Millennials: A Retrospective
(05-17-2022, 09:41 PM)BillyONare Wrote:
(05-12-2022, 03:35 PM)Exile Wrote: [Image: E3-C85705-574-D-433-D-8-D7-B-5-A5530172-AC9.jpg]
image hoster

I have never been in one, but I imagine barcades are huge with millennials. When I think of a typical millenial man, I think of this scenario.

There is nothing wrong with any of these things besides the obviously slapped on vasectomy and furbaby stuff. There is nothing wrong with living in a city, drinking, joking around, and/or playing video games. Take your meds.

It is the whole that is wrong, the intent. It is the difference between the process of radioactive decay and the concept of gamma rays, and a nuclear bomb.
This is an interesting thread about millenials, I don't think it's entirely true but it makes you think :

"The redpill that no anon will ever be able to take is that millennials came up with this -oomer shit as a natural evolution of participation trophies. See, Mommy and Daddy were too lazy and inept to raise 'em properly, so they demanded that schools hand out participation trophies just to avoid kids feeling in the dumps, which would compel them to ask Mommy and Daddy, who just procreated to have someone else do their chores (believe me, I've heard this sentiment from parents so many times; one even told her son the other day IRL that he should do something for her 'cause he's "my free labor"), about what to do about it. If no child is down in the dumps, if every child is a winner, then Mommy and Daddy don't have to do their jobs, and no kid has to feel bad! The only problem was that they did this so many times over the years (No Child Left Behind, etc) that they created an entire generation of men and women alike who expect everything to be handed to them, so when it isn't? What do they do? They blame everyone else for it. They cannot cope with the fact Mommy and Daddy lied to them just so they didn't have to do their jobs. They can't cope with how schools threw 'em to the wolves 'cause schools are paralyzed by "red tape" (aka you can't tell parents to do their fucking jobs to their faces; they'll sue you into the dirt), they can't cope with how kids with ACTUAL parents manage to succeed. And they can't cope with the fact that they are, at best, mediocre. So, what do they do? Well, they come up with convoluted theories as to why this all is. Wait, you mean to tell me I actually have to qualify for a job? You can't just give me one? Fuckin' boomers! Wait, you mean to tell me that men/women have standards when it comes to who they want to fuck? They're bigots! Wait, you mean to tell me that those people who don't share the same skin color as me are on the dole, and I can't be? Fucking Jews! Wait, you're telling me I didn't have to go to college? I could've just taken up a trade? I could've actually done my due diiligence instead of following the herd? Fucking BOOMERS! On and on it goes, a perpetual search for the perfect escape from one's own inadequacies. The millennial will never accept full responsibility for its actions, because it was never raised to, and just like all the lead in boomers, all the plastics in millennials are surely not helping, either. This would also explain why so much of millennial "culture" revolves around discussions of kids' toys like video games, retreads and reboots of movies they grew up on, and, of course, Harry Potter (which REALLY ruined an entire generation of women, not Scott Pilgrim, although these women were never going to be on any guy's radar to begin with). It would explain why Gamergate was a thing, 'cause these millennials were so hellbent on trying to be kids again that the only thing that reminded them they were adults now wasn't the shitty economy or the fragile geopolitical situation, it was that someone was messing with their toys! If Gamergate never happened, the vast majority of "rightoids" online would be milquetoast, indifferent consoomers just like the Funko Pop bugmen they like to stereotype, as if they're any better (and that also leads to my point - Funko Pops are toys, usually made of characters from millennial favorites)."

