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(02-12-2023, 07:17 AM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with other Guest on pretty much everything.  The main focus should be protection of the first world, ideally a total partition.  The third world is useful as a slave class but you cannot allow the field nigger into the home, you don't shit where you eat, etc.

Once the partition is established who cares about the billions.  In antiquity the population of the America might as well have been billions, Greece would be great nonetheless and thats all that matters.

You must always care about the billions. This is why I support TNWD, as unlikely as it is. Call it a LARP, but if we're talking about BMD, I might as well share.

As long as they remain on this earth, they pose a threat to us, whether it be the eventual dilution of our blood, stealing our resources, occupying land we could use for purposes they couldn't imagine. They are a scourge upon mankind and a blight on society. They do not deserve to exist simply because their mothers shit them out. Suppose a government does come to power that manages to expel every nigger from our empire. What happens when it falls? Nothing lasts forever. Who's to say the new government doesn't choose (whether to atone for the Deportation or simply because I<3Nigger) to take in millions of migrants once again? Should we give up on the purity of our race and hope instead the shitskin hordes manage, for the first time in history, to achieve anything other than ignominy and failure as a culture?

The mere possibility for any future government to import any of these worthless savages to destroy our country is unacceptable; it is reason enough in my mind to stamp them out forever. Let the problems of any future Aryan government arise from within. There is no domestic issue I can fathom worse than niggers. It doesn't matter what kind of government comes to power; even a communist government populated entirely by Whites would still be relatively successful. I don't mean to bring nazbol shit into the discussion, but the USSR went from an agricultural backwater to a premier industrial power in a matter of decades. In a few years, Jacobin Revolutionary France harnessed nationalism and collectivism to turn the tide of what was a tremendously dire situation. (Those of you who disagree with me there, my point is this: imagine these societies trying to do the same with America's 13% among their population.) Half the population could turn gay and it still wouldn't be as awful as the country becoming <50% White within a quarter century--something lurking over our horizon right now.

The same applies to most other nonwhites. The reasons are similar, although I don't exactly care to put every Japanese to death the way I would every Tanzanian and Somali. We could compromise then. Blacks, however, are the literal fucking antichrist. I would gladly take upon myself this burden, such that my descendants don't have to worry about genociding anyone. Things change fast. America went from the nadir of its race relations to statues of nigger criminals being built and those of their White heroes, representing those who truly built the country and made it great, in less than 150 years. It is the only way to ensure the safety of our people forever after we are gone.

I leave you with this: Billions must die. Total Nigger Death.

(02-22-2023, 06:25 PM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-12-2023, 07:17 AM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with other Guest on pretty much everything.  The main focus should be protection of the first world, ideally a total partition.  The third world is useful as a slave class but you cannot allow the field nigger into the home, you don't shit where you eat, etc.

Once the partition is established who cares about the billions.  In antiquity the population of the America might as well have been billions, Greece would be great nonetheless and thats all that matters.

Things change fast. America went from the nadir of its race relations to statues of nigger criminals being built and those of their White heroes, representing those who truly built the country and made it great, in less than 150 years.

oh my apologies for the broken sentence here, though it should be clear what i meant. complete and utter damnatio memoriae, everything our ancestors held sacred must be destroyed and the new state religion will take its place in america and its vassals. we jail those who destroy statues of the criminal Floyd [our Lord], ostracise from society anyone with a mean word to say about him... exaltation of the most contemptible forms of life imaginable, Totaler Krieg gegen Schoenheit

the mere idea of my descendants having to endure this fucking nightmare is enough to motivate me to personally execute every nigger with a gunshot to the head, several times over, without remorse
(02-22-2023, 06:25 PM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]As long as they remain on this earth, they pose a threat to us, whether it be the eventual dilution of our blood, stealing our resources, occupying land we could use for purposes they couldn't imagine. They are a scourge upon mankind and a blight on society. They do not deserve to exist simply because their mothers shit them out. Suppose a government does come to power that manages to expel every nigger from our empire. What happens when it falls? Nothing lasts forever. Who's to say the new government doesn't choose (whether to atone for the Deportation or simply because I<3Nigger) to take in millions of migrants once again? Should we give up on the purity of our race and hope instead the shitskin hordes manage, for the first time in history, to achieve anything other than ignominy and failure as a culture?

