I promised to make a thread on changes in Zoomers during the covid period on the previous forum but I think it would be better to open up the discussion a bit; something akin to a general discussion would be more fitting for a first thread. Let's discuss these points in particular:
  • What defines Zoomers culturally as a generation as opposed to Millennials and Boomers?
  • What do Zoomers value politically/what ideas will captivate Zoomers in the foreseeable future?
  • What is the Zoomer attitude towards religion? 
  • How has Zoomer identity developed throughout Covid?
  • Your own personal assessment of the generation and it's potential.

I'll start by discussing the ideas Zoomers value and their religion, since they're intertwined topics. In terms of religion, I think Zoomers are completely post-conventional religion. Even those who nominally adhere to Christianity, Islam, etc. all believe in God as a sort of pantheistic force, though it's unlikely they'll ever mention God particularly.

Many will talk about nature or the universe in the same pantheist way, and I think this plays into the environmentalist belief that is so common in Zoomers. Many really do view the world as both a unified organism and an arbiter of cosmic judgement in an impersonal manner. Spirituality that deals with impersonal forces is generally the only form which has any genuine believers, most notably being astrology.

In terms of their beliefs, I think one thing to get out of the way is that I don't actually think they're "le edgy nihilist" generation. I think this is an image constructed by gen x executives in particular who project their idea of cutting edge thought onto the youth in movies and shows like Euphoria. Gen Z seems to me to at least be as genuine as millennials are, if not more. I think the issue is mostly that they're beliefs are very ephemeral and change with the latest establishment position, so it comes off as disingenuous. That and the general ability to separate irony and sarcasm from genuine conversation sometimes.

I think Zoomers care about bleeding edge aesthetics and bombastic leaders much more than millennials do. I also think there's a very cautious aspiration for freedom and positive-oriented futurism which gets expressed in Musk dudebro sentiments, but many are also active apocalypticists. This isnt necessarily an inherent trait to the generation, and it could possibly be residue of millennial influence.
Zoomers seem to be more team oriented, us and them. Arguably shaped by playing the most vidya out of any current generation (multiplayer deathmatch). Zoomers fervently adopt an (online) ideology and defend a position with very little mastery or knowledge, it's faith based. Because of this zoomers are way more "religious" than their predecessors. i.e. zoomer tradcath online in it because cathedrals and stained glass art are "lit" will also be the harshest critics of atheists/pagans/protestants etc.

Millennials overlapping with gen X have this "southpark brain" ironypoison. The system is in a bad place so it's best to just joke about it until it's our turn. Millennials believe in salvaging a system the older gen (Boomers) sat on and milked dry. They still think life just needs to return to that comfy Obama golden age of 2008-2016. Becoming less interested in partisan politics as time went on but graciously bend the knee to all libshit cultural victory parades (BLM). Communism and reading theory is a gen x "gifted child" burnout thing.

All the kids are joking about auschwitz and watching attack on titan/anime and they know the system isn't gonna work out for them and they won't get sh*t from it, why bother?. It's all about choosing "do I join the wehraboo or the gen x commie trans discord?" it's all about extremes.
A few notes, quite anecdotal, from my own personal observations of trends. Zoomers, as a group, don't DO anything. This has been exacerbated by the lockdowns/online classes recently, but existed as a trend beforehand as well. By this I mean that a significant percentage of them spend most of their waking time scrolling, watching videos or streamers, and perhaps occasionally playing a mobile game. They don't go out, they don't socialize or date in the traditional sense, they don't even play video games really, perhaps watch a streamer game. The idea of a hobby or interest, even in the non-dedicated normie sense, is apparently quite foreign to them.

Their fathers, if present at all, are disinterested bugman type late boomers or x ers who failed to teach them anything practical. They exist not even virtually in the way that we do, but as purely mindless consumers taking in what the algorithm feeds them. Inability to cook even basic food or perform routine household or vehicle maintenance is common. Associated with this is a strong urban/rural divide, with the ruralite z much more likely to take part in actual physical activities and interests.

If a nihilism is present in zoomers, it's quite different than the gay, angsty cope of the millennial and x er, being more of a general attitude of putting in the absolute minimum possible effort at all times, as it would be pointless and a waste anyway. I believe that unlike previous generations many, possibly a majority of zoomers would be neets if possible, even if there was profitable employment to be found.

A sort of social speciation has occurred between male and female Z, probably a greater difference in worldview between them any previous generation. I'll let others comment on that. Obesity or unhealthy gangly boniness seem to be the prevailing body types among male z.