"This would also explain why so many millennials love to bash what Gen Z is into, and act like the nineties were based - newsflash, millennials; the nineties was Gen X's decade. Your decade was the noughties, which was essentially the beginning of the end: nu-metal, scene/emo, the internet being suffocated with your obnoxious edgy bullshit. Need I remind you that Tumblr came about as YOUR generation was growing up? "Social justice shit" was a millennial invention. Millennials, desperate to uphold this idea that all those trophies MEANT something, came up with even MORE bullshit to justify not growing up and realizing they were had; suddenly, you were some sorta -ist for telling them off. You told a man that he doesn't have what it takes for a relationship with you? You're a misandrist. You told a woman that she doesn't need to feel so much white guilt? You're a racist. On and on it goes. As Gen Z comes into its own, suddenly millennials feel the need to act like THEY created all this: SJW-ism? Oh, ignore the fact it was coming around during our generation's zeitgeist, zoomers did it. Saints Row's reboot being a millennial power fantasy (literal words of one of the head devs)? Oh, zoomers are to blame! Millennials blowing all their money on DLC and shit? Zoomers are to blame for its progression to lootboxes! Everything sucks today? ZOOMERS! On and on it goes. Why do you think millennials pushed ideas like "gold star lesbians" and "based and redpilled" so much? Because those are just new trophies. I don't need to do anything with my life, I'm white! All these X pride world wide fags are taking pride in being some shade or form of glorified primate, and why? Because they're the new participation trophies. I'm a mutt who can pass as white? That makes me on the same level as Hernan Cortes! We're not sorry! Funny how anons whine about trannies and yet they shove their own brand of autism into everything just as much as trannies do. Seriouisly, you ever see that cartoon about the fat woman who falls down the stairs and whose chicken goes rotten in the fridge and all she can do is blame Gamergate? That's the millennial in general. You could swap out "Gamergate" with "Jews" or "trannies" or "white people" or "women" or whatever and it'd still be true. It's also why so many millennials seem to think that mentally ill people are some sorta spectacle to be mocked (Norman Boutin, CWC and other "lolcows," etc) and belittled rather than supported. Finally, millennials have someone even worse off than they are…..or are they? I mean, Joshua Connor Moon runs a glorified gossip site with no wife, nor kids, nor even a home, but yet DSP, Jack Scalfani, Ethan Ralph, and more "lolcows" all have those things for the most part. "Lolcows" are just a rightoid millennial's last ditch attempt to stave off the epiphany that they wasted their lives on stupid shit like "internet culture" and want to point to even bigger losers than they are just so they don't feel bad. When even WINGS OF REDEMPTION is doing better than you in life, it's time to change. "

" Millennials are losers, born and bred. A glorified speedbump. They whine they can't do shit in life because they wasted their prime years on trivial shit. You slept through twelve years of school doing fuck all, then blame the rest of us for not picking up your deadbeat breeders' slack? We don't need personal finance, etc classes in schools, we need you to actually give a shit and stop being lazy. Just because the boomers are amoral fucks whose time, I pray, will come, it doesn't mean they weren't right about you. Hope you enjoy being reduced to a Gen Alpha comedian's punchline like boomers were for Carlin by 2050, faggots."
(11-23-2022, 10:39 PM)Guest Wrote: This is an interesting thread about millenials, I don't think it's entirely true but it makes you think :
Makes me think of this image.

[Image: image.png]

Having looked a little through the /doomer/ catalog it appears that this person regularly writes vitriolic posts about how millennials are pathetic and useless and needs to take responsibility and responds endlessly to answers and criticisms with the same few lines over and over again. It appears you found 8chan's julius/aryangenius/intellectual-virtue-guy.
@Guest I thought it was a good thread. Missing some info. Are zoomers any better and if so, why is that? It's also interesting that in the first paragraph he first says that millennials are the way they are because their parents failed them (sounds plausible to me), but then describes their dysfunction as blaming everyone and not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. The message is that millennials are a lost cause and there is no way to convince or incentivize them to be better.

The paragraph against KiwiFarms people was gemmy.
(11-23-2022, 11:39 PM)BillyONare Wrote: @Guest I thought it was a good thread. Missing some info. Are zoomers any better and if so, why is that? It's also interesting that in the first paragraph he first says that millennials are the way they are because their parents failed them (sounds plausible to me), but then describes their dysfunction as blaming everyone and not pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. The message is that millennials are a lost cause and there is no way to convince or incentivize them to be better.

The paragraph against KiwiFarms people was gemmy.

But who is writing this about the kiwifarms people (and the millennials)? Someone who posts on /doomer/. To me this feels like more of the usual internalised nerd self hatred. The last time this person saw an aaron sorkin character make a speech they were too defeated to get angry and it was over for their soul.

I replied to the thread making the same point as you, that it's that same case of "here is me being smart diagnosing what made you what you are and also it's entirely and self sufficiently your fault and I hate you."

Edit: I want to elaborate a touch. When I say internalised self hatred I should be more specific. I think the problem is smart people internalising dumb peoples' hatred and criticisms and trying to internally polish them up so they hold better to the nerd's superior scrutiny rather than rejecting them outright as they ought to.

