I don't understand the Age of Consent
I was watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj8z2xyen2Y

The gist is that some local cops decided to spend tax dollars on entrapping a normal looking 29 year old man with a wife and kids to come cheat on his wife. I'm not a big fan of adultery, but it isn't illegal in this country and most normies don't seem like they would want the police to be entrapping men to commit adultery.

I could be wrong though, because nobody seems upset by this. The comments on the video are unanimously in support of the cops' behavior ... many are even mad that the man only received parole, after an arrest and an injunction to not see his family, on account of his adulterous nature. He was facing 60 years in prison, and many comments are receiving le updoots talking about how the man should be thrown into a woodchipper and worse ...

Now here is what I really don't understand. Even though the man's only crime is adultery, the normies seem insistent that this isn't the reason why they want to murder this man. They have a very strange interpretation of what he was entrapped for. They keep wrongly insisting the virtual female seducer in this situation is not only the abstract victim, as opposed to the man's wife, the seducess being another criminal, but that she is only a victim because, though she is an adult trying to seduce a married man, she is under the age of 18.0 years and therefore is a "child".

This untrue fact alone is the whole of the crime, it not only makes it a crime but one that necessitates a "woodchipper" to fix ...

I don't understand this. I don't understand thinking that a 15 year old seducess is a child in any meaningful way. I don't understand not understanding that all normally functioning men are attracted to women this age. I don't understand not understanding that women that age are getting dicked anyway, often by young loser males such as high school football players. I don't understand thinking that it's magically wrong if she gets dicked by a man who is older than high school aged but not if she gets dicked by a man that is high school aged. I don't understand thinking that dicking a teenage girl in your late 20s should warrant your execution or the end of your life as you know it. I don't understand how people can't be enraged at those cops and indignified by this whole video. I don't understand believing that dicking a 15 year old woman with her consent is equivalent to murdering people morally while caring so little about sexual morality generally that you think homosexual marriage is okay and if a man cheats on his wife with a 25 year old it's only a domestic issue that needs no violent morality policing. 

The people who think a man's life should be ruined over this are the real murderers and should be dealt with accordingly ...
The (heterosexual) "age of consent" is the only sexual norm that ZOG allows its subjects to get angry over, and there's a lot of reasons to be angry about sexual immorality in 2023, so they they have a lot of bile to channel into this one permitted outlet.

These people really don't need to be "dealt with", in basedworld they'll be screaming for the blood of kikes and niggers.
(10-07-2023, 11:27 AM)Striped_Pyjama_Boy_Nietzschean Wrote: At fifteen, you can unconsciously have naïve and child-like ideas about the world. Wouldn't you want the possibility of childhood to be protected at that age?

I really don't care but I do think anyone who thinks you can ruin a man's life for screwing a teenaged girl should be thrown in the gas chamber during Total Normie Death
(10-07-2023, 11:27 AM)Striped_Pyjama_Boy_Nietzschean Wrote: At fifteen, you can unconsciously have naïve and child-like ideas about the world. Wouldn't you want the possibility of childhood to be protected at that age?

I do wish for childhood to be extended as long as possible, but it's ridiculous at a certain point.

Innocence should be protected, I agree. But this is very obviously not about that.
in the same vein as stuff about the inverse correlation between speed of mental maturation and peak mental capability for dogs, women and men. does anyone remember some twxtter footage of a classroom from the 80s and it was all highschool kids but they looked so mature? like just an illustration of something being definitely screwed up in the biological process. probably not hard to find similar footage. the average age of menarchy has dropped by a few years since 1820, used to be around 16 or 17. Some sources put it at nearly half a decade sooner. Exposure to sexual content and experiences hastens the process. Obesity too. bet brown girls probably mature more carelessly. a bunch of takes could conclude this post. it is increasingly hard to find women who are properly developed. none of the normie signalling protects girls from losing their biological innocence sooner than ever. idk, cyoa
The normgroids are at it again. Some low IQ sportsball player had sex with a 17 year old woman and they want blood.

