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"When you realize it's all grift, and start to respect it, the truth reveals itself."
160. Reading journalism is not reading, it is deferring to read. The only good thing that can come out of reading journalism is to realize how bad for you reading journalism is.

161. I've no idea what it's like to scribble rubbish that will be instantly forgotten; how could I hope to ever truly understand anyone else? And how could they hope to understand someone whose every word, the moment he has set it down, becomes immortal.

162. The only thing more annoying than people's Twitter accounts are dead links to deleted Twitter accounts. How ironic that by wisening up they create even more annoyance than when they were just being stupid.

163. Ad hominems. Subhumans attack character first and never deal with arguments. We humans attack arguments first and character last, because each argument must finally be shown to have come from the corresponding type of character. Character and arguments are not unrelated, as the subhumans think. Shitty lifeforms have shitty arguments. And subhumans have none (because they are the shittiest lifeforms ever).

164. The phraseology of liberal propaganda betrays an astonishing level of naiveté. E.g., "The American government is murdering, etc. etc." — it is called WAR you fucking faggots, people are SUPPOSED to die in it. The first who should be murdered is whoever is incapable of grasping this simple fact. Whoever complains about war being murder should be murdered.

165. Not to speak of "war conventions". For war is obviously THE BREAKDOWN OF CONVENTIONS; a war played out according to rules and regulations would not be a war at all but merely another game. The slaves' desire to turn every aspect of life into routine culminates with this insane attempt of theirs to turn even war into a game.

166. Or "war crimes". It's okay to kill someone but not rape them. Subhuman logic.

167. Or: you can kill some people (the combatants), but not others (the non-combatants). But isn't this discrimination? Aren't people supposed to be equal? So why can't I just kill and rape whomever I want?

168. The biggest threat today to Western civilization is... faggotry. It's bad enough that half of the population is women — and they are all allowed to vote now — if you add in the effeminate males, trannies, bona fide fags and the elderly, the actual manly count is negligible — and no man actually VOTES.

169. The ultimate insult: a woman calling you a fag, as Alex Forrest does to Michael Douglas's character in Fatal Attraction. The complete contempt in which a woman holds anything unmanly shows up the falsity of both the feminists' pretensions, and the homosexuals' abjectness. For there is, of course, no more staunch proponent of manliness than woman, just as there is no greater lover of femininity than man.
(06-29-2022, 07:24 PM)BillyONare Wrote: [ -> ]169. The ultimate insult: a woman calling you a fag, as Alex Forrest does to Michael Douglas's character in Fatal Attraction. The complete contempt in which a woman holds anything unmanly shows up the falsity of both the feminists' pretensions, and the homosexuals' abjectness. For there is, of course, no more staunch proponent of manliness than woman, just as there is no greater lover of femininity than man.

Alex Forrest would never do this.
170. A calculation is just another kind of guess. Which is to say, if it's a good one, an educated one.

171. I by no means intend to deny the subhumans their philosophy, I merely want to understand it, so as to finally place it within mine, as they have placed me and mine within theirs. Within my philosophy they are and always will be subhuman, within theirs I am... perhaps "evil".

172. The feminine feelings being idealized and glorified in Twilight are wonderful, because perfectly complementary to the male.

173. Why the instinctive support of the underdog may be a noble, bad ultimately a bad idea. If planet Earth were all there was to the universe, this attitude would have been fine (indeed it'd be essential to the continuation of the game), but what if our species is an underdog in the greater scheme of things? Then all your efforts are against us. Condemning American militarism and "imperialism" is stupid but excusable, perhaps, when there are no external threats, but who would you turn to for protection if the aliens were to arrive today, the Swiss?

174. All leftist revolutionary movements led by students in the twentieth century were children playing politics, to be distinguished from what happened in places such as Russia and China which were men playing politics. The politics in both cases were ressentiment politics, but the difference was that the coddled Western kids went nowhere (because they were coddled — "one must need strength in order to have strength"), whereas the Russians and the Chinese succeeded because they were genuinely hungry. The Red Brigades kidnapped a few people. The Baader-Meinhof Gang shot up a few banks. But Lenin and Mao massacred millions — and that's why they succeeded. Nothing has ever come out of student-led movements, and nothing ever will. The very fact of being a student — of having enough time to concern yourself with knowledge — means you don't even know what hunger is, you have not the faintest idea of the concept. Consequently all student-led political movements should be automatically laughed at. Baudrillard's elation at the sight of May '68 was pathetic, but at least he eventually grew out of it. To pay any serious attention to what students are saying or doing today is retarded.

175. It wasn't Lenin or Mao who were hungry, but the hundreds of thousands of peasants whom they indoctrinated. In Western societies there simply no longer exist enough hungry men to launch a revolution and, as long as democracy is functioning properly, there never will be. For this is indeed the hidden biological purpose of democracy: to keep the machine running, even on auto-pilot, when there no longer exists any individual or group of individuals capable of taking control. The auto-pilot is always less trustworthy than a good pilot — especially in rough times — but in the latter's absence it is preferable to the complete disintegration of the machine (anarchism).

176. And why is it that students (i.e. children) always start leftist revolutionary movements, whereas army generals (i.e. men) always start fascist coups? What does that say about the respective systems of beliefs that motivate them?

177. And what does it say about a society that it expects social change to come from children? The only way that children would ever be allowed a say in a society is if there were no more men in it. Which is why the impact of students on the political stage before the twentieth century was exactly nil, whereas everyone today looks in precisely their direction when dreaming of "social change".

178. Contradictions of the liberal scum: So and so (beauty, for example) is "merely" a social construct — while at the same time extolling social values as higher than individual ones. Slave morality is always self-contradictory, and the time has come for us to understand exactly why.

179. "Do not hate us for our happiness" says the prince to Hippolite in The Idiot. But "Hate us for our happiness" would have been a higher thing to say.
180. I like machines as much as I like nature, if not more. This means: I like man-made things as much as I like non-man-made things. To say: "I don't like machines, I only like nature", would mean "I don't like man-made things, only non-man-made ones", which would be as much as saying "I don't like men", i.e. I am not a man — or at least not a very good one. TO NOT LIKE MACHINES MEANS TO NOT BE HUMAN. IT IS PRECISELY OUR CAPACITY TO MAKE MACHINES THAT MAKES US HUMAN. To be shouted at the ears of every luddite.