Edit 2: anybody who says gamergate was about "manchildren" is gigalumberjacking/norwooding. Denying that video games (and the rest of popular culture) are getting worse and that insane leftists cults are deliberately conspiring to subvert them is a tranny tier delusion at this point.
Yeah there was a bunch of bullshit & false equivalencies like the Gamergate = blaming da j00s for your problems. I skimmed a lot of it. Very Norwooding read when reading it word for word. I agree with you. It is the confused ravings of a self hating millennial nerd.
(11-23-2022, 10:39 PM)Guest Wrote: This is an interesting thread about millenials, I don't think it's entirely true but it makes you think :

Apparently racism and anti-Semitism were invented by Millennials circa 2010. Extraordinary.
(11-24-2022, 12:06 AM)BillyONare Wrote: Yeah there was a bunch of bullshit & false equivalencies like the Gamergate = blaming da j00s for your problems. I skimmed a lot of it. Very Norwooding read when reading it word for word. I agree with you. It is the confused ravings of a self hating millennial nerd.

Quote:Edit: I want to elaborate a touch. When I say internalised self hatred I should be more specific. I think the problem is smart people internalising dumb peoples' hatred and criticisms and trying to internally polish them up so they hold better to the nerd's superior scrutiny rather than rejecting them outright as they ought to.
What surprises me the most is that there are people who still use 8kunt and are not qboomers.
(05-26-2022, 06:54 PM)Leverkühn Wrote: One thing I’ve noticed among many millennials is a sort of hyper-nostalgia that almost borders on outright infantilization. This is something I saw today which sent my mind into a spiral; by itself it’s nothing but it’s just a single example of a larger phenomenon. Winnie the Pooh, but BLOODY and SCARY and FOR ADULTS. It truly amazes me that this sort of thing appeals to anyone, but it obviously does considering how often we see these ‘adult themed’ remakes occurring. Just a couple more examples to drive the point home: In a way that’s utterly different than our (or at least my) parents, Millennials seem to have this obsessive attachment with the Brands and IPs of their youth. My dad has certain movies he likes to watch during Christmastime because he watched them as a teen, or he showed me cartoons that he watched during his own youth growing up, but that’s it. If you asked him if he wanted to see an ‘adult-version’ or ‘raunchy remakes’ of the media he watched as a kid, he’d think you’re a fucking weirdo, which I think is the normal, healthy reaction to such a proposition. Why do people want to watch a Ned’s Declassified or Lizzie McGuire or iCarly that centers around FUCKING? What goes on in these people’s minds? I have to imagine it’s something like:
Quote:these characters helped me get through my (pre)teen problems, wouldn’t it be so great if they brought them back to talk about my adult problems, too?
It’s an entirely unhealthy relationship to have with any kind of media; the fact that it’s (mostly) shitty children’s media makes it so much worse. Another example of this phenomenon is the whole concept of the ‘Disney Adult.’ The article only discusses people who actually go out to the Disney theme parks, but there’s a much larger kind of ‘Disney Adult’ who, despite being in their 20s, 30s, and sometimes even 40s, obsessively continues to consume DISNEY products. And I’m not just talking about the new Star Wars movies and shows, I’m talking about the literal children’s Disney Princesses movies these same people used to watch as kids. I cannot tell you the amount of retarded women I’ve interacted with in the past 5 years who end up ranting to me about how they’re so happy that Disney+ is adding Mulan or Brave or the Kim Possible Movie. It’s like these people (mostly women) completely stopped maturing when they were teens, and the absolute height of Art and Creativity is the stupid sappy slop they watched when they were 12.

Previous generations obviously experienced nostalgia; we all do and always have. What’s unique about this Millennial form of nostalgia is that, instead of simply fondly remembering the media of their past, Millennials continue to obsess over said media, watching it over and over again well into adulthood. They then go on to demand that remakes occur or that there’s some form of adultified revival so that they can continue the journey with their favorite childhood characters. They’re people who refuse to grow up. And it’s not as if all this demand for revivals and remakes is from today’s kids themselves, why would it? They have no connection to the IPs; companies continue to make these movies because ADULTS want to see them. Note this passage from the article:
Quote:Beecher describes taking her young children to see Toy Story 4 recently. That the theater was filled with adult laughs throughout, but not many reactions from children. One of her daughters even described it as "trash" after leaving the theater. Don't get us wrong, there are new movies and creations for children. But honestly, which parent, millennial or not, is going to take their children to see The Queen's Corgi when Toy Story 4 is showing in the screen next door?
Zoomers are too young to be having kids, but I’ve also seen them participate in this form of Hyper-Nostalgia/Infantilization, I just think it’s something that largely started with Millennials. Finding a 20-30 woman who is like this is relatively easy, but 50+ it seems rather hard to find people like this with the same ease. I wonder if anyone has thoughts as to why this phenomenon arose...

