Anime Convention Game (how Amarnites can find sexually compatible girls)
Heartiste Wrote:This is going to be my last substantive post on game, dating, women, etc. I’ve said what needs to be said on the topic and screening girls for marriage is a good endpiece to the subject. Aside from the answer key, which I still haven’t gotten around to because it bores me to write it up along with explanations, I am capping off my discourse on the WQ, though perhaps the zoology of human sexual dynamics will need some more attention down the line.

Also, I lied. Clickbait titles are fun but there’s actually a lot here.

I left my gf of three years a few months ago. We’d agreed we’d revisit the marriage and kids question once she graduated. (college, you can calm down Mr. Hansen) Which meant no, and I knew it meant no, but I do have a bit of a soft side, and I was really fond of her. So she graduated, and surprise, still no.* So I slipped back into my old habits. Ran through four girls in the following month. Which means I hit 50, I think. I stopped keeping count a long time ago cause it felt phaggy. But the last time, God himself tried to cockblock me. I didn’t take the hint, because I’m a horny shit and this chick was really hot, and fucked her anyway, and then He in His infinite wisdom took his revenge. Which didn’t cause any permanent damage, so in the end, I’m grateful He saw fit to personally interfere. Cause He usually doesn’t. But I’m taking it as a sign that He has plans for me, and they don’t involve womanizing.

So in the spirit of turning over a new leaf, some tips for screening out the sloots. Cause dating in modern times is like being a gold miner in California in 1848. Plenty of girls around, but they’re pretty much all whores. If you’re a good boy volcel, you might not be able to tell the difference between a girl you can handle and a really soiled one. So the first rule of thumb. Don’t date a woman your grandmother would call a whore. If you’re not sure, err on the side of “no”. Or have her meet your oldest living female relative. Old people really don’t give a fuck, your grandma will make her opinion known. “Never trust a woman with a flat chest” were my grandma’s words of wisdom, and for purely selfish reasons I choose to follow her advice.

Ideally you are going to want a virgin, but virgins are hard to come by. I do not trust a “religious” girl to be totally or even acceptably chaste these days unless I know her father and he vouches for her good behavior. I have popped six virgins, and none of them were good Christian girls raised in trad households, but I know several “good Christian girls” who think Sunday morning forgiveness is an excuse for Saturday night rodeo.
Remember when Roosh was gushing over Mennonite girls? I knew a Mennonite girl in college. As soon as she was away from her father’s watchful eye she ditched her long modest dress cut from a single cloth, bought dirt-cheap Walmart clothes with her scanty  pocket money, and started slutting it up. She never wore makeup and had bad skin from eating all the processed cafeteria crap instead of local grown. Her tacky lack of fashion sense was kind of endearing. Innocent, hell yeah, but still a whore.

There are no good girls. God took so long to send us his Son because in all that time He could not find a sinless girl to be His mother. There are no good girls. Even if I entertain the idea that there are modest angelic trad unicorns out there of impeccable moral purity… ye missed the boat, lad. Those girls, if they existed, all loyally married their high school sweethearts. But I also don’t want to imply that girls are all the same, because some are more marriageable than others.
Because marriage as practiced since at least the Early Bronze Age is illegal, and as Jim says, if your marriage is symmetrical and equal it is a gay marriage, your marriage will need to be covertly ancient in its dynamics. Inexperienced girls are easier to impose your will on and more likely to fall deeply and madly in love with you, and once her romantic love wears off, familial love of being one flesh takes its place and the habit of honoring and obeying you will be solidified.
Sex is a zoological phenomenon and the relations between man and woman are also a zoological phenomenon, pre-conscious and pre-verbal. Men evolved language to better cooperate with other men, and their daughters inherited this capacity and learned that they could use it to obfuscate their bad behavior, manipulate men, and compete with other women. A good relationship involves subtle, nonverbal communication as if you and your mate were apes that had no language. You do not show neediness, do not hover around her; you call her to you or you invade her space alternatively. This is subtle and intuitive and very hard to put into words. For example, a woman you own will want to please you and do things to make herself useful to you, and you should approve of and appreciate these things as if you are entitled to them without appearing grateful… this is a very fine line and it is something you need to feel out for yourself, but many things in relationships are like this.

