How can Nick Fuentes win? (RADIX/Tim pool/Destiny drama update)
(08-28-2023, 06:43 PM)BillyONare Wrote:
Quote:Do you think any of these DAs went around telling people "I'm going to refuse to prosecute basically all nigger crimes and let your neighborhood turn into a shithole"?

This is literally what the proles want. 99% of them will call you a bad person for pointing this out.

This is of course not true, crime is one of the top polling issues among voters pretty consistently. Being tough on crime is certainly what people want from a DA, and major Democrats were enormously popular for mass incarcerating nigger criminals, including among niggers. Bill Clinton called them "superpredators" and was wildly supported by the nigger community while doing it.

Right now, people still want criminals charged, they just want it done with a smiling face and rainbows. The cognitive dissonance is real, but they basically want crime to stop but for police to treat niggers like special snowflakes and to respect their childish nigger feelings while they arrest them. People treat niggers like giant aggressive toddlers, and they simultaneously want them to not get hurt because they are big children but know that they are extremely dangerous and want to be protected from them.
Fuentes proved that he will never be anything other than a /pol/fag with no real political savviness with the whole Trump dinner fiasco. Funny enough, I've seen his Amerindian social media base actually point to that event as undeniable proof of his political genius and how great he is. He spent so much time vocalising his grievances with jews that he never stopped to consider that maybe it would've actually done him some good to jew it up a little bit himself. If he was smart, he would've never went to that dinner. Especially as a guest of a mentally insane groid. "Well, that mentally insane groid was the only reason he was there in the first place..." To which I say that he had not a sliver of foresight to see how going to that dinner could've only ever ended disastrously for him. Like anthony has said elsewhere, leverage. Just think for a second: if YOU had the chance to sit down and have a conversation with the most important man in the world (unquestionably), would you really want it to be in the presence of so many other people AND with a retarded bonobo next to you? Even if Kanye was his "in" to meeting with Trump, he should've respectfully declined and found a way to leverage the situation to, by any means necessary, get some kind of face time behind-closed-doors. At least the jews understand how easy it is to use blacks as pawns, and they don't feel bad about it! 

(08-28-2023, 08:24 AM)anthony Wrote: And more specifically for Fuentes, related to the above thought. He's absolutely disgusting. Bloated unhealthy wigger who got famous preaching to the choir repeating the trashiest and most retarded parts of /pol/ back to the trashiest and most retarded parts of /pol/. AF are not a collection of the best. I believe that right to rule is naturally a matter of taste. What kind of person is into this garbage and why? What do we get for its existence? Energised ugly brown people who enjoy posting in livestream chats now consider themselves "right wing" and will proudly tell as many people as possible that they are what that means.

[Image: nick-fuentes-fuentes.gif]

I mean no potential offense to anyone by saying this, but if you fancy this 'style' for yourself in your day-to-day life or think that this looks 'cool' then respond to this and let me know what the fuck is wrong with you. Sometimes you'll come across smart people who nevertheless dress like shit simply because they can't be bothered to put that much thought into it. Even then, they can recognise when something looks good and when something doesn't. But the retarded sunnies. The eclectic hodgepodge of hawaiian shirts, shit suits, and the T-Mobile manager polo/khakis combo in the back. Plus the frat bro WIGGER screaming. The problem here is that you know they are actually trying, and actually think that their 'vibe' 'goes hard bro'. Even if I agreed with every single world that came out of his mouth, I would never be able to trust a man who lacks the most basic sensibilities. This isn't really something that can be taught either.
[Image: JBqHIg7.jpeg]
Let me alone to recover a little, before I go whence I shall not return
I absolutely agree that almost everything Fuentes has ever done IRL has been disastrous. Same with Mike Enoch and TWPTRS.

It would have been similarly derailing and disatrous if Rush Limbaugh, who was really obese, had decided to do goon events IRL. He would have looked ridiculous and it would have derailed his career. He was good on a microphone and had the good sense to stay there.

