Wisdom of Amarna
Complaining about the "Anglo American Empire" is the politically correct way to say "I want to work less than 20 hours per week and have sex with underage girls".
[Image: goldenrule.png]

Post this on Twitter whenever you see a fagnat saying we need to reign in the capitalism for the sake of "families". Spread it around.
[Image: icyratesgirls.png]
Would like to repurpose this thread to be a collection of funny / thought-provoking quotes from the forum.

Nathan J Robinson Wrote:But just look at the size of the cranium on that guy!... Obviously, his skull would splat like a watermelon under a sledgehammer from a solid straight right.
anthony Wrote:I think that niggers showing up in society is like baldness in a man. Death comes first, then the sign of death.
Hardcore Happiness Wrote:Let me explain why I am an Epstein Penis Truther.
(03-08-2022, 07:21 PM)cats Wrote: Old Reddit or proto-Reddit communities were essentially Anglo chauvinists. Take, for example, their obsession with dressing like Victorians that lead to them widely adopting suits and top hats as the sign of a true gentleman, or rewriting negro rap songs to not use vulgar language... the instinct that American negrified society was vulgar and should be disconnected from was there.
Quote:This forum is an anime of cute midwit anime girls doing cute midwit anime girl things.
(03-07-2022, 07:56 PM)anthony Wrote: They're very distinct characters. This is as ignorant as suggesting that gigachad is just chuck norris.
(03-09-2022, 05:43 AM)anthony Wrote: School is not a parallel society because if I murder a classmate police will get involved, rather than it leading to a blood feud with his friends.
(04-08-2022, 11:29 PM)BillyONare Wrote: Any American leftist extolling the virtues of European socialism secretly wants to have romances with underage girls.

Maybe soon I will add a "quote-of-the-day" type system that randomly cycles between them.

Quote:The lifestyle fad may need to be abandoned on aesthetic grounds. We need a lifestyle fad more in tune with the current 'based' Zeitgeist. Faustian man is organized, clean, and technologically advanced. The author points at things and says good or bad by including them in the same sentence as other things more widely understood to be good or bad. This is rooted in the atomization/commoditization of Western life. Instead of encountering a fairly small number of things in life, all inevitable, opaque, and containing ambiguity, we must process every possible idea, real or not, through a binary 0/1 of good or bad in the hopes of one day being an algorithm in-tune enough to make money on twitter/substack.

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[Image: Christianity.jpg]


Quote:No wife is allowed to, has ever been allowed to, or ever will be allowed to say “no” to their husband in all of the world, ever. God has explicitly commanded them to submit to their husbands.

(04-17-2022, 01:55 PM)BillyONare Wrote: Reading nonfiction books is not very enjoyable and once I had a taste of real philosophy (the Wikipedia pages of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, icycalm, etc.) I realized that most intellectuals are extremely stupid compared to me.
(04-01-2022, 03:02 AM)anthony Wrote: Here the lion is based because he gets on top of the big rock and roars before killing and eating you.
GirlsDoPorn was one of the most beautiful, transgressive, and visionary works of art of the 21st century. Pay your respects.

Way more classy, intelligent, and wholesome than MedGold.
If your entire existence revolves around sex and women and "virginity" then you're not gonna make it. Nobody thought like this before 1960's, and even if, they were libertines and degenerates and generally not an example to follow.
Who are you quoting?
Blessed to have made my contribution.
[Image: amarnan-alignment-chart.png]
[Image: 6cb.png]

Quote:I have been writing this post over a couple of days. Last night I threw a big expensive party, at which party I played the role of the big high status male, and the highest status male guest, a colleague of my girlfriend’s father, very courteously played along. This morning one of the party girls, who is fertile age but only very recently fertile age, and unfortunately very closely connected to my current girlfriend and that high status male, was still around. This morning, after this post was mostly written and the remaining guests mostly sober, I left for the beach for a swim with my girlfriend. And by coincidence, party girl just happened to decide to put on a bikini that she only recently came to need, and to take a swim shortly after I and my girlfriend left, joining us at the beach. And whenever I remained stationary and facing in a particular direction for any length of time, this young party girl, dressed in a bikini, would find some reason to hang around in that line of vision. You may recall that in my posts on testosterone and weight loss, I have frequently remarked that I have difficulty out-staring a pizza and a pitcher of Mountain Dew.
(09-05-2022, 08:21 PM)BillyONare Wrote:
Quote:I have been writing this post over a couple of days. Last night I threw a big expensive party, at which party I played the role of the big high status male, and the highest status male guest, a colleague of my girlfriend’s father, very courteously played along. This morning one of the party girls, who is fertile age but only very recently fertile age, and unfortunately very closely connected to my current girlfriend and that high status male, was still around. This morning, after this post was mostly written and the remaining guests mostly sober, I left for the beach for a swim with my girlfriend. And by coincidence, party girl just happened to decide to put on a bikini that she only recently came to need, and to take a swim shortly after I and my girlfriend left, joining us at the beach. And whenever I remained stationary and facing in a particular direction for any length of time, this young party girl, dressed in a bikini, would find some reason to hang around in that line of vision. You may recall that in my posts on testosterone and weight loss, I have frequently remarked that I have difficulty out-staring a pizza and a pitcher of Mountain Dew.