Has it not been explicitly stated to many of these types that the best way to cope with debilitating nostalgia is to have children? I've heard some say that nostalgia itself is supposed to be a biological impetus to procreate, by constantly reminding one of 'childhood' and 'children' associated with happy imagery but with the feeling of 'wanting'.
Verily Dow
(11-23-2022, 10:39 PM)Guest Wrote: This is an interesting thread about millenials, I don't think it's entirely true but it makes you think :

"The redpill that no anon will ever be able to take is that millennials came up with this -oomer shit as a natural evolution of participation trophies. See, Mommy and Daddy were too lazy and inept to raise 'em properly, so they demanded that schools hand out participation trophies just to avoid kids feeling in the dumps, which would compel them to ask Mommy and Daddy, who just procreated to have someone else do their chores (believe me, I've heard this sentiment from parents so many times; one even told her son the other day IRL that he should do something for her 'cause he's "my free labor"), about what to do about it. If no child is down in the dumps, if every child is a winner, then Mommy and Daddy don't have to do their jobs, and no kid has to feel bad! The only problem was that they did this so many times over the years (No Child Left Behind, etc) that they created an entire generation of men and women alike who expect everything to be handed to them, so when it isn't? What do they do? They blame everyone else for it. They cannot cope with the fact Mommy and Daddy lied to them just so they didn't have to do their jobs. They can't cope with how schools threw 'em to the wolves 'cause schools are paralyzed by "red tape" (aka you can't tell parents to do their fucking jobs to their faces; they'll sue you into the dirt), they can't cope with how kids with ACTUAL parents manage to succeed. And they can't cope with the fact that they are, at best, mediocre. So, what do they do? Well, they come up with convoluted theories as to why this all is. Wait, you mean to tell me I actually have to qualify for a job? You can't just give me one? Fuckin' boomers! Wait, you mean to tell me that men/women have standards when it comes to who they want to fuck? They're bigots! Wait, you mean to tell me that those people who don't share the same skin color as me are on the dole, and I can't be? Fucking Jews! Wait, you're telling me I didn't have to go to college? I could've just taken up a trade? I could've actually done my due diiligence instead of following the herd? Fucking BOOMERS! On and on it goes, a perpetual search for the perfect escape from one's own inadequacies. The millennial will never accept full responsibility for its actions, because it was never raised to, and just like all the lead in boomers, all the plastics in millennials are surely not helping, either. This would also explain why so much of millennial "culture" revolves around discussions of kids' toys like video games, retreads and reboots of movies they grew up on, and, of course, Harry Potter (which REALLY ruined an entire generation of women, not Scott Pilgrim, although these women were never going to be on any guy's radar to begin with). It would explain why Gamergate was a thing, 'cause these millennials were so hellbent on trying to be kids again that the only thing that reminded them they were adults now wasn't the shitty economy or the fragile geopolitical situation, it was that someone was messing with their toys! If Gamergate never happened, the vast majority of "rightoids" online would be milquetoast, indifferent consoomers just like the Funko Pop bugmen they like to stereotype, as if they're any better (and that also leads to my point - Funko Pops are toys, usually made of characters from millennial favorites)."

