Templism: A New European Paganism
(10-18-2023, 07:03 PM)cats Wrote: We live in the Kali Yuga. The sacrificial smoke and prayers will all go unanswered. Forming a "religion" like this is putting the cart before the horse.

I suppose there is some specific state of affairs that causes this, and therefore we can overturn that state of affairs to bring back the gods, and doing so will be a feat other than instituting a new religion?

I'm sure whatever state of affairs you say is going to be a bunch of nonsense.

Otherwise, if there is no state of affairs, then any solution could potentially be as good as any, since we do not know exactly why the gods ignore us. 

Templist Canon says the gods, since they are not WEAK, never leave us except by choice. And they choose to deal with Templists, from now on, because this incentivizes people to follow the religion, and it is only such followers that are doing the will of the gods.
The "state of affairs" is the degeneration of humanity from a primordial state of purity and piety, which coincided with the flight of the gods, as is described in every Aryan tradition (and quite a few others, too). There is no reversing it.

A man, with blood and the proper initiation into tradition, might be able to rise above the age and become a spiritual center within himself, and lead in a way that is edifying to those beneath, but this will happen despite religion, not because of it. Religion is his tool, to better teach and gain submission of his inferiors, not his principle. The religions only find use where they describe transcendental tradition (and plenty of non-religious philosophies can describe transcendental principles i.e. Nietzsche).

Arguments about metaphysics seem a bit high-brow for what's going on here, though. The way you talk about your "religion" makes it clear that you don't even believe in it. You seem a step removed from STJ or other "Indo-European" religious revivalists, who really just think idols and votive candles are cool — no substance, no actual belief, pretending to understand ancient belief while in actuality just shilling for another version of Christian communistic religiosity. This is roleplaying. What substance am I supposed to derive from this? That it's cooler to get henpecked by grandmas at the Templist temple rather than the Christian church? At least Guido von List understood the value of the individual.
(10-18-2023, 08:09 PM)cats Wrote: The "state of affairs" is the degeneration of humanity from a primordial state of purity and piety, which coincided with the flight of the gods, as is described in every Aryan tradition (and quite a few others, too). There is no reversing it.

A man, with blood and the proper initiation into tradition, might be able to rise above the age and become a spiritual center within himself, and lead in a way that is edifying to those beneath, but this will happen despite religion, not because of it. Religion is his tool, to better teach and gain submission of his inferiors, not his principle. The religions only find use where they describe transcendental tradition (and plenty of non-religious philosophies can describe transcendental principles i.e. Nietzsche).

The argument then is that man must adhere to tradition to communicate with the gods. Templism also says this. It is not "therefore just the same as Evola!", because it also says many other things, and in a different way.

Your argument here is not terribly clear though. "Degeneration of humanity from a primordial sate of purity and piety" could well be interpreted as a lack of religion. So I don't very much care unless you want to make a real assertion about particular things, and which particular circumstances constitute the degeneration that prevents us from contacting the gods.

(10-18-2023, 08:09 PM)cats Wrote: The way you talk about your "religion" makes it clear that you don't even believe in it. You seem a step removed from STJ or other "Indo-European" religious revivalists, who really just think idols and votive candles are cool — no substance, no actual belief, pretending to understand ancient belief

This response is called "I only read the 15 Tenets", which you can be forgiven for. But it has happened many times already so there is no need to respond.
(10-18-2023, 10:23 PM)The_Author Wrote: The argument then is that man must adhere to tradition to communicate with the gods.
No, it is not.

(10-18-2023, 10:23 PM)The_Author Wrote: Your argument here is not terribly clear though. "Degeneration of humanity from a primordial sate of purity and piety" could well be interpreted as a lack of religion.
You can interpret it that way if you don't understand anything about the Aryan traditions Templism is supposedly drawing from.

(10-18-2023, 10:23 PM)The_Author Wrote: So I don't very much care unless you want to make a real assertion about particular things, and which particular circumstances constitute the degeneration that prevents us from contacting the gods.
If only there was a long and voluminous body of religious doctrine from which you could learn about these particular things and circumstances.

