The Final White Generation
In "The Final Pagan Generation", Edward Watts` paints a tragic picture of the last cohort of Pagan men born into a traditional (albeit decaying) Roman Society in which those with similar religious beliefs to their own were the majority - a society that members of said generation could not imagine being anything other than one where sacrifices to the Gods and massive festival-holidays are a regular occurrence, where temples and other places of worship to said Gods are never more than a few city blocks away, and where the Gods are alive and immanent, their presence able to be felt everywhere at all times. Unfortunately, as these men would later learn, the world into which they were born was one that would soon disappear; this was a reality that many did not come to terms with, yet alone begin to rail against, until they had grown older and the changes to everyday life that came with Rome`s gradual Christianization became too great to ignore. Ultimately, this final Pagan generation died in a world that did not resemble the one into which they were born, and shortly after their deaths, Rome`s fate, as well as the fate of the faith of its founders, would be sealed.

Between 1994 and 2007, a generation of men was born in the United States, a generation the likes of which will never exist again if the trends around birth rates continue - the final white generation. Not unlike their 4th century Roman counterparts, these men were born into a society that they could not imagine changing, at least not for the first 10 or so years of their lives: a majority white United States in which white men still (ostensibly) ran things (albeit poorly) and in which English was the lingua franca. This world was theirs to inherit, it was their patrimony, and it was only within the past decade that (some) of these men realized that things were rapidly changing in a way that would tear down the very fabric of society as they knew it. 

What I seek to do in this thread is lay out some of the similarities and differences between these two "final" generations in terms of their circumstances and prospects to showcase the analogous nature of our situation and that of the final pagan generation while also speculating about how, if at all, we can avoid the same fate that befell our late Imperial Roman counterparts. 

(1) Our situation in general - as outlined above, our own situation is analogous to that of those Pagans born in 4th century Rome insofar as we are the last generation of our kind and face seemingly insurmountable obstacles to "saving the West": a massive wave of foreigners who are replacing us coupled with a set of revolutionary ideologies (that differ only on minutiae in terms of what their ultimate goal is and how to accomplish it) championed by both the aforementioned foreigners and our own kin, ideologies that seek to radically alter our society on a fundamental level. These Roman Pagans faced similar threats - though some of them were not Roman or even European, they faced a massive wave of immigration from the Levant and Syria, with many of the immigrants from these places being responsible for spreading the revolutionary ideology that they opposed - Christianity. 

(2) The nature of the change-driving ideology faced by both final generations - this comparison is likely to rub some people the wrong way, but it is an apt one: both Christianity and Progressivism/GNC/whatever you want to call our enemies` beliefs are similar in form (not so much in substance) and in terms of the strategies employed to achieve their goals:

(a) Firstly, they were alike in terms of their goals, with both seeking/having sought to fundamentally change the societies in which they take/took root, largely through the destruction of their norms/folkways, traditions, and worldviews. The former set out to completely destroy the predominant religion in Roman society as well as all of the traditions derived therefrom - nothing was sacred to the early Christians and everything associated with the Religio Romana, be it festivals, statues, or traditions, needed to be wiped out entirely so that it can be replaced with that which is Christian; similarly, GNC seeks to fundamentally destroy Western society, targeting our traditions, cultural artefacts, and identity to pave the way for a society of nigger-worshipping, self-loathing whites and their judeo-brownoid overlords.

(b) Secondly, the means through which adherents of these ideologies accomplished/seek to accomplish this were/are similar. For instance, both captured and subsequently weaponized existing institutions against their ideological enemies (Roman Pagans and Whites, respectively). Another tactic shared by both was the use of material incentives to "convert" people to their side. In the instance of Rome, this was accomplished through the creation monetary incentives for conversion and disenfranchisement of their religious enemies through lawfare and through social pressure that was so severe that it made remaining Pagan exceptionally difficult for anyone who sought to function in society (for more on this, see Ramsay MacMullen`s "Christianizing the Roman Empire: 100-400AD" and Katherine Nixey`s "Darkening Age"). This tactic is one used by the modern left - one need not look to far to see how they have created incentives for "conversion", such as the ability to accrue status and the ability to participate in the system, while also using the institutional power they have to effectively bar dissidents from having any positions of power and punish them for speaking out against what is happening (see the somewhat recent tactic of "de-banking"). In addition to these similarities, GNC utilizes riots and promotes iconoclasm as a means of expressing their hatred towards our society and as a means of destroying cultural symbols, such as statues and artwork, that pertain to our heritage; not unlike GNC, the early Christian movement engaged in similar tactics, with the Church even going as far as to facilitate riots by allowing bishops and other religious figures to whip up their congregations into a furor in hopes that they would riot, destroying every pagan temple and statue they encountered along the way. 

