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Full Version: Why do wholesome conservative men advertise their young daughters to anime pedophiles
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Do you have an example?
I was going to make a thread touching on this very topic in part but Old Bill here took the words out of my mouth with such a stunning OP.
So I will sketch some of my thoughts I have been thinking for a while. There's this category of right winger online I term the Apu Avi and they can be said to represent all the worst aspects of right wing thought not just in the now but for the past few centuries in my view.

I use Apu Avatar as a umbrella term for lumberjack posters ruralites Pagan Christian etc etc not just because this is a common avatar among them but it points I believe to the deeper issue with them. Their love of and the breathtaking amounts of ignorance they have.

They know just enough just a tiny amount about the world to go I never want to learn more again. They will form cargo cults they speak like babies they make "memes" all to ward off the reality they hate. This of course does not work in the example Billionaire denotes we can see quite clearly their incapability of reasoning leads them to behavior that is not just self defeating but disgusting and only helps the adversary's of all that is good. In such self defeat I see the reflection of the secret police of Europe's Old Regimes bungling any response to the conspiracies against them the 20th century conspiracy theorist who can point at every shadow but not get basic details or dates right or the modern provincial who smokes cigars and drinks moonshine because "thats what a MAN is right!". I hate all of these types.

I don't know how to express further this flaw of theirs how its not just a simple stupidity although such groups have that in spades. Not to say its unique to the right somehow or our ideas Communists up to this day express such failed logic in every shriek about hidden toxic masculinity today before moving to grab their unfortunate sons.
I have no idea what any of you are on about. Coal.

[User has been banned for this post]
I forget the name but there's obviously that one very prominent twitter character who's all about this. What I take from his weird exhibitionism is that he's constantly got to reaffirm the direction he's chosen for his life because he's not satisfied with it, has doubts or whatever. And he chooses to do so against the "anime pedophiles" because they're the ones who are making the most pointed criticisms of his life which must hurt the most. He's probably got anime pedophile critiques of his gay foomeler nerd-to-normalfag trans lifestyle playing in his head day and night. The daughters specifically are a concrete affirmation of his commitment to the life and a reminder of why he can't just up and try anything else anymore. I believe it's all done for himself.
If by wholesome conservatives we mean people like aspiring_peasant, braxton mccoy, or neil jew clark, then those aren't really apu avatars thoughever. >Inb4 that's only figurative, well, those people have, among other things, aversion to "cartoons," on the pretense of maturity, which means almost anything from anime to 4chan or sharty memes. What I want to say is that there is a line between pine emojis and blatant facefags like the people aforementioned and generally a word of caution re: semantic shift.
Where are these advertisements, exactly?
Here is my anime list resume.
I'm ready to pick up my mail order Trad Bride:tm: any time.


What is the difference between American liberals and conservatives?
The liberal wants his daughter to be gangbanged by niggers. The conservative wants one nigger to marry her and to start behaving himself.
Aidan Maclear Wrote:Everything a fertile woman does that is dumb and evil is a plea for a man to take possession of her.

Jim Wrote:In the ancestral environment, as today, male slaves don’t reproduce. Female slaves generally outreproduce free women. Thus the optimal strategy for a woman is to provoke until provocation results in enslavement...Feminist demands for emancipation ever escalate, no matter how extraordinary the privilege women are granted, because they are pushing for someone strong enough to master them.

I agree with everything Anthony has said regarding the 'psychology' or worldview of Neal J Clark. Further, I think deep down he knows we are correct. The decrepit old man in him wants desperately to be affirmed by the world around him and believe he made the right decision throughout his life, he did all the 'classic manly things' you're supposed to do: Wife, kids, and now some good old fashioned ruralite homesteading bullshit [or at least, acting as one, I'm not sure how authentic any of it is]. And at this point what else can he do? As was said, these decisions he made are like anchors around his neck. Even if he wanted to change, he can't. He's stuck. So even though he knows we are in a sense correct, there's no way he could admit this outright. This is the reason for him posting out ever more deranged takes, supposedly 'in defense' of his worldview, but ultimately doing nothing but undermining it. His purported worldview reeks of death. It's obvious.

So in a sense nealjclark might secretly want you to call bullshit on his narrative. In spirit he has became entirely emasculated, like a woman; he reacts the way he does because he wants you to strike at him and tear him down. And so why does he parade his daughters around like he does? Because, my dear Amarnites, he wants us to abduct them, and make them our own. Your war brides beckon.
(11-18-2022, 09:59 PM)Leverkühn Wrote: [ -> ]
Aidan Maclear Wrote:Everything a fertile woman does that is dumb and evil is a plea for a man to take possession of her.

Jim Wrote:In the ancestral environment, as today, male slaves don’t reproduce. Female slaves generally outreproduce free women. Thus the optimal strategy for a woman is to provoke until provocation results in enslavement...Feminist demands for emancipation ever escalate, no matter how extraordinary the privilege women are granted, because they are pushing for someone strong enough to master them.

So are they dumb or are they behaving optimally? I hate evopsych so much.


Better than marrying a liberal
All who are ethnic at heart cant help but to present themselves tail down to any dark triad pedo bad boys, they r simply in utter admiration and would want nothing more than to have their daughters (therefore their own spiritual souls) railed by the aformentioned handsome bad boys.