Virtually all of z humor is downstream from our circles, as has been mentioned already, if a male zoomer has politics, they're primarily aesthetically motivated and at one end or the other, with little in between. While the explosion of various homosexual, etc., perversions is real, much of it is also a sort of trend hopping (by females) and defense mechanism by de-facto sexually normal zoomers, as being white and sexually normal is a significant disadvantage in the current public school regime.
(02-15-2022, 03:27 AM)Saker Wrote: A few notes, quite anecdotal, from my own personal observations of trends. Zoomers, as a group, don't DO anything. This has been exacerbated by the lockdowns/online classes recently, but existed as a trend beforehand as well. By this I mean that a significant percentage of them spend most of their waking time scrolling, watching videos or streamers, and perhaps occasionally playing a mobile game. They don't go out, they don't socialize or date in the traditional sense, they don't even play video games really, perhaps watch a streamer game. The idea of a hobby or interest, even in the non-dedicated normie sense, is apparently quite foreign to them.


If a nihilism is present in zoomers, it's quite different than the gay, angsty cope of the millennial and x er, being more of a general attitude of putting in the absolute minimum possible effort at all times, as it would be pointless and a waste anyway. I believe that unlike previous generations many, possibly a majority of zoomers would be neets if possible, even if there was profitable employment to be found.
Excellent point. One of the key points in what defines a Zoomer is to me is passivity. I think it's a result of being brought up as passive recipients of content online, being pressured into posting or looking at whatever is popular at the current time. As such, they can only really work if there is an external observer which wants them to work, they have little drive to do anything for themselves. They are "last men" in a very real sense.

It bleeds into their politics as well, and it's one of the very few things they're consistent on across the political spectrum. Many of them are "anti-work" expressed through different frameworks. The tree emoji environmentalist pines for the "simpler labor" of the pre-industrial world, the traditionalist dreams of the peasant who takes 100+ days off, the communist looks forward to his post-work communist utopia, etc. Maybe this is just my experience, but you will find very little earnest libertarian Zoomers, or even fiscal conservatives in general. Many conceive of the state as having a natural role in levelling all obstacles in their life whether financially (forgiving of loans, freezing rent) or emotionally (subsidized therapy, officials must be "respectable but relatable adults", etc). Those last two points may sound like they apply to left-leaning Zoomers only, but if you look at the polling younger republicans are in favor of strong government intervention as well, economically and socially.
(02-15-2022, 11:28 AM)(´• ω •`)ノ Wrote: I believe the opiate crisis is a dysgenic phenomenon

My instinct is to disagree, but I would be interested in a thread about this.
I would like to add that zoomers do not "go out", in the literal sense of going outside or in the sense of partying.

I live in a supposedly young college town, but whenever I go to the park, down by the river, etc for cindywalks there are only old people. The youngest people I see are urban youths loitering around. Even most of the people doing exercise are middle-aged (late 20's). Zoomers simply do not go outside. I rarely see young people in the market, on the streets, etc.

The milennial/genx/boomer "college party" is dead. Zoomers socialize in far smaller groups which are very closed off to outsiders. People online confuse the millennial frat party going, tinder using girl with the instagram-tiktok zoomette. In terms of total sex had, zoomer girls are far more chaste. I think milennials and boomers are especially promiscuous generations (but this doesn't have to do with their attitude towards things like the family and so on). The classic incel analysis of the 80/20 rule is very much real. In university we had a group project recently, with the list of group members being posted publicly. Out of 16 groups, 8 were all male, 4 were all female and 4 were mixed. Naturally you can imagine the distribution of the chads and the chuds.

The lockdown has exacerbated these already existing trends. For a zoomer in the current year, not having a solid and diverse "friend group" is social suicide. There is something to this.
Something important to note, and which I was alerted to in a thread on /lit/, is that there is divide in the Zoomers.
The poaster described this divide as two groups: the "DIscordians" and the "TikTokers", referencing the two social media platforms.

The Discordians are the older of the two, the earliest being born in the mid 90s and the youngest being born before 2005 at the most (I forget the exact dates as I read this months ago). They compromise the vast majority, as the poaster says, of the "Online New Right", something like 80%. Their main biographical characteristic is having lived the majority of their childhood before the popularisation of the smartphone (which arguably made the internet mainstream and pervasive), and having been old enough to be aware of, understand and participate in the 2016 election cultural thing (you know, the creation of Alt-Right and stuff). These two characteristics, having lived without smartphones frying their braisn, and having been there before promising "right-wing" discourse got shoahed from the internet, is the reason why they make up the bulk of the "Online New Right". Their name comes from their platform of choice, Discord obviously.