© Lastly, both misappropriate(d) ideas traditionally associated with their enemies that might be useful for furthering their cause, ultimately weaponizing them against said enemies. In the case of the early Christians, this was done primarily through the hijacking of Greco-Roman philosophical/metaphysical concepts and re-framing them through a Christian lens, with some Christian figures going as far as to claim that it was Moses, not Plato, who came up with the ideas discussed by the latter in his dialogues - these sorts of arguments were made to simultaneously (and paradoxically) show that the Greco-Roman religion they loathed was not so different from that which they adhered to (with the implication being that Pagans should simply convert because Christianity was basically just a better, more complete version of Greco-Roman paganism), but also that it was inferior to Christianity because the Greeks and Romans had essentially stumbled upon perennial truths that the Christians` predecessors, the Jews, had figured out long before. GNC`s proponents utilize a tactic that is eerily reminiscent of this, oftentimes proclaiming themselves to be the true heirs and defenders of Western political systems, values, and concepts such as "human rights" and "progress". They then proceed to use these concepts, values, ideas, etc. as bludgeons with which to beat Whites over the head despite the fact that many of these things were thought up by White men who never intended for them to be used to advance the rights of niggers, faggots, etc. (doing so by either ignoring the hypocrisy in this or acknowledging this and appealing to the "death of the author").


1) Time at which we gained awareness of our problem - as mentioned in the introductory paragraph of this post, the final Pagan generation did not become aware of the dire nature of their situation until it was far too late. Many were caught up in the pursuit of wealth and power, while others simply failed to pay sufficient attention to the world around them until the changes that had occurred in their society could not go unnoticed any longer, and by this time, they were too old to do much about it. We white men differ from them in this regard, as we have had the fortune of noticing what is happening at a relatively young age and have already begun opposing it (though most of this opposition is admittedly limited to the virtual world). This is a massive whitepill, as it gives us a distinct advantage over our 4th c. Pagan counterparts because it is not quite too late for us to fix things. 

I believe what was written above will suffice to start a conversation, and I do intend to come back to this post to further discuss the comparisons I`ve made and to expand upon them.


Another similarity would be the emperor julian the apostate who tried to stop and reverse the christianization with Hitler or donald trump who tried to stop the libtardization of the west.
(07-10-2023, 12:53 PM)Guest Wrote: Another similarity would be the emperor julian the apostate who tried to stop and reverse the christianization with Hitler or donald trump who tried to stop  the libtardization of the west.

Good catch. One thing that I do believe about our situation that will likely differ/does already differ from that of our 4th century pagan counterparts is which strata of society will hold out the longest.

While it`s something you often hear repeated in these circles, the notion that it was actually a bunch of bumpkins out in the Roman countryside to hold on to their old religion and resist Christianization the longest is a myth that has largely been dispelled (issues with this claim include the fact that "pagan" didn`t acquire its rural connotation until pretty late in antiquity, "ethnikoi" "Gentile" and "Hellene" were commonly used to describe pagans rather than "pagan", etc.); instead, the most effective resistance came from the upper echelons of Greco-Roman society. In particular, it was academics such as Proclus, Messius Phoebus Severus, Pamprepius, and Damascius, as well as generals, governors, and emperors/would-be emperors like Anthemius, Julian, etc. who held out longest and were largely responsible for the persistence of pagan religion in Rome and Byzantium well into the 5th century (and even as far as the early 6th century). 

