I've recently been watching Lost with some friends.

During certain scenes I began to get the impression that the show's composition had been intentionally crafted to appeal to male/female components of the audience, and that this was a core reason for Lost's huge popularity at the time it aired. There was a clear pattern of mystery/action sections for men interleaved with romance/drama plots for women, as if to keep each group satisfied while they watched through the parts that were not intended for them.

In particular, the show features several pregnancies that are given undue focus and multiple childbirth scenes. There were a number of moments where a female character would mention that she was pregnant or a mother to bolster her argument. I found these at times almost unwatchable, but it must have been appealing to someone, and maybe a woman would find the action segments as tedious. I also started noticing the presence of pregnancies in the (few) other TV shows I've watched, surely these were only for the sake of female viewers.

Creating relatable characters and then placing them into fantasy scenarios seems foundational to almost all media, and is not necessarily a bad thing, but I would still consider it pandering. At worst it gives someone an undue confidence in their everyday life, and I can entertain that this may be damaging on a large scale. It's also deceptive, because I don't think the average viewer has much of an understanding of just how comprehensively they are being pandered to.

However, In the case of Lost, I noticed that this pandering took a step further and reinforced immoral behavior in a subtle way that was never acknowledged as morally meaningful by the show, but no doubt gratified viewers. Romantic drama subplots portrayed female infidelity sympathetically (while scolding absent fathers). Female characters would throw a fit over an unambiguous misunderstanding where they were in the wrong, and never apologize or receive any reprisal when the misunderstanding was clarified. Almost all the female characters in Lost are obnoxious, unlikable whores, and I can only conclude that this is because the writers knew that women like being shown that their negative personality traits are normal and good.

When pandering is taken to its endpoint, it seems logical that it will exhaust all methods of positively affirming a person's positive traits and instead turn to affirm traits that are less morally acceptable. We must have strayed well into that territory when a widely popular show from almost two decades ago can be used as a solid example. The leftism in Lost feels fairly unobtrusive (most of the main cast is White) in comparison to most modern TV shows, which is probably why the parts that annoyed me most were identifiable as direct pandering. And aren't political design choices just another form of pandering?

Action scenes pander to masculine urges by unduly romanticizing violence and death, though this may counter-intuitively be less harmful because the difference between fantasy and reality is much more obvious. Most men who view violent scenes do not actually kill people, but many women who view romantic dramas do cheat on their partners. Media exists to appeal to outcasts too, Joker being an obvious example.

There's a tension involved because the audience doesn't want it to be made too glaringly obvious that they are being pandered to. Elaborate plots and genres evolve to impede viewers from noticing common tropes, allowing them to maintain the illusion that they aren't getting their ego stroked by lies and loving every second.

This raises the question of whether it would be possible to enjoy any media at all if it was not crafted to positively reinforce our self-image. I'm unsure if I will enjoy anything as I once did, after reaching this conclusion. If I watch a Sion Sono film where they're actually allowed to hit women and find it refreshing, is it any less delusional than someone delighting in watching some woman with a non-existent personality type boss around all the male characters, or from more obvious shonen power fantasies?

Individually deluding yourself does not seem as much an issue as letting yourself be deluded by a writer (who is likely to belong to a category of people who bitterly hate you), often without realizing it, and then proceeding to applaud the writer if you find their attempt to flatter you was particularly effective.
For reasons alluded to in your post, pandering to women doesn't bother me much because I simply don't view media that panders to women.  I've never watched Lost but ZOG-approved media has moved on from including "womens' interest" items like pregnancies and acting hysterically without consequence to weird self-insert dominance displays: rather than appealing to women they're trying to piss off the WHITE MALE who didn't call them back or whatever.

It's died down a bit but one form of audience pandering that annoys me as someone who often enjoys superior Nihon media products is the "harem protagonist".  Basically some regular guy [sometimes "an outright loser" depending on the target audience] with no distinguishing characteristics who has anime bitches fighting over his dick.  I get the appeal but it's not for me -- as a white man I prefer more of a heroic or ascetic type.

This raises the question of whether it would be possible to enjoy any media at all if it was not crafted to positively reinforce our self-image.

I would say yes but it's tricky since it's possible to cobble together "positive reinforcement" from a negative portrayal.  For instance I think a lot of people find Shinji "positively reinforcing" because they think they could easily exceed him.
With harem anime/manga at least the story is quite up-front about how it is pandering to the viewer with an unrealistic fantasy, but properly entertaining the fantasy still involves a significant amount of self-deception on the part of the audience. I was never able to enjoy it either, and I think some combination of stupidity/desperation (common among lesser races) is needed to overcome the threshold where you can pretend the fanservice isn't disrespectfully mocking you.

[Image: kt2ejj.png]

As a more extreme example of my point about affirming negative traits, I recently was linked to Robyn Hood, a progressive re-imagining of Robin Hood which received overwhelmingly negative reviews. Putting many other issues with the show aside, it depicts "a heroine challenging the status quo and fighting oppression". Here, the group being pandered to is young progressives who enact petty violence against White civilization. The minority of people who gave this 10 stars remember the time they shoplifted makeup or threw a brick through the window of a small business and thus feel gratified by relating to the heroine.

Taking a traditional boring self-sacrificial hero that helps people and turning them black and female wouldn't be quite as much of a problem, since at least they're not dignifying niggerish behaviors (although clearly there are still a number of other issues with this, and it wouldn't really work here given the nature of the original Robin Hood).
I don't know that this qualifies as pandering, or if it is then the pandering isn't the problem.  Pandering after all is pretty straightforward: indulging the tastes of the audience.  The problem you're talking about involves more detail: rather than simply depicting something, it actively propagandizes for it.  Everyman loser isekai harem protagonists aren't moralizing about anything to their audience.  There is no trick or "payload".  Nobody watches KonoSuba and thinks they should be more like Sato Kazuma.  It's the difference between portrayal and justification.

It's very common for media targeted at blacks to portray a "black world" where everyone is black and blacks all have agency.  I don't want to make this a thread about niggers but I will say that one of the key differences between what they make for themselves and what jews make using them is the difference between simple pandering and this sort of propaganda.  Compare films like Friday or Belly or anything Tyler Perry has ever made to GNC propaganda like Glass Onion.  

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