181. The utter seriousness with which the entire Hollywood elite (actors, directors, screenwriters) takes on comic book projects. The best artists in the world, and yet no shame in breathing life into "puerile power fantasies". Nowhere else in the world would this have been possible, because no one else is as serious about art today as the Americans.

182. Sigmund Freud once wrote that, "All energy is sexual". So before the evolution of sexuation a billion years ago there was no energy in the universe. Smart man. But that's what happens when the only thing on your mind all day is dildos.

183. All the hatred against the NSA is contemptible; I would be proud if my country had an intelligence agency as cool as the NSA. After all, what else is an intelligence agency supposed to do than gather information? Everyone does it, and you little maggots are outraged by the Americans because they are doing it better than everyone else. As for your privacy, no one gives a shit about it. You think we WANT to read about the inane ant-like existence that you call your life? Your correspondence makes us DEPRESSED. The only reason we are gathering it is because it's the best way to achieve our objective — not to protect you! but the interests of the nation! And YES, WE are the ones who determine the interests of the nation because we work for the NSA and you, fuckface, do not and never will (because you are a fuckface). Get it?

184. "True stories" means bad art. It is precisely what's not true in it that makes an artwork art.

185. There is no death, only life; and everything is life. What distinguishes the two is not a binary opposition but degrees of power. Power, however, as we've seen, is not something you take but something that you give, and death is the means by which you give it.

186. Baudrillard: "The world is not what we think, it is what thinks us in return" — gigantic, unforgivable mistakes until the very last moments of his life. For it is obvious that the world is what we think AND what thinks us in return TAKEN TOGETHER. The world is everything! How hard can that be to understand? But Baudrillard, like all the French, was never averse to sacrificing logic for the sake of a good soundbite, and like the rest of them he paid the price, which was to have his books riddled with nonsense. So his formulation sounds cooler than mine, I'll give him that much, only there's this little problem with it — that his formulation's STUPID. But all that needs to be said on the differences between me and him has already been said in The Gay Science §82.

187. Economist article on scientists trying to comprehend what is the use of religions. Tiny little men who hop around with calculators, trying to figure everything out with them. Zarathustra's last men, utterly barren spiritually, an alien race right out of a bad science fiction novel, no connection with humanity whatsoever. On the one side you've got women and fags with new-age pseudo-spirituality babble, on the other religious fanatics with millenia-old ridiculous beliefs, and on the other the microscientific flatheads and cabbage-heads who view belief as an equation to be solved and the entire past as an error. We are paying dearly for the failure of philosophers to take control of the masses and legislate education. The philosopher-king has been lacking ever since Plato imagined him. Why? But consider the requirements. He is an almost impossible being. A man with the body of Alexander and Nietzsche's brain. The Overman. Our God.

188. You are never closer to someone, than when you are fucking or killing them.

189. The seriousness with which the slaves regard the scenario of the assassination of their presidents would be hilarious if it weren't tragic, for it is precisely their presidents' complete and utter uselessness which would make such an eventuality a perfect non-event. To assassinate Hitler would be to assassinate the Third Reich, and so it has always been with leaders, who have always been unique and simply irreplaceable — but just ask yourselves what exactly would change if any given subhuman "leader" were assassinated today. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. For it is precisely the secret ultimate goal of the democratic movement to create a society that functions without a leader, ideally without leadership at all.
190. The entire evolutionary strategy of the subhuman is, quite literally, to bamboozle you with sound waves. Until you don't know which way is up. Until black is white and white is black. Until you'll gladly bend over and let him fuck you up the ass (it's called "redistribution"). Previous lifeforms used their limbs to get what they wanted; the subhuman can get by with just his mouth.

191. The neg does indeed work, at least in the short term. But as a long term strategy it's a terrible idea: obsessing about taking value away from others instead of bestowing it on them! As one of the more perceptive PUAs put it, "What are you going do, once she's your girlfriend, neg her every morning before getting out of bed?" Instead of spending your time lowering other people's value you should be building up your own. The truth of it can be seen by observing the highest-value men (or at least the kind of men which women regard as having the highest value — which, though there is overlap, is not quite the same thing) — celebrities of all kinds — who never need to neg: indeed, they never need to use any PUA tactic whatever (or who can even use the opposite of every tactic PUAs advocate and still get the girl, which proves that PUA tactics are ultimately only of value when used as smokescreens by low-value men). The highest value men do not need to spend a second thinking about women, since women naturally flock to them. They only spend time thinking about how to deal with other men — which, my dear PUAs, you should have realized by now, is where the real game's at.

192. "Power corrupts." Actually, weakness corrupts, power makes healthy. If you don't believe me just stop eating (food too is a form of power) and then take a look in the mirror after a week. That's what corruption looks like. Puffy cheeks and a well-stocked cellar are health.

193. How unfathomably degenerate the subhuman is can be seen from the fact that in order to help him catch a whiff of the true constitution of reality, you must instruct him to do such an utterly idiotic thing as to stop eating.

194. What is ultimately to be done about death, misfortune, etc.? A hypocritical question, since all your happiness has come from the unhappiness of others. You don't really care about what can be done about "death", "misfortune", etc., but only about YOUR death, YOUR misfortune, etc.; and whatever can indeed be done about them necessarily results in the increase of the death and the misfortune of countless others. So the answer to their question is "Go screw yourself you hypocritical subhuman scum", and what can be done about it is to stick a loaded gun to their fucking heads and pull the fucking trigger.

195. A newspaper's front page, full of insipid, wretched perspectives, or shallow celebrity spectacles and manufactured non-events — while the true triumphs of mankind (which at the highest levels are all intellectual) go utterly unnoticed and unpraised.

196. The beggar doesn't beg because he has no other choice — would he beg in the jungle? who would he beg? — he begs because YOU are around. It's a form of attack. He takes your highly developed sense of empathy and uses it against you. If the lifeforms around him were not so highly empathetic, he'd look for other ways of sustaining himself. The beggar then is feeding off your empathy, a strategy which even a starving jungle rat has too much self-respect to employ — he'd never stoop so low. And it's hypocritical to say that you pity beggars, since you create them by your actions. Wealth is a relative concept, after all. Hate seeing poor people? Then stop being rich. Stop "doing well". Better yet, just kill yourself — and make all the beggars happy.

