I hate memes
The shape communication has taken is actively making people retarded. It rewards no effort put into it, rather than memorization of structures, sentences and opinions from which is better to not stray far away. And memes are the best example of this I can find: they're a way of avoiding the mental effort that actually transmitting an opinion or telling a joke could take someone. The popularity of "cultured" memes, twitter pages about history memes and philosophy memes as a showcase of this. Something can become an unquestionable opinion by just posting it into an infinity of memes until it becomes funny enough to keep repeating it ad infinitum: "the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire".

Discussing something becomes a pastiche of quotes from different places, amalgamated into a single blob of meaninglessness. Jokes, arguments and sentences now devoid of any context. I hate memes. I just wanted to create a thread about how much I do.
Quote:posting it into an infinity of memes until it becomes funny enough

isn't it weird how humor is kind of an in-group thing, but this function of memes works off how large the in-group is implied to be? Like remember the first time you learned about a meme and how funny it was, just because other people thought it was funny. Like "wow, everyone else thinks these badgers are hilarious..." What a crazy edge case that there were ever memes that everyone knew like gangnam style or chuck norris jokes. At that point it is hardly even an in-group at all.

Along the lines of dead-internet theory it could be supposed that this is an intentional transformation of culture. Bots can generate the most robust content when it is nothing but references and recombination. Keep a community guided with bot content, keep its apparent authenticity sustained by the interspersed human content.

With GPT there is immense potential for the robot 9000 "nothing can be posted twice" idea to be iterated upon. Imagine a forum that lets you filter on apparent originality of every post. But, based on the similarity to other posts used to train a gpt3 or 4 model. The downside being that redundant content is sometimes necessary to provide context. Maybe a "booru" tag filtering system but for categorizing text posts by shared traits defined with gpt. Maybe detected similarity should create lineage links to the prior posts.
(07-09-2023, 11:43 AM)Bransle Wrote: Discussing something becomes a pastiche of quotes from different places, amalgamated into a single blob of meaninglessness. Jokes, arguments and sentences now devoid of any context. I hate memes. I just wanted to create a thread about how much I do.

This is just teenage boys repeating Will Ferrell movie quotes to each other ad naseum but in the internet age. Your peers will gradually stop doing it after they graduate and start mingling with people who haven't seen whatever the current year equivalent of Tosh.0 is.

The more (psuedo) intellectual version of this:
Quote:"the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire".

Will stop happening when you start working with people who don't share your college major.

Unless you're a STEMcel, in which case you will be stuck hearing the same shit about engineering for 40 years or whatever.

This isn't the worst thing that can happen: if you stop understanding the supposed joke it means you're about to be replaced with someone with a "fresh perspective" - probably some sort of racial abomination who identifies as whatever transgenderism is going to morph into. Welcome to the suck. Remember: entropy is irreversible and the ride never ends.
(07-09-2023, 03:38 PM)calico Wrote:
(07-09-2023, 11:43 AM)Bransle Wrote:

This is just teenage boys repeating Will Ferrell movie quotes to each other ad naseum but in the internet age. Your peers will gradually stop doing it after they graduate and start mingling with people who haven't seen whatever the current year equivalent of Tosh.0 is.

The more (psuedo) intellectual version of this:

Will stop happening when you start working with people who don't share your college major.

Unless you're a STEMcel, in which case you will be stuck hearing the same shit about engineering for 40 years or whatever.

This isn't the worst thing that can happen: if you stop understanding the supposed joke it means you're about to be replaced with someone with a "fresh perspective" - probably some sort of racial abomination who identifies as whatever transgenderism is going to morph into. Welcome to the suck. Remember: entropy is irreversible and the ride never ends.

This is interesting when looking at how this communication habit was diffused in the past and why it’s been able to proliferate to a before Un-seen level. You never leave, the internet is always there, sure people can move away and prominent voices leave but because it’s decentralized and based on an aesthetic it doesn’t die unless all traces are destroyed.

