. This whole movie is a very limp and silly exercise in trying to produce awe, wonder, and warm feelings through a completely lifeless pipeline process. These comments are an interesting reaction. They seem to recognise the intentions of the filmmakers, and obligingly react with equally plastic, lifeless, and pipelined expressions of awe, wonder, and warm feelings. Look at these comments here all in a row, like how ghostbusters:afterlife is barely distinguishable from its nostalgiawave peers, the comments are barely distinguishable from each other.

I thought it might be fun to just collect these and see if anything interesting comes of it.
I'm sure everyone's seen this "reimagining" by now but there's nothing more deserving of being in this thread.

[Image: 3s9ivCq.png]
The Bollywood consumer, despite outward appearances, is the target audience of the sequel trilogy. I don't think these people really even understood why the sequel films were bad to begin with, considering they eat up this schlock; it's just as offensive to the nature of the story as this "reimagining" is. When Holdo hyper-rams two capital ships into one another, this type of person was fascinated but ultimately walked away displeased knowing "they made Luke a pussy".
An amarnite on twitter had a great tweet essentially reminding twitter that the reason we created the contempt for Funko Pop people was not because it was "consumerism", "nihilism", or "late stage capitalism", as the post-leftists/wignats say, but because those people were effeminate libtards with terrible taste. I'll post if I can find it.
(09-30-2022, 07:08 PM)BillyONare Wrote: An amarnite on twitter had a great tweet essentially reminding twitter that the reason we created the contempt for Funko Pop people was not because it was "consumerism", "nihilism", or "late stage capitalism", as the post-leftists/wignats say, but because those people were effeminate libtards with terrible taste. I'll post if I can find it.

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-12-at-15-06-24-St-rim...royper.jpg]
What a fantastic thread. I only saw the first tweet but the second two are amazing and not something that has been elucidated before. Scholars of masculinity and aspiring artists should take note of this. A quest for treasure or ownership of a beautiful girl (another form of property) will always feel more real than a quest to save the world or save some child or whatever contrived bullshit motivation that is tortured to fit into modern selfless faggot morality. This is why old pulp fiction/sword&sorcery/Appendix N stories are so enjoyable and why modern stories make you feel gross and slimy in an indescribable way.
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I am still fascinated with movie recaps, and saw this comment under one today.

This guy has unintentionally said the quiet part out loud on a big part of youtube. This is a real person who unthinkingly uses 'recap' and 'review' interchangeably. Youtube criticism culture is just recaps.
(09-30-2022, 07:37 PM)BillyONare Wrote: or whatever contrived bullshit motivation that is tortured to fit into modern selfless faggot morality.

This is exactly why I've found the Cugel the Clever books by Jack Vance so entertaining. The main character doesn't care about anyone except himself, exploits people at every turn and his primary motivations are survival and revenge, which leads him into hilarious situations at times. You don't see it in literature or media anywhere today.
(10-04-2022, 09:05 AM)Guest Wrote:
(09-30-2022, 07:37 PM)BillyONare Wrote: or whatever contrived bullshit motivation that is tortured to fit into modern selfless faggot morality.

This is exactly why I've found the Cugel the Clever books by Jack Vance so entertaining. The main character doesn't care about anyone except himself, exploits people at every turn and his primary motivations are survival and revenge, which leads him into hilarious situations at times. You don't see it in literature or media anywhere today.

Read a lot of Jack Vance on Aidan's recommendation. The whole "Tales of the Dying Earth" and "Lyonesse" collections should be top books for us. Should probably make a fiction thread for all my shallow opinions.
Vance is unfactcheckably based. The Cugel books are great but get dry and repetitive, maybe because I marathoned the whole Dying Earth series in a few days. Which is why I'm glad the first and fourth books exist.

Vance's depiction of women is varied and outstanding. After Cugel failed a few times with women I thought it was going to be some feminist thing where he was going to be made to look like a fool every time. But then he succeeds in
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Jack Vance is a must read for enjoyers of basedness, adventure, masculinity, fantasy, luxury, the lugubrious, and the loquacious. 

I did not know Aidan was a fan. I would like to see his other recommendations.

This is a hell of a video. Another variation on recaps. This time it seems to be about feeling better than steven seagal but on this really quaintly low and outdated feeling level. This humour feels like it's made for 10 year olds from the 2000s.

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Strange and funny to me that people are enjoying this. Really just look at a minute of the video to get a feel for the level of humour we're on.

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(10-09-2022, 01:32 PM)BillyONare Wrote:

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But consider how strong Bowser ACTUALLY IS.
This video was recommended to me today. I'd never heard of the film and did in fact have a tiny amount of respect for 'Denzel'.
The premise is terrific in the first place, the comments just cement it.
Skimming through, it appears that this humble black taxi driver teaches some rich young white men a lesson for raping a white woman.
This clearly resonates with the fans below...

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(01-11-2023, 03:26 PM)Oldblood Wrote: This clearly resonates with the fans below...