197. The only genuinely interesting thing on the internet, ultimately, is theory.

198. The "consumer society" should have been called the "slave society", since there's nothing wrong with consuming, it is indeed the basis, the prerequisite, of all growth. Marx was at least healthy in focusing on production; Baudrillard's obsession with consumption is neurotic. Why not reduce it to zero and die of thirst in a few days, you fucking nihilistic little prick? Better yet just stop breathing; oxygen too is something that we consume.

199. Orwell disliked military parades, but even the worst of those seem like artistic masterpieces (as Leni Riefenstahl showed, to the eternal chagrin of the pseudo-intellectuals) compared to the sheer ugliness of a demonstrating mob. Demonstrations should be banned, if for no other reason, on purely aesthetic grounds. But there are other reasons too. The demonstrators are not brave enough to pick up weapons, nor intelligent enough to write down their complaints. If I were president I'd promise to read an essay written by the demonstrators' leaders. But to ACT on it? That decision would remain mine. What else did you elect me for? This is democracy: The 51 percent calls the shots and the president goes with them otherwise he doesn't get reelected. To care for the 49 percent who didn't vote for him is not only stupid, but anti-democratic: a betrayal of his constituents (and constituents too stupid to realize when they have been betrayed). NO DEMONSTRATOR HAS EVER HAD GROUNDS ON WHICH TO COMPLAIN. I will repeat it: demonstrations are anti-democratic; a vocal minority bullying the government to overlook and act against the wishes of the civilized majority (which has already expressed its wishes THROUGH THE BALLOT). It should be written into every constitution: demonstrations are illegal. Not to speak of throwing rocks at police officers. Merely to call them names is reason enough for prison time; any kind of assault on them for a death sentence handed down on the spot, Judge Dredd-style. Now that'd be cutting-edge democracy at work: the democracy of the future.

200. "Life's not fair" means: "I don't like myself" — and nothing more than that.

201. It is precisely because complaining pays, in every sense of the word, that it has become so popular. In the jungle there's no complaining precisely because no one pays attention to it. Our tendency to reward complaining has created more complainers. If we started punishing it instead, we'd end up with far less.

202. The subhuman is neither pessimist, nor idealist, nor nihilist, nor any other -ist. Plato was idealist. The subhuman is merely subhuman. That is to say he misinterpretes and misuses and abuses every term, but the only reality you'll find at the bottom of all his sayings and all his doings is no idea or ideology, but his extreme vulgarity.

203. True democracy has the same endgame as true anarchy: the end of control, which is to say of government. At which point we arrive once more, not at equality, but in the jungle, which is to say the very starting point of a new autocracy.

204. To govern is to control. The greater government therefore will be the one that controls more. It really is as simple as that and there is not the slightest room for doubt here. To object merely means to have not understood the definition of the word. That a particular government may decide that in a particular area it may be beneficient to allow its subjects some degree of freedom is not an objection to this proposition, since to ALLOW freedom in some area is also an aspect of control. A government, on the other hand, which has powers TAKEN AWAY FROM IT, is a weak, and therefore bad government. It makes all the difference in the world if the decision for the degree of freedom to be allowed is taken from government HQ or from the rabble.

205. In a society of slaves the only type of noble man remaining is the criminal.

206. Mistakes of the subhumans. They immediately interpret the idea of subjectivity as giving them free reign to support any viewpoint that they want, no matter how incoherent, ignorant and wretched. Sure, the ant too has its own perspective of things, and therefore its own subjective reality, but who gives a shit about the reality of an ant? The greater the man the greater — and hence the more objective — his perspective, and therefore the idea of subjectivity does not undermine the absolute rule of inequality in the universe but is precisely the mechanism by which it comes about.

207. One doesn't fight weaker creatures, one brushes them aside.

208. Wittgenstein basically wanted to shut up all talk of spirituality. This desire was at the heart of his involvement with philosophy. "Think what you want, but at least shut up about it and spare the rest of us of your asinine claptrap." No wonder he became the poster child of the spiritually barren Anglo-Saxons. But Baudrillard doesn't mention him even once.

209. Women, at least, have their priorities straight. No other creature in the land worships power as well as they do.

210. Alzheimer's convention in Love and Other Drugs. See how happy the convention makes her? "Life is beautiful", etc. If the entire species had Alzheimer's no one would be sad. I.e., their sadness is ressentiment. There's nothing wrong with Alzheimer's per se anymore than there is about us not being able to breathe underwater. It's just that very few people have it, and that's what makes them sad. But "misery loves company" is ressentiment. Real happiness does not require company. Indeed, at the highest levels it exists in near-complete solitude.

211. The worst place for ressentiment is on the internet. It's absolutely raging. Why? The intensified communication factor. The more you learn of those above you, the more it hurts. A man alone in a cave in the middle of nowhere would have no ressentiment — not the mental kind at any rate. Which goes to show why hermits of all ages chose to withdraw from worldly affairs and live in isolation.

212. To "unravel the mysteries of the universe" means: "to become the lifeform that ravels them".

213. There's no more flagrant demonstration of the ressentiment of the liberals than their obvious view of the entire past, not only man's, but all of nature's, as a mistake. Wars, conquerors, hierarchies, and even masculinity itself were all bad and evil, including all other animals (the jungle), and even the stars themselves for having the temerity to explode (it goes against "conservation" and respect for the environment) — never mind that without wars and hierarchies there'd be no civilization any more than without exploding stars there would be life. "The basest creature will see the domain of evil everywhere" (Nietzsche). Conversely, the highest creature would see no evil at all. The concept of evil would seem to it to be something ridiculous and absurd.

214. I can't think of a greater tragedy than to not be able to achieve, or at any rate at least to aim, for anything more. But that's precisely the one thing that's impossible in this game, and all its other rules are mere ramifications of this one. Baudrillard called it "The Intelligence of Evil", Reversibility, or simply Evil. Excuse me, master, but I can't think of a more apt name with which to baptize this state of affairs than Paradise.