Stuck in the virtual-scape you’ll always find strangers who are willing to play your game. This game can never die, no grass to touch beyond the screen. 30 Y.O. Balding men participate at the same rate young teens do, that weird “polygamous” family who are as ugly as they are vulgar down the street, yeah they like a good meme too. Your plumber who fixed your sink last week using Reddit speech, yeah that’s normal now, dogs are now doggos. No one cares for proper pronunciation and now people are speaking in a weird baby-hillbilly talk that is as infantile as it is slurred. 

Your ribs are now so well cooked they fell off the bone. Not stuck but rather centered around an anti-culture sentiment. Authentic peasant culture out of the reach of the true creator of culture, the genius. You now live in various backwards remote villages, except instead of being unified by geography in isolation it’s now about common memes. Instead of your city being filled with various ethnics so you start puking from its lovecraftian horror, you now are stuck in an all encompassing hell without escape, no more suburbs, no common people but in the virtual-scape.
(07-09-2023, 03:38 PM)calico Wrote:
(07-09-2023, 11:43 AM)Bransle Wrote: Discussing something becomes a pastiche of quotes from different places, amalgamated into a single blob of meaninglessness. Jokes, arguments and sentences now devoid of any context. I hate memes. I just wanted to create a thread about how much I do.

This is just teenage boys repeating Will Ferrell movie quotes to each other ad naseum but in the internet age. Your peers will gradually stop doing it after they graduate and start mingling with people who haven't seen whatever the current year equivalent of Tosh.0 is.

The more (psuedo) intellectual version of this:
Quote:"the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire".

Will stop happening when you start working with people who don't share your college major.

Unless you're a STEMcel, in which case you will be stuck hearing the same shit about engineering for 40 years or whatever.

This isn't the worst thing that can happen: if you stop understanding the supposed joke it means you're about to be replaced with someone with a "fresh perspective" - probably some sort of racial abomination who identifies as whatever transgenderism is going to morph into. Welcome to the suck. Remember: entropy is irreversible and the ride never ends.

The Stepbrothers quoting age of "culture" was not an ordinary characteristic of humanity repeated every generation up to that point. It was new. It was a new low. And that cultural moment didn't pass. It evolved. It evolved into this. Yes. Older pre-internet socialised people will look at you like a retard if you ask them what time the narwhal bacons, but there are fewer of them every year and everyone below that point is tainted.

My meme subject is how this comes out politically. Particularly something I see leftists do a lot on twitter with "memes".

[Image: image.png]

Leftists often have a Mister Data like relationship with memes, which are already retarded. Like the basics of the (bad and simple) humour are lost on them and they just use the formats as canned "owns" against people they like. Rightward "memes" tend to be about pointing out something stupid about leftists. A contradiction or an infantile notion or whatever. "Wakanda for x" is a joke about ethnonarcissism and fantasy. Wakanda is retarded because it's the racial debris of west africa gone feral in America indulging in a retarded fantasy of utopian progress fuelled by their own innate brilliance while they can't even change their smoke alarms.

When this above tweet was posted an acquaintance replied "No, Hogwarts is white Wakanda." And that is the correct answer. Hogwarts is a vain fantasy of being chosen for exceptional treatment and a special place in the world on account of some innate giftedness most people can't see, and this exceptional life path is absurd and white because it's basically a fantasy of going to Klaus Schwab's School for Gifted Future Leaders and then working for the EU. It's the white woman dream of what would be perfect and what they feel they deserve because they are retarded, have no taste, and have a bloated sense of their own importance. Just like how the blacks got to dreaming of Wakanda.

