Media Poiesis AKA How I learned to stop worrying and start making cunny games.
AKA how I tried to make a response for @FlyWithYou but if I tried to dump this into the shoutbox I would be banned forever.
Anthony was already intending to post "About things to do, among other things." which I assume is something related to the topic of making media. Nonetheless, I hope this post is distinct enough and intelligible enough not to warrant later deletion. Here I go.
I want to start the post by explaining why I don't think making books is really the right call in terms of making an actual cultural impact as of the current moment. I will then transition into thinking about the end goal of what I would assume is the hope for many of the men in this community: actually making art and disseminating one’s own sublime and beautiful vision to others.
First, my issue with books as art made by Right Wing guys in 2024AD:
As it stands, pretty much all Right Wing circles are already very literary. In terms of historical matters and the current political situation, I'm pretty sure everybody with a hint of sentience is aware of the illnesses of our current society (jews, niggers, spics) and the general direction of the solution (killing all of them). In terms of historical revision, it seems like most Right Wing writers and publishers are practically specialized for the cause. If you want to know what book you ought to consult in order to delve deeper into any topic relating to the Cold War or WWII, you can shoot Thomas777 a Xost and he is more than willing to hook you up. Anyone writing tomes about this stuff, whether they be books or articles, is already doing it. In terms of fiction, there is most certainly a case to be made about their value IE serial writing like light novels or, since we are already discussing Mr. Triple Seven, Steelstorm. Still, I feel like we are really limiting ourselves to a very narrow method of expression that I wouldn't even say is in touch with popular media anymore. By popular media I mean the art that everyday people in the modern world will actually be able to engage with. Games, shows, movies, videos, animation, comics, music. Most of it, but not all,  is multimedia. People love reading through shitloads of throwaway text as seen in social media, but most people aren't really reading novels in their free time anymore. Creating a book as a Right Wing guy means that your audience will be a portion of your X followers and Substack goons. Maybe some of your friends, if you’re lucky, will also pity read your stuff. If I am going to be honest, you aren't hitting anybody beyond that unless you really strike it big like BAP. Good right wing popular media (or rather should I say normal media that isn't ugly or revolting) is at a premium nowadays. I just think that, even if you have good ideas, you aren't really making much of a dent with them through books anymore. Just not in vogue. One can certainly ask why we would want to reach out to the larger population outside of our sphere, but don't forget that you were lost within that great sea of flesh as well. There are people in that group that are very capable and very willing to appreciate what you have created. A few fellow birds lured by the ultraviolet lamp, through which an artist can receive his reward by stirring the heart of the intelligent other. I just don't believe that writing some hardcover book is a particularly fruitful act in an age where beautiful expression in the West is in an absolutely desperate state on multiple other more relevant fronts. Rephrasing my complaint another way, I think that books are far too 'internal', or simply too confined within this specific social circle.
Second, what I suppose is the call to action. To create and spread beautiful art as a beautiful man:
First, let me disturb your sensibilities for a quick second and show you the popular expressions for which the “coattail” “Right Wing” is responsible for. As most of you are aware, the Daily Wire has developed a pipeline in order to create "Right Wing" popular media, under the name of DailyWire+. I just recently became aware of this through Mystery Grove's podcast, since their movie studio is already responsible for a number of productions. Turns out, they are also dabbling in animation. Very interesting! One might wonder what potential there might be in this, what great opportunities lie in wait for the future. Perhaps we will see something relevant to a Conservative audience, but yet still providing an interesting spectacle, like The Prince Of Egypt? Perhaps something to rival Evangelion within the cultural memory? Certainly this is a opened sluice gate from which our guys will flow out into open sea and reshape the world in a more perfect vision, with Divine Royalty.
well actually, er, its not looking too good

