Dissident approach to child rearing
Ideally servants should handle the mundane stuff so you can remain this cool, distant, godlike presence.
(01-26-2023, 10:22 PM)anthony Wrote: Ideally servants should handle the mundane stuff so you can remain this cool, distant, godlike presence.
This was talked about in Rise of the Meritocracy.
The #logical reason to have children is to make sure there are people around to manage the construction of the statues of Amarna members in 2060

(01-26-2023, 12:09 PM)Starn Wrote: I've seen it repeated many times in many places that having kids pacifies you. Which makes logical sense, one won't want to take risks when one's descendants are relying on him. Most men would do so, so it's a valid point to raise.

This is arguably the problem with modern fatherhood. 99% of the time you're forced to submit to the wife or the extended family or the sheer economic and social pressure of having to care for a child. The spiritually broken ZOGdad is the natural result of a society that ensnares men into betabuxing for a whorewife and future whoredaughter. This is why the only time the equation for men works is when a father is given Total Control over the family unit— anything else is a vagina-shaped trap for a young man to fall into.
(01-27-2023, 06:09 PM)Datacop Wrote: The #logical reason to have children is to make sure there are people around to manage the construction of the statues of Amarna members in 2060
[Image: base_14140777.jpg]

Holo-ghosts of the founders of the city-state Amarna attacking deformed subhuman libtard invaders who wish to extirpate the last traces of the Faustian spirit.

Bad Ending
(09-22-2022, 04:52 AM)Hamamelis Wrote: Diapers are seen as an absolute necessity for child rearing, but they are completely optional. It will not be more work to raise the child without them, and they have many drawbacks that can thus be removed. For the child, the diaper is an obstacle to movement, and it will achieve milestones in motor development faster without them. This also means more muscular development, which is generally beneficial. For the parents, diapers are an expense that can weigh heavy on your budget. 

Prams (and other movement restrictors like cages, leashes) are simply ways to retard your child. If your child cannot walk, the mother should carry it (fathers as well, will be more common the older the toddler becomes). As soon as your child can walk, it should walk as often as possible. If you find this slows your movement, calculate more time - rather than strapping your kid into a glorified wheelchair. This is maybe my biggest gripe, when I see children who are old enough to run put into a pram, I weep for humanity.

I think the stroller application is more for when the child inevitably tires and you're still out and about. At least, that's how I remember a stroller being used on me.

This is more of an applicative question, I agree with everything you've said, but how exactly do you raise a child without diapers without getting shitty poopy all over my house?
Man wants so blatantly to be away on a hunt with his party, or off to war, only to return when appropriate, back to his nesting wife, who has longed for him, and is thus committed to servicing him! This is the basis of man-woman relations - a natural, vital yearning for one another, due to the separation necessitated by keeping steadfast to your respective duties. Your company to one another should feel like a reward. So much of what makes the modern state of male-female relations so crushing - the inhabiting of slavish quarters, existing in tandem with your wife, day-after-day, smelling each other's STINK - is because of overexposure to one another! Romance turns to agitation, which turns to nagging, arguing, divorce, to which modern man has no recourse, because he has been stripped of all influence within his society. Read Sexual Utopia in Power.


Nothing is more repulsive than seeing how a woman lives - they are disgusting! BAP is right to invoke Schopenhauer when he writes about man being blinded by lust when he attempts to consider the aesthetic merits of women: they drip, ooze, and bleed from every orifice, and they try to convince you otherwise by masking the resulting stench with cinnamon-soy candles! Have you ever watched your girlfriend scarf down a bowl of pasta?! Nothing is more ruinous to your perception of a woman than seeing her bathroom trash can after you just finished fucking her. The reality of women is laid bare "post-nut".

Arrangements must be made where the father can still hold sufficient influence over the trajectory of his offspring, whilst maintaining a level amount of separation from the mother. Marriage as an institution has failed. Man and woman should only be spending a week or two out of the month together, with boys receiving more attention from the father than the mother, and vice-versa for girls. It is not child-rearing itself that causes pacification, nor is pacification a necessity for child-rearing: most people just lack the courage to do it differently - to do it right.

This is different from divorce, by the way, because divorce is a loveless arrangement, and children are able to intuit the tension - the lack of passion - between parents, which is what leads to feelings of insecurity. What I am describing would result in a higher baseline amount of intimacy, which the children would be privy to, and would feel secured by it.
(01-26-2023, 12:29 PM)parsifal Wrote: i think it would be a very exciting childhood to be raised by a globetrotting amarnite polymath.

Done correctly, it creates a very erudite, but detached child except based, kind of like a Jew, but good
(01-25-2023, 08:33 AM)Guest Wrote: I've had the notion, before, of not having children at all. 

I think you should not have children for some weird ulterior motive, like trad politics. Apart from that, I would encourage it greatly. It's a Faustian deal, high physical risk for high metaphysical reward. 

(01-28-2023, 09:56 AM)Datacop Wrote: I think the stroller application is more for when the child inevitably tires and you're still out and about. At least, that's how I remember a stroller being used on me.

This is more of an applicative question, I agree with everything you've said, but how exactly do you raise a child without diapers without getting shitty poopy all over my house?

You can carry a child, they're not heavy. Strollers have become the clearest visual indicator of zogged parents to me.

To avoid diapers, the mother needs to hold the baby over the toilet do defecate from the start. It requires a manner of parenting where you don't put your child into a room and leave it alone, and it requires some maternal attention and sensitivity. I have seen it fail for the deracinated eco-lib suburban mother who gives her baby into daycare at 6 months to work part-time in an MS Excel job.

(01-28-2023, 01:48 PM)Guest Wrote: So much of what makes the modern state of male-female relations so crushing - the inhabiting of slavish quarters, existing in tandem with your wife, day-after-day, smelling each other's STINK - is because of overexposure to one another! Romance turns to agitation, which turns to nagging, arguing, divorce, ...