But now whites and Japan. How does the "meme" work? What is this guy saying? The Wakanda meme has two parts. One the absurdity of the no-place which is idealised, and second the obvious unsuitedness of the dreamers for their own dream. Niggers are not building utopia. Mediocre white-women are not super-gifted masters of reality. etc. But Japan is real. The safe streets are real. And as an ideal it's all very doable. The Japanese got there by copying "racist white people". The dream is shockingly modest and shockingly doable. It's not Wakanda. It's like if blacks dreamed of a RETVRN to dying of Malaria, getting eaten by lions, and being darwinistically outcompeted by elephants. It's just how things are supposed to be.

If we give this guy the benefit of the doubt we can say that the "meme" still works if we take some retarded (and extremely racist) libtard assumptions to be true. 1., that Japan is not safe, actually their police lie, remember the 6 million molested on trains in the last five minutes, also implied in the "police stats lie" meme is that there is extraordinary amounts of public VIOLENCE being covered up, if Japan is not actually safer than America. Next required assumption which I can imagine a libtard holding, all racist white people are retards who can barely dress themselves and would not be able to build a real and good civilisation (which is impossible and a myth anyway due to point 1.) due to their own incompetence and shitbaby fragility. Civilisation isn't real and you wouldn't even be able to build it if you had your own place to build and run as you please. Typical libtard double-think, which is really zero-think because to be a libtard you can't think at all. Words are just rocks that you throw. Which is how we got to this thread and why I'm posting this. Did this guy come to tweet this through a series of bad thoughts. Or by not thinking at all?

I think it's far more likely that this tweet exists because the guy has the mind of a youtube commenter. He thinks in broad sentiments, tribes, and templates. "Wakanda for x" is another way of saying "bad shitbaby". Racist white people are the enemy. And because they're enemies they're bad shitbabies. "Cope" is something bad shitbabies (everyone you disagree with) do when they're being stupid (all the time). You can try to understand how things this awful come about by building a complex working model of someone else's mental process. But it's 2023 and twitter. You can get something that works far better by making as simple a model as possible. Even then you're probably doing them favours. It's probably bad to an extent I can't even imagine.
(07-09-2023, 11:43 AM)Bransle Wrote: The shape communication has taken is actively making people retarded. It rewards no effort put into it, rather than memorization of structures, sentences and opinions from which is better to not stray far away. And memes are the best example of this I can find: they're a way of avoiding the mental effort that actually transmitting an opinion or telling a joke could take someone. The popularity of "cultured" memes, twitter pages about history memes and philosophy memes as a showcase of this. Something can become an unquestionable opinion by just posting it into an infinity of memes until it becomes funny enough to keep repeating it ad infinitum: "the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire".

Discussing something becomes a pastiche of quotes from different places, amalgamated into a single blob of meaninglessness. Jokes, arguments and sentences now devoid of any context. I hate memes. I just wanted to create a thread about how much I do.

You must be a new level of fucking retarded. God must have really wished your intelligence to cap only at the part where you aren't aware how dumb you are. You are a fucking nigger, you know that? Well now you do.

Do you know how many people are at your level of intelligence? Mostly all of them, all of them understand that memes are dumb. You know what else? They are too stupid to ingest the tripe you faggots type up on this fucking shithole. You impart all this wisdom like an autist who spends all day working a forklift only to come home to play forklift simulator. That isn't action, to dissect and re-dissect the same topic ad infinitum. The masses will never care, only those who understand and pretend to understand will find this.

Whatever there is to learn, whatever there is to discuss has long since been solved over and over again for hundreds of years.

Imagine 200 years ago someone had this same fucking thought and discussion.
IMAGINE almost 2000 years ago, someone had also this same thought and discussion.
Imagine the generations of your slope headed brain dead genetic family shitting you out after years of strife for you to also have the same mental faculty as the same child who mocked Jesus who was literally put on the cross hours ago.

[Image: 800px-AlexGraffito.svg.png]

I'm gonna explain this to you ONCE.
Because you nor your misbegotten children after you will never fathom this.

People are not all equal, a majority may not even qualify for having a soul. Many are like tools, an object to be used, but not an individual. They do not have thought like ME, but maybe more like you. These people are almost like a type of plant. Stagnant, complacent, not really growing, but existing and doing the minimum they need to survive.