I am immensely sexually entitled. I have seduced virgins before and I can do it again, and will make it permanent this time. The trouble is finding them. I have a keen radar for inexperienced girls because I have a keen radar for sluts, and I can tell the difference very quickly. At least as far as white girls go. Asian girls are very, very good at faking inexperience when they are really sluts, but I don’t like Asian girls very much anyway, and want kids who look like me, so no big loss. So I apply my radar, in the adult world, in the big city, and no surprise, no virgins at all. While in college there were quite a few of them.

Well, let me step back a bit. The most important part of this post is teaching you my radar so you can pick out sluts from inexperienced girls. The “thousand-cock stare” is well attested by the PUA cummunity [I’m leaving this typo in because it’s too funny to fix]. It is not just a minor or occasional feature of sluts but an ironclad natural law. All sluts have dead eyes and all women with dead eyes, eyes that don’t smile when she smiles, are sluts. And even better, this is a spectrum based on how many different men have used her as a self-warming fleshlight. A girl who has only slept with one man, even if he piped her out every night for five years straight, will not have the dead eyes and dead soul of a girl who had twelve short flings. This correlates directly to notch count, not number of copulations. Perhaps it is related to microchimerism, DNA from multiple different men being much worse for her than being microchimerized by any quantity of one man’s sperm, perhaps not. I had a three-year relationship with a virgin, and when I left her, her eyes had much the same life to them as at the beginning.

Anyway, I pay a great deal of attention to the life in a woman’s eyes as a direct indicator of her sexual history and state of her soul, but you might not, since most women today are sluts, and slut eyes will look like normal eyes to you. 
Thankfully, I love girls who exude an aura of inexperienced untapped sexual frustration, commonly referred to as femininity, they all have eyes that shine with a feminine joie-de-vivre, and when I seduce these girls, I find that they are literal hymen-intact virgins or have only had sex once or twice and obviously have no idea what to do. Genuine joie-de-vivre and eyes full of life are the first and most reliable signs that a girl is worth marrying, and I implore you to start noticing this. In most normal girls, this is happy and bubbly, in nerdy awkward girls this is shy and vulnerable, but either way, you will see their eyes sparkle when you tease them. So consider yourself lucky; I’ve sinned so you don’t have to, and acquired a knowledge that very, very few are privy to.

Dead slut eyes is a little bit different from “crazy eyes” (woman are medicate NOT allow). Crazy eyes are when the eyes of a woman, goes for men too, express a radically different emotion than the rest of her face. Easier to see in photographs. Literally cover the bottom half of a person’s face in a picture and you will be able to read the emotions in their eyes, which as the windows to the soul reflect what they are actually feeling at the moment. Oftentimes you will see fear, anger or hatred in a person who is otherwise smiling, and this revelation is often quite disgusting. Many sluts are also crazy, but some virgins are crazy, and thus have both the spark of youthful life and nutjob eyes that betray inner torment. Needless to say, stay away from crazy-eyed women, unless it is a type of crazy you are used to handling. Because all women are insane by male standards, find a type of crazy that you don’t mind mastering.

For example, manic girls piss me off to no end and I hate dealing with them, but depressive girls I find quite easy to deal with, as I can just be a pillar of silent strength she can cling to, most often literally, and if she goes off somewhere alone to cry, more blessed time to myself.

If you are in your twenties, aim for late teens and early twenties, and if you are in your thirties or later, aim for women in their late twenties. If you are in your teens, not yet of legal age, aim for the youngest fertile girls you are legally able to date. Unless you are above 50, don’t be looking to marry women over 30. Unless your game is immaculate, will not be scoring early twenties or late teens if you’re above 30, will probably have to settle for lightly-used goods. If you have to settle for lightly-used good past 25, make sure she has a history of long relationships and not a history of “being single”. Women lie about this, so trust the eye test.

One trick is to marry down in attractiveness. Personally, the prospect of a hot wife doesn’t excite me all that much; since I’ve slept with models and heiresses and nymphomaniac demon-possessed sluts, any woman I marry will be less exciting in bed than the best I’ve had, since I’m definitely not marrying a model, stripper, or succubus incarnate, though if I could get away with handcuffing the latter to a tether that ran between my bedroom and my kitchen and throwing away the key I would certainly consider it. Yeah, it was that good, Lord preserve me. But anyway, if you marry down enough, your wife will still get hit on, but she will generally not get hit on by men more alpha than you, and that makes all the difference.