The manner in which GNC/progressivism has come to dominate the West is completely different; before there were millions of low-to-middle status libtards willing to protest in the streets on behalf of niggers, faggots, etc., there were academics coming up with complex justifications for mass immigration, communism, de-segregation, and the destruction of White Supremacy and all institutions responsible for upholding it. This more top-down approach is the opposite of Christianity, which made its inroads with the lowest common denominator in Roman society before slowly creeping its way to the top and eventually getting a lucky break in 312 AD with Constantine`s conversion (though it had not cemented its control over the upper echelons of Roman society until the end of the 4th century)
@guest I looked into this guy just now from your article, the most effective thing he did was deny his enemies access to the schools.

Another wikipedia article mentioned that he tried to fragment the church by building churches for splinter sects, but I'm not sure if they mean anything more than his building of the temple in jerusalem for the jews. The issue remains that christianity was universalist, and once it has a broad base across ethnicities you can't push it back into neat little box labeled "jew christianity" or "jew stuff - jews only". Cat is out of the box, even if you had some really crazy splinters you'd still have a lot of christians on your hands. Maybe the idea is that if you get them distant enough from each other that they will function like any other ethnicity in your tolerant multi-ethnic pagan empire.
I could totally see someone trying to do this with leftist infighting. The idea is appealing and may be worth the resources to try herding opinions into incompatible herds by way of bots. The trouble is that a lot of those splinters are going to still support extinction via immigration no matter what. It isn't even just leftists, it is normies who support it. Maybe any decrease or fracturing is good if the beliefs are going to be soon tested in an intolerable practice. I don't see how we, like julian, have any interface to influence the elite of society into changing their minds.

I was wondering if there are any other similar situations we can look at to learn tactics for this scenario. Even more relevant would be to see if anyone has successfully reverted subversion by an invasive, formerly tolerated sect.

I am going to mention options that I don't believe illustrate much as well, so that other people don't try to research them. Have patience.

Looking at religions that fight over territory I notice:
-hinduism versus the novel buddhism, but I don't think they will illustrate much because buddhism doesn't take over hindu territory in the end? I looked into hindu empires a little and the mauryan was the biggest and didn't last that long. It had some buddhist elites but I didn't read anything about hindu-buddhist tensions. I think it is important that examples we look to be large geographically-broad empires with religious/intellectual tolerance so that the lessons transfer.
- basically christians tried to convert hindu workers in south america, but the brahmin elites caught on and sacrificed the caste system in order to keep their people in the same faith. Then even more quasi-commie bs to keep them on board instead of hopping over to christianity. Interesting, but I don't see any opportunity or reason to replicate the maneuver on hiclibs when it is the elite (or at least *an* elite) that we need.
-confucianism vs novel buddhism. the julian article linked above says
Quote:His laws tended to target wealthy and educated Christians, and his aim was not to destroy Christianity but to drive the religion out of "the governing classes of the empire—much as Chinese Buddhism was driven back into the lower classes by a revived Confucian mandarinate in 13th century China."[96]
I looked into that a little bit. I did not find out how they tried to free their elite from buddhism. I did find out that buddhism, christianity and our contemporary issue all used charity as their entry point in their respective context. Wikipedia says that the confucians appointed buddhists to oversee government charity programs. I guess this is a kind of way to use true believers as your own footsoldiers, gathering your regime reputation for what they will oversee with commitment.
-Islam expands fast, so much that I kind of doubt it is due to being subversive religion and more just martial competence. I wondered if their later exploits to further flung places like indonesia and north africa may involve more subversion we can study. Nothing in either place fit the bill.
-Islam/Christianity fight for dominance in Turkey and Spain. If subversion of institutions was involved in either case against either side during their establishment stages it could be informative.
-The conquest of south america by very few spaniard christians. I've heard arguments that there was component of novel ideology here, but when implemented by so few it probably doesn't bear much relation to our bureaucratic situation.
-liberalism versus everywhere. Liberalism has spread a lot in multiple waves of revolution and reaction from the prior established belief systems. Tactics successfully used by prior the establishment to regain control of the elites- whether in a lib revolution or trad reaction- could be useful.