People have been known to be like cattle. Over the years we have been seeing efforts to domesticate people which has not been a secret. Generations of slave overbreeding has lead to this issue where many are a product never meant to be more, or have more. A laborer in mind, body, and soul (doubt). When given freedom they choose the cage, for they find comfort in it.

If I tried to force a slave to have actual individuality, they will go crazy. Look at women, they are a literal embodiment of what it is to give freedom to someone who should never have it. They go crazy, hurt themselves, and hurt others. All because they can not fucking handle the idea that they are a PERSON instead of just a slave. The concept of repercussions, accountability, and so on are lost on these literal subhumans.

Memes are a form of easy to ingest programming. The NPCs on this earth literally cannot handle factual proof, evidence, or actual scientific explanations. They need it in a form they can just agree with, which MEMES accomplish. We are not working with thinking humans, we are dealing with literal animals in human form with no individuality.

You saying you hate memes isn't an achievement, isn't an accomplishment, it is more of a statement on YOU being too stupid to understand the reality you yourself are in. Literally a brain dead nigger on the internet wondering "Why do I feel pain? I must be so deep Smile"

Why don't you ask yourself why the sun is hot, why water is wet, and also since you are such a fucking intelligent human being you should ask why you can't hear GOD.
(07-10-2023, 10:17 PM)ꦈꦒꦲꦸꦫꦲꦺꦴꦗ꦳ꦲ Wrote: You saying you hate memes isn't an achievement, isn't an accomplishment, it is more of a statement on YOU being too stupid to understand the reality you yourself are in. Literally a brain dead nigger on the internet wondering "Why do I feel pain? I must be so deep Smile"

Why don't you ask yourself why the sun is hot, why water is wet, and also since you are such a fucking intelligent human being you should ask why you can't hear GOD.

I like the general sentiment of this post but Bransle didn't frame any of this as wondering or questioning. I am quite sure he is in relatively direct contact with God.

You are a hylic hating hammer looking for nails right now.
(07-10-2023, 10:24 PM)anthony Wrote:
(07-10-2023, 10:17 PM)ꦈꦒꦲꦸꦫꦲꦺꦴꦗ꦳ꦲ Wrote: You saying you hate memes isn't an achievement, isn't an accomplishment, it is more of a statement on YOU being too stupid to understand the reality you yourself are in. Literally a brain dead nigger on the internet wondering "Why do I feel pain? I must be so deep Smile"

Why don't you ask yourself why the sun is hot, why water is wet, and also since you are such a fucking intelligent human being you should ask why you can't hear GOD.

I like the general sentiment of this post but Bransle didn't frame any of this as wondering or questioning. I am quite sure he is in relatively direct contact with God.

You are a hylic hating hammer looking for nails right now.

The shape communication has taken is actively making people retarded.
Claiming that people weren't already retarded.

It rewards no effort put into it, rather than memorization of structures, sentences and opinions from which is better to not stray far away.
Trying to deconstruct what isn't a math equation.

Memes are the best example of this I can find: they're a way of avoiding the mental effort that actually transmitting an opinion or telling a joke could take someone.
Answering his own problem without realizing it.

As much as you'd like me to be wrong, if he wanted to simply just ask, "Why are there so many brain dead humans out there walking this earth who are susceptible to programming?"

Sure ok yeah.

YOU know full well he is just in denial that people are literally too brain dead to form their own thoughts or opinions and it is for that exactly why they attach themselves to objects and funny pictures to give themselves a false sense of identity.

Suck on it, Anthony.
(07-10-2023, 10:36 PM)ꦈꦒꦲꦸꦫꦲꦺꦴꦗ꦳ꦲ Wrote: The shape communication has taken is actively making people retarded.
Claiming that people weren't already retarded.

