Lost Archetypes
As society underwent radical transformation in the last few decades, there are many social archetypes that used to be quite common but are now vanishingly rare. I will attempt to document few of them in this thread. Note that the ones I'm talking about are in America since that's where I was born and grew up in, but anyone in any country is free to participate. 

The Small Town Engineers
These are white men who grew up in a rural area and thus got acquainted with heavy tools and practical skills at a young age, due to this talent they often managed to get into a high level engineering university (Stanford, MIT, Caltech) and become ridiculously good at engineering the moment they learn calculus. Oftentimes they either joined defense companies out of patriotism and good money or they went back home to their towns and became pillars of their communities.  A good chunk of them are still around and are the "whites who keep the lights on", but they are definitely a dying breed. 

Politically they generally lean libertarian or conservative with a few odd views sprinkled in, perhaps best exemplified by Robert Heinlein.

As the name implies, they are commonly found in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, physics or any other very visuo-spatial intelligence oriented STEM field. 

I suspect the main causes of their decline are:
a)the crackdown on meritocracy in the university system 
c)lack of repairability in modern tools/equipment
d)general depopulation of the American hinterland due to b and c 

American Vagabonds
Probably best exemplified in Keruoac's "On the Road", this was a class of hitchhikers and wanderers that were common from the 60s to the 70s. They are similar but distinct from hippies in the sense that while they were also "social rebels" they were generally apolitical outside a dislike of "the man" and other basic social norms. Furthermore, many actually originated from the working class, unlike hippies who were primarily upper middle class students. As I believe Chud pointed out, their existence essentially relied on parasitizing the high trust American society of the 50s, so when they got too successful and social trust collapsed they no longer became a viable path. However I would like to posit a few other factors that led to their decline:
a)Digitization of records/formalization of HR and employment contracts making it more difficult to wander from job to job
b)Higher costs of living making it difficult to find cheap apartments on short term leases
c)Bureaucratization of society making "sweet talking" a less viable strategy in general 
d)Drugs becoming far more fatal, brain-rotting and common, making it far harder to keep one's marbles while carrying out the lifestyle 

American cultists/New Agers
Similar to American Vagabonds, this archetype was hugely common in the 60s and 70s. They often tended to be upper middle class, naive students who were taken in by cult leaders who were often tangentially related to hippies or civil rights. Due to the very heterogenus nature of these cults it's somewhat hard to specify more than that, but many had millenarian tendencies, dabbled in psychedelics and were part of the "social rebellion" of the 60s. 

I think Peter Thiel in Zero to One actually gives a fairly interesting reason for their decline:
"Forty years ago, people were more open to the idea that not all knowledge was widely known. From the Communist Party to the Hare Krishnas, large numbers of people thought they could join some enlightened vanguard that would show them the Way. Very few people take unorthodox ideas seriously today, and the mainstream sees that as a sign of progress. We can be glad that there are fewer crazy cults now, yet that gain has come at great cost: we have given up our sense of wonder at secrets left to be discovered" 

I think this archetype might make a comeback as culture grows more fragmented past the "normality" of the 80s-00s and the internet becomes more individual influencer personality based (think tiktok) rather than anonymous based.
My personal favorite extinct American breeds are the "beautiful woman" and the "white teenager"
a system is failing
(02-04-2023, 08:49 PM)Solus Wrote: The Small Town Engineers

This is a type of person I find very admirable. Probably why I like watching CodysLab. Was of course unsurprising to learn he has been having trouble integrating into society as an adult. I find the rational with discarding these people especially tiresome, there is this obnoxious thing where people have a concept of intelligence as never being wrong or saying or doing weird things and I think people like that get screwed over hard by this. Their real talent is the ability to find things other people missed, but in our current world where normies get to dictate what intelligence is this is considered a completely useless skill, as the sole purpose of intelligence is apparently to just keep refining the current rrends of the time.
Because I was involved in competitive robotics in high school I grew up around "Small Town Engineer" types that, despite not living in a rural town, demonstrated the same proficiencies and attributes you described. Most of the ones I know have purposefully avoided reaching their full potential because of alienation and distractions. They end up going to lower-level schools or the trades. Perhaps these suburbanite engineers lack the "focus" of a rural one.

All the adult mentors running the team fit this bill exactly. Rural background and all working aerospace/mechanical engineering jobs. I found that most of them were either totally controlled by their wives or were caught up in the pitfalls of consumerist distractions.
Small Town Engineers, and I imagine many other "small town quality person" archetypes, like Small Town Hot Girl That Plays Tennis, etc. don't exist anymore because of brain drain. Eugenic people have to leave small towns and go to cities with quality universities. Then they have to move to big cities to make the amount of money that they deserve. And you also have to move to one of these big cities or university towns to find an attractive mate because they all left the places with no prospects. Then the small towns (or even big cities that have become shitholes like St. Louis or Memphis) die because you can't make money or find a mate.

I imagine this is a much stronger effect in America than western Europe. Europeans seem to be lacking in ambition and status-seeking, compared to Americans, having less focus on big universities and academic status. Correct me if I'm wrong about this.