All those bajillion dollars spent to get voice talent and animators and what did they go for? They casted a bunch of queers speaking in unmistakable gay voice for a terminally unfunny knockoff Family Guy, a show that hasn't been relevant in a decade, with the same shitty cheap Canadian animation that we have suffered for seemingly forever. The whole thing is ugly. Not a moment's thought was put into this entire folly. They just made Brickleberry except targeting Evangelicals??? I couldn't stop myself from muttering 'holy shit' beneath my breath over and over from each shocking unravel of stone-cold not funny dialogue for the entire video. In a way, that trailer was an art piece in of itself. I felt more shock and despair over this than watching a Russian guy get his legs blown off from a frag grenade. Is this really doing anything different from the mainstream? This is the same bad adult animated comedy that has been tried in a million different iterations by this point.
If there was even a moment's attempt in either looking towards the East (or even grasping at the past with stuff like the Jetsons if we are truly desperate), these dipshits would realize they could have their right wing media without it being a painfully obvious reaction and also just not being very good in the first place. It really is as simple as just making a normal show about a normal young family. Can one recall the last time the animated 'slice-of-life' family show was truly attempted in the West, if ever at all? Perhaps back with the Hannah-Barbera stuff, but most of that is garbage. They were guilty for The Smurfs after all. Just think about it for a minute: a show about a hyper-competent tall white young blonde late 20s early 30s father figure with tight fitting clothing outlining a toned muscular body, working a sexy and dangerous profession as a surgeon or lawyer. Something intelligent and aspirational for teenage men to look towards and teenage women to fawn over. Now let’s think about his wife, early 20s (haha she's an old hag laugh it up we aren't just making this hypothetical show solely for cunny hunters), domestic but not boneheaded. Intelligent, artsy, romantic, and a little whimsical. A playful flirt towards her husband. Comes from a wealthy aristocratic family. An idealized woman. What teenage men THINK women are but in fact are not. Something for teenage women to desperately imitate and teenage men to adore. The wife, by obligation towards the traditions of all visual media, takes on the appearance of a Dark Aryan (see below).

[Image: yande-re-222082-busujima-saeko-cleavage-...-apron.jpg]

[Image: 00033-Jp2-U-FJ.jpg]

[center][Image: Mitsurugi-Meiya-600-1121035.jpg][/center]
We don't forget the child. We consciously skip the infant period because handling young children is fairly intimidating to the aspiring parent and we don't want to spook them. Have the child be playful, sociable, and curious. Make any form of bad behavior, tantrums and the like, be endearing and not headache inducing. Make the child very cute, as nobody wants to think about creating an ugly descendant. If you couldn't tell what I was going for, I'm proposing that they should at least try to make American Spy X Family.
[left][Image: MV5-BZDY5-NTI3-Zj-Ut-NGY5-ZC00-Mm-E1-LWI...NTA4-M.jpg][/left]
[left]I'm almost certain you could make fifty different iterations of the same young family premise and get an acceptable product, as long as you made the designs attractive. People want vital romance, both reciprocal and fruitful, with their significant other. Nothing in modern media in the West wants to portray this seemingly normal and perfectly beautiful desire. Even making one such iteration of this idea would be a blowback to the common garbage generated from every corner of American animation. Of course, this would demand more from a company intent on going for the path of least resistance. Regardless, I bring this all up to make this point:[/left]
If you have any creative aspirations as of right now, you got to start thinking about how to bring those to life. It is time to consider actually making media. I don't know what anybody is waiting for in terms of opportunity. The opportunity is already present. The entire field of entertainment media at every level is pure dogshit in the West. Even the people supposedly standing against this mess also suck. The vacuum is present to make cool stuff. Perhaps easier said than done, and I've seen this mind-killing virus from others and myself where there is thought that one needs to absorb this giant catalogue of media in order to be worthy of creating anything. Making cool stuff isn't research, and by your twenties you should already have interests and inspirations that have at least developed into semi-interesting ideas worth sharing. That is, if you haven't been living under a rock your entire life. Look through the Inspirational Creatives Thread. I can't imagine that Topdrunkee has read through Aurelius or Descartes or James Joyce or whatever author can be found in the /lit/ recommended reading list for pseuds, but the guy was influenced by a variety of Japanese tastes from games media in a way that is personal, and it drove him to make something (or ,if we are going to be honest, attempt to make something) interesting through Citadel Of The Whore. It doesn't have to be games either. Anthony's recent video about Eastern Object Fetishism is really rad. I have watched it through twice now. It shows how well you can express thoughts and observations in an interesting manner when you complement spoken word with relevant, well-considered, and well edited video footage. The 'Let's Appreciate Halo' concept taken to its proper conclusion as something above the half-effort video essays of the past. Cool and insightful videos are always welcome. If you really want to consider some kind of literary venture, go multimedia and try to make a Visual Novel. As stated in the shoutbox, the tools to creating them are readily available and the work load/skill hurdle isn't as intensive compared to making a full-blown game. Still an intensive effort, but perhaps its finally the time to coordinate with your fellow artsy-NEET and see if he has the capacity to make art or music to split up the work. Many hands make light work after all. Just make anything. Another mind killing virus is the fear of mediocrity, which is understandable but sets a limit on personal creativity through sheer hesitation alone. Early projects will be rough around the edges. Learning the tools in order to create art is part of the process.  As much as I hate to sound like my brother or Jocko Willink, the time to learn how to use those tools is now. I hope it doesn’t sound too much like I’m demanding people to touch grass. If you have any comments or disagreements with what I said, go ahead and speak. I’ve been having this weird sleeping phenomenon where a tulpa of myself is owning me with facts and logic, mocking me for my laziness and impotence within my own dreams. Its been pissing me off and I kind of want to prove myself wrong.
Disregarding my borderline schizophrenia, I would also propose that this thread be a place to report on personal projects that users would like to share. Feel free to show what you have been working on, regardless of media or talent. As much as I railed on books at the beginning, feel free to post excerpts of personal writing as well (although poetry should probably stay in the poetry thread).
[Image: screenshot725.png]