It rewards no effort put into it, rather than memorization of structures, sentences and opinions from which is better to not stray far away.
Trying to deconstruct what isn't a math equation.

Memes are the best example of this I can find: they're a way of avoiding the mental effort that actually transmitting an opinion or telling a joke could take someone.
Answering his own problem without realizing it.

As much as you'd like me to be wrong, if he wanted to simply just ask, "Why are there so many brain dead humans out there walking this earth who are susceptible to programming?"

Sure ok yeah.

YOU know full well he is just in denial that people are literally too brain dead to form their own thoughts or opinions and it is for that exactly why they attach themselves to objects and funny pictures to give themselves a false sense of identity.

Suck on it, Anthony.

At the very least there is a kind of ceiling and floor of the potential expression of character of each individual. Bransle and I have seen and discussed decay over time in individuals who adopt memes-based communication. Maybe you can say this appeals to lower types and allows them to indulge in the worst parts of their nature, imposed higher standards kind of served as spiritual scaffolding to hold them upright against their nature, whatever. Essential point and what we can discuss here is that it's broader than you say. The division is not clean 'retards/not'. You can make a person who is at least capable of thought retarded.

I think if you look at books written before 1945 it's plain that the influence of culture and upheld standards can produce enormous differences in standards of behaviour and ability to think. Yes, dysgenics, I know. But that's not a sufficient answer. Memes do make people retarded.

>Answering his own problem without realizing it.
This whole OP is very aware.

Bransle and I have seen people go from thinking to not. You can say it was just imitation up to that point, but that skepticism can be applied indefinitely. To both of us and beyond. At a certain point the difference between imitation and the real thing doesn't really even matter if either way it means I'm not surrounded by gibbering wigger trash. I hate memes and want them dead. I want them dead even if they just reveal what is always true. I want real culture and communication back even if most people are just retarded cattle-puppets imitating humanity. At least they aren't going to say "bruh" aloud anymore.
(07-10-2023, 10:43 PM)anthony Wrote: At the very least there is a kind of ceiling and floor of the potential expression of character of each individual.

Ok you know what? I will engage with you on this.

What you are talking about are people who are conscious who wish to be unconscious. The strain of being aware of things, the stress of being alive, being able to feel, think, question, and in return DOUBT. People don't want to have to think about, "Yeah I guess I need to use violence to solve problems, I really thought I was born in a world of peace and tranquility." This is life, it is chaos, it is strife, and many are so fucking weak mentally to fucking handle it.

(07-10-2023, 10:43 PM)anthony Wrote: But that's not a sufficient answer.

This right here is my problem. Sometimes there isnt a DEEPER fucking explanation than "fuck you" to why things are happening. You wish there to be some intrinsic math equation that can be counteracted. The funny thing is without the fucking equation it can STILL be counteracted. Which is why I hate this bullshit.

People are a culmination of experiences, and through these experiences we define ourselves more and more. However even before that there is identity in our fucking soul that is unshakeable despite our physical forms. The reason a family of blacksmiths can shit out a baby who becomes an artist is part of this. That yes genetics do take part in who we are, there is something more that is already dictating who we are as a person. You can breed humans into being slaves, but there will always be that one fucking oddity that despite it will be smarter, more skilled, and more driven to have more.

The problem is those are outliers, those people are a minority. What is more plentiful are the broken in slaves who can't fucking cope with this. The people with "addictions" are just weak willed people who are attempting to remove their consciousness due to how much they hate having it. They truly would be first in line to be turned in a golem.

All I'm saying is, people "can" and that doesn't mean they "want" to. Many are NPCs of their own choice, many are incapable of handling the reality they live in. They need drugs and medication to deal with all the dread and horror of being alive today in this dysfunctional reality. It is a nightmare to them and their solution is to unplug, take the blue pill, go to work, and keep their head down. They have clocked out mentally and spiritually from reality and while you can FORCE them back into it, you can literally see their struggle to accept it.