"This would also explain why so many millennials love to bash what Gen Z is into, and act like the nineties were based - newsflash, millennials; the nineties was Gen X's decade. Your decade was the noughties, which was essentially the beginning of the end: nu-metal, scene/emo, the internet being suffocated with your obnoxious edgy bullshit. Need I remind you that Tumblr came about as YOUR generation was growing up? "Social justice shit" was a millennial invention. Millennials, desperate to uphold this idea that all those trophies MEANT something, came up with even MORE bullshit to justify not growing up and realizing they were had; suddenly, you were some sorta -ist for telling them off. You told a man that he doesn't have what it takes for a relationship with you? You're a misandrist. You told a woman that she doesn't need to feel so much white guilt? You're a racist. On and on it goes. As Gen Z comes into its own, suddenly millennials feel the need to act like THEY created all this: SJW-ism? Oh, ignore the fact it was coming around during our generation's zeitgeist, zoomers did it. Saints Row's reboot being a millennial power fantasy (literal words of one of the head devs)? Oh, zoomers are to blame! Millennials blowing all their money on DLC and shit? Zoomers are to blame for its progression to lootboxes! Everything sucks today? ZOOMERS! On and on it goes. Why do you think millennials pushed ideas like "gold star lesbians" and "based and redpilled" so much? Because those are just new trophies. I don't need to do anything with my life, I'm white! All these X pride world wide fags are taking pride in being some shade or form of glorified primate, and why? Because they're the new participation trophies. I'm a mutt who can pass as white? That makes me on the same level as Hernan Cortes! We're not sorry! Funny how anons whine about trannies and yet they shove their own brand of autism into everything just as much as trannies do. Seriouisly, you ever see that cartoon about the fat woman who falls down the stairs and whose chicken goes rotten in the fridge and all she can do is blame Gamergate? That's the millennial in general. You could swap out "Gamergate" with "Jews" or "trannies" or "white people" or "women" or whatever and it'd still be true. It's also why so many millennials seem to think that mentally ill people are some sorta spectacle to be mocked (Norman Boutin, CWC and other "lolcows," etc) and belittled rather than supported. Finally, millennials have someone even worse off than they are…..or are they? I mean, Joshua Connor Moon runs a glorified gossip site with no wife, nor kids, nor even a home, but yet DSP, Jack Scalfani, Ethan Ralph, and more "lolcows" all have those things for the most part. "Lolcows" are just a rightoid millennial's last ditch attempt to stave off the epiphany that they wasted their lives on stupid shit like "internet culture" and want to point to even bigger losers than they are just so they don't feel bad. When even WINGS OF REDEMPTION is doing better than you in life, it's time to change. "

" Millennials are losers, born and bred. A glorified speedbump. They whine they can't do shit in life because they wasted their prime years on trivial shit. You slept through twelve years of school doing fuck all, then blame the rest of us for not picking up your deadbeat breeders' slack? We don't need personal finance, etc classes in schools, we need you to actually give a shit and stop being lazy. Just because the boomers are amoral fucks whose time, I pray, will come, it doesn't mean they weren't right about you. Hope you enjoy being reduced to a Gen Alpha comedian's punchline like boomers were for Carlin by 2050, faggots."

I have only read the last paragraph of this and cannot give a fuarrrk to read the rest. "They whine they can't do shit in life because they wasted heir prime years on trivial shit." Cool insight man, "don't waste time", amazing. This is someone who's lacked agency trying to appear as an intellectual without realizing he's finally been granted power (by being allowed to post online). There's a class of people like this that want to be 'right' and nothing else, they don't care if they lose and don't try winning anything, which shows they think they have no agency and are destined to be losers. It's passed off as a descriptive observation but when it gets echoed by enough of these guys it becomes prescriptive, and for what? OK, millennials will now resent themselves for being wasteful, this improves things how? We defeat 'ZOG' "epic style" by making a portion of the population hate themselves. If you function the same as an agent of 'globohomo' or 'ZOG' or whatever else, what reason do I have to not see you as part of it? Because you say a bunch of words like 'jews' and 'SJW'? I cannot stress how much of a loser this person is. "We don't need personal finance, we need you to actually give a shit and stop being lazy" is not how you negotiate, if you need something from someone you do not try to upset or insult them and you very much need the younger generations to care. You don't get anything by punishing someone who's failed, failing is punishment itself.
It makes sense that this was written on a board called /doomer/. If you want to complain about how 'oppressed' and 'blackpilled' you are then do so in private. Anyone who cares to "win" would kill any blackpillers just like a body would get rid of cancer cells.
(11-24-2022, 09:32 PM)Verily Dow Wrote:
(11-23-2022, 10:39 PM)Guest Wrote: This is an interesting thread about millenials, I don't think it's entirely true but it makes you think :