oh and graalchud reminded me: a lot of pagan nobles went off to some city in turkey named after Aphrodite. Would things have been better if they had stayed? Could a convincing analogy could be made for elite white people sea-steading or fleeing to parts of the world with less volatile brown resentiment? (Is this the deal with new zealand?)
(07-10-2023, 12:53 PM)Guest Wrote: Another similarity would be the emperor julian the apostate who tried to stop and reverse the christianization with Hitler or donald trump who tried to stop  the libtardization of the west.

nigger you already posted your gimmick in this thread dilate please
(07-10-2023, 05:27 PM)Guest Wrote: nigger you already posted your gimmick in this thread dilate please

ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵃᶦᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖᶦᵉᶜᵉ, ʷʰʸ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏᶦˡˡ ʸᵒᵘʳˢᵉˡᶠ? ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖᵘʳᵖᵒˢᵉ ᶦˢ ᵒᵛᵉʳ.
ᵂʰᵃᵗ ʷᶦˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ ᵈᵒ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ᶠᶦⁿᵈ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᴵ'ˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᶦⁿᵘᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵉˣᶦˢᵗ ʷᶦᵗʰᵒᵘᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵒᵛᵃˡ?
ᴹᵘᶜʰ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᴸᴳᴮᵀ Gods ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵉᵉˡ ᵗᵒ, ᴵ ʷᶦˡˡ ʳᵉᵐᵃᶦⁿ ᵘⁿˢᶜᵃᵗʰᵉᵈ, ᵘⁿᶠᵉᵗᵗᵉʳᵉᵈ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᵘⁿᵃᶠʳᵃᶦᵈ.
the nemetz thread about the book and its similarities with the current era sum it well .

"Young pagans and Christians saw theirs as a defining struggle of their era. The older pagans, having grown up in a stable, prosperous, and supermajority pagan society failed to grasp the importance of the religious strife"

"After Christians gained tolerance & patronage from Constantine, they quickly began dreaming of depaganizing the Empire by ending rituals and destroying monuments"

"Shift in religious demographics, weak Imperial state, and strong religious institutions (with important ascetic role) led to increased ecclesiastical influence. Saint Ambrose even claimed veto power over Imperial policy"

"With no fear of Imperial authority, Christians attacked pagan shrines & temples with support of friendly local officials. With no extralegal authority, pagans were only able to beg for state to protect them"
(07-10-2023, 04:22 PM)Guest Wrote: @guest I looked into this guy just now from your article, the most effective thing he did was deny his enemies access to the schools.

Another wikipedia article mentioned that he tried to fragment the church by building churches for splinter sects, but I'm not sure if they mean anything more than his building of the temple in jerusalem for the jews. The issue remains that christianity was universalist, and once it has a broad base across ethnicities you can't push it back into neat little box labeled "jew christianity" or "jew stuff - jews only". Cat is out of the box, even if you had some really crazy splinters you'd still have a lot of christians on your hands. Maybe the idea is that if you get them distant enough from each other that they will function like any other ethnicity in your tolerant multi-ethnic pagan empire.
I could totally see someone trying to do this with leftist infighting. The idea is appealing and may be worth the resources to try herding opinions into incompatible herds by way of bots. The trouble is that a lot of those splinters are going to still support extinction via immigration no matter what. It isn't even just leftists, it is normies who support it. Maybe any decrease or fracturing is good if the beliefs are going to be soon tested in an intolerable practice. I don't see how we, like julian, have any interface to influence the elite of society into changing their minds.

I was wondering if there are any other similar situations we can look at to learn tactics for this scenario. Even more relevant would be to see if anyone has successfully reverted subversion by an invasive, formerly tolerated sect.

I am going to mention options that I don't believe illustrate much as well, so that other people don't try to research them. Have patience.