Comments are full of "the age of consent should be 21", "straight to gen pop", "POV: You wake up to black SUVs surrounding your crib" (this one is particularly putrid, celebrating NKVD style tactics, i.e. creepy federal secret police surprise home/night arrests instead of transparent due process).



Haven't seen one person say that this woman is not a child. Also the sportsball player is only a few years older than her. In fact, the age gap is 3 years which is the same as the average age gap in a marriage. Also, in the state this happened in the age of consent is 16. Absolutely crazy.
In the history books of the future it will be written that:
With the end of the Age Of Consent, the Age Of Amarna ushered in.
I think maybe having sex with children is bad, actually.
[Image: fontani.gif]
cozy.tv is more your speed then
The most interesting part of politics is the motivations towards cognitive dissonance. There are so many smart people who disagree with me, not just on self-interested issues or matters of identity either. Some of the strongest dissonance motivators are the tendency towards inaction, the desire to believe oneself unjustly crushed by an unconquerable power, and being a faggot.

Around half a percent of marriages in the usa are minor-adult marriages, 10k to 14k per annum out of some number between 2M and 2.3M that I am not going to find. How does this fit with the theory that you can never claim a wife before she is defiled? If over ten thousand men are doing it every year, why can't you? Do 16 year olds just not know enough Shoppenshower or whatever for you to impregnate?

Also, just noticed something funny about the comments gymchad summarizes. A 3 year age gap case where the normie is generalizing an 18 age of consent + "the age of consent should be 21!" = "it isn't statutory rape because he is also under 21". To truly restrict they will need to add more ages of consent or max age gap rules.
Guest Wrote:Around half a percent of marriages in the usa are minor-adult marriages, 10k to 14k per annum out of some number between 2M and 2.3M that I am not going to find. How does this fit with the theory that you can never claim a wife before she is defiled? If over ten thousand men are doing it every year, why can't you? Do 16 year olds just not know enough Shoppenshower or whatever for you to impregnate?

There has been a concerted effort to raise the marriageable age to 18. Several states, including Pennsylvania and New York, have done it in the past few years alone. The Elvis model, where one obtains parental consent for future marriage, is obviously still feasible but involves pretty substantial risk. At any rate, the taboo has grown so much by now that I would imagine that most parents who would be willing to enter into an arrangement like that are not exactly good stock.
GymChad Wrote:I don't understand this. 

Honestly it's prolly related to the fact that parents have outsourced childraising to the state, which in turn keeps prolonging childhood via public schooling. The kids get alienated from parents and secretly hate them for abandonment. The parents in turn know that sending kids to concentration camps is shit parenting, and feel extremely self conscious about it. The prospect that some stranger could now woo the child simply through giving it human care (unlike teachers or parents - or perhaps being a teacher themselves) would be rubbing salt into wounds. Imagine if your kids loved someone else more than you, simply due to your shit parenting. If nothing else, it's an ego thing, so the parents can't tolerate this. Therefore to retain the status quo, the state disallows this. So the state banishes all people who are already past the age of public education from starting relationships with those still in schooling age. Those still in schooling age aren't a problem, since they're not gonna "steal" the kid from its parents. The state is also happy to do it, because infertile neurotics are better at compulsively obsessing over education. Imagine how worthless school would seem in comparison to being in love and starting family life.

This also explains why there is endless pressure to increase the AoC - the required education years keeps increasing.
Guest Wrote:
GymChad Wrote:I don't understand this. 

This also explains why there is endless pressure to increase the AoC - the required education years keeps increasing.


But what remains a puzzle for me is the distinct female nature of the demands to increase the AoC. Perhaps those with shrivelling or shrivelled up uteruses are trying to impose a monopoly on sexual markets?
(12-22-2023, 05:46 PM)Guest Wrote: But what remains a puzzle for me is the distinct female nature of the demands to increase the AoC. Perhaps those with shrivelling or shrivelled up uteruses are trying to impose a monopoly on sexual markets?