"The redpill that no anon will ever be able to take is that millennials came up with this -oomer shit as a natural evolution of participation trophies. See, Mommy and Daddy were too lazy and inept to raise 'em properly, so they demanded that schools hand out participation trophies just to avoid kids feeling in the dumps, which would compel them to ask Mommy and Daddy, who just procreated to have someone else do their chores (believe me, I've heard this sentiment from parents so many times; one even told her son the other day IRL that he should do something for her 'cause he's "my free labor"), about what to do about it. If no child is down in the dumps, if every child is a winner, then Mommy and Daddy don't have to do their jobs, and no kid has to feel bad! The only problem was that they did this so many times over the years (No Child Left Behind, etc) that they created an entire generation of men and women alike who expect everything to be handed to them, so when it isn't? What do they do? They blame everyone else for it. They cannot cope with the fact Mommy and Daddy lied to them just so they didn't have to do their jobs. They can't cope with how schools threw 'em to the wolves 'cause schools are paralyzed by "red tape" (aka you can't tell parents to do their fucking jobs to their faces; they'll sue you into the dirt), they can't cope with how kids with ACTUAL parents manage to succeed. And they can't cope with the fact that they are, at best, mediocre. So, what do they do? Well, they come up with convoluted theories as to why this all is. Wait, you mean to tell me I actually have to qualify for a job? You can't just give me one? Fuckin' boomers! Wait, you mean to tell me that men/women have standards when it comes to who they want to fuck? They're bigots! Wait, you mean to tell me that those people who don't share the same skin color as me are on the dole, and I can't be? Fucking Jews! Wait, you're telling me I didn't have to go to college? I could've just taken up a trade? I could've actually done my due diiligence instead of following the herd? Fucking BOOMERS! On and on it goes, a perpetual search for the perfect escape from one's own inadequacies. The millennial will never accept full responsibility for its actions, because it was never raised to, and just like all the lead in boomers, all the plastics in millennials are surely not helping, either. This would also explain why so much of millennial "culture" revolves around discussions of kids' toys like video games, retreads and reboots of movies they grew up on, and, of course, Harry Potter (which REALLY ruined an entire generation of women, not Scott Pilgrim, although these women were never going to be on any guy's radar to begin with). It would explain why Gamergate was a thing, 'cause these millennials were so hellbent on trying to be kids again that the only thing that reminded them they were adults now wasn't the shitty economy or the fragile geopolitical situation, it was that someone was messing with their toys! If Gamergate never happened, the vast majority of "rightoids" online would be milquetoast, indifferent consoomers just like the Funko Pop bugmen they like to stereotype, as if they're any better (and that also leads to my point - Funko Pops are toys, usually made of characters from millennial favorites)."

"This would also explain why so many millennials love to bash what Gen Z is into, and act like the nineties were based - newsflash, millennials; the nineties was Gen X's decade. Your decade was the noughties, which was essentially the beginning of the end: nu-metal, scene/emo, the internet being suffocated with your obnoxious edgy bullshit. Need I remind you that Tumblr came about as YOUR generation was growing up? "Social justice shit" was a millennial invention. Millennials, desperate to uphold this idea that all those trophies MEANT something, came up with even MORE bullshit to justify not growing up and realizing they were had; suddenly, you were some sorta -ist for telling them off. You told a man that he doesn't have what it takes for a relationship with you? You're a misandrist. You told a woman that she doesn't need to feel so much white guilt? You're a racist. On and on it goes. As Gen Z comes into its own, suddenly millennials feel the need to act like THEY created all this: SJW-ism? Oh, ignore the fact it was coming around during our generation's zeitgeist, zoomers did it. Saints Row's reboot being a millennial power fantasy (literal words of one of the head devs)? Oh, zoomers are to blame! Millennials blowing all their money on DLC and shit? Zoomers are to blame for its progression to lootboxes! Everything sucks today? ZOOMERS! On and on it goes. Why do you think millennials pushed ideas like "gold star lesbians" and "based and redpilled" so much? Because those are just new trophies. I don't need to do anything with my life, I'm white! All these X pride world wide fags are taking pride in being some shade or form of glorified primate, and why? Because they're the new participation trophies. I'm a mutt who can pass as white? That makes me on the same level as Hernan Cortes! We're not sorry! Funny how anons whine about trannies and yet they shove their own brand of autism into everything just as much as trannies do. Seriouisly, you ever see that cartoon about the fat woman who falls down the stairs and whose chicken goes rotten in the fridge and all she can do is blame Gamergate? That's the millennial in general. You could swap out "Gamergate" with "Jews" or "trannies" or "white people" or "women" or whatever and it'd still be true. It's also why so many millennials seem to think that mentally ill people are some sorta spectacle to be mocked (Norman Boutin, CWC and other "lolcows," etc) and belittled rather than supported. Finally, millennials have someone even worse off than they are…..or are they? I mean, Joshua Connor Moon runs a glorified gossip site with no wife, nor kids, nor even a home, but yet DSP, Jack Scalfani, Ethan Ralph, and more "lolcows" all have those things for the most part. "Lolcows" are just a rightoid millennial's last ditch attempt to stave off the epiphany that they wasted their lives on stupid shit like "internet culture" and want to point to even bigger losers than they are just so they don't feel bad. When even WINGS OF REDEMPTION is doing better than you in life, it's time to change. "