If there's one thing youtube commenters love it's a badass old person killing young white men for breaking rules and disrespecting women.
(01-11-2023, 06:31 PM)anthony Wrote: If there's one thing youtube commenters love it's a badass old person killing young white men for breaking rules and disrespecting women.

"The Gentlemen" is so awful for this. I must have sat through at least three scenes of badass oldies putting the young bucks in their place before I walked. Here's two, enjoy the comments:

Utterly embarrassed for Guy Ritchie, a complete caricature. After you've watched them, watch this Joe Rogan interview with him and listen to how he speaks. It's just like those two scenes. He absolutely imagines himself in these situations while he's writing.

(01-12-2023, 10:57 AM)Oldblood Wrote: "The Gentlemen" is so awful for this. I must have sat through at least three scenes of badass oldies putting the young bucks in their place before I walked. Here's two, enjoy the comments:

Utterly embarrassed for Guy Ritchie, a complete caricature. After you've watched them, watch this Joe Rogan interview with him and listen to how he speaks. It's just like those two scenes. He absolutely imagines himself in these situations while he's writing.

In Ritchie's defense, he has some taste and style still. There's a personal streak that continues even into his later work. He likes cool people with taste. The fantasy isn't essentially lumberjack because the people winning are actually better. The actual hero of his new movie is a character who is basically Aristotle Onassis but more evil by conventional moral standards. He is never treated as in the wrong because he's cool, charming, has taste and uses his power in a respectable way.

The Protagonist of The Gentlemen is an older guy, and American, but it's established immediately that his ancestry is British and he's a kind of earnest striver. Like Andrew Tate but not a tasteless nigger with an IQ of 110 and he's willing to follow through on talk and kill people. So he's actually somewhat cool. And his enemies in that movie are stupid poor people, rich sneaky conniving jews, and asian foreigners who want to plunder his homeland.

What's essentially horrible about the "secretly BADASS old fuck beats up 25 disrespectful skinheads" thing is that it's a lower form of life winning. The point is always contrasting the misery and debasement of the old fuck's existence with the brief fire of his moral outrage and explosive frustration. But why should I like anybody who chooses to live like that? Matthew McConaughey in The Gentlemen is not a bug. He lives as he pleases, does well by non-insectoid standards, and is just defending what's his from people who want to be him but are just worse at it (because they aren't intelligent white men).

How long has it been since you saw this scene?
(01-21-2023, 07:14 AM)Moyai Wrote: More importantly, I think the true meat and potatoes of this little internet anthropology exercise is whether or not downies should be sterilized or just executed.
But really what’s the argument for sterilization, feels kinda half way. The goal is no downies, so it feels like it’s not fully committed to reaching that goal. It is some kind of humanism hold out after it’s been recognized by society that the genetic heath of a race is important? But by default euthanasia seems like the obvious choice, unless you have a great argument for sterilization I may be swayed.
The compulsion to talk about cancer in relation to anything more than ten years old which people enjoy.

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"Greetings from Germany!"
(01-21-2023, 07:14 AM)Moyai Wrote: More importantly, I think the true meat and potatoes of this little internet anthropology exercise is whether or not downies should be sterilized or just executed.

Unless you exist in a hellish clannish society of forced arranged marriages you wouldn't even need to bother sterilizing them.

[Image: landshark_dudes_posting_ws_horror_story.jpg]

I post this as its relevant to normie downsie praise, and also to quickly confess my own past failure re: the original Dudes Posting W's tweet, as I was indeed one of the morons who saw that and absentmindedly thought "Aw, how sweet." without even considering the horrific Arab hell society angle. It was quite a while ago, when I was a bit stupider and a bit less cynical, but I was still made a sucker by that stupid account. That is all.

(11-05-2022, 11:05 PM)Moyai Wrote: A strange type of discussion I've noticed that happens around any sort of TV show (in this case, Family Guy) is the dissecting of the morals and emotions of the characters as if they're real people or even just well thought out characters. I've seen people talk about how evil Peter is or how sad Meg must be. I never understood this. The entire point of the characters in Family Guy (especially past season 3) is that they're supposed to be one dimensional characters that embody an archetype which can deliver jokes well and get into scenarios that fit the character.

My personal theory is that most of the people commenting that are Zoomers or younger and grew up watching Family Guy - the poor and godless white trash untermenschen of this country have that repugnant filth playing in their homes at almost all times. I think that these wiglets grow up with the Family Guy "characters" (which are barely even characters) as surrogate friends of sorts. Death to the Irish goblinoid Seth MacFarlane for unleashing this plague of idiocy and mediocrity!

(01-12-2023, 10:57 AM)Oldblood Wrote: Utterly embarrassed for Guy Ritchie, a complete caricature. After you've watched them, watch this Joe Rogan interview with him and listen to how he speaks. It's just like those two scenes. He absolutely imagines himself in these situations while he's writing.