there isn't the faintest risk of whites being exterminated by nonwhites through force, that much is clear. as such the threat will always be our own compassion leading to miscegenation, but what if miscegenation were a biological impossibility? then nonwhites would pose no more a threat to the race than do chimpanzees or gorillas. 

accelerated divergent speciation. think about it.


Specifically about TND

What’s would a Proper Administration of TND look like in America?

Nigger congregate in mass within the inner city and the South. These areas would be the main focus of TND. Niggers are infested with Venereal Diseases and are most likely Obese. Niggers can’t Work Together in Large Groups and thus at most would work as small gangs or as a mass  crowd without a leader. 

Niggers in the inner city are packed together unlike their rural cousins, Fish in a Barrel if you will. Actions containing Celerity would be effective here, RW Deathsquad on Humvees sent at midnight, aerial Strike over their location.

What about the Southern Jijaboo? Germ Warfare. Niggers are social animals, they need to congregate or they instantly become cowardly. If TND was to be Broadcast through media channels to the Southern Jijaboo he would no doubt seek to congregate with his fellow Niggers, with the Niggers weaker immune system he would fall to less deadly viruses.(Covid took more niggers for a reason) We release the Virus before the Portent Tidings of TND may reach his monkey ears. Southern Niggers would be harder to get because they could run and Hide and pose a long time menace to local populations. Rhodesia type search and Destroy units sent through out the south.

Can TND be Done without the State? Not to any satisfying extent.

What kind of State Control is Needed, Military, Martial law invoked.

The Greatest hinderance will be White who do not want to kill Niggers Among the Military and Those Civilian Whites who are Pro-Nigger and would let their Humanitarian Impulses intervene in Divine Justice.

What can be done? What is feasible towards this end? The Real Question becomes to What Extent do we need to Win? We need to win the Youth, not todays youth, but tomorrows. Gen-Alpha will be the Generation Used to Implement TND. 

Reading about Charles Manson Instilled in me the fact that the human Mind is pliable. Men by nature are violent, modern society dulls this Primordial Bloodlust that lies beneath the Surface. Morality needs the right conditions to manifest, without them it becomes in the Sensitive few a lost Inclination of some Vague Nebulous Passion we have not the words for.

Why is TND so needed? The Deepest Impulse of the Artist is Destruction and Creation, a blank canvas needs to be set before he may impose his Vision. Matter can’t be destroyed, only rearranged. The Black Canvas Turned Red so that True Morality may return. Had not my ancestors done the same, they came to this land and pushed the Red savage off so I could live peacefully. They did what they could, but now that duty once more has been given to us, so that we may make a future for our Progeny. Let us leave them an Idealistic world, Let Them find a New struggle to Endeavor toward.

What becomes the best way to influence the Youth? Manosphere: PUA, Incels. Niggers like Andrew Tate are Only Popular because they talk about PUA talking points. We should Focus on PUA and Incel pathways to “RedPill” the Youth.

We should Focus on Schools and try to destroy them Long Before we take power, they are an instrument of ZOG to Impose its Tyranny. School Reform, De-Schooling, their should be a massive movement of many different schools of School reform. This is very pertinent.

Mexicans, we should focus on deporting as many as we can, Trump offers a way to this. We need a large percent White Youth, none of these Mexicans may remain on American soil for this and should be Deported.

This is all that comes to mind right now, will add more later
I think germ warfare works. Eliminate AIDS medicine, or better yet engineer a type of disease that is an incurable death sentence that spreads in a manner conductive to degenerates (niggers and other undesirables) - you eliminate the bulk (actually, nearly all) without needing to get dirty hands.