I don't remember this amarna post.
Jim's blog I think.

If it's not already on forum at all I'll leave this here while I'm reminded of it.
Aidan Maclear archive.

(10-11-2022, 12:09 PM)Guest Wrote: Do you understand how telling this is about you, AryanGenius1488?... you are in a program that is grooming you to be a webshit React developer. Congratulations. 

(10-11-2022, 04:40 PM)AryanGenius1488 Wrote: You definitely seem like a Rationalist adjacent type. I smell it on you. I've seen surveys indicating they're 40% Jewish. So it's fair to estimate that the probability you're Jewish is about 40%.

(10-11-2022, 04:40 PM)AryanGenius1488 Wrote: Spoiler: a midwit thinks g matures until 18 or 25 or something like that, a 15 year old reading a linear algebra textbook must be a 190 IQ genius, and g is the only trait there is and it naturally draws one towards linear algebra at 15.

(10-12-2022, 05:23 AM)Zed Wrote: If he had fucked gigachad, I have no doubt that he would have called her a good girl after, and slapped her ass. I envied that freedom of spirit.
Quote:I literally weep when I see stuff like carlbad get attention and I don't

my writing is in theory worth billions too, as in if society paid me a billion dollars to produce it and then acted on it, society would profit

but it gets ignored

and no one else in this sphere can claim what I just claimed but it's true. The world is so backwards

No one here feels what I feel deeply tbh

[Image: image.png]
i don't know if i should post this in this thread,but these are a set of 13 golden rules made by a hardcore natsoc that the majority of amarna users will find interesting,i think the majority are reasonable rules.


i will only post the 6,7,8 and 9 rules thar amarna will find interesting

"6. No Sympathising with Marxist, Socialist, Communist and Anarchist Rebels, Reactionaries and Revolutionaries or Governments that are in effect still or have been dissolved like the U.S.S.R. The Left is a sworn enemy along with the oblivious conservatives and adunaii was a repeated perpetrator as he endorses this race treason insanity.

7. No promoting or apologizing to promiscuity or homosexuality. We have payed the price for not standing up to this. Erotic Passion should be confined between two individuals (unless in times of crises and wars, when polygamy is necessary to ensure that enough females are fertilized otherwise the institution of marriage is a solid foundation) of the opposite sex whose primary concern should be to settle down and raise healthy children, nurturing them with the values, ideals and principles corresponding to our worldview which is in turn imposed by none other than the insurmountable Natural Laws. As for homosexuality, Himmler aptly adressed this matter in his speech dissecting this pathology and linking it with the chastity of the Catholic clergy.

8. No showing indifference to the severe problem of foreign cultural influences permeating our lives like listening to corrosive music genres and no trying to find profundity and qualititative themes supposedly beneficial to our cause in Hollywood excrement like “Fightclub” . In Short: Normies aren’t allowed. It is imperative that we instill in our youth artistic idols of our glorious past worthy of praising and aspiring to imitate and teach them the appreciation of Classical Art and Music and forge new Customs that highlight the significance of the Sublime Aesthetics that our Ancestors Cherished and Worshipped thanks to which our Race once reached Heights of mind-boggling magnitude.
We have to limit the exposure of our vulnerable youth to profane, insulting and degrading Negroid, Jewish and North Eastern Mongoloid “Art” as failing to tackle this results in beautiful Nordic Ephebes listening to rap/trap/pop/rock/metal (i.e. mental and spiritual poison) and speaking in African vernacular and Aryan Nymphs becoming fascinated or even infatuated with disgusting dark colored males en masse. Ditch the false notion that degenerate art is innocuous.

9. No Mercy and showing respect to the “right to a living space for all peoples” like Varg Vikernes does.
This Includes: expressing support and solidarity to freedom fighting thirld world locals(most often terrosist organizations and affiliated sub-branches that have claimed white lives in the past apart from the obviously CIA and Deep State funded ISIS & Al Qaeda) like Hamas and Hezbollah and military dictatorships like Iran and North Korea that “bravely” resist the ZOG and “stand up to American Imperialism”. Another “transgression” that adunaii can be accused of. We don’t care about the predicament inflicted upon biological waste, that the weaponry of the US or NATO is mowing down “innocent and unarmed civillians” in bombing raids. We care that it happens at the behest of Israel and it exasperates us as many times it costs White Lives and sucks dry the White American and European taxpayer.
Sooner or later, ALL other hominid subspecies even those that have common enemies with us or have forged uneasy alliances with Whites in the past like Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians and Japanese respectively are to be sacrificed at the altar of the doctrine of UTTER EXTERMINATIONISM like you espouse Mr. Cesar. Not expulsion/racial segregation. It is obvious that William Pierce preferred the former. You either HATE or you die. Sparing populations that pose a threat long-term is moronic and simply delays the inevitable conflict."
(03-08-2023, 11:00 AM)Guest Wrote: [retardation]

My best guess here: IQ of about 110. Pure junk. I wish I could sage this post.
West's darkest hour is run by a chimpanzee dishwasher, a fugitive from Zoológico de Chapultepec.

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