The Tiktokers, on the other hand, are almost the antithesis of their predecessors. Being born from ~2005 onwards, they could not escape the smartphone and were too young to have participated in the whole 2016 era stuff. They are what most people refer to when they say "zoomer". Mulatto perm, incomprehensible gobbledeegook, and braindead scrolling of their favourite app, TikTok. Far more establishment leaning or just apolitical.

Of course, this is not my opinion, just a perspective that I faintly remember from an anon.
(03-11-2022, 06:11 AM)Verl Wrote: Something important to note, and which I was alerted to in a thread on /lit/, is that there is divide in the Zoomers.
The poaster described this divide as two groups: the "DIscordians" and the "TikTokers", referencing the two social media platforms.

The Discordians are the older of the two, the earliest being born in the mid 90s and the youngest being born before 2005 at the most (I forget the exact dates as I read this months ago). They compromise the vast majority, as the poaster says, of the "Online New Right", something like 80%. Their main biographical characteristic is having lived the majority of their childhood before the popularisation of the smartphone (which arguably made the internet mainstream and pervasive), and having been old enough to be aware of, understand and participate in the 2016 election cultural thing (you know, the creation of Alt-Right and stuff). These two characteristics, having lived without smartphones frying their braisn, and having been there before promising "right-wing" discourse got shoahed from the internet, is the reason why they make up the bulk of the "Online New Right". Their name comes from their platform of choice, Discord obviously.

The Tiktokers, on the other hand, are almost the antithesis of their predecessors. Being born from ~2005 onwards, they could not escape the smartphone and were too young to have participated in the whole 2016 era stuff. They are what most people refer to when they say "zoomer". Mulatto perm, incomprehensible gobbledeegook, and braindead scrolling of their favourite app, TikTok. Far more establishment leaning or just apolitical.

Of course, this is not my opinion, just a perspective that I faintly remember from an anon.

Important distinctions like this are why I don't put much stock in millennial/zoomer distinction. By this standard, being on an internet forum is spiritually millennial but we likely skew heavily zoomer. The divide between people who search for content and socializing on their own terms and those who are drip-fed algorithmic and/or pre-approved content transcends specific platforms or movements, and is like the internet equivalent of hunter-gatherers and agrarians. Generations may have different distributions between the two groups now, but ultimately internet hunter-gatherers will exist in perpetuity on the margins for generations to come.
I wouldnt say that discordians are necessarily always older then tiktokers-as younger zoomers mature and seek political involvement they too will adopt radical worldviews, become indistinguishable from discordians. In US they will ideologically split themselves between vaush type democratic socialism which will replace current liberal establishment, new right racists and hazoid wholesome socialism larp among those rejecting the former movement and being rejected by the latter.
As for identity and cultural output of zoomers-it will appear and become evident only when oldest zoomers get into their 30s, and will probably end up quite similar to milennial one. Covid was be relevant in accelarating currents which will define zoomers but will not be as relevant as 2008 was for millenials.
(03-11-2022, 03:11 PM)Enterobiasis Wrote: I wouldnt say that discordians are necessarily always older then tiktokers-as younger zoomers mature and seek political involvement they too will adopt radical worldviews, become indistinguishable from discordians. In US they will ideologically split themselves between vaush type democratic socialism which will replace current liberal establishment, new right racists and hazoid wholesome socialism larp among those rejecting the former movement and being rejected by the latter.
As for identity and cultural output of zoomers-it will appear and become evident only when oldest zoomers get into their 30s, and will probably end up quite similar to milennial one. Covid was be relevant in accelarating currents which will define zoomers but will not be as relevant as 2008 was for millenials.

Yeah I agree with your point. I think it just suggests that the younger Zoomers may find it harder to find "our movement" in the open. They'll have to dig for it, at least somewhat. A lot of "us" forget how watered down and grifter-infested "the movement" was back in 2016-17 before the mass-censorship. I think that was thanks mainly due to how the "anti-SJW" stuff grew out of the skeptic community on YT, which from its prior obsession with attacking Christianity showed that it was mainly just libertarian types, think something like a more partisan Joe Rogan. After most of that community got shot down or reformed after the massive censorship, only those who desired something deeper stayed. The same could be said of younger Zoomers then, there may not be as many of them, but they will be better quality because they specifically look for this stuff, instead of just being drip-fed our views via an algorithim. In the long run I think this will work in our favour. Grifters and dilution is not what we need (although purity spiraling or however you call it does have its drawbacks when it becomes too autistic).