215. Is the pen really mightier than the sword? Lichtenberg says the opposite ("A handful of soldiers is always better than a mouthful of arguments"), and then seems to change his mind again ("With a pen in my hand I have successfully stormed bulwarks from which others armed with swords have been repulsed"). The truth is that the two have different functions. They are not at odds, but rather complementary. The purpose of the pen is to put the swords in motion, and the purpose of the swords is to clear enough space so that the pen can have some peace and quiet to do its work. It's not an either/or situation; for best results you need both working together in harmony. Conversely, writings that don't lead to action (i.e. the pseudo-intellectuals') are worthless, and actions whose results are not evaluated by thought (i.e. those of the "practical men", the "pragmatists", and other Anglo-Saxons) end up shortsighted, misdirected and doomed to ultimate failure.

216. A: "At the end of the day, it's merely a theory." B: "But quantum mechanics is also 'merely a theory' and we make lazors with it."
  O subhumans! There's no higher thing ever accomplished by a human being than theory! What a mistake it was that my ancestors tried to teach you how to speak! You'd still be living in your caves without us and our "mere theories"!

217. The "Arab Spring". Proof of how stupid the Arabs are that they do not take offense at such a flagrant insult. They even use the term themselves. "Your whole history has been a bleak winter, and it is only when you deny your entire past and accept our decadent values that your spring can finally begin."

218. Placing yourself at risk is living, the rest is television.

219. "God sent us this difficulty to test us." And the subhumans aren't wrong. Considering how weak they are, and how by "God" they essentially mean "the rest of the universe", it is indeed the rest of the universe which "sent" them whatever they say was sent to them since it's stronger and takes the initiative, and it tests them for the same reason.

220. It is customary to bewail the condition of one who has "nothing left to live for". Personally, I find far more tragic the fate of him who has nothing left for which to die.

221. Hawking wants to "know the mind of God". But can a worm know YOUR mind? Even if you outright TOLD it what's in it, what would the worm understand? To know the mind of God you must be God! You must have, in other words, the right hardware. It is idiotic to talk about software when the hardware that can run it is lacking.

222. A decent article, at last, by The Economist, arguing that affirmative action is a bad thing. What they are essentially saying is that anti-racism is racist, but they are too dumb to grasp this, and too timid to say it even if they did somehow manage to grasp it. So you get hilarious flip-flopping that goes from, on the one hand claiming that "certain groups have suffered great injustices", while on the other coming to the conclusion that the best thing to do about it is nothing lol. And that is indeed the best thing to do, because revenge ("repairing the injustices!") is at best a highly inefficient and ultimately downright counterproductive way to improve your lot, which is precisely the insight expressed in the well-known adage that "the best revenge is living well" (which is to say the best revenge is no revenge at all).

223. And how can there be racism if there are no races?

224. Deleuze's "pluralism" is merely another name for perspectivism. He calls perspectivism "philosophy's greatest achievement". I.e. the hypothesis that others exist, that the philosopher is not alone, is philosophy's greatest achievement. Why is that? Because it is in this realization that the best way to manipulate the flux, i.e. "the others", lies. If you don't even believe that anyone else besides you exists (solipsists belong here) you can't very well manipulate them now can you! And believing that others exist means believing other viewpoints exist, i.e. viewpoints different from your own. The best way to increase your power, in other words, lies first of all in recognizing the same desire and capacity in others. But recognizing the existence and the will of the Other is not the same as submitting to it — which is what the subhumans are conflating with their false interpretation of the concept of pluralism — which they borrowed from the philosophers, and afterwards perverted.

225. When all you want to do is survive, you goal is life (your life is your goal). When you want to dominate, your goal includes your life. Life in this case becomes merely another tool, another pawn to be thrown in the game at the appropriate time. Only the latter approach can achieve something. To merely remain alive is not much of an achievement, even insects can manage that just fine.

226. The scientists' greatest goal would be "to create life". But if you give me a girl and nine months I can create life for you right now, without science's help. Therefore either the scientists are morons who've no idea what they are talking about, or what they are actually trying to create is far more complex and advanced than mere "life".

227. Philosophical books are the ultimate kind of self-help books, but philosophy is not for the kind of people who read self-help books.

228. The obsessive hatred, bordering on psychosis, against products — i.e. against man-made objects — seems to be the hallmark of the pseudo-intellectual today. Hatred of consumption, a problem which no sane, healthy person has ever had. As if food and clothes, as if eating or dressing were bad. Such is the pseudo-intellectual's craving to appear to be raging at something, that he will rage at life's basic necessities if need be.

229. It's always a bright and sunny day on planet earth, it's just a question of having enough elevation.

230. "Everything is subjective" means that everything can be perceived from a variety of perspectives — indeed an infinity of them — it doesn't mean that all perspectives are equal. From the plurality of subjects it by no means follows that all subjects are equal! But that is precisely what the subhumans contend. With a terrifying consistency they take the idea from the philosophers and utterly pervert it, until it comes to mean the exact opposite to what it meant at first. For if all viewpoints were indeed equal they would have to be identical! i.e. there would not be an infinity of viewpoints but only a single one! i.e. there would not be subjectivity! Subhumans: Standing Every Human Idea On Its Head Since The Invention Of Speech.

231. Schopenhauer: "The wise have always said the same things, and fools, who are the majority, have always done just the opposite."

232. Bacon versus Descartes. Descartes wants "absolute knowledge" — meaning absolute power — and that immediately. Bacon doubts the possibility of absolute knowledge, and settles for its gradual increase. And we all know who won by now, I hope?

233. Either you are interested in the work, in which case money is irrelevant, or you are interested in money, in which case the work is irrelevant. There is no middle ground here.

234. "Do you think people deserve a second chance?" — No, because there's no "second", no repetition; what comes next is always a new thing — and that's a good thing.