This happens with businesses too. Quality attracts quality. Intelligence attracts intelligence. Trash people kick out quality people. It's why Amazon, Apple, Jane Street, & Microstrategy keep getting richer and monopolizing the smartest people in the world while most businesses are filled with incompetent retards or smart people who can't effect any change because their boss is retarded. Part of this is just natural selection and part of it is the government crushing small businesses and raping rural areas.
a system is failing
I think inability obtain a simple and relatively stress-free family life is a big problem for these types of guys. I can only speculate as to what role romance would fill in their lives, since these guys are typically docile and unimpassioned, but it seems to be somewhat of requirement for them to derive purpose. They won't do what they do just to spite the world.
(02-08-2023, 09:31 PM)godvvins Wrote: Because I was involved in competitive robotics in high school I grew up around "Small Town Engineer" types that, despite not living in a rural town, demonstrated the same proficiencies and attributes you described. Most of the ones I know have purposefully avoided reaching their full potential because of alienation and distractions. They end up going to lower-level schools or the trades. Perhaps these suburbanite engineers lack the "focus" of a rural one.

All the adult mentors running the team fit this bill exactly. Rural background and all working aerospace/mechanical engineering jobs. I found that most of them were either totally controlled by their wives or were caught up in the pitfalls of consumerist distractions.

Yeah, I've noticed a strong but hidden sense of social alienation is common to these guys. The professor I'm doing research under right now did a brief talk on "mental health", at the start I expected the standard tropes but what he talked about was that very distinct feeling of hopelessness that I think most men here have felt. It's very depressing to see since it was specifically these men who brought America her superpower status - just see the men behind the Apollo missions as a prime example.
[Image: image.png]

What is the fate of these guys if they're born today? Or say, the late 90s, whenever after their time? They used to have an honoured, useful, and busy place in society. now what? Half of them are probably neurotically fried hamburger meat by the end of high school. Of the half that make it to university some won't have developed stem aptitude and instead burn out on useless fake humanities, of the stem crowd how many troon out? And the few who are halfway sane and have built the skills and survived the gauntlet, what's left? A life as the whipped slave of nigger communism. Make da new iphone faster at loading pictures of jordans. Lead a team of Indian H1B slaves in rendering the internet less capable of racism by strangling off possibilities even further than we're already suffering. Become head of fern-rendering at an Ubisoft studio.

We stop making types when we stop catering to and providing to them. The men above were made possible by social infrastructure which we've destroyed.

This is all related to my "we live in a pro-crime society" sentiments. Society not only feels like it owes you nothing. It feels like you owe it. What is the positive incentive for even trying to become these men? It can only come from within these types. That there is any real technical progress at all occurring in our civilisation anymore is a testament to the fundamental goodness of the intelligent. Think of the research professor mentioned above. Probably the most common type of brave sufferer of injustice doing good work despite it all of our time. It's a fantasy many have, and an ideal many look for, but this is where it is and it gets virtually no credit.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Emotional labour is real. Just people look for it where they want it to be, not where it is. And continuing to try in the face of 21st century reality is an incredible emotional burden.
(02-10-2023, 11:35 PM)anthony Wrote: [Image: image.png]

What is the fate of these guys if they're born today? Or say, the late 90s, whenever after their time? They used to have an honoured, useful, and busy place in society. now what? Half of them are probably neurotically fried hamburger meat by the end of high school. Of the half that make it to university some won't have developed stem aptitude and instead burn out on useless fake humanities, of the stem crowd how many troon out? And the few who are halfway sane and have built the skills and survived the gauntlet, what's left? A life as the whipped slave of nigger communism. Make da new iphone faster at loading pictures of jordans. Lead a team of Indian H1B slaves in rendering the internet less capable of racism by strangling off possibilities even further than we're already suffering. Become head of fern-rendering at an Ubisoft studio.

We stop making types when we stop catering to and providing to them. The men above were made possible by social infrastructure which we've destroyed.

This is all related to my "we live in a pro-crime society" sentiments. Society not only feels like it owes you nothing. It feels like you owe it. What is the positive incentive for even trying to become these men? It can only come from within these types. That there is any real technical progress at all occurring in our civilisation anymore is a testament to the fundamental goodness of the intelligent. Think of the research professor mentioned above. Probably the most common type of brave sufferer of injustice doing good work despite it all of our time. It's a fantasy many have, and an ideal many look for, but this is where it is and it gets virtually no credit.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Emotional labour is real. Just people look for it where they want it to be, not where it is. And continuing to try in the face of 21st century reality is an incredible emotional burden.

This is the gravest mistake of the GNC regime that it will ever make. It's heavily unpronounced how our entire civilization continues to exist at its state because of a few hundred thousand middle aged white men from the Midwest maintaining critical infrastructure like nuclear subs. We're bringing the dark ages onto ourselves.
(02-17-2023, 02:07 AM)Verl Wrote: This is the gravest mistake of the GNC regime that it will ever make. It's heavily unpronounced how our entire civilization continues to exist at its state because of a few hundred thousand middle aged white men from the Midwest maintaining critical infrastructure like nuclear subs. We're bringing the dark ages onto ourselves.

All of the chemical trains started exploding shortly after I wrote this post. Rather timely.

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