(10-18-2023, 10:23 PM)The_Author Wrote: This response is called "I only read the 15 Tenets",
Wrong. I have not read a single word you have written outside of the Amarna Forum.
Cats will instead vaguely allude to literature concerning the kali yuga. Which is a general prophecy of degeneration. It makes no particular claim that would prove a new religion to be inadequate.
Quote:Templist Critic 5000

Templism is just another new age religious collage of autistic technologism meant to deliver a "le based" outcome without any actual divinity or spirit. You will never be a real religion. You literally admit to being an epileptic schizophrenic in your document, Authorian Reflections, which details your motivations behind the creation of Templism. It says that you spent literally 1,000 hours crafting this abomination of POO POO and PEE PEE that I just read seven pages of. It seems like your religion lacks originality as its just a list of 15 "tenets" that nobody needs a religion to believe.

The concept of “memeing” Templism into existence is all well and good save the one crucial fact that memes are a visual impression. Where are the Templist symbols and imagines? Domination through aesthetics is something Catholicism excels at. Where is the Templism visual culture? Simply having a abundant of unique esoteric symbols instantly forms a connection between a family of beliefs and visual representations. Have you ever though towards this aim?
All of your writing reads like a manifesto. It’s a declaration of how to live and what to believe, not a religious text. It’s about as religious as Industrial Society and Its Future. When I was reading it I kept thinking, “why the hell am I even reading this?” But there wasn’t really an answer. Just from a comparative glance Ted Kaczynski’s writing is much more persuasive and shows a better understanding of both the human condition(why people would even attempt to read his stuff) and how his messianic message relates with the world. I think you might benefit from reading his stuff.
(10-24-2023, 11:16 PM)Guest Wrote: Where are the Templist symbols and imagines?

There are some, floating around. Known to adepts and initiates. Modern renditions of the gods were made. There should be more indeed.


(10-25-2023, 04:44 AM)Guest Wrote: All of your writing reads like a manifesto.

Reads like, ngmi
(10-25-2023, 11:03 AM)The_Author Wrote:
(10-25-2023, 04:44 AM)Guest Wrote: All of your writing reads like a manifesto.

Reads like, ngmi

Guest #4000 has come to inform me that my text about life, the gods, prayer, metaphysics, physics, ethics, meta-ethics, divine law, and history "reads like" something he is familiar with in a non-religious context. The synapses for this form of writing have not connected to the synapses about religion. They did connect to the Ted Kaczynski synapses though. Fucking imbecile.
(10-25-2023, 11:09 AM)The_Author Wrote:
(10-25-2023, 11:03 AM)The_Author Wrote:
(10-25-2023, 04:44 AM)Guest Wrote: All of your writing reads like a manifesto.

Reads like, ngmi

Guest #4000 has come to inform me that my text about life, the gods, prayer, metaphysics, physics, ethics, meta-ethics, divine law, and history "reads like" something he is familiar with in a non-religious context. The synapses for this form of writing have not connected to the synapses about religion. They did connect to the Ted Kaczynski synapses though. Fucking imbecile.
I genuienly admire how much time you spend writing about your retarded made up religion that most people just look at as a source of humor. Keep up the good work.
Deutscher Wolf
I am sent by the X user Aion to defend the Autor.

Let us quickly examine a Templist idea.

The gods as "variables". A god is something with some characteristics. These are, etherealness, spirituality, power, wisdom, anthropomorphism, and a few others. It is unknown if they are real or fictional. Either way, the variable of something that is ethereal, spiritual, and powerful, and so on can be regarded as significant because it always affects human societies.

Let us quickly examine another.

The third dimension as something different. Best to illustrate by example. Take an object. Move it left. Move it right. That is one dimension. Move it up. Move it down. That is another dimension. These two dimensions look the same. Now you have to move it back. Move it forth. That dimension actually looks like the object changing size. Some explanations are given. The Author says it is change in color that defines dimension 3. It gets smaller or bigger. Or if you rotate something the lines inside of it change. I think another way of saying it is that dimension 3 changes the lines of something. 1 and 2 just move it around. This is why fake things like video games are actually 3 dimensional. They have two axes and also the ability to change colors and lines. So the game looks identical to how the real world works. Its not an illusion. Anything with these qualities really is 3 dimensional.

I do not know what all these people are talking about. They are criticizing Templism like it is a candy flavor they don't like. I see a lot of ideas and I read them. Has anyone criticized one of these before? Well they are superior, so therefore Templism is.

I think it is divine. I get the sense of divinity when I read it.

When I was in the German Army we were also told not to complain about the equipment. If we had some problem with it we would report it so somebody could fix it or get new equipment. Nobody could just say "oh! I don't like this one!" or "this one looks funny". What we are talking about here is an ideological weapon. I don't see any problem with its parts. I think its operations are going to be much better than Biblical stupidity, to be frank.
After all, the Author is seeking men like him. A man who is inspired by divinity yet with many limitations. He's limited in his mechanistic delivery and lack of artistic talent to make the TC enticing. He do have a talent in performing psychological magic and making his arguments as boring as possible.