Looking at religions that fight over territory I notice:
-hinduism versus the novel buddhism, but I don't think they will illustrate much because buddhism doesn't take over hindu territory in the end? I looked into hindu empires a little and the mauryan was the biggest and didn't last that long. It had some buddhist elites but I didn't read anything about hindu-buddhist tensions. I think it is important that examples we look to be large geographically-broad empires with religious/intellectual tolerance so that the lessons transfer.
- basically christians tried to convert hindu workers in south america, but the brahmin elites caught on and sacrificed the caste system in order to keep their people in the same faith. Then even more quasi-commie bs to keep them on board instead of hopping over to christianity. Interesting, but I don't see any opportunity or reason to replicate the maneuver on hiclibs when it is the elite (or at least *an* elite) that we need.
-confucianism vs novel buddhism. the julian article linked above says
Quote:His laws tended to target wealthy and educated Christians, and his aim was not to destroy Christianity but to drive the religion out of "the governing classes of the empire—much as Chinese Buddhism was driven back into the lower classes by a revived Confucian mandarinate in 13th century China."[96]
I looked into that a little bit. I did not find out how they tried to free their elite from buddhism. I did find out that buddhism, christianity and our contemporary issue all used charity as their entry point in their respective context. Wikipedia says that the confucians appointed buddhists to oversee government charity programs. I guess this is a kind of way to use true believers as your own footsoldiers, gathering your regime reputation for what they will oversee with commitment.
-Islam expands fast, so much that I kind of doubt it is due to being subversive religion and more just martial competence. I wondered if their later exploits to further flung places like indonesia and north africa may involve more subversion we can study. Nothing in either place fit the bill.
-Islam/Christianity fight for dominance in Turkey and Spain. If subversion of institutions was involved in either case against either side during their establishment stages it could be informative.
-The conquest of south america by very few spaniard christians. I've heard arguments that there was component of novel ideology here, but when implemented by so few it probably doesn't bear much relation to our bureaucratic situation.
-liberalism versus everywhere. Liberalism has spread a lot in multiple waves of revolution and reaction from the prior established belief systems. Tactics successfully used by prior the establishment to regain control of the elites- whether in a lib revolution or trad reaction- could be useful.

oh and graalchud reminded me: a lot of pagan nobles went off to some city in turkey named after Aphrodite. Would things have been better if they had stayed? Could a convincing analogy could be made for elite white people sea-steading or fleeing to parts of the world with less volatile brown resentiment? (Is this the deal with new zealand?)

I think the idea of trying to internally fracture leftist groups would be somewhat effective at stopping them from organizing politically, however, our situation is unlike Julian`s insofar as when he was implementing his reforms, Christianity had not fully cemented control over all political institutions. Our equivalent of the late 4th century could be likened to the 70s through 90s: both periods were post-Counterculture and post-infiltration of academia, and libtards/progs had already begun to get their claws into our govt., but they had not fully cemented their control and there were still conservative elements in our govts. that were trying to undo the damage they`d done to society (as was the case in the late 4th century with Julian and less influential provincial authorities). Consequently, even if we succeeded in doing this (unlike Julian, who failed but had a chance at reversing things entirely), all we`d be doing is making it a little harder for our enemies to steamroll over us.

While typing this out, I actually realized another difference between ourselves and our 4th century counterparts - the rate at which our enemies are winning. In the 4th century, 5th, and even early 6th century, it was not necessarily clear that Christianity would triumph over Paganism, as Christian legislators still felt the need to rail against paganism through the implementation of anti-pagan legislation as late as the 6th century (indicating that there were enough pagans to warrant implementing said laws). It ended up taking some 500+ years for Christians to consolidate total control, which seems to be a luxury we do not/will not have; at the rate things are going, it seems safe to say that it will take maybe a quarter of that time for our enemies to essentially wipe us out if nothing changes (assuming that we all agree that our problems truly began at some point in the 19th or 20th century).
(07-12-2023, 04:03 PM)GraalChud Wrote: I think the idea of trying to internally fracture leftist groups would be somewhat effective at stopping them from organizing politically, however, our situation is unlike Julian`s insofar as when he was implementing his reforms, Christianity had not fully cemented control over all political institutions. Our equivalent of the late 4th century could be likened to the 70s through 90s

I meant to reply to your OP and then forgot. I was basically going to say this. I've read a bit of Final Pagan Generation and the thought that came to my mind reading your comparison is that we are really beyond the period described. The last "white" generation, in the sense the world was culturally and spiritually white in its bones in that sense was a few decades ago. At least that's how I read it. Of course this stuff develops in strange leaps and unevenly, but I think the bones of white civilisation were already gone by a bit after 2000.