235. The most important thing in judging the grammatical validity of a sentence is how it sounds. If it doesn't SOUND good, it's wrong, even if all the grammarians in the world can find no fault with it. If it does sound good, on the other hand, a good writer will use it no matter what the grammarians might say, and they will have to modify their grammar afterwards to account for how he used it. Speaking comes first, even historically, and grammar much later, not the other way around, as Chomsky and his followers still seem unable to understand. Woe to the race of beings who waited for grammarians to invent a language before they began to talk! Woe to the child who must learn their rules before being allowed to open its mouth and say "mommy"! Language is a living thing, and what the Chomskyans are busy "analyzing" is so unreal it's not even dead. Theory comes AFTER action, not the other way around, and a priori knowledge of the kind which all philosophers (aside from our lord and master) have been hitherto fond of is no concept that can be grasped at all but a contradictio in adjecto.

236. A bunch of scruffy ruffians shouting incoherent slogans in the street is all it takes to get democratic politicians to modify their policies. Proof they don't really believe in them since they can't even be bothered to defend them. Meanwhile, dictators have actual backbone and behave far more admirably. Say what you will about them, but they at least are willing to fight for their beliefs, and to even kill or to be killed for them, if needed.

237. No democracy has ever been created out of love: out of love one creates kingdoms and empires. The inaugural act of despotism is to raise up (by creating the higher caste), that of democracy to pull down (by destroying it).

238. The glaring problem in Kierkegaard's philosophy, aside from its religious trappings, is its reliance on the leap of faith. There can be no "leaps" in the flux; all processes are continuous, and strength is accumulated little by little, step by step. "Leaps" are like miracles: the desire to get something out of nothing (i.e. without having to exert yourself). Desiring a LEAP is merely a symptom of being incapable of taking the next STEP.

239. True progress, in every single field, comes slowly. All good things — which is to say all genuine competence — from the most physical to the most spiritual, come slowly. The speed and suddenness with which money can come and go proves that it is something of little account and, when lost, easily replaceable.

240. They don't think, therefore they don't exist.

241. There's always a single concept to be found at the bottom of every philosopher's philosophy. With Heraclitus it's flux, with Schopenhauer will, with Stirner the ego, with Kierkegaard faith, with Nietzsche power, while with Baudrillard it's seduction and with me immersion. But what is the quest for power if not the way in which the immersed ego maximizes its influence in the flux by having faith in itself while following its seduced will? And I could easily add Plato's forms, Spinoza's Nature, Hegel's spirit, and all the rest. Hell, even Wittgenstein's silence (via way, perhaps, of Shakespeare) will have a place in my elaboration of the ultimate form of thinking by the time I am done. My masterstroke will be the inclusion of even all the abortive half-concepts and pseudo-concepts floating around in the swamp of the subhuman brain — they too will have a place in the grand scheme of things (though as befits the ideas of small, tiny creatures, theirs will naturally be a very small, very tiny place) — and all the rest, beyond that point, will be silence.

242. The meaning of rape, in our own species as well as in all others, is that the child is more important than the mother. And thus it is at last that even rape comes to receive God's sanction.

243. "Capital exploits me" means "I want to take from others without giving back", otherwise known as "the philosophy of gimme, gimme, gimme".

244. Why does James Bond never fail with women? (at least in the movies; he fails once or twice in the books, because the women are lesbians lol). A rash answer would be because that's what the artist glorifies: the ability to easily get women. But the artist also glorifies danger and action, and Bond regularly gets the shit kicked out of him and fails. He ultimately always succeeds, of course, but only after two hours of constant struggle and setbacks. And yet with women he succeeds almost immediately, without even trying, because what the artist is trying to say to you is, "Women sure are great, but ultimately unimportant. They are to be used and discarded like so many gadgets. The only things that are important, and consequently worth fighting for, are country, danger... and play."

245. In this sea of opinions most individuals seek for a rock to cling on to, while others are the rocks.

246. The "genetic lottery". As if any luck at all had been involved in all the sacrifices that a superior line has made. The aristocrats thought the opposite way, and luck was furthest from their minds when cold-bloodedly calculating the decisions that would shape the fortunes of their families. For them, it was all about breeding. "If you come from a good family you will be good, and seen clearly all good people come from good families" — this is what every last one of them believed in. Those who beg to differ and love pointing out exceptions (as if they disproved the rule) look only at an individual and his parents, myopically, as subhumans generally do. But take stock of the history of thirty generations, and it's all there. No room for "luck" there — it is not due to luck that humans run the planet today instead of porcupines, and if a porcupine says to itself "it was only due to bad luck that I wasn't born human", the humans can do no more than shake their heads and laugh at the porcupines' hilarious understanding of evolutionary biology.

247. The world of the intellect can be thought of as a pyramid built out of interconnected parts (the individual ideas). Complex, treacherous and multifaceted at the bottom — the labyrinth —; simpler and more straightforward the higher up you go. And at the top, quite naturally, there's nothing.

248. That no one apart from philosophers is really capable of understanding philosophy can be seen by considering how they teach it at the universities. Being unable to sort out what is right from wrong, they simply teach everything. Now imagine how things would fare with any of the sciences if they followed the same prescription, and the state of modern philosophy — and the public's utter disdain and ridicule of it — should not be that hard to understand and sympathize with.

249. Immortality is a bogus idea that only seems credible if one has a very primitive understanding of time. More specifically, if one thinks of time as an idealized dimension that exists apart from all the rest. But we know today that time and space are inextricably bound up, so to extend oneself infinitely in time would also mean to do the same in space, i.e. to crowd out all other lifeforms and destroy them, until the only lifeform, indeed the only thing (since all things are alive) left in the entire universe would be oneself! — "And why would this not be possible for someone like an Overman?", would at this point be a fair question. — Because "no player can be greater than the game itself" (Rollerball). Because "absolute power" is a contradictio in adjecto. Because The Intelligence of Evil wouldn't let him. Because "nothing has existence in itself, nothing exists except in dual, antagonistic exchange" (Baudrillard). Take your pick. All these expressions, and many more besides, state the same thing: the fundamental rule of the game. That there must be an opponent.
250. In Paradise there will be no thinking because thinking is an activity that presupposes flux, and flux presupposes conflict. But lack of conflict is Paradise's essential feature! therefore lack of flux, therefore lack of thinking. Therefore thinking beings will not be possible there. Which is why it was such a stroke of genius on the part of him who said that only the "poor in spirit" will inherit Paradise. Indeed!