Let me start with what I am currently working on:
I’ve been screwing around with Construction Set for Morrowind in order to learn the quest, NPC, and dialogue system so that I can qualify as a quest designer for the mod project related to the game. I was already making interior cells, and the proud creator of one (1) interior (a guard tower in the middle of nowhere) which will likely see the light of day in the next release or the one after. I’m switching to a focus in quest design because I’d rather more directly engage with the setting’s fiction through characters over mostly dungeons and architecture. I’m just making a simple little quest about a military battlemage buying an enslaved demon from the local wizard tower, the player serving as a courier. The battlemage is chaperoned by his commanding officer, who is worried about his erratic behavior. Don’t rat me out to the other devs pls.
Your recommendations for an American SpyxFamily just reminded me, I genuinely cannot remember any media, other than maybe The Last of Us 1 and Telltale's Walking dead, in the last 20 years or so that shows children positively, except maybe some reality shows. There is a conscious effort everywhere outside of the orient to make children "realistic", which apparently means making them as bored, unlikeable, and disgusting as possible. I cannot think of a single equivalent to even simple gag anime like Azumanga Daioh.

Even in positive, conservative, "pro-family" family media, the message is basically: "Children will be boring, children won't let you sleep, children will destroy your entire life, they may even be evil, but you're gonna learn to love them're just gonna, okay?" This 2013 coke ad from argentina, which was recently praised all over conservative twitter is a good summary of this:
a system is failing
I've had the idea of cross-linking threads lately, so I'll take this opportunity to try it out. Some older forum thread of us critiquing another "RW art" phenomenon:

Daily Wire is complete circlejerk shit so I would almost consider them low hanging fruit. I have no idea if there has been any followup on "The Exhibition" since then but it was at least sort of a self-started attempt by some rando instead of insular legacy media substitute like Daily Wire. I would like to think that makes it a slightly more worthy object of critique, but who knows. Check it out, maybe there will be something in there that resonates or helps you push your own thoughts forward more.
Reverend Moon Immortal
From my current perspective this is an intriguing, promising, and providential thread! This of course meaning I may disregard some of the points in the thread to make my own—maybe I should refrain from posting.  But, seeing as I am in the mood to post, it follows that I try and delineate my general impress of what was said here before proceeding.

1. We need more lowbrow art. Highbrow art is too energy intensive to enjoy and normies cannot binge it like their normal schlock.

2. New vision. Look at what dailywire+ made. Horrific. 

Ok, enough pretending I remembered what I read (it was a while ago and my brain is muddled). The conclusion I was trying (but not really) to guide you all to was genre. What is genre? Genre is an aesthetic form so stimulating that no one minded fifty other people copying the original work.   What we need is the formation of a new genre for genre is the eternal restriction of lowbrow art. Just look at the dailywire+ cartoon for example. 
Ichor_Juice Wrote:All those bajillion dollars spent to get voice talent and animators and what did they go for? They casted a bunch of queers speaking in unmistakable gay voice for a terminally unfunny knockoff Family Guy, a show that hasn't been relevant in a decade, with the same shitty cheap Canadian animation that we have suffered for seemingly forever. The whole thing is ugly. Not a moment's thought was put into this entire folly. They just made Brickleberry except targeting Evangelicals???
They were simply creating within the current genre restrictions, but all the current genres in the West feel overdone or sucked in the first place. What we need is a new revivifying genre that will call forth a thousand artists to channel its spirit. We essentially need our own Iseki.
White snow blankets the land as I travel alone through heaven and earth. Alone without any attachments, my solitary shadow travels freely.
Righties write books because they can do all that by themselves and even distribute the books online without the jewish invisible hand of the free market preventing them from doing so. It's harder for aspiring right wing artists to come through in fields taken by heavily ideological idiots. A show that is western Spy x Family requires the producers, the media platforms, the writers, the directors and everyone else to not be a raging shitlib, and that's is mission impossible. Thus the outlets of the aspiring rw artist are limited towards those where independence can be achieved: literature, music (hard to find notoriety in this field) and modest video games. There's more future in making visual novels than thinking about anything related to film/show making.
I find this thread's premise laudable. But being who I am I just want to discuss and critique the cultural phenomena we're touching upon. Maybe I should work it into a video (thank you for the nice words, I really didn't think a lot of that last video but am encouraged to see people liked it).