Sorry for the rant.
(02-15-2022, 10:37 AM)fleshMACHINE Wrote: Zoomers seem to be more "visually" inclined than any other generation. Strong emphasis on images, intimate connection with icons. This is important in understanding how they view themselves and world etc. I believe they have an inherence to rely on visual stimuli to articulate themselves towards themselves and their environment. the things they saw on screen since young age is a pillar of everything they are. Anime videogames film porn all are key to understanding the essence of zoomers. Their interest in religion is ambiguous because it is an aesthetic one, minimally relies on linguistic logic. they are like the show Evangelion in the sense that it relies on Christian symbolism without being connected with it in any way but stylistic. they believe in things because of the style rather than the substance. I believe obsession with Hitler and so on is less ideological and more symbolic. Memes and shows like the one you mentioned are effective at leaving an impression because it is on the same frequency with which their minds operate.

Whoever manipulates images the best will naturally seduce the Zoomer generation the best. Hence all the longform video essays on vidya film etc. and whenever images are manipulated in mediocre ways the Zoomer screams out in pain and complains about the state of videogames or anime or whatever. The way many of them look for "representation" on the screen is also important aspect of this
I've wondered if something can be made of similarities between the zoomer lifestyle and the bicameralism hypothesized by Julian Jaynes. For those unfamiliar "Bicameral mentality is a hypothesis in psychology and neuroscience which argues that the human mind once operated in a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys—a bicameral mind, and that the evolutionary breakdown of this division gave rise to consciousness in humans" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicameral_mentality). In his book (which you should read) he argues that depictions of gods served as triggers for the god's voice to be heard inside one's head; these idols/statues, along with similar devices, would have produced the social cohesion necessary for societies of the size that existed during the alleged bicameral period (iirc for most groups within a few hundred years of 1000 BC). This isn't too different from the life of the content consoomer, and I think patterns of social media interaction support this. Not only is there a strong division between creator, curator, and consumer, but the content of what all three share (the content of the content) is far more "instrumentalized" than ever before. Very little is said for its own sake. Everything is an advertisement, a political message, or a very simple good/bad reaction to it. New McDonalds combo is dropping, Lil Slurp retweets, thousands of beyonce gifs are posted in response. Buzzfeed references 'shapecels,' Lil Slurp Groyper retweets, I post gigachad and/or soyjak in response along with thousands of others also convinced they're clever. It's boring TV channels the population enjoys because it's made to feel it has a part in the writing and acting; the difference in boomer and zoomer brain rot can be explained by the destruction of this fourth wall. At least television is fake and it's generally understood that television is fake; neither can be said with confidence about any of social media. 

Novel information is rarely communicated, what occurs isn't communication as much as a game of Pong between various cliques, often several at the same time. Universal r9k would erase 99% of the internet. Some of this can be explained by bots, but dead internet theory underestimates how much repetition is generated by a constant global conversation. It resembles a Library of Babel we have a map for: everything has already been said and there's nothing left to do but chuck the books at each other. The zoomer has no need for thought, only obedience to the most prominent voices in their head (content creators/internet personalities). The zoomer exists as a modified version of the man in the Chinese room, not able to grasp the understanding of what he translates but able to tell if he likes it or not. Zoomer thought consists of developing more effective iterations of various discursive/visual tactics to 'win' likes/retweets/upvotes for the causes dictated to them by said voices, and zoomer genius is the ability to replace these voices with your own. 

Soyjak and gigachad are in the room with me.
The zoomers can honestly be divided into two, but I wouldn't say it's "discordians vs tiktokers" - the division occurred earlier, not exactly sure when, exactly, but it's the 2003+ that are the more mulatto perm types. Kids raised on facebook vs those raised on instagram, or whatnot. 9/11 wasn't an "inflection point" for the zoomers because most were too young to even remember if they were born then, even, or even if they do remember, they didn't really get what was going on...

2008 economic crisis might have been their thing?

It seems the zoomer's main affliction is acedia induced by sensory overstimulation combined with a sense they're getting fucked, similar to the millennials. They don't do anything because they have no idea what to do, they "don't know where they're punching" as we say.