That's basically exactly what it is. So-called "feminism", being the textbook Ponzi scheme that it is, is entirely dependent on being able to convince new cohorts of younger women to buy in to what appears to be for their benefit (usually, the young women that do are ugly in the first place). The reason why disgusting old hags short circuit when Leonardo DiCaprio is spotted with his new 18 or 19 year old girlfriend is, of course, because it reminds them that the now decades-long period of fighting against their own bodies' monthly demand on them to give all this retarded shit a rest has been a complete waste, but more importantly because the core of female ""logic"" is 'well if I can't be happy, neither can she!' They are the most vicious, scornful beasts alive, and seeing young girls opt to not make the same obvious mistake that they did signals the end of it all, the big bank run. So if you were a feminist, what would you do? You would probably do everything in your power to stop the DiCaprio's of the world from being able to steal your investors... you would make it illegal for him to steal your investors... you would make the AoC 25 years old. 

But why stop there? Maybe you would eventually even mandate that Leonardo could have those younger women, but only if he slept with you and your other gross and old feminist friends first...
[Image: JBqHIg7.jpeg]
Let me alone to recover a little, before I go whence I shall not return
august Wrote:That's basically exactly what it is. So-called "feminism", being the textbook Ponzi scheme that it is

I think it's important to stress that it's the prolonged educational requirements that are in the drivers seat, and not the menopausal jealousy itself, which is only a symptom. The ever increasing education years is what causes infantilization of children in the West. When previously at 10 you already worked with your parents and at 14 you were already specializing, currently you're probably going to finish education in your 20s. So society does two things: 1) it grows ever more protective over people who are actually adults, 2) it denies them agency (mandatory schooling) by made up criteria for "brain development." Because imagine the realization that we're forcing fully formed humans into concentration camps? No, no, they're "not real humans yet and require forceful guidance by society, because we know what's best." I have intense allergy against this from my schooling years and it's prolly what made me temperamentally libertarian (as with many others, I suspect).

It's important to keep in mind, because while many countries lack the militant feminist streak in their public consciousness, all of them still follow the same infantilization and increased eduational requirements trends (simply a result of modern complex society).

One should also take into account the general female hostility against male proactiveness when it comes to seduction. They know they're gameable (PUA) and that's why male proactiveness irl is becoming ever more disallowed. Femoids know they're instinctual beasts and built fundamentally different from men, so they're violently cracking down on spheres where men have an advantage. Now this is entirely a result of feminism, and this is why these attitudes differ immensely by country depending on whether they went down the militant feminist path or not (eg Western vs Eastern Europe, despite both having similar levels of infantilization).
The hysteria about "age gap" (a term which didn't even exist like two years ago) is driven by female resentment. 

Quote:Also, just noticed something funny about the comments gymchad summarizes. A 3 year age gap case where the normie is generalizing an 18 age of consent + "the age of consent should be 21!" = "it isn't statutory rape because he is also under 21". To truly restrict they will need to add more ages of consent or max age gap rules.

95 IQ mystery meat women on social media aren't capable of following conditional logic chains (If X, then Y, unless...) so well aktually'ing this won't work.  They aren't even opposed to women "dating" (fucking) older men -- only older men with younger women.  There's two factors here, the immutable one of female intrasexual competition and the contingent one, feminism, the attempt to lower the relative status of men to the advantage of women.  In this scenario, a man and a woman are doing the same thing (having sex with each other) but the woman is acting correctly, or at least not incorrectly.  In general the behavior of women in general or in particular may not be criticized.
GymChad Wrote:The normgroids are at it again. Some low IQ sportsball player had sex with a 17 year old woman and they want blood.

Haven't seen one person say that this woman is not a child. Also the sportsball player is only a few years older than her. In fact, the age gap is 3 years which is the same as the average age gap in a marriage. Also, in the state this happened in the age of consent is 16. Absolutely crazy.

As with all things longhousing, it is old hags' envy that drives this, and weak men who follow after. No man of proper breeding considers 17 year old girls broadly to be unattractive subconsciously.

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