It is easier to reach them with entertainment, media, etc. They don't watch Wukanda Forever for its deep insight or amazing writing. They want distractions, but they register information subconsciously. It is faster to fuck with people than to convince them to change. You can't negotiate with these people, talk them into being better people.

You should be grateful that the tools of the enemy are easily available for you to exploit to your own gains.
So you need to make a few shitty images to turn people into radical lolicon enjoying Nazis? Sounds like a win-win for me.
(07-10-2023, 11:35 PM)ꦈꦒꦲꦸꦫꦲꦺꦴꦗ꦳ꦲ Wrote:
(07-10-2023, 10:43 PM)anthony Wrote: At the very least there is a kind of ceiling and floor of the potential expression of character of each individual.

Ok you know what? I will engage with you on this.

What you are talking about are people who are conscious who wish to be unconscious. The strain of being aware of things, the stress of being alive, being able to feel, think, question, and in return DOUBT. People don't want to have to think about, "Yeah I guess I need to use violence to solve problems, I really thought I was born in a world of peace and tranquility." This is life, it is chaos, it is strife, and many are so fucking weak mentally to fucking handle it.

If we want to compress the issue down to something like "memes are mental alcoholism" I can agree with that. And then my stance on memes can easily be explained as the same as my stance on alcoholism. It upsets me to see someone who could be far more human breaking down and submitting to self flattening and destruction. Losing a thoughtful person to memes is like losing someone to alcohol. I know I can't theory this away. This is something which needs action to solve. I'm not content with this situation as is. I'm not happy to write off everyone we lose. It's not a lot but this thread and these posts are something and they might get someone saved. Spreading an awareness that memes can act like a stinking consuming drug and drag you into a gutter could be a very good thing. I hate memes and would like to see them gone even if it won't fix the human condition.
Trevor Bauer
The thing to understand about leftists, and all manner of right-wing haters, such as Calico, is that whenever the subject of 'utopia' is brought up, almost invariably in strawman fashion, they quickly reveal the fact that they don't believe social change is possible. They're fundamentally pessimists or even nihilistic Irish drunkards. So why participate in politics if change isn't possible? What do people like Right Wing Cope get out of the game? As Anthony said, the dream is modest. Simply set up a place with your preferred demographic and if the mean IQ is of a certain level, things just fall into place and it feels like a modest form of paradise. There are places like this all over America, only they're lacking in authentic culture because everything is engineered against that. But the efficiency, simple beauty, order, and safety are all there. It only needs to be implemented at the highest levels.

The eternal contrarian faggot loves to repeat political maxims like 'you can't go back' to this or that thing (the 1950s California suburb for example), because that's a thing that you heard some smart people say before and they seemed like they were objective when they were saying it. Maybe Zizek said that, or Niccolo Soldo, or Nietzsche. But the thing is, the 1950s suburb which produced Brian Wilson, Leo Fender, Ray Peat, Richard Nixon, etc is coming back, and Aryans are gonna be at the center of that transformation, and we will be resented for it, but it must take place, or Europeans won't survive.
(07-11-2023, 12:33 AM)Trevor Bauer Wrote: but it must take place, or Europeans won't survive.

Europeans have been dead, and I don't consider Americans to be European, much like Canadians.

We're living in a world of constant propaganda and information warfare being used as normal entertainment.
You will have grifters, tons of them, and Sargon will be your "next best thing."

(07-10-2023, 11:48 PM)anthony Wrote: I hate memes and would like to see them gone even if it won't fix the human condition.

I believe that as much as you want to remove Satan from his throne, you'll simply have an empty throne someone will need to sit in. You will never dismantle Hell, you can hijack it and maybe even potentially steer it.
a system is failing
Memes are just a surrogate for communicating knowledge that bypasses the need for engagement, since people's free time is just so unbelievably valueable now. The logic is actually much more pervasive than people even imagine. 

