Western Thaw and Cultural Detente
I don't reject anything I said in this thread, but reading this back I was probably quite miserable while making these posts. The thinking strikes me as sound, but I would say I feel better now about this stuff on the whole.

New Career makes a good point. What else is there? Big difference showing now since last january (also I just feel better today, I have a nice big coffee in front of me) is that clear positive alternatives exist now. The options are not just hard nigger communism or zombie outdated "progressive" communism. Several countries are actively curing themselves of libtardism by practicing real right politics. Just Salvador, then just the silly Argentina libertarian man, then what? Who knows. But what's their answer to this? Politicisation of everything has killed so much of the empty middle, which was the great buffer protecting libtardism from its own excesses. Now the world's latent politics are being woken up and shaken loose. There are a lot of natural libtards out there. But also a lot of us, or at least far enough along to be useful and good for us.

Detente is ending, more and more people are noticing libtardism's hand and rejecting it. Other players are coming to the tables. Javier Milei is tweeting roaring lions. It's not over yet.

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