If you'll all indulge me briefly on this. First Daily Wire. Did you know they made a movie with Vincent Gallo? Yes, one of the great living American independent artists, who also publicly despises libtards and gives no fuck about alienating people. What did they do?

Now, when I first vaguely remembered this after seeing you mention the daily was I was actually leaning charitably. In the haze of my memory the premise almost feels like they could have been trying to do 'Night of the Hunter' in the 21st century with Vincent Gallo doing Robert Mitchum. That would actually be kino. I would salute that intention even if they fucked it up. But... From the director of 'Disturbia'? This is just a guy who makes weak gimmicky meme-thrillers who then took a very American Christian turn. And so they made Disturbia but with weird Hallmark sentimentality, Vincent Gallo plays a 'pedo' so we're allowed to comfortably hate him, it's just a waste.

This is not a counterculture or revolutionary project. This is truly a conservative media movement the daily wire are running. They get Vincent Gallo on board and put him at the disposal of the guy who made Disturbia 15 years ago and now makes weird Christian born-again movies. We are so far beyond a dearth of vision. These people will be reduced to dust and forgotten, but when they're gone the world will still remember Buffalo '66.

And the other thing you said, I'm afraid western Spy x Family actually does exist, and it's doing quite well.

[Image: Untitled.jpg]

Here's your fambly values bro. No, I do not know why it's so successful. I will not watch the dogs. I will not live in the pod. etc.

Reverend Moon Immortal Wrote:Ok, enough pretending I remembered what I read (it was a while ago and my brain is muddled). The conclusion I was trying (but not really) to guide you all to was genre. What is genre? Genre is an aesthetic form so stimulating that no one minded fifty other people copying the original work.   What we need is the formation of a new genre for genre is the eternal restriction of lowbrow art. Just look at the dailywire+ cartoon for example. 
Ichor_Juice Wrote:All those bajillion dollars spent to get voice talent and animators and what did they go for? They casted a bunch of queers speaking in unmistakable gay voice for a terminally unfunny knockoff Family Guy, a show that hasn't been relevant in a decade, with the same shitty cheap Canadian animation that we have suffered for seemingly forever. The whole thing is ugly. Not a moment's thought was put into this entire folly. They just made Brickleberry except targeting Evangelicals???
They were simply creating within the current genre restrictions, but all the current genres in the West feel overdone or sucked in the first place. What we need is a new revivifying genre that will call forth a thousand artists to channel its spirit. We essentially need our own Iseki.

Japanese genre is alive because it channels feelings which are actually alive and real, in people who are not completely zogbeamed into spiritual frailty. We already have genres. We could be making westerns right now. It's not lost technology.

But sorry, this thread had a point. Your call to action.

I'm glad you consider the video valuable. I suppose if you look at my Amarna Mother Base soldier stat spread most of my media skills are quite low. Basic editing is about all I can manage at the moment. I have looked at a few other tools, but I don't seem to find the prompting in myself for anything so far. I have no idea how to edit either of course, but once I got myself going that one time I just worked it out until it was done. Beyond that there are a couple of demo edits I have sitting around.

I kind of do this with a few things, leave potential things I could do sitting around waiting for one to take me. I like forums because they prompt me. I go talk to morons like rpgcodex seeking more novel prompts. If we can get some value out of this thread, how about we start prompting?

Lay out things we could be doing. Something might take. In the mean time, I will take from this thread that I should feel bad about not having another video done yet. I tell myself this, maybe it'll help you guys to.

"Anthony is only as smart as the last thing he did."

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