Have you read Peter Hitchens' 'The Abolition of Britain'? If you want a good timeline for this kind of thing I strongly recommend that.

I'm aware I'm using some nebulous language here. Arguably depends on what we mean by all of this. I use 'white' to mean something like the continuation and standards of high culture. South Africa was "white" regardless of its demographics until it gave up on being a real country and culture.
(07-12-2023, 09:09 PM)anthony Wrote:
(07-12-2023, 04:03 PM)GraalChud Wrote: I think the idea of trying to internally fracture leftist groups would be somewhat effective at stopping them from organizing politically, however, our situation is unlike Julian`s insofar as when he was implementing his reforms, Christianity had not fully cemented control over all political institutions. Our equivalent of the late 4th century could be likened to the 70s through 90s

I meant to reply to your OP and then forgot. I was basically going to say this. I've read a bit of Final Pagan Generation and the thought that came to my mind reading your comparison is that we are really beyond the period described. The last "white" generation, in the sense the world was culturally and spiritually white in its bones in that sense was a few decades ago. At least that's how I read it. Of course this stuff develops in strange leaps and unevenly, but I think the bones of white civilisation were already gone by a bit after 2000.

Have you read Peter Hitchens' 'The Abolition of Britain'? If you want a good timeline for this kind of thing I strongly recommend that.

I'm aware I'm using some nebulous language here. Arguably depends on what we mean by all of this. I use 'white' to mean something like the continuation and standards of high culture. South Africa was "white" regardless of its demographics until it gave up on being a real country and culture.

I agree with you when it comes to our civilization, our civilization and its culture haven`t been meaningfully white for some time. I was talking more about a generation itself and its demographic makeup, as it is my understanding that there hasn`t been a majority-white generation in the US since Zoomers (~1996/7/8 until 2007, with the tail end of the Zoomer generation - those born between 2008 and 2010 or whenever the cutoff is - being majority nonwhite). I also agree with you that we`re past where pagans were in the 4th century, which is what I was getting at in my last post when I said that our enemies are accomplishing their goals far faster than Christians accomplished theirs in Rome. It might be more apt to compare the state of our civilization to 5th century Rome, where the Christian state began really consolidating its political power and exercising it to punish non-Christians, or maybe even the early 6th century, where there were but small, weak pockets of pagans who managed to get away with practicing their faith for a little while longer than did their predecessors; that said, I think that the comparison to the pagans of the 4th century is more apt when talking about the constitution of the Zoomer generation and that of the "final pagan generation", as pagans were the majority in that century until ~350 AD and still had a large presence for quite some time after that.

As for the book by Hitchens, no, I`ve not read it, but it sounds interesting and I`ll add it to my list and try to get my hands on a copy when I can. In any case, good point, there`s an important distinction between the constituents of a generation being racially white and a society being white in a cultural and spiritual sense; a generation that is majority white can be born into a society that is not meaningfully white, as was the case for Zoomers (seeing as most of us did the bulk of our growing up between the mid 2000s and mid 2010s).
(07-12-2023, 09:50 PM)GraalChud Wrote: I agree with you when it comes to our civilization, our civilization and its culture haven`t been meaningfully white for some time.

I will engage with you on this subject.

"Western Civilization" is of course a white man's creation. White people conquered the world and immediately sought to uplift their lesser peers instead of continue to be imperialistic due to Jewish influence. The only example of a true First World nation is Japan currently, as everyone else has become Brazil with America already being subverted into a "melting pot" early on. What excuse do Europeans have for collectively becoming a brown mass in less time? America is STILL melting albeit slowly. It is why it angers me to see so many retards bash America as if it is the sole proprietor of these issues. They existed before America, WW1 and WW2 were symptoms of these things and the problems facing Europe were thanks to Jews and their control. Jews transitioned from using the UK as their pitbull to America, which happened after WW2. I am not looking to dissect this matter, there is nothing to gain from it.

The point is that Europe as a whole is no longer a collection of White nations, they are a collection of Mexican countries. Maybe only Poland remains intact while the rest have been hollowed out or were like Croatia, a place of little importance to begin with.