251. Vernor Vinge is an utter imbecile and his idea of the "technological singularity" an absurd misunderstanding of the nature of reality and culture. But allow me to walk you through my thought process.
  First of all on "singularities". There's no question of a singularity actually occurring in the universe (and astrophysicists should take note here). A singularity would be something that doesn't flow, and in the universe either everything flows or nothing does — there can be no middle ground. You can't have some things flowing and others not. Perception itself is a form of flow, so if something didn't flow we wouldn't even be able to perceive it — or affect it in any way, and by that same token it wouldn't be able to affect us! So how can something that we can't affect and that can't affect us be part of the world? As far as we are concerned, that's precisely the definition of non-existence! — So whence does the concept of a singularity arise? Well, in mathematics you get a singularity when you try to divide by zero. But "zeros" are mathematical constructs that have no existence in reality. Things that are not can't be! You can't have fuckin' nothing isn't! The idea of the "nothing", of the "zero", was created by our distant ancestors when they looked in the air and saw "nothing". But today we can see stuff even in the air, and we know that even in the farthest reaches of space there are "things", and that a perfect vacuum is an impossibility.
  So that's that with the strict mathematical idea of a "singularity" — it's a ridiculous logical construct that has no bearing at all to what happens in reality.
  Now on the fear that "machines" may one day "take over" from "us". Who is this "us" supposed to be? Are you planning to live forever? Very well then, someone will take over from you no matter what. If, like a typical subhuman, you don't care about what happens after you check out, what difference does it make to you precisely who takes over? If, on the other hand, you do care, the question is not whether machines will take over or not, but only who is more capable of creating the sort of future that you envision. What sort of future do you envision? But this is a pointless question, since the sort of person who is afraid that "machines" might "take over" is the sort of person who doesn't care what happens after he's dead. On top of which, what difference does it make to you if machines take over? They may ALREADY have taken over as far as you are concerned, since you have precisely zero control over what happens in the current world order. Moreover, children are just as much man-made as machines, so it's not a question of "humans" versus "their machines", but of two different types of man-made things. So again the question is which of the two is more suitable for the creation and continuation of the sort of future one envisions. Moreover it's an ultimately pointless question because the successor will obviously be a hybrid of man and machine — a cyborg, a "cybernetic organism", defined as a being "with both organic and mechanical parts". Like me, for instance. Among a great many other things, I also happen to be a cyborg. I've worn prescription spectacles and contact lenses my whole life, and there's no way in hell I would have become what I am today without them. No way in hell I would have learned so many things (it's extremely tiring to read so much as a page with my natural eyesight), no way in hell I would have trained in so many sports and physical activities (I'd need a guide dog merely to cross the street), no way in hell I would have traveled so far, had so many adventures, met so many people, etc. etc. That is how I became the smartest lifeform in the known universe: by turning myself, with the help of technology, more or less into a machine. So like I said, MACHINES HAVE ALREADY TAKEN OVER, and the book you are reading right now was written by one of them. Now what kind of a "futurist" is this Vernor Vinge imbecile if he can't even grasp that?
  Moreover, he is not only an imbecile, but also a selfish, greedy wretch (like all futurists, by the way), when he warns us in such strident tones against the idea of SUCCESSION, to the point where it becomes his number one fear! Meanwhile, no real scientist or engineer has ever felt like that. Creative men do not think like that, they don't go "boo hoo I won't make this machine because it may blow up in my face or turn around and bite me in the ass" any more than a father refrains from having children because they may one day come to surpass him. FOR FUCK'S SAKE THAT'S PRECISELY WHAT THE FATHER WANTS. What bubble of complete isolation from the human condition has Vernor Vinge been spending his whole life in?
  So there's no dilemma here, no problem at all. The entire "singularity" hoopla is merely a hysteria created out of nothing by a person who's both scientifically and technologically ignorant, and psychologically base. There is nothing to discuss. If the cyborgs come to dominate THEN THEY DESERVE TO, and if they don't, then all our efforts in creating them will have FAILED. Vinge's "technological singularity" IS PRECISELY OUR MOST SACRED GOAL, OUR VISION FOR THE FUTURE — and if you have a problem with that our very first directive to them, when they come online, will be to crush you.

252. The fact is, most of the time I don't even feel like writing. There are so many other things I'd rather be doing with my time, so many things I enjoy far more than writing — even sleeping, after a long day of traveling, or of playing games and sports, or even of reading. I do have my moments, when I feel an urge to write and revel in it, but for the most part I write out of a sort of pity at the state of philosophy and general human understanding.

253. He who knows believes with a belief that the believer for his part simply finds unbelievable.

254. Once more on immortality. Let's put it this way: in order to travel in space you need to spend time. Everyone understands this. Well, conversely they should also understand that in order to travel in time you need to spend space. And since there's no such thing as "free space", since all space is taken up by things, and since moreover all things are alive, in order to travel in time you need to spend things, i.e. to CONSUME LIFEFORMS. So, want to see it to next week? You'll need to consume air, water, and some lifeforms. The further in time you want to make it, the more lifeforms you'll need to consume, and therefore to make it to "forever" (i.e. to become immortal) you'll need to consume ALL lifeforms. All water and oxygen in the universe, all organic matter, or energy if you want to think in terms of "artificial intelligences", machines and cyborgs. There's no way around this: what I am saying is merely conservation of energy applied to a finite spacetime environment. It is, moreover, common sense. Sorry futurists and transhumanists, but your idea of immortality is retarded. There's something other than disinterested scientific speculation that's hiding behind your frantic, desperate quest for it: a small quantum of power and consequent dissatisfaction with yourselves. But we'll get to that eventually.

255. On philosophy being an emergent property of the sciences. Neither Wittgenstein nor the scientists can grasp this. They cannot even grasp the concept of emergence, after all, how could they hope to grasp this?

256. The Israeli government is being accused of attacking, murdering, stealing, lying, etc., which is to say of performing the proper work of government. In a turn of world-historic irony only the Jews, the perennially stateless people among the powers of the Western world, still seem to remember how to govern. And why not attack the Arabs? Why not lie to them, steal from them and murder them? After all, one Jew is worth 10,000 Arabs. The only thing we can reproach the Jews with is that they haven't called on their American buddies to carpet-nuke the entire Middle East already. Just think of how much trouble we'd be spared if all those bearded retards and towelheads were exterminated (seriously, a towel for a hat in the middle of the desert? How much more proof do you need that they are retarded? Or full-body black dress? Is it supposed to be a compulsory weight-loss scheme for women?) Inbred illiterates. Just send the B-2s to clean the place up already and then ship in a bunch of Chinamen to dig up our oil for us, problem solved.