[Image: Screenshot-20230710-233951-Twitter.jpg]

At first glance, this has nothing to do with memes, but then many of the more effective ones are deeply ingrained such that they are never really spoken. This guy, being Indian, is a good example of the type already pre-disposed towards such pseudo-knowledge heuristics. Like a good student, he has come to believe that they obvious answer to any question MUST be the wrong one, thanks to years of bullshitting and trickery by the modern school and university system. There is a meme in his head that says "obvious = wrong", and this meme takes such great precedence over everything, it is so foundational to his knowledge, that definitions of 'pressure'and mathematical principles are secondary to it, and they are only tools with which one uses to support the original conclusion arrived at by memes. This is how memes fester into anti-knowledge, morons ruining distinctions, levelling understanding and overall making the entire world dumber and spreading confusion because they can't understand what lies at the root of their supposed intellect.

The same nonsense is how you get people thinking that the most predatory individuals in America are...young white men from rich clean cut families. I think to a degree, this kind of idiocy and misunderstanding is just fundamental and constant to masses, but memes and the way they spread by osmosis has really expanded the stupidity horizons of most people, to the point they now have opinions on things human cattle frankly have no business having opinions on. And they have no business having opinions on these things because many things are domains of true knowledge and having a correct answer actually matters. Cue Sandeep here having his idiotic opinion on this image, giving his two cents which are complete wrong, and thus expanding the corpus of anti-knowledge to greater crushing fat fuck proportions. This kind of stuff does have knock-on effects which have led up to most aapects of social decay. The internet is a tool for good only in the hands of non-cattle. It's overall effect as a part of mass culture has been extremely negative.
(07-11-2023, 01:22 AM)ꦈꦒꦲꦸꦫꦲꦺꦴꦗ꦳ꦲ Wrote:
(07-10-2023, 11:48 PM)anthony Wrote: I hate memes and would like to see them gone even if it won't fix the human condition.

I believe that as much as you want to remove Satan from his throne, you'll simply have an empty throne someone will need to sit in. You will never dismantle Hell, you can hijack it and maybe even potentially steer it.

Alternative way of putting what I just said might be that I want to become meme-satan and create benevolent memes. If most people aren't going to be thinking they can at least hold respectable looking gibberish they don't understand in their heads. Normal people holding something close to actual thought is of course its own kind of danger. Leads to corruption as they think they know right and start fighting real knowledge. Many problems. Most people should of course be encouraged to think less, and what goes in their heads should be clean and suited to the thriving of the human animal. And there should of course be ways for naturally thinking people to get out and see more relatively painlessly.
(07-11-2023, 01:57 AM)a system is failing Wrote: Memes are just a surrogate for communicating knowledge that bypasses the need for engagement, since people's free time is just so unbelievably valueable now. The logic is actually much more pervasive than people even imagine. 

This kind of stuff does have knock-on effects which have led up to most aapects of social decay. The internet is a tool for good only in the hands of non-cattle. It's overall effect as a part of mass culture has been extremely negative.

Agree on all points. I tend to think it is simply one of the symptoms of the coming divergence. This distance between types of man has increased, with 1 degenerating to an extreme degree, and the other degenerating mildly. The types of man are essentially forced into proximity, as even finances cannot keep the gate against this force. Each type of man will hate each other, and this hatred will only grow.

By the end of this process I assume that much information will be thoroughly obfuscated. So that when people dig through the ruins later, they will be unable to tell what is true or what is false on very simple, provable, and solved problems/concepts.