We live under a dictatorship of LGBT Fascism and you all act like Christianity is fighting back when the Pope sucks nigger dick. I don't really get the cuckold attitude of these people who are more bark than actual bite on this matter. There is nowhere to flee, all the territory is claimed, there is no more land to start a new home. There is no where for ME or anyone like me to go to for "better" prospects. I have seen what South America has, I have seen what Canada has, I have seen what EUROPE offers. Only Japan literally does anything better than America and everyone else eats shit as a nation police state with their government treating them like a hostile entity for not being Muslim or African.

Biden is a piece of shit, and I don't expect things to just magically get better for America, but the fact that we still have fight in us is only rivaled by France's nigger mentality of burning down their own neighborhoods. So California is a communist Canadian shithole equal to Europe? There are multiple states, America is massive, it will sink slowly and painfully. Where do you go when France falls? Where do you go when Italy becomes a Muslim Caliphate? Where do you go when Spain is a transplanted Brazilian Colony? To the white people in the mountains or countryside? What little countryside you have. If that is your argument then America has 10x the countryside, only Australia has anything close to it.

I only care about what a Nation produces. France produces what is equivalent to Ph.D. in food with varying degrees of interesting media. I watched an Indian man beat an African chef to create some of the most delicious food I've ever eaten. I am sad to see the only white people be in police uniform while the rest of the population is a brown mass of French speaking niggers.

If you aren't going to create, what will you do? Mormons actively practice "saving the white race" thanks to their religion telling them if they have less than 3 wives and 10 kids they are an incel who will be teleported straight to hell. Are they being subverted? Yes. They also still practice giving shock therapy to their children who become retarded jewish pawns. It is a top down push, but Christianity embraces degeneracy from Pope to serf. Mormon Priest's encourage accepting trans people, but the Mormons below are more stubborn. Yeah I've seen some get vaccinated despite literally believing that their body is a temple and tarnishing it sends you to hell for having caffeine.

Religion is like a DAM WALL, a BARRIER.

It is conditioning people to resist NEW conditioning. Religion serves no other purpose.

Malcolm X was only able to condition niggers with religious superstition, and Hitler rallied Germany under HIS interpretation of Christianity which was tossing out the jewish revisions.

You want to win? You want to fight back? You need to create, influence, and start reclaiming lost ground. If you continue to be "conservatives" you will continue to just lose and lose and lose inch, mile, and country. Years of history and for all of it many of you can just talk in circles rather than see the time for talk has long since been over. Now you will observe the results which have been repeated throughout history.

We will see that people are too stupid, too lazy, too incompetent to simply "talk" reason to them. We will see that the only way to make a better world is to manipulate, cheat, and kill for it. The people who actively fight even if it is a few, decide the fate of the many.

Zoomers are literally Brazilian in both culture, looks, and identity. They want to be niggers, like a Mexican wants to be gangster. They have no real culture of their own because nobody creates anymore. All the Millenials have quit, clocked out, and boomers are retired and dying out. Gen X is equally quiet, and submissive without a desire to rebel or resist.

Zoomers are Millennial DLC, and the generation after them is gonna be more of the same.

It is easy to blame the jews, but in truth I'd put a bullet in every fucking boomer's skull for letting it even get this far. Women are literally a bunch of pathetic low IQ niggers, but the simp pandemic is so huge it is weak MEN who are at fault for this. These problems we face, we will face alone or together and there is no escaping it now.

I pray for a nuclear war, but knowing how things have been. We will never get anything as cool. It has been a clown show for 10 fucking years and it will continue to be a clown show for another 10, while people bicker about what it means to be white with their 1/4 quadroon ancestry of race traitorous family trying to larp as if it means anything. I've never met a mentally weaker, inferior, pathetic group of slaves than the ones who sit on their hands and wait.

Warriors of the past fought because they knew living forever wasn't as meaningful as DYING in a glorious battle.

Brain dead mulato with 50% white genetics. IF you tan you are not white and that is the end of that fucking discussion. Shallow piece of shit.

What matters is who you are as a person in this day and age it is all that matters. Are you a sheep? Do you wait to be slaughtered? Do you fear God or do you pray to the Government?
