"Principle of charity" applied to ZOG
Our left-progressive enemies are completely convinced that the same entity that we refer to as ZOG is their enemy. Sometimes they express their awe that our sort of radical can perceive ZOG as an enemy when we are both "clearly right wing" as if that means anything. Left/right wing is just about whether you want anything incompatible with universalized liberte/egalite/fraternite. People who want different things and also don't want that stuff aren't so surprising.

It is still possible that factions of radicals are predisposed towards framing themselves as underdogs. Amarna seems beyond that social-context ego by way of weapons-grade great-works ego. I believe we ought to make sure by questioning the ZOG dogma for nuance. This will allow better prediction of how factions of ZOG will react to developments and operations.

I do not intend to argue for cucking/empathy if you are placed in a self defense situation with any agent of the enemy.

Feds slaughtered small white american sects and leave-me-alone white radicals. But a lot of this (waco, ruby ridge) is plausibly brought on by the incentive to catch a broadly denounced cultural enemy (le crazy cultists! le wipipo supremacists!) by way of illegal firearms charges- they want a PR boost. Yes, they were incompetent in these cases else you would have never heard of them. Yes, you don't want that to happen to you and you would probably like to have more weapons- especially once you hear about these cases. Yet, it is possible that this is a reflection of the general culture via sociopaths instead of infiltration by our enemies.

Skipping over balkans because I don't know a lot about what the UN did there and why.

Obviously ZOG itself is named after zionism. Stuff like killing Christians in the middle east makes it obviously no true friend of the mostly-white western christians. Obviously they aren't doing it to be anti-christian or to say screw you to the white christians of america but it demonstrates that they are probably not your friends because they are not the friends of people very culturally like you- whether that is directly through middle-east christians or transitively through white christians. Even if you really don't care about Christianity, this sort of stuff going unaddressed lends a lot of plausibility to the global-institutional characterization of zionism.

There is the argument that only the USG forces prevent the conquest and reformation of lesser nations like Haiti. (courtesy of Aidan Maclear) Otherwise, why haven't PMCs established efficient singapore overlord government in these shitholes and fixed all the problems for profit? Yes, I believe they are preventing this. But are they doing it because tranny heart, or are they doing it because it is efficient imperialism largely aligned with their PR? It is possible that ZOG prevents the resolution of fallen states (or actively brings them about e.g. south africa) because it does not want to have competent stable sovereign competitors on the world stage. Someone on twitter mentioned there used to be some leftist academics who thought this way about stuff, maybe to resolve their cognitive dissonance about le western imperialism going against SA. Forgot their names. While this line of thinking can change the character attributed to ZOG it doesn't change that they are probably your enemies if you are not in the american power structure. Part of the reasoning is no doubt that they don't want there to be any stable countries that you or normie taxcattle can flee to when domestic conditions take a turn for the worse.

In the 1970s there were a few major changes that in some combination have rigged the economic system against normal people. Immigration opening up, destroying the bretton woods system and gold standard, pretty sure there was a third thing. This doesn't mean that they are anti-white it could just be that they are putting these measures in place to prevent the ascendance of the middle class into the elite. With the federal money printing inflation stuff it is also a plausibly efficient use of the imperial dominance of america because rich foreigners in China etc use american dollars to store their wealth with more stability.

Again with the same story in the anti-cop psyops- they might or might not love blacks, but they want more federal power. I don't think this applied to anti-speech and anti-privacy stuff because that gets in the way of some mechanisms of power that they need for stability, so it has to be ideological.

Some things could easily be results of specific special interest groups. Business needs illegal labor, it makes it impossible to enforce rules against illegal labor. Business wants to sell cheap estrogenic soyslop, government will look the other way. Bad, but I haven't heard arguments for ideological predisposition.

Some ideological factions are really straightforward. The CRT and """sex-ed""" education factions are bad. Some aspect of the government has built bureaucracy up upon the civil rights act and extended its applicability to new never-legislated protected classes, forcing people to work and associate with undesirables. It has also promoted a particular personality type to the top of corporations- one completely out of touch with truth so as to optimally manage the woke PR with the pragmatic without the neurotic symptoms of cognitive dissonance. I suspect these are sociopaths, but they may have internalized the woke stuff for real. I can only see these things as the acts of our true non-negotiable enemies. I think that the earliest indications along these lines (like the racial integration of schools) ought to be prioritized for determining the functional vs ideological anti-greatness qualities of our enemies.
If you actually talk to lefties or lurk in places where they discuss anything, it's obvious that they knowingly support ZOG. Show a lefty a picture of the National Guard deployed at Little Rock to enforce integration and he will be ecstatic in his support for it. It's no secret that lefty values are derived from ZOG and it's no secret that ZOG uses lethal force to see these values realized- and that's a good thing!

(05-31-2023, 09:20 PM)Guest Wrote: If you actually talk to lefties or lurk in places where they discuss anything, it's obvious that they knowingly support ZOG. Show a lefty a picture of the National Guard deployed at Little Rock to enforce integration and he will be ecstatic in his support for it. It's no secret that lefty values are derived from ZOG and it's no secret that ZOG uses lethal force to see these values realized- and that's a good thing!

Where are some places that lefties discuss stuff? Give examples of leftist equivalent of Amarna Forum.
(05-31-2023, 09:20 PM)Guest Wrote: Where are some places that lefties discuss stuff? Give examples of leftist equivalent of Amarna Forum.

The moment they genuinely want to talk they stop being true leftists.
casual rapist
There are gentiles actively denied knowledge of self, an understanding of how extensive their culture is, that it creates the basis of the entire world basically, and that garbage kikes are the physical embodiment of its negation.  That's a serious situation.  These gentiles are a mess and think the situation is somehow open to their input, even waiting for their input.  My ideas, my participation matters.  This is ridiculous.  The situation is what it is.  Get over the hump and get on with it.

There are confused mischlings who don't know where to turn because the white man has stopped ruthlessly eliminating the kike, placing the kike in his proper place of eternal shame and thereby showing the mischling the way out of his own mess.

And there are kikes that want a new deal, a new deal, how about a new deal, wait here's the new deal, and under this pretense embrace the gentile right, but only as sublimation of their shitty kikish behavior and thereby deform the gentile right.  This is the most preposterous cohort.

They're in dialogue with the confused gentiles who think there is some necessity in "finding common ground", "to arrive at a solution", which once established creates only the stability against which the kike will next arbitrage, commit fraud, parasite.  Until the solution has been so abused it's no longer tenable, the confused gentile doesn't understand and never did, and the kike wants a new deal. 

We're all in this together.

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