It actually ruins people to try to go the other direction as well. In 2009 the BNP had gained a million votes after doing year-after-year major gains. They did it all with traditional, sensible politicking. Local rallies. Knocking on doors. Talking to constituents. Leafletting. People liked what they were seeing. Then Nick Griffin, who had found himself very competent at talking to elderly constituents, single-handedly tanks the party by deciding he wants to play TV talking head and going on BBC's Question Time. After what was a disastrous and embarrassing introduction of the BNP to the general electorate, in the 2010 elections they lost half of their seats and entire townships. Needless to say, Nick Griffin did not find a new career as a media personality, and he managed to torch his old one too. The BNP never recovered.

Politicians are politicians and broadcast personalities are broadcast personalities. Trying to do both will make sure you never succeed at either.

Nick's show before he decided to pretend to be a future presidential candidate was extremely positive. TRS used to be really entertaining as well, before Mike Enoch decided he would rather be a goon march leader. They were experiencing logarithmic growth and then it went flat, or in the case of the latter, has terminally declined. There's a lesson to be had here, for future people that might find a modicum of success in either of these paths: political organizing and media propaganda are completely different roles, and someone who is competent at one is almost certainly going to be a complete failure at another. If you want to be successful, concentrically grow your base of supporters doing the thing that got you them in the first place.
(08-28-2023, 08:50 AM)weev Wrote:
Quote:I'm going to be a complete prick and destroy this discussion by bringing it back to Elves and Hobbits. Civic engagement, prosecutor jobs, etc, these are elf occupations. Radio is for hobbits.

Nigga, you just activated my trap card.

Hobbits destroyed Sauron.
Hobbits ended the reign of Saruman, immediately leading to his death.
Hobbits killed Wormtongue.
A hobbit co-killed the Witch-King of Angmar.

Elves basically sat around having gay orgies in Rivendell while hobbits did basically everything crucially important.

Quote:What the hell do we need broadcasters for?

This is extreme solipsism. For the entirety of history, effective leaders have been convincing the hobbits you deride to work on their behalf. Even royalty had networks of runners to pass important information to town criers. For as long as the printing press has existed, mass political and religious media has existed, with everyone trying to convince everyone else of the justice of their cause, flag, or creed. This is irrevocable, and we are in a relatively democratic society where convincing lots of people to do things is the primary way to get things done. That's what we need broadcasters for, and if one team has them and the other does not, they will lose.

Of course we need self-aware broadcasters who understand that they are the obnoxious retarded town crier. We do not need town criers who have narcissistic delusions of claiming the throne.

Everything you've suggested in this thread as a viable and valuable path to power is a "Rivendell" seat. Rivendell told the hobbits where to go and what to do. Hobbits are tools. A tool only matters at the moment it's needed. A loyal tool which you cannot presently use is not very valuable. What is the irl equivalent to "destroying sauron" or whatever? One big violent moment in which evil is upended and destroyed? I feel like the equivalent would be some kind of Jan6 moment but intelligent and purpose oriented (the part you need elves for).

The natural state of the hobbit is to be in some idle, naturally sustainable rhythm of existence, and responding to calls from above to leverage their human mass towards some kind of important goal when needed, then they deactivate and go back to their toil and families. The problem I see with the modern broadcaster is that they get the hobbits worked up into an agitated state for prolonged periods of time without accomplishing anything. Anything serious anyway. 30 years of listening to Rush Limbaugh makes what practical difference? What do we get out of our hobbit listenerbase? A couple of votes in elections? They would probably have done that anyway with far less prompting which would have been far less disruption to their life. The way I see it hobbits should be left alone unless it's time for the one big push. The Killing Sauron moment.

The people who should be politically conscious at all times are your DAs, your politicians, etc. Your Rivendell. You can say that hobbit awareness gets them in, but broadcasting audiences are very diffused. It's not like taking over a town. It's a scattering of autists across the entire world. That doesn't empower any DAs. You say Rush swung elections, yet here we are anyway. Resistance does not naturally lead to overthrow, there are cases where it can just exhaust you. Does Rush consciousness threaten power, or does it make the enemies of power swim against the tide until exhausted?
Rush Limbaugh was a neocon what a laughable example to use
Recent Friend
You could argue, that while Rush was very effective, his message was weak. So here we are, if only he said something about jews in a way that didn't seem like it was secret unknowable information, therefore undigestible, to hobbits. I notice that even certain wignats, after years of political participation, declare that "politics are gay" and check out into something non-descript like movie reviews.
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(08-29-2023, 04:37 PM)Guest Wrote:


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