" Millennials are losers, born and bred. A glorified speedbump. They whine they can't do shit in life because they wasted their prime years on trivial shit. You slept through twelve years of school doing fuck all, then blame the rest of us for not picking up your deadbeat breeders' slack? We don't need personal finance, etc classes in schools, we need you to actually give a shit and stop being lazy. Just because the boomers are amoral fucks whose time, I pray, will come, it doesn't mean they weren't right about you. Hope you enjoy being reduced to a Gen Alpha comedian's punchline like boomers were for Carlin by 2050, faggots."

I have only read the last paragraph of this and cannot give a fuarrrk to read the rest. "They whine they can't do shit in life because they wasted heir prime years on trivial shit." Cool insight man, "don't waste time", amazing. This is someone who's lacked agency trying to appear as an intellectual without realizing he's finally been granted power (by being allowed to post online). There's a class of people like this that want to be 'right' and nothing else, they don't care if they lose and don't try winning anything, which shows they think they have no agency and are destined to be losers. It's passed off as a descriptive observation but when it gets echoed by enough of these guys it becomes prescriptive, and for what? OK, millennials will now resent themselves for being wasteful, this improves things how? We defeat 'ZOG' "epic style" by making a portion of the population hate themselves. If you function the same as an agent of 'globohomo' or 'ZOG' or whatever else, what reason do I have to not see you as part of it? Because you say a bunch of words like 'jews' and 'SJW'? I cannot stress how much of a loser this person is. "We don't need personal finance, we need you to actually give a shit and stop being lazy" is not how you negotiate, if you need something from someone you do not try to upset or insult them and you very much need the younger generations to care. You don't get anything by punishing someone who's failed, failing is punishment itself.
It makes sense that this was written on a board called /doomer/. If you want to complain about how 'oppressed' and 'blackpilled' you are then do so in private. Anyone who cares to "win" would kill any blackpillers just like a body would get rid of cancer cells.

Incessant bullying without actually trying to uplift the person is a core negative female trait. I believe many do this because of how le ebin evil liberalism is - where liberalism at its core is an attempt at maximising the amount of useful people in society and then inviting them to participate in the governance of said society - and thus react in the opposite way. They equate the short end of the stick of cyclical history that we are currently in with democracy, Christianity and liberalism as a whole.
These people, like the poaster from 8chan, with their deterministic "if you fucked up until now your miserable fate has been sealed" outlook, are very sad. I've experienced them in my own life. As soon as you don't meet their impossible expectations they shun you forever.
Note that I am not defending democracy, Christianity, liberalism and other 'isms' entirely. They are not without flaws. But many people who attack them are not in the best of mind and are acting in good faith.

I imagine the paradise for these types of persons is one with an impossibly exaggerated caste system. How many of them would imagine themselves at the top?
(11-24-2022, 09:32 PM)Verily Dow Wrote: Anyone who cares to "win" would kill any blackpillers just like a body would get rid of cancer cells.

Exceedingly #Keyed phrase.
Quote:Millennials are, in many ways, how a middle-schooler imagines they would be as an adult.

Yes. You raised the old "Brony-pedo-guro" overlap - people might have forgotten how many years that My Little Pony series came out (9 years ago). 

There are 30+ year olds who were psychically developed by this stimuli - where are they now?
Verily Dow
(12-10-2022, 12:20 AM)Guest Wrote:
Quote:Millennials are, in many ways, how a middle-schooler imagines they would be as an adult.