Similar approach can be made for sand coons, rice niggers and so on and so forth, though in their case it would be akin to quick and sudden eugenic event instead of pan-ethnic death sentence.
I don't want ricevolk to die; I also don't think it's important that lots of people have to die. The white race has more important problems than nonwhites.
(03-13-2023, 10:05 AM)BillyONare Wrote: [ -> ]I don't want ricevolk to die; I also don't think it's important that lots of people have to die. The white race has more important problems than nonwhites.

I like "ricevolk". Fun word. And yes I don't like framing discussions around death and killing either. I believe that the restoration of serious and sensitive standards to the world is what matters. I'll embrace whatever the consequences of that are, but I know which part in all of this is my part.
Thread has a distinct lack of imagination. Sturmabteilung, friedkorp, and right-wing death squad LARPS are getting a bit pastiche.  

Why not something much easier?

[Image: ?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalifornia-times-brig...snap-image]

I propose nothing short of an all-you-can-drink - unlimited supply - supply of soda for every black man (and woman, too) in America. We can even think of it as a kind of reparations, and an assurance that no black child will ever grow hungry again. It doesn't matter where you go or where you are, one scan of the ole' EBT and you can fill a milkjug with the sweetest bubbly you've ever tasted. We need not stop there though: What of breaking new grounds - cornstarch-infusions, anyone?

Of course, we may need to jack up taxes on the soda consumption of whites to fund this endeavor - but racial justice knows no cost.
Someone should set up an index fund of the accumulative wealth of blax in amerika so when reparations happen I can short it and make it
A good proxy would be some mix of BBY, PBJ, VCSAX. I can't find an ETF specifically relating to the lower-end of predominantly black-consumed restaurant chains, though.
(03-15-2023, 06:46 AM)Zed Wrote: [ -> ]I propose nothing short of an all-you-can-drink - unlimited supply - supply of soda for every black man (and woman, too) in America. We can even think of it as a kind of reparations, and an assurance that no black child will ever grow hungry again. It doesn't matter where you go or where you are, one scan of the ole' EBT and you can fill a milkjug with the sweetest bubbly you've ever tasted. We need not stop there though: What of breaking new grounds - cornstarch-infusions, anyone?

Do “blacks”(Niggers) actually Drink soda. I have never seen one drinking soda and even imagining the notion becomes significantly more ludicrous. I think I have seen them drinking Gatorade but not carbonated stuff like Energy Drinks. Instead of Soda give them unlimited “pawwwaahhrade”. 

Did Flint Michigan(lead pipes) Actually have Negative Effects on the Niggers Drinking it? Their Naturally Low IQ seem to make any Actual Negative effects on them Negligible. Std ridden, Obese, Lead Poisoning, diet of only ZOGSLOP, and they Still manage to have Thirteen Children each. I Guess they naturally Function on the Bare minimum of Cognitive Ability so they do not need to retain the Health required for Greater thought or Emotional Capacity.


Bumping this thread since I think it's an interesting topic.
The BMDQ is, as the "Q" indicates, a question; "billions must die" is a statement, an if we turned this statement into a question, it becomes "Must billions die?"
I suspect that the sheer Malthusian problems of overpopulation mean that, whether it's deliberate or accidental, billions will die at some point, regardless of if they "must" or not. Other users pointed out that white countries could simply pull aid from Africa and the continent would be screwed, and I think they have a point.
As for the question of the survival of the White race, I don't think most other races pose that immediate of a threat. Africans, Middle Easterners, and Latin Americans don't have the best military records against Europeans, and the only reason immigration is a threat to the White race now is because of "our" governments letting migrants in. Perhaps the only non-White race that could pose a threat to a militarily competent racialist Europe (incl. her settler colonies) is the Chinese, and even then, they could simply be kept at bay.
WestsDarkestHour-tier arguments like "we must exterminate every Chink to stop animal abuse!" just aren't convincing to me.
I don't know enough to assess a US-specific TND.
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