257. Does anyone remember the political parties, let alone individual politicians, of past centuries? While everyone remembers the conquerors and dictators just fine! That is how the slaves pay homage to those they supposedly revere — by entirely forgetting them...

258. Torrent sites are utterly flooded with rips of shitty Indian films. Hollywood makes 99% of the world's quality films and "Bollywood" makes something like 0.00001%, yet MORE THAN HALF of the latest screeners on any given torrent site are Indian. I have to keep scrolling past countless pages of such inimitable masterpieces as "Krrish 3", "Ivan Veramathiri", and "Aata Aarambam" until I find a proper movie. God help us when the standards of living of the billions of Indians and Chinese reach ours. Between them on one side, and the fags, the hipsters and the feminists on the other, we'd be lucky if we get a single decent movie a year at that point. I can hardly think of a better reason to try to MAINTAIN the current inequality than this.

259. All the best prophecies are, and have always been, the self-fulfilling ones.
260. On the "red pill", the "blue pill" and "unplugging from the matrix". The implication is that the matrix (i.e. modern society) is an evil machine constructed to exploit them and make them miserable. But how is it your employer's fault if you APPLIED for a job YOU DIDN'T WANT TO DO? And not only you applied for it, but you moved mountains to get it! You lied in your CV to maximize your chances of being hired, you lied TO YOUR EMPLOYER'S FACE that you would love to do the work. You even bought books and went to seminars designed to help you maximize your chances of duping your employer into hiring you. And so he hired you! He asked you to join his team! He brought you into his professional family. He believed that you loved the activity, and that it was your number 1 favorite thing in the world to do, and he TRUSTED you with a position which, for him, was integral to the success of his plans for the future. And you lying little maggot have the nerve to come back and blame the poor little business owner FOR BEING DECEIVED BY YOUR FUCKING LIES. I've said it once before: violence is the only answer. Concentration camps and gas chambers. Any of you fucking pricks continue lying, and we'll execute every motherfucking last one of you.

261. "So what, then, ultimately, is his position?" That you are all a bunch of fagets. A bunch of filthy, ugly, cowardly, lazy, uneducated, uncouth, lying, hypocritical, effeminate, dumb-as-a-rock fagets, and consequently not only deserve every last thing you are currently getting, but a whole lot more than that, which is precisely what you'll get when the time has come for me and my descendants to take over.

262. Through the microscope you can see the flux, through the telescope the Eternal Return. But the subhuman has no time for microscopes and telescopes, any more than for real books; "he works six days of the week", as Voltaire has bluntly put it, "and on the seventh goes to the inn". Try to keep that in mind next time you attempt to have a conversation with him.

263. The weak man sees God as something that's behind him, something that created him; the strong man as something that's ahead of him, something that he creates. And the average man, the spiritually barren scientific and quasi-scientific blockhead and cabbage-head, does not see God at all.

264. And all of them, of course, are right. The weak man sees God as something that's behind him because he's too weak and useless to contribute anything to his creation, the average man does not see God at all because he's too busy working among the gears and levers of the machine to see what the machine is for (or even to realize that there is one), and the strong man sees God as something that's ahead of him, something that he creates, because he's standing at the top of the machine directing everyone's efforts, and thus contributing the most, and hence commanding the best view.

265. In a game ressentiment can often be lacking simply because the loser can laugh defeat away by claiming to be playing just "for fun" (as if winning were "unfun" — but that's another story). Defeat here is not such a big deal precisely because games test only narrow aspects of our being, and no single game is sophisticated enough for its outcome to sufficiently define a person. But as the game grows to encompass more and more dimensions of life, it becomes increasingly harder to discount the shame of failure and the rising ressentiment by propping up your self-esteem by your success in activities outside the game. When the game finally reaches the level of the universe, ressentiment is unavoidable and automatic, having at last become equivalent with the concept of defeat. Any attempt to deny or rationalize away the ressentiment at that level, is merely a further symptom of ressentiment.

266. Nietzsche was such a lucid individual that even his madness letters make perfect sense.

267. Joseph Heller can't seem to wrap his head around the idea of war. "War is absurd" is the meaning of Catch-22; and indeed, in the individualist era it becomes impossible to understand the past, when the highest man is no longer the war hero but the actor pretending to be one, but who, if faced with a real gun, would run away screaming like a girl. Impossible for the slave to understand sacrifice. And naturally enough: his inability to sacrifice himself is the reason he became a slave in the first place. When the individual becomes his own agent and any kind of hierarchy, any kind of higher structure, is devalued, sacrifice becomes absurd. What would you sacrifice yourself for, when you yourself are your own end? To sacrifice yourself for yourself would be nonsensical, and that's why no one does it.

268. Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy, in his "Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World": "Two thousand three hundred and forty years ago, a council of Athenian Officers was summoned on the slope of one of the mountains that look over the plain of Marathon, on the eastern coast of Attica. The immediate subject of their meeting was to consider whether they should give battle to an enemy that lay encamped on the shore beneath them; but on the result of their deliberations depended, not merely the fate of two armies, but the whole future progress of human civilization." — Such passages, and the historical moments they describe, are utterly unintelligible to the slaves. They will even go as far as to contend that the culture that won, the culture that gave them everything, and to which they owe their very existence, is equal to the one that was defeated...

269. "But does he have his own ideas?" — My "own" ideas. This is how the subhuman sees ideas. But ideas are not like cars or houses. Ideas do not belong to anyone — they belong to EVERYONE who has understood them. Indeed, inasmuch as ideas preexist and outlive a person, it would be far more accurate to say that HE belongs to THEM.