The education system itself teaches via memes. And many of the memes are simply wrong. And yet they will be used as premises for other proofs. It has already happened (I am thinking of Biology here) , and our scientific apparatus in that field is a null set for this very reason. We might think that it is impossible for the same to happen to Mathematics, Physics, etc. But this force can nullify anything, no matter how clear it is to those with clear eyes.
(07-10-2023, 10:17 PM)ꦈꦒꦲꦸꦫꦲꦺꦴꦗ꦳ꦲ Wrote:
(07-09-2023, 11:43 AM)Bransle Wrote: The shape communication has taken is actively making people retarded. It rewards no effort put into it, rather than memorization of structures, sentences and opinions from which is better to not stray far away. And memes are the best example of this I can find: they're a way of avoiding the mental effort that actually transmitting an opinion or telling a joke could take someone. The popularity of "cultured" memes, twitter pages about history memes and philosophy memes as a showcase of this. Something can become an unquestionable opinion by just posting it into an infinity of memes until it becomes funny enough to keep repeating it ad infinitum: "the Holy Roman Empire was neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire".

Discussing something becomes a pastiche of quotes from different places, amalgamated into a single blob of meaninglessness. Jokes, arguments and sentences now devoid of any context. I hate memes. I just wanted to create a thread about how much I do.

You must be a new level of fucking retarded. God must have really wished your intelligence to cap only at the part where you aren't aware how dumb you are. You are a fucking nigger, you know that? Well now you do.

Do you know how many people are at your level of intelligence? Mostly all of them, all of them understand that memes are dumb. You know what else? They are too stupid to ingest the tripe you faggots type up on this fucking shithole. You impart all this wisdom like an autist who spends all day working a forklift only to come home to play forklift simulator. That isn't action, to dissect and re-dissect the same topic ad infinitum. The masses will never care, only those who understand and pretend to understand will find this.

Whatever there is to learn, whatever there is to discuss has long since been solved over and over again for hundreds of years.

Imagine 200 years ago someone had this same fucking thought and discussion.
IMAGINE almost 2000 years ago, someone had also this same thought and discussion.
Imagine the generations of your slope headed brain dead genetic family shitting you out after years of strife for you to also have the same mental faculty as the same child who mocked Jesus who was literally put on the cross hours ago.

[Image: 800px-AlexGraffito.svg.png]

I'm gonna explain this to you ONCE.
Because you nor your misbegotten children after you will never fathom this.

People are not all equal, a majority may not even qualify for having a soul. Many are like tools, an object to be used, but not an individual. They do not have thought like ME, but maybe more like you. These people are almost like a type of plant. Stagnant, complacent, not really growing, but existing and doing the minimum they need to survive.

People have been known to be like cattle. Over the years we have been seeing efforts to domesticate people which has not been a secret. Generations of slave overbreeding has lead to this issue where many are a product never meant to be more, or have more. A laborer in mind, body, and soul (doubt). When given freedom they choose the cage, for they find comfort in it.

If I tried to force a slave to have actual individuality, they will go crazy. Look at women, they are a literal embodiment of what it is to give freedom to someone who should never have it. They go crazy, hurt themselves, and hurt others. All because they can not fucking handle the idea that they are a PERSON instead of just a slave. The concept of repercussions, accountability, and so on are lost on these literal subhumans.

Memes are a form of easy to ingest programming. The NPCs on this earth literally cannot handle factual proof, evidence, or actual scientific explanations. They need it in a form they can just agree with, which MEMES accomplish. We are not working with thinking humans, we are dealing with literal animals in human form with no individuality.

You saying you hate memes isn't an achievement, isn't an accomplishment, it is more of a statement on YOU being too stupid to understand the reality you yourself are in. Literally a brain dead nigger on the internet wondering "Why do I feel pain? I must be so deep Smile"

Why don't you ask yourself why the sun is hot, why water is wet, and also since you are such a fucking intelligent human being you should ask why you can't hear GOD.

The graffiti you have linked comes from around 200 C.E, not hours after Jesus crucifixion.
(07-16-2023, 09:41 AM)Guest Wrote: The graffiti you have linked comes from around 200 C.E, not hours after Jesus crucifixion.

"Uh actually you are wrong because uh a 2000 year old meme is actually 2001 years old and thus irrelevant" - No name faggot on the internet

𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕 𝕜𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕣𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕟𝕠𝕨.
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