Nothing is more repulsive than seeing how a woman lives - they are disgusting!

This is correct and well-put. You will likely have to compromise on your ideals to make this work, unless you are very wealthy (which I am decidedly not). I have a good arrangement, I think, but I have done more housework and childcare than I might have inititally hoped. You can always find better or worse ways to do this. Your hot girlfriend will become a mother, it's a fundamentally practical and animalistic process, and the higher quality she is as a mother, the more likely she will try to make you her workhorse for her offspring's welfare. The fabled longhouse will feel painfully real when your wife complains to your mother about your unwillingness to do dishes. You will have to prove your worth as a man in some sort of cooperative antagonism. I will admit that I enjoy this part of family life, to some extent: we are at a frontier. No men before us had to figure out how to be fathers in face of post-modern womanhood, and we will clear a path into this thicket for those who come after us.

This is of course a bit of grandiose exaggeration for what amounts grooming your wife into exercising, and using basic PUA technique to avoid marital arguments, but still. Boomers failed here, and we can make it right.
the obvious solution is to marry a lib
if what you want is a partner who lets you go off and be a "cool, distant, godlike" international hedonist while she stays at home you're not going to get that from a trad, corn-fed wyoming cowgirl; you WILL need to impregnate a girl with a septum piercing - can't have your cake and eat it, too
I don’t think I follow, also why give your child the eternal shame of being born to a whore?
(01-31-2023, 07:07 AM)Guest Wrote: if what you want is a partner who lets you go off and be a "cool, distant, godlike" international hedonist while she stays at home you're not going to get that from a trad, corn-fed wyoming cowgirl; you WILL need to impregnate a girl with a septum piercing - can't have your cake and eat it, too

Utterly retarded, if you pump & dump a lib she's going to raise your son a resentful man-hater. Women like that ruin children for run if left alone. The reason the distant erudite father doesn't typically work anymore is that, when not being managed by a man, a woman is left amongst other women, probably their SLUT era friends, who want nothing more than to poison her against men. This is one of the biggest problems with single motherhood too btw. A marrying some "septum piercing" SLUT and then leaving her to raise your child is like leaving your infant son in a wolves den (A wolf might at least raise him Romulus & Remus style, though).

The way to attain the Godlike Amarnite Father is to marry the "trad corn-fed Wyoming cowgirl" and then take some job that requires you to be gone for long periods of time. Consider this: if the problem with single motherhood was solely that a female was doing all the childrearing, you would expect children of fathers who take seasonal work like those in the military or on oil rigs to end up similar to those raised by single fathers, but that's not what happens. Despite being raised almost exclusively by the mother, the kids of most of those families (exceptions apply) end up fine because even without the father present, the demographics of these jobs heavily leans White & Southern, where the family unit is still relatively patriarchal. When the father comes home from his time away, he should be greeted with the open seat of the Man of the House, if one marries a lib you get a house is disarray and kids who hate him. Getting a GF who still believes that a man is the head of the house is a whole other issue, but the idea that a libtarded whore would be better than a tradwyfe? Wrong and Coal and Gay.
pure fantasy. nobody is worse, cheats more, than the spoiled rotten daddy's girl who feels she is entitled to everything and more. no, no, no - me? i want "daddy issues": a progressive girl of good stock who wants nothing more than to latch herself onto her man. you want a girl with self-esteem issues - put a baby into her and she'll love you forever. if "roasties" are your concern, then you're not looking in the right spots - the modest midwestern girl gets ran through just as much. going after the wheat field girl named "courtney" is precisely how you get #longhoused
If you are working long hour in the military or oil rigs it seems that you get cuckolded or otherwise disrespected. I think it is easiest to have some presence near your wife and kids and conflating working on a rig with no females or intelligent life within 200 miles wit being a globe trotting playboy is delusional.
also, to really drive this point home, if you date/marry/have children with "harper" the farm girl, and go off to work an oil rig or join the navy, she will absolutely with 100% certainty cheat on you. my father was in the military and he knew of several men who had wrecked marriages when they got back because their "miss perfect" wives couldn't stand three months of not getting attention or not being able to nag. i'm speaking from experience when i say alt-girls with a chip on their shoulder are the way to go. find a girl who's got a bit of an edge but nevertheless has some love to give and you're off to the races - they'll switch up on you and surprise you with how good of mothers they make

^ old billy-boy beat me to it
I think BAP said something similar. A hippie-ish girl with good genes and who is not too much of a whore. Somewhat of an abstract thinker who is maladapted to normgroid sororstislut lifestyle. A girl who is more of a tree hugger than someone who thinks Nazi CO2 is going to boil the oceans.
(01-31-2023, 02:39 PM)BillyONare Wrote:  Nazi CO2 is going to boil the oceans.
[Image: 1520232573342?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=Xdbd...QLyLSVNST0]
[Image: 4f5.jpg]
“All according to plan”
what a young libtarded girl with a daisy tattoo thinks about anything is irrelevant. we can all recognize within this space woman's instinct for conformity, and their general intellectual inferiority, so why would you let fleeting, feeble "socialist" ideology put you off? it should be the opposite! your eyes should be popping out of your skull - your pupils turned to dollar signs - when you see a self-identifying marxist girl with a nice face: that says to me "potential."

there's certainly more potential there than with your prospective "tradwife", who in reality is going to be MORE conforming to the social norms of "the family", and is going to constantly nag you to "man up" to provide for her and her children, exactly as her milquetoast daddy did. is that what you want?
is it really too much to imagine a girl who is neither a midwestern "farm girl" nor a marxist art hoe? if my choice was between those two i'd take my chances at an abbey.

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