270. Charitable people do not "give". Pure giving, as understood by the slaves, is pure fantasy — it doesn't actually occur. All the giving of subhumans is a disguised taking; he who gives, always, in one way or another, gets back far more than what he gave, and is therefore a net taker. The charitable people — all those wealthy actors and singers and industrialists, for instance — don't lose anything of value by giving a few millions here and there. They have so many that they don't know what to do with them. They couldn't spend them if they wanted to — these are obscene amounts of money we are talking about. What they need is a way to assuage the guilt and the bad conscience engendered by their success (since success in a slave society is something reprehensible) — something which is worth a great deal more to them than the useless millions they give away, for they suffer from this guilt and this bad conscience — they suffer to such an extent that they are having trouble enjoying what money they do spend in cruises, and on designer clothes, luxurious homes, fine dining, and in all kinds of hedonism and extravagant entertainment. Thus they give away some worthless pieces of paper — which are not even pieces of paper anymore, but more like points as in a videogame — in order to get — what else? — the same thing the pseudo-Christian gets at confession: absolution for their sins and the bad conscience that goes with them. Whereby they feel refreshed as if reborn, and can return to enjoying their mansions and fine dining with a clean conscience — all the while, of course, children STILL keep dying all over the world, wars and pestilences are STILL raging; while they themselves quietly retreat to their little gated communities and private islands to continue enjoying the dolce vita. "At least I did all I could", they say to themselves, and to each other, while they prepare to make yet another crappy song or film another worthless trash movie by which they will scam yet more billions out of the world's slave population, only to turn around a little later and give a little of it back, as I explained, in order to be able to fully enjoy the obscene amounts of money that they WON'T be giving back. And moreover, this giving which is really a ruthless and cunning taking (a taking masquerading as a giving), adds a new dimension to their lives, which makes them even more enjoyable than they already were — the competition amongst themselves over who will "give" more — or at any rate BE SEEN to "give" more, because ultimately the effects of this little enterprise are measured in the same way that success is generally measured in their professional line of work: by the amount of noise and press coverage it generates.

271. Formula for charity by Michael Corleone: "We must learn from the philanthropists like the Rockefellers — first you rob everybody, then you give to the poor."

272. HBD advocates say "there is no free will because your brain controls you". But my brain IS me. Like saying "there is no free will because you control you". I.e. there IS free will. Retards confused by wordplay.

273. The fact that there is not a single successful artwork — whether a novel, movie or videogame — depicting "utopian" conditions, proves that we, as mankind, DO NOT WANT THEM. The prevalence of so-called "dystopias" in art, on the other hand, proves what we really want — and where we're headed...

274. Martin Luther King Jr.: "We've learned to fly the air like birds, we've learned to swim the seas like fish, and yet we haven't learned to walk the Earth as brothers and sisters..." — How astonishingly naive would someone have to be to believe that this would be desirable? The bond of siblinghood only has value because of its rarity, after all, because of its uniqueness — ultimately because of the existence of strangers, our feelings towards which should be (and are) largely indifferent. To treat everyone as a brother and a sister means to abolish brotherhood and sisterhood, means to annihilate this special bond which can lend so much strength, so much happiness and nuance to human life. Besides which, it would be impossible, because a human being only has so much attention to devote to others, which spread out among seven billion people would amount to nothing. Calling for universal brotherhood is effectively the same as calling for universal hypocrisy (which is par for the course, of course, for an underprivileged liberal liar). If your sibling needs you you are supposed to drop everything and fly across the world to help them at the drop of a hat: how could you possibly do this if you have seven billion of them? And if you don't do this, aren't you obliged to ignore also your real siblings when they need you, so as not to offend your seven billion adopted ones, and make baby Martin Luther cry? Or are your real siblings more siblings than the adopted ones? In which case why not just cut the crap and call things by their names? Meaning that the real siblings would be your "siblings" and the adopted ones would be "strangers", which would bring us right back where we started, before you began pestering us with your asinine bullshit! — "Spiritual leaders", the herd calls them. In our language: retards and spiritual charlatans. So no, I don't want to be your brother because you are a stupid nigger who is not even worthy enough to pick my cotton for me. Now go fuck yourself.

275. "He is too rigid in his views to be an intellectual", the subhumans will keep insisting. But 2,500 years ago, Confucius already had their number: "Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change".

276. What would a prehistoric man make of our panic-stricken desire for "meaning", and our "transcendental" despair that runs the whole gamut of depressive feelings from melancholy to pessimism to nihilism? In our eyes the savage would be a poor wretch who'd been dealt an unfair starting point in this game by fate (so unfair that he'd never run the risk of being sufficiently comfortable in his life to have enough free time to despair of it), while in his eyes we would simply be stark raving lunatics.

277. What an amazing game this is, from which it's not even necessary for us to forcibly remove the bad players. The old, the weary, the resigned (we call them pessimists and nihilists) — they remove themselves.

278. What do subhumans mean when they speak of "nature"? The subhuman is incapable of grasping that he himself is a part of nature and thus everything he does will also be natural; that to transform one part of nature to something else will only be a transformation of one kind of nature to another. Technology they view as something anti-natural, yet bird's nests they see as natural. Man's home is anti-natural but the bird's is natural. One will find countless such little stupidities if one examines closely the subhuman's conception of nature. In the end, what the subhuman calls nature is something like a national park, a park in which all animals have been sedated, are constrained from preying on each other while being kept alive by concerned groups who are doing all their killing for them (or at any rate buying the food from other people who are doing their killing for them), have lost their instincts, and every last bit of dangerous behavior they might indulge in has been labeled with warning signs, whilst the entire thing has been hermetically sealed off from the rest of the universe and is being constantly scanned over by satellites and laser sensors, with giants robots ready to intervene at the whiff of the slightest anomaly in this extremely natural order of things. If the subhuman were to be left alone even for a few moments in a more natural nature — such as a pristine piece of African bush, for instance — he'd give himself a heart attack from nothing more than pure fear — and this kind of nature the subhuman would never want! What good is nature if one can't conduct regularly scheduled tours in it? Thus reasons the subhuman. What good is nature that is not exploitable? That is not picturesque? That is dangerous? — to the subhuman himself as well as to anything that dwells in it. — Nature is a concept as inaccessible to the subhuman as power.

279. And if one day women do end up being treated equally with "men" (which is to say with effeminate males and faggots) inside the slave society, what will that prove, if not that the interior constitution of a slave society is such that masculinity is not a useful quality there? — Something to think about on Women's Day.
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