I don't hate this guy as much as you might, and don't particularly care for what he has to say either way (all YouTube self-help nonsense appeals mainly to low-IQ, low-aspiration natural peasants with a distorted Will - Nietzsche correctly identify Stoicism as nothing but self-tyranny, Sam Hyde as an instruction guide for "How to suffer through a life of misery and mediocrity," and the same can be said for the similar philosophies of "hustle and grind" nowadays), but what does make my blood boil (maybe not fully boil... perhaps just a steaming simmer...) is his sophomoric psychological bastardization of biblical parables. "YOU are the father, the younger son represents your intellect, the prodigal son your intuition, etc." No you pudgy, red-faced Celtic-Anglo mulatto, the Father represents GOD, the younger son is the faithful cradle Christian, and the prodigal son is the repentant sinner. You do not get to twist the words of God to suit your filthy materialistic psychologist's narratives about "self-actualization." May that blind idiot preacher Jung suffer damnatio memoriae for a thousand years for spreading this rot, jizzing his filthy and banal doctrines into the divine myths of every race of Man. I pray that Peterson may repent as well - certainly one may apply parts of the Scripture to mean a personal struggle of order against chaos, in personal application, but to say that the Holy Book is merely a "self-help guide" is the height of hubris - banal, mundane, and wretched hubris, at that. Spengler is once again utterly correct when he identifies the whole nonsense of psychological or "archetypal" bastardizations of myths as a symptom of a dying civilization, one which has lost all creative and spiritual energy or vril, whose rational intellect has grown bloated and monstrous and now cannibalizes its foundational intuitive myths and guiding spirit. I now paraphrase a hadith of the Arch-Racist, having found the "right-wing" equivalent to a leftist phenomenon he himself railed against.

[Image: hakan_on_nymphs.jpg]
everything's an "archetype" or "guide to self-actualization" when you're a Hebraic psychologist chittering like a vulgar SPARROW. sorry fags, life isn't about 'career success' or 'integrating your subconscious'. the Bible is not an insight into 'patterns of human psychology and ethics'. it is REAL &you will be punished for your impieties
(01-24-2023, 02:00 PM)JohnnyRomero Wrote:
(01-21-2023, 07:14 AM)Moyai Wrote: More importantly, I think the true meat and potatoes of this little internet anthropology exercise is whether or not downies should be sterilized or just executed.

Unless you exist in a hellish clannish society of forced arranged marriages you wouldn't even need to bother sterilizing them.

[Image: landshark_dudes_posting_ws_horror_story.jpg]
I’m pretty sure female downies are fertile and can reproduce, I think this would be the more common situation. Unless it’s unthinkable to you that they would get pregnant, if so then we would most likely not have to sterilize the males yes. But it’s still a poor excuse for euthanasia.

(01-24-2023, 02:00 PM)JohnnyRomero Wrote: vr
(01-12-2023, 10:57 AM)Old blood Wrote: Utterly embarrassed for Guy Ritchie, a complete caricature. After you've watched them, watch this Joe Rogan interview with him and listen to how he speaks. It's just like those two scenes. He absolutely imagines himself in these situations while he's writing.

I don't hate this guy as much as you might, and don't particularly care for what he has to say either way (all YouTube self-help nonsense appeals mainly to low-IQ, low-aspiration natural peasants with a distorted Will - Nietzsche correctly identify Stoicism as nothing but self-tyranny, Sam Hyde as an instruction guide for "How to suffer through a life of misery and mediocrity," and the same can be said for the similar philosophies of "hustle and grind" nowadays), but what does make my blood boil (maybe not fully boil... perhaps just a steaming simmer...) is his sophomoric psychological bastardization of biblical parables. "YOU are the father, the younger son represents your intellect, the prodigal son your intuition, etc." No you pudgy, red-faced Celtic-Anglo mulatto, the Father represents GOD, the younger son is the faithful cradle Christian, and the prodigal son is the repentant sinner. You do not get to twist the words of God to suit your filthy materialistic psychologist's narratives about "self-actualization." May that blind idiot preacher Jung suffer damnatio memoriae for a thousand years for spreading this rot, jizzing his filthy and banal doctrines into the divine myths of every race of Man. I pray that Peterson may repent as well - certainly one may apply parts of the Scripture to mean a personal struggle of order against chaos, in personal application, but to say that the Holy Book is merely a "self-help guide" is the height of hubris - banal, mundane, and wretched hubris, at that. Spengler is once again utterly correct when he identifies the whole nonsense of psychological or "archetypal" bastardizations of myths as a symptom of a dying civilization, one which has lost all creative and spiritual energy or vril, whose rational intellect has grown bloated and monstrous and now cannibalizes its foundational intuitive myths and guiding spirit. I now paraphrase a hadith of the Arch-Racist, having found the "right-wing" equivalent to a leftist phenomenon he himself railed against.

[Image: hakan_on_nymphs.jpg]
everything's an "archetype" or "guide to self-actualization" when you're a Hebraic psychologist chittering like a vulgar SPARROW. sorry fags, life isn't about 'career success' or 'integrating your subconscious'. the Bible is not an insight into 'patterns of human psychology and ethics'. it is REAL &you will be punished for your impieties
Great stuff! 

Is there already a thread dedicated to this topic? If not one should be quickly made.

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