Technical Issues
Moving to an independent platform has its challenges. This forum is probably going to suffer from a litany of technical issues that were absent in the last incarnation. Here are my main concerns:

- We are following best practices, but cyber-attacks are always a risk. This site saves e-mails, though I've disabled the mods' ability to see them. They will almost certainly be leaked in the event of a cyber-attack. Do not register here with your personal or work e-mail, and use a VPN if you're so inclined.
- I'm using a very cheap VPS, so bandwidth is at a premium. Thankfully, we can stay well below the bandwidth cap just by disabling local attachments. Please use an external image hosting service like Imgur or ImgBB.
- Comfy has been achieved.

If you have any concerns, reports, or suggestions, feel free to voice them here or in a private message.
Added the DVZ mentions plugin. It allows you to mention users. One-word names like @Sharmat can be typed verbatim; for multi-word names like @Nathan J Robinson you need to surround them with quotes. You can also mention users by ID, as in @Chud.

@"Nathan J Robinson"
Is it possible to enable attaching files (images specifically)?
(05-13-2022, 02:07 AM)obscurefish Wrote: Is it possible to enable attaching files (images specifically)?

Yes. I disabled the feature for bandwidth reasons. Please upload to Imgur or ImgBB instead.
(02-25-2023, 03:19 AM)Guest Wrote: something appears to be misconfigured with the search, when i click on search results there is "yoursite" where "" should be in the URL

What I've noticed is that for whatever reason if you click to go to the relevant post of a search result you get it, but if you click on the thread it's in you get this error. The site can be searched, but this should be seen to. Thanks for raising the issue here.
In the past few weeks there has gone from a rare level of spam from last year and early this year to it being a daily happening. I will be brutally honest the mods being awake 24/7 to catch it appears to naturally not be happening anytime soon and thus even with such clearances some linger behind. I humbly petition our high programmers for a possible fix for this great trouble in our e realm.
[Image: 3RVIe13.gif]

“Power changes its appearance but not its reality.”― Bertrand De Jouvenel
(05-07-2023, 12:42 AM)NuclearAbsolutist Wrote: In the past few weeks there has gone from a rare level of spam from last year and early this year to it being a daily happening. I will be brutally honest the mods being awake 24/7 to catch it appears to naturally not be happening anytime soon and thus even with such clearances some linger behind. I humbly petition our high programmers for a possible fix for this great trouble in our e realm.

I'm leaving them up on purpose to bump threads and because I find it funny.
(05-07-2023, 04:01 AM)anthony Wrote: I'm leaving them up on purpose to bump threads and because I find it funny.

When I see a indication for a new post in a thread and see it's a Indian mechanical turk I get very disappointed because it's not a contribution to the thread. "Bumping" on a forum is nonsensical, the thread isn't going to be slid off or autodeleted if valueless posts don't get made.
[Image: 3RVIe13.gif]

“Power changes its appearance but not its reality.”― Bertrand De Jouvenel
(05-07-2023, 04:10 AM)NuclearAbsolutist Wrote:
(05-07-2023, 04:01 AM)anthony Wrote: I'm leaving them up on purpose to bump threads and because I find it funny.

When I see a indication for a new post in a thread and see it's a Indian mechanical turk I get very disappointed because it's not a contribution to the thread. "Bumping" on a forum is nonsensical, the thread isn't going to be slid off or autodeleted if valueless posts don't get made.

No but it's sometimes a fun reminder of a fun thread that was near the bottom.
I came three times to the default avatar before a reverse image search revealed it was a male. It should be changed.
With the current font, text in italics isn't very clearly visible, outside of just appearing smaller than normal text.
some text
some text
It's a minor annoyance and will probably (understandably) be at the bottom of the priority list, but is there any possible fix for it?
All images outside a handful of common image hosts / CDNs are now served through a reverse proxy. I don't know why I didn't do this earlier, it's a blatant privacy oversight (genuflecting, whipping myself in penance, gomennasai), thoughever looking through a grep of all images linked in posts it seems that no malicious agent managed to exploit this chink in our armor.

Domains excluded from the reverse-proxy (based on the aforementioned dump):

I don't reliably get alerts anymore, and haven't for some time (I keep finding quote replies to my post of which I was never notified). My settings are unchanged (alerts on for everything).
(06-29-2023, 03:49 AM)Hamamelis Wrote: I don't reliably get alerts anymore, and haven't for some time (I keep finding quote replies to my post of which I was never notified). My settings are unchanged (alerts on for everything).

Guest posts don't alert. Is that it?
Most likely. I am retarded, apologies.
I like the newspaper theme, but I don't like when too little content gets stretched across columns. Look at the bottom row of this screenshot to see what I mean:

[Image: one.png]

I made a css/javascript workaround to fix this. In the newspaper css theme, add these to .post_body:
    column-fill: auto;
    max-height: 50ch;

And in threads.js, add the function adjustMaxHeight and its function call. It reverts the two css rules in the case that the content overflows. 
var Thread = {
    init: function()

            // Set spinner image
            $('#quickreply_spinner img').attr('src', spinner_image);
    adjustMaxHeight: function()
        var columns = document.querySelectorAll('.post_body');
        function checkOverflow(el){
           var curOverflow =;
            if ( !curOverflow || curOverflow === "visible" )
       = "hidden";
            var isOverflowing = el.clientWidth < el.scrollWidth || el.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight;
   = curOverflow;
            return isOverflowing;
        columns.forEach(function(column) {
            if (checkOverflow(column)) {
       = 'none';
       = 'balance';

This is what it look like. Compare this to the above example:

[Image: two.png]

I also think that justified text looks bad. Here is what it looks like without justified text. Compare this screenshot to the previous:

[Image: four.png]
(08-01-2023, 08:04 PM)kythustra Wrote: [Image: four.png]

This looks quite neat and works as its own serious option for how to look at the site. I would like to see this added as a proper option, and would do so myself right now if I knew how. Thanks for the contribution. I'll show chud.
I created a new color scheme that also uses the auto filled columns. Any thoughts? 

[Image: theme.png]
[Image: theme3.png]
[Image: theme4.png]
I'd use that for a while. I think we need more colour options. What I'd really like right now is a dark one sort of like Lainchan.
Mason Hall-McCullough
It looks good though I would personally make the backgrounds darker. I'd like a theme that was both dark and used the serif font.

The newspaper theme also needs a fix for YouTube embeds.

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