MindWar participation seems to be the defining trait, they pick a side and stick with it when they start to notice things...
(04-11-2022, 05:37 AM)Svevlad Wrote: 9/11 wasn't an "inflection point" for the zoomers because most were too young to even remember if they were born then, even, or even if they do remember, they didn't really get what was going on...

From what I understand (and what seems to be the consensus definition), not being able to remember 9/11 is actually what defines them, in terms of age boundary (1997+)
(02-14-2022, 08:45 PM)FruitVendor Wrote: Communism and reading theory is a gen x "gifted child" burnout thing.
Kind of off topic but how many "burnt out gifted children" do you guys think are actually gifted and how many were given an exaggerated idea of their own potential by adults who praised them too much for reading harry potter? I'm inclined to believe most of them are in the latter category and probably of only slightly above average intelligence, however the archetype exists for a reason and there do exist plenty of gifted burnouts out there.
(04-19-2022, 11:01 PM)Milk Wrote:
(02-14-2022, 08:45 PM)FruitVendor Wrote: Communism and reading theory is a gen x "gifted child" burnout thing.
Kind of off topic but how many "burnt out gifted children" do you guys think are actually gifted and how many were given an exaggerated idea of their own potential by adults who praised them too much for reading harry potter? I'm inclined to believe most of them are in the latter category and maybe only slightly above average intelligence, however the archetype exists for a reason and there do exist plenty of gifted burnouts out there.

Not many - I went to school with a lot of people who could be described like that. A lot of over-achieving readers in middle school; I don't think anything came of these kinds of people once high school started though. The kids who were actually gifted kind of went to the top anyways.
(04-19-2022, 11:01 PM)Milk Wrote:
(02-14-2022, 08:45 PM)FruitVendor Wrote: Communism and reading theory is a gen x "gifted child" burnout thing.
Kind of off topic but how many "burnt out gifted children" do you guys think are actually gifted and how many were given an exaggerated idea of their own potential by adults who praised them too much for reading harry potter? I'm inclined to believe most of them are in the latter category and probably of only slightly above average intelligence, however the archetype exists for a reason and there do exist plenty of gifted burnouts out there.

Anecdotally I knew a GATE kid who became a massive pothead in highschool and didn't really go anywhere while the others went into STEM and are probably doing grunt work right now. Most unearned praise for intelligence that I've witnessed was directed towards women who were just really good at doing homework and now work fake office jobs that are ultimately obstructionist towards the real work getting done.
(04-19-2022, 11:01 PM)Milk Wrote:
(02-14-2022, 08:45 PM)FruitVendor Wrote: Communism and reading theory is a gen x "gifted child" burnout thing.
Kind of off topic but how many "burnt out gifted children" do you guys think are actually gifted and how many were given an exaggerated idea of their own potential by adults who praised them too much for reading harry potter? I'm inclined to believe most of them are in the latter category and probably of only slightly above average intelligence, however the archetype exists for a reason and there do exist plenty of gifted burnouts out there.


The "burnout" is literally the biological retardation of the development of mental faculties beyond a certain age. This effect is why people with substantially lower than average IQs for a given profession can still survive in it; they are going off of mental models learned when they were voracious accumulators of knowledge in early childhood.
(04-20-2022, 09:48 AM)FruitVendor Wrote:
(04-19-2022, 11:01 PM)Milk Wrote:
(02-14-2022, 08:45 PM)FruitVendor Wrote: Communism and reading theory is a gen x "gifted child" burnout thing.
Kind of off topic but how many "burnt out gifted children" do you guys think are actually gifted and how many were given an exaggerated idea of their own potential by adults who praised them too much for reading harry potter? I'm inclined to believe most of them are in the latter category and probably of only slightly above average intelligence, however the archetype exists for a reason and there do exist plenty of gifted burnouts out there.

Anecdotally I knew a GATE kid who became a massive pothead in highschool and didn't really go anywhere while the others went into STEM and are probably doing grunt work right now. Most unearned praise for intelligence that I've witnessed was directed towards women who were just really good at doing homework and now work fake office jobs that are ultimately obstructionist towards the real work getting done.
The kind of unearned praise you mention is exactly what I was referring to with my harry potter comment. I wonder how much of this praise from teachers is simply them being encouraging and how much is genuine (I doubt they're truly impressed by children reading YA and completing worksheets but adults tend to think of children as complete and utter retards incapable of sentience). Regardless it seems damaging overall as teachers are encouraging these behaviors in place of genuinely stimulating activity but that's just school in general.