Yes. You raised the old "Brony-pedo-guro" overlap - people might have forgotten how many years that My Little Pony series came out (9 years ago). 

There are 30+ year olds who were psychically developed by this stimuli - where are they now?

They don't exist. There isn't a "Brony-pedo-guro" overlap within millennials. I'm not sure how much of an effect MLP had on bronies but it definitely doesn't represent millennials in any meaningful way, gore even less so.
On the subject of millennials' refusal to grow up emotionally and leave their childhoods behind, you can already see a less virulent strain of this desire to *retvrn* to mommy's milkers in a lot of Romantic literature of the 19th century, particularly among the Germans. It's not a motif you would often find in European letters before this period. This poem by one Klaus Groth which was latter set to music by Brahms is perhaps the clearest example one may find.

Ecce, Thomas Mann's translation of it so everyone can understand:

"Oh, that I knew the way back,
The blessed way to childhood!
Why did I look for happiness
And leave my mothers hand?

Oh, how I long to rest,
Woken by no struggle,
To shut my tired eyes,
Gently protected by love.

To seek after nothing, to peer at nothing,
Only lightly and gently to dream,
Blind to the changes of time
A second childhood!

Oh, show me then the way back,
The blessed way to childhood!
In vain I look for happiness,
All around me is desolate coast."

The first decades of the 19th century were marked by the bloody aftermath of the Napoleonic wars, the revolutionary convulsions of the jacobines had, for now, been extinguished with a firm hand, the French Empire had collapsed and it's emperor was rotting on a rock in a distant sea. Millions of young men lay dead in the field and continental Europe's economy was ruined. Eckermann reports Goethe as saying "I thank God that I'm not young in so thoroughly finished a world". Maybe we can draw some limited parralels between the experiences of the generation that grew up on the wake of all this and a Millennials' experience of 9/11 and the 2008 economic crisis coupled with their lack of future prospects and stifled wills.
Millenial men split into two groups. One that was poisoned with anti-male and anti-White attitudes by their soccer moms and were weak on top of that. Those ones went into Rage Against the Machine and the 1999 Seatlle anti-Globalist leftism vibe. They would be the most ardent haters of G.W.Bush and everything right wing back in the 2000s. I remember all those liberal memes and the late night show liberalism rampant would make sense.

The second group was made of the millenials that suffered through the same, but instead of swallowing the anti-male claptrap they went full Eminem / Slipknot edgelords and got dreads and said edgy slurs all the time in online games and did 4-chan style pranks while playing Newgrounds games.

In the conflict between these two millenial groups, the milieu of the 90s and especially the 2000s favored the right wing millenial edgelords. So the leftists were just opposition and mocking everything from the sidelines, maybe going through an emo phase in 2005 before creating the "Internet Atheist" scene in the late 2000s with all of its anti-Evangelical leftism of 2008-2010 before the even more virulent leftist, who were the silent people in high school everyone mocked went into journalism and college where they picked up Marxism and the Social Justice fads (which they were on the path to since they were listening to RATM and being anti-Bush since the 2000s) and then finally had their moment to shine once they left colleges with their woke degrees, and the normie masculine men shutting up after 2008 because they weren't really built for real opposition, they just went with the flow.

The split between millenials, how some millenials turned into soy-fags and why the leftist Millenials did not come into full force until Obama's second term (White leftists) because Bush Jr. was still holding semblance of some right-wing tone in America and the whole leftists millenials were brooding in their leftism more quitely during those days but got their spotlight once they finished colleges right around Obama and finally had their moment to come out in full force.
Everytime I have an interaction with a millennial it's them scolding me, schooling me, trying to veer my life in the same direction that theirs went. Truly disgusting. Makes me feral with rage.
how is it possible that a generation that grew up with edgy and masculine media(nu metal,videogames,anime,4chan,newgrounds flash games/animations) became a bunch of soymales faggots?
(07-09-2023, 09:25 PM)Guest Wrote: how is it possible that a generation that grew up with edgy and masculine media(nu metal,videogames,anime,4chan,newgrounds flash games/animations) became a bunch of soymales faggots?

Most people are completely pliable faggots who don't really appreciate much of anything they enjoy. And the ones with real culture bearing capacity weren't given any real support or a full picture of what's good which could grow into real conviction. These people got bare shreds of what it means to not be an insect and that all got blown away by a world configured to do exactly that.

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