I don't think nowadays people still adhere to the continental-analytical divide in contemporary philosophy, but he seems to think this is necessary to make his writing clear. This is one of the things I disagree with him.

Apart from the digression above, I think it's unfair that most people do not give TC it's due credit in the substance of building temples ab initio. The Author laid down the procedures of initiation and building congregation with which occultists will feel familiar. Solely from this, the TC is a valuable document for a pagan minded man to start a new temple if he feels what in existence is 'gay.' To revive a pagan practice, every one starts sketchy. His innovative way to utilize the occult is as valid as all other existing revivalists pagan congregations.

The Author also emphasize the biological victory of the germanic people in the non-canonical document 'Wyrd!' He also made a manual on Templist politics as the ultra-militaricism section of the same document. He built a whole theoretical framework of Templism as a religion, society and politics from the ground up.

This is a great effort, and to be honest, although I am very fond of his vision, I am not very optimistic about its propagation. One autistic guy building the whole thing and trying to sell it as a top-down solution to the woes of modern world faced by Americans and Europeans does not seem to work.

Templism is a cult with a non charismatic founder who sperg out and wrote a blueprint of his ideal templism world. All he needs is a Templist charismatic leader and some sick art girls to meme it into existence and be put on the list of southern poverty law center.
Deutscher Wolf
We will all meet at Rotterdam next month. There will be the First Templist Synod. I'm sorry, Templist Synod #1. Which, I am always reminded, is not really a synod because we are not a democratic faith.

Woowooboi is one of us. Although he writes like he is on his period sometimes. Svevlad has also been invited.
Real and true... If you come, fun is guaranteed!
Read through the whole canon. I think there were four separate instances it became defensive over its utilitarian writing style. The crypto-initiation started sounding very much like the author's "has read" list. You definitely glimpse its influences, especially in the part where they are carefully enumerated. The "insight framework" (nice term) it offers has many gems, and a lot of fluff on a grander scale. I get the impression this is the result thinking things through, solving problems with prior religions, and trying to preemptively solve ones it anticipates.

As a convenience, I wouldn't mind if it pasted in the bible verses it commentates on. If I read it on my phone, tabbing around is rather awkward.

Another thing:

pg. 169:
The Tribe of Ethnic Europeans
Tribal Characteristics - I will not list any tribal characteristics, for fear of unduly influencing particular Europeans to hold qualities that I tell them to, as in an imbuement (see Psychological Magic). Europeans are people such as they are. It should be said, in this context and in general, that tribes are most accurately perceived intuitively - there is no way that you can possibly list and characterize every aspect of every tribe. You cannot feasibly even list every aspect of any one  individual, and tribes are made up of the aspects of their individuals!

pg. 274:
Templism is the necessary tool to  achieve this task, to return our Indo-European peoples to their natural tribal, virtue-concerned, intellectually concrete, philosophically substantial, internally honorable yet externally treacherous, dharmic, elitist, willful,  striving, enterprising, immortal glory seeking, hero-revering, world-loving, conquering, pantheon worshiping ways...

(11-03-2023, 06:17 PM)TannenLG Wrote: pg. 169:
The Tribe of Ethnic Europeans
Tribal Characteristics - I will not list any tribal characteristics, for fear of unduly influencing particular Europeans to hold qualities that I tell them to, as in an imbuement (see Psychological Magic). Europeans are people such as they are. It should be said, in this context and in general, that tribes are most accurately perceived intuitively - there is no way that you can possibly list and characterize every aspect of every tribe. You cannot feasibly even list every aspect of any one  individual, and tribes are made up of the aspects of their individuals!

pg. 274:
Templism is the necessary tool to  achieve this task, to return our Indo-European peoples to their natural tribal, virtue-concerned, intellectually concrete, philosophically substantial, internally honorable yet externally treacherous, dharmic, elitist, willful,  striving, enterprising, immortal glory seeking, hero-revering, world-loving, conquering, pantheon worshiping ways...


The first one refers to specific European “tribes”(which will be interpreted as ethnicity) while the second one references the entire greater European race category. Specific ethnic aspects vs greater racial impulses. There is no “whoops!” moment here.
Is the author a pajeet?
My little birds have notified me that the author is a mystery meat brown....

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