(04-19-2022, 11:14 PM)macintoshuser Wrote:
(04-19-2022, 11:01 PM)Milk Wrote:
(02-14-2022, 08:45 PM)FruitVendor Wrote: Communism and reading theory is a gen x "gifted child" burnout thing.
Kind of off topic but how many "burnt out gifted children" do you guys think are actually gifted and how many were given an exaggerated idea of their own potential by adults who praised them too much for reading harry potter? I'm inclined to believe most of them are in the latter category and maybe only slightly above average intelligence, however the archetype exists for a reason and there do exist plenty of gifted burnouts out there.

Not many - I went to school with a lot of people who could be described like that. A lot of over-achieving readers in middle school; I don't think anything came of these kinds of people once high school started though. The kids who were actually gifted kind of went to the top anyways.
Many adults are under the impression that reading of any kind is beneficial so they give their kids/students YA schlock as long as it keeps them turning those pages.
Hardcore Happiness
(02-15-2022, 03:27 AM)Saker Wrote: A few notes, quite anecdotal, from my own personal observations of trends. Zoomers, as a group, don't DO anything. This has been exacerbated by the lockdowns/online classes recently, but existed as a trend beforehand as well. By this I mean that a significant percentage of them spend most of their waking time scrolling, watching videos or streamers, and perhaps occasionally playing a mobile game. They don't go out, they don't socialize or date in the traditional sense, they don't even play video games really, perhaps watch a streamer game. The idea of a hobby or interest, even in the non-dedicated normie sense, is apparently quite foreign to them.

This is true. 

Hobbies and interests can manifest themselves if they can be used to garner attention or income (and usually the two are intertwined), in the form of a hustle. The Grind is a zoomer quasi-religion. In general, zoomers are far more materialistic and status conscious than millennials and Gen Xers, and contrary to what some posters in this thread observe I find them far less idealistic than millennials (the ironypoisoned don't believe in gay luxury space communism). Perhaps wealth and status are quantifiable in a way that idealistic views and subjective taste aren't. 

Zoomers have grown up bombarded by a constant haze of contradictory audiovisual signals and noise, the extent of which the older generations can't fully appreciate or even comprehend. I  don't think zoomers perceive meaning in the world around them in the way that millennials and Gen Xers do; who see clear demonstrable structures and phenomena that can be given labels such as corporate interests or systemic this-or-that phobia. This is evident in zoomer memes, which reject comprehensibility on principle:

[Image: 2cFgxAt.png]

Zoomers may be more oriented towards sensation, yet few established modes of art and entertainment make a strong enough impression on zoomers to be relatable. How many zoomers have a favorite album? How many zoomers even listen to albums? The highest bit of praise a piece of music can get is that it's a "vibe" and "has an aesthetic". It's likely a rare thing that someone forms a deep connection to a piece of music the way people did with The Cure or Smiths records in the 80s (and for a couple decades after). 

In general zoomers orient themselves more towards the driving personalities than the actual media produced (which unceremoniously falls under the odious umbrella term "content"). Artists who have picked up on this tendency engage their audience by doing instagram lives and getting their audience vicariously invested in their success as content creator rather than strictly as a musician. Getting the spotify streaming numbers up there becomes a community goal rather than an organic result of audience listening habits. Twitch is the preferred entertainment media for many zoomers, a place for content creators who really create nothing at all (but foster extractive parasocial bonds around their online persona) and the whole platform is structured around becoming invested (quite literally) in personalities enough to help them surpass monetary goalposts.

(04-11-2022, 05:37 AM)Svevlad Wrote: It seems the zoomer's main affliction is acedia induced by sensory overstimulation combined with a sense they're getting fucked, similar to the millennials. They don't do anything because they have no idea what to do, they "don't know where they're punching" as we say.

MindWar participation seems to be the defining trait, they pick a side and stick with it when they start to notice things...

The above inability/refusal to detect meaning has a lot to do with the sheer amount of noise zoomers are accustomed to, as well as a low preference for engaging with things beyond the surface level. It's the type of paralysis that occurs when you administer random electric shocks to a lab rat. I'm interested to see what will happen with the kids whose parents parked them in front of an ipad where they could watch hours of grotesque fever dreams about Spiderman and Elsa.
(04-20-2022, 10:56 AM)Milk Wrote: Many adults are under the impression that reading of any kind is beneficial so they give their kids/students YA schlock as long as it keeps them turning those pages.
Female teachers recommend YA lit because that's what they read. They like it.

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