There is always a man higher-status than you in female eyes, and always the risk of infidelity, but if you manage your milieu, you mitigate that risk. If you put me in a room with other bikers, chances are I’m not the chaddest biker in the room, but put me in a room full of nerds, (and I do kind of belong there too, given some of my hobbies) I am always the chaddest nerd in the room. You could put me in a comic convention with 20,000 attendees and I would still be the chaddest nerd there, and the girls I got laid with meeting through nerd hobbies were always hotter than the girls I got laid with doing chad hobbies, and slightly hotter than the strangers I picked up in bars and on the street.

So I am angling for a wife who keeps nerdy social circles and has nerdy hobbies, because I have good claim to be one of the highest-status men on earth (the way women see status) among nerds. I am a natural, a bona-fide asshole with a heart of gold. Trouble is, I am only a natural with girls in my general IQ range, like anyone is, and I’m far enough right on the bell curve that the number of women in my IQ bracket is near-zero. When I meet these girls, I don’t need to think about game; I talk to them and come on to them and they fall into my bed, which would make my marriage very easy and drama-free if I manage to find a decent one, but I’m not betting on it. I need to think about game and consciously perform it with the vast majority of girls out there, but no biggie, since I’m used to it.

I don’t believe in meeting girls in bars anymore. Bars are an awful place for pickup unless you know the bartender, tip him well, and have him treat you as high status. In a bar, the bartender is the alpha male, and women want to fuck him because other men are looking at him and clamoring for his attention. Bars are an okay place for a first date, because you can get a table, carefully selecting one where she cannot see a crowd of people fighting for the bartender’s attention, and go up to get drinks yourself, so that she cannot see you acting low-status for the bartender. I personally prefer cheap, exciting first dates in which we do something somewhat physical and active so I can test her for submissiveness and compliance. An old standby of mine is drinking on the beach at night and swimming, usually skinny-dipping, in the black water. It’s never failed me in getting laid, and now that I’m volcel, can get very close to fucking her before I drop the “sex is for marriage” bomb. And you should make her want what she can’t have. There’s a big difference between a man who can’t fuck and a man who won’t fuck.

Even now that I am screening girls for marriage, I prefer to affect an attitude of cavalier playboy nonjudgementalism, because it is very effective at getting a girl to open up about her sexual history and be relatively honest with you, though nowadays it will also make me screen her right out if too slutty, to the point of leaving an establishment through the back door during a “bathroom break”. I do not need a virgin wife, because once a girl with one or two ex-boyfriends gets a taste of me, the ex becomes a sexless worm in her eyes. But you may need one if you are less experienced yourself, because it’s likely you will need her mad and powerful first love as a crutch until you learn how to handle her.

So where do virgins hang out? Virgins aren’t innately purer, they are just as horny, they just haven’t been gotten to by a sufficiently alpha male yet. So how do you be the first? Well, most of the virgins I knew tended to hang around low-status men, and I mean in female eyes of course. I really need a word for male status through the eyes of women, and a different word for male status in the male hierarchy. Conflating the two causes much error, stemming from the purple pill and causing the purple pill in turn. But I digress. Most of the verified virgins I knew were nerdy girls, raised in nerdy families. Smart girls with Stacy hobbies all got popped in eighth grade by the high school lacrosse team; this isn’t about smarts, it’s about subculture. Gamers, sci-fi conventions, actual LARP, DnD, MTG… you’re more likely to find a virgin frequenting venues of nerdy hobbies than you are in a church. Yes, we live in a world of bitter irony.

Of course there are virgins in church, too, but if the church is cucked, the girls get fucked. Even if the church is trad, the girls may go bad. Remember the Mennonite I told you about. I don’t even remember her name, but keep her in mind. You have a very short window between religious girls leaving their fathers’ houses and them getting popped. Girls who live at home do not fuck as often, no matter their age, so if your church has marriageable young women who attend with their families, make friends with the patriarch, as an equal without treating him as higher status, and he will likely be wanting to marry off his daughter, and you may end up with the opportunity to court her. But if the father is a white knight, I feel no reservations about being a sneaky fucker, and it is much more exciting for the daughter to be eloping with a man her father disapproves of.

I will also caution you that many girls who remain virgin for longer than the usual age these days often experience some kind of sexual dysfunction, either claiming to be “lesbians”, or “asexual”, or “genderfluid”, or some such nonsense. This is caused by the fact that Chad never came on to them, and plenty of low-status men did, so they associated a Pavlovian disgust with men and male sexuality, and began to favor their inherent attraction to females, which all girls have. But they act like normal girls, they respond to game like normal girls, and they fuck like normal girls, and oftentimes they forget about all the identity nonsense once shacked up with Chad. Of course, the very crazy ones are usually especially ugly or unpleasant, so only pursue this type of girl if it has the whiff of a shit test and not of real insanity.

I have found that I can get girls in my bed far faster than the PUA consensus feels is reasonable, so I have a feeling you can get a girl into a serious relationship and marriage far faster than anyone thinks is possible. Pre-rational and pre-verbal. I think I may marry very impulsively. But this is not an easy thing to test out. I do carry a ring with me everywhere. A cheap one, but it has sentimental value. If I do end up putting this ring on the finger of a girl I barely know, wed and bred in the space of a week, my readers will certainly hear about it. Of course we will have the marriage blessed in a church, and celebrated with a big party, but the sacrament of marriage was given to the husband, not the Church. 
Adam’s marriage to Eve was sacramental, created by God perhaps, but Adam’s sons had valid marriages before there were priests, therefore the sacrament of marriage was given to all men to perform. And of course the dynamics of your marriage will need to be quietly and secretly ancient, but I am quite whitepilled about this. Maybe not easy, but nowhere close to impossible.
*I know what you’re thinking. I was planning on intentionally accidentally impregnating her but she got the jump on me and had a copper rod inserted into her uterus to kill my sperm. Clever girl, she knew me too well. Not wanting kids was probably a shit test, and if I married her she would have come around to it eventually, but I’m not going to wait or take that chance. I want eight kids, and I am going to have eight kids. Sadly, cannot abduct her, cannot coerce her into marriage like the good old days, legally not allowed to pass the shit test the way she needs me to pass it, so I must dump them instead.

[Image: tohsaka2.jpg]
This guy is (LARPing as) a serious predator. Very evil. This is what breaks societies apart.

This is the equivalent of a guy who likes burning down people's houses but has been running out of houses to burn down, so he writes up a guide on how to look for undestroyed homes so that they may be found and burnt. This is all just happening inside his head, but it's a diseased way of looking at things.

The way he writes is very funny. He watches too many movies probably.
FlyWithYou Wrote:This guy is (LARPing as) a serious predator. Very evil. This is what breaks societies apart.

This is the equivalent of a guy who likes burning down people's houses but has been running out of houses to burn down, so he writes up a guide on how to look for undestroyed homes so that they may be found and burnt. This is all just happening inside his head, but it's a diseased way of looking at things.
[Image: soyjak.jpg]
(02-19-2024, 06:36 PM)FlyWithYou Wrote: This guy is (LARPing as) a serious predator. Very evil. This is what breaks societies apart.

This is the equivalent of a guy who likes burning down people's houses but has been running out of houses to burn down, so he writes up a guide on how to look for undestroyed homes so that they may be found and burnt. This is all just happening inside his head, but it's a diseased way of looking at things.

The way he writes is very funny. He watches too many movies probably.

It's not what breaks societies apart, it's just a pretty good method for finding someone worthwhile now that society has already been torn apart.
Gentlemanly courtship will unfortunately get you nowhere in our present day.
As for the crazy/unsuitable girls he talks about?
Man suffers because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun
ourokouros Wrote:
FlyWithYou Wrote:This guy is (LARPing as) a serious predator. Very evil. This is what breaks societies apart.

This is the equivalent of a guy who likes burning down people's houses but has been running out of houses to burn down, so he writes up a guide on how to look for undestroyed homes so that they may be found and burnt. This is all just happening inside his head, but it's a diseased way of looking at things.

The way he writes is very funny. He watches too many movies probably.

It's not what breaks societies apart, it's just a pretty good method for finding someone worthwhile now that society has already been torn apart.
Gentlemanly courtship will unfortunately get you nowhere in our present day.
As for the crazy/unsuitable girls he talks about?
Man suffers because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun

The promise of an opportunity to rub up against a woman isn't enough to get me to start acting like a savage.
FlyWithYou Wrote:The promise of an opportunity to rub up against a woman isn't enough to get me to start acting like a savage.

Sometimes savagery is necessary in the art of love, read d'Annunzio. Or better yet, go to the source and read Ovid, the stuff Heartiste says is nothing new, merely an adaptation for the present day
ourokouros Wrote:
FlyWithYou Wrote:The promise of an opportunity to rub up against a woman isn't enough to get me to start acting like a savage.

Sometimes savagery is necessary in the art of love, read d'Annunzio. Or better yet, go to the source and read Ovid, the stuff Heartiste says is nothing new, merely an adaptation for the present day

Sometimes savagery is necessary in the "art" of robbing banks. I'm not interested in either of these games.
FlyWithYou Wrote:Sometimes savagery is necessary in the "art" of robbing banks. I'm not interested in either of these games.
Oh no, not poor Mr. Shekelstein's bank, I'd rather work a gruelling 9 to 5 for life than do one good heist and then live a piratical, free life thereafter!
ourokouros Wrote:
FlyWithYou Wrote:Sometimes savagery is necessary in the "art" of robbing banks. I'm not interested in either of these games.
Oh no, not poor Mr. Shekelstein's bank, I'd rather work a gruelling 9 to 5 for life than do one good heist and then live a piratical, free life thereafter!

You don't know anything about what you're talking about.
FlyWithYou Wrote:You don't know anything about what you're talking about.

Enlighten me then, dear moralfagging hall monitor
ourokouros Wrote:
FlyWithYou Wrote:You don't know anything about what you're talking about.

Enlighten me then, dear moralfagging hall monitor

Sweet things don't come out of nowhere. Go ahead and try to make a good rigorous argument for why it's wise to cheat your fellow citizens, you Boomer-esque freeloader. Bonus points if your argument can't be found coming out of Thrasymachus' 2000 year old mouth in the second book of Republic.
FlyWithYou Wrote:Sweet things don't come out of nowhere. Go ahead and try to make a good rigorous argument for why it's wise to cheat your fellow citizens, you Boomer-esque freeloader. Bonus points if your argument can't be found coming out of Thrasymachus' 2000 year old mouth in the second book of Republic.

There are no more sweet things in the form of women except maybe in uncontacted Amazonian tribes. Robbing a bank is not cheating your citizens. As for freeloading, I am not, but in the lowerworld we currently inhabit there are few things more noble than someone who figures out a way to grift the system, allowing him to focus on higher pursuits. 

As for your last sentence, you should realise that the Greeks essentially solved the mysteries of life and soul 2000 years ago, all we've done since is live in their shadow. Why should I look for arguments elsewhere?
ourokouros Wrote:As for freeloading, I am not, but in the lowerworld we currently inhabit there are few things more noble than someone who figures out a way to grift the system, allowing him to focus on higher pursuits.

Gnostic detected, opinion rejected.™

ourokouros Wrote:As for your last sentence, you should realise that the Greeks essentially solved the mysteries of life and soul 2000 years ago, all we've done since is live in their shadow. Why should I look for arguments elsewhere?

>the Greeks
Which Greeks? You can't agree with all of them. If you agree with Thrasymachus then apparently you haven't read the book I'm talking about.
FlyWithYou Wrote:
ourokouros Wrote:As for freeloading, I am not, but in the lowerworld we currently inhabit there are few things more noble than someone who figures out a way to grift the system, allowing him to focus on higher pursuits.

Gnostic detected, opinion rejected.™

ourokouros Wrote:As for your last sentence, you should realise that the Greeks essentially solved the mysteries of life and soul 2000 years ago, all we've done since is live in their shadow. Why should I look for arguments elsewhere?

>the Greeks
Which Greeks? You can't agree with all of them. If you agree with Thrasymachus then apparently you haven't read the book I'm talking about.

I'm not a gnostic. As for which Greek philosophers, I'm primarily a fan of Epicurus
(02-19-2024, 06:36 PM)FlyWithYou Wrote: This is the equivalent of a guy who likes burning down people's houses but has been running out of houses to burn down, so he writes up a guide on how to look for undestroyed homes so that they may be found and burnt. This is all just happening inside his head, but it's a diseased way of looking at things.

Seems like a bad analogy. Females burn their own houses down. I think it's a quite honest way of looking at the State of Woman.

(02-20-2024, 04:52 AM)ourokouros Wrote: Oh no, not poor Mr. Shekelstein's bank, I'd rather work a gruelling 9 to 5 for life than do one good heist and then live a piratical, free life thereafter!

I saw The Place Beyond the Pines. Gosling dies and then a black guy raises his castizo son, and American Sniper's son is a guido wigger. Bleak.
[Image: JBqHIg7.jpeg]
Let me alone to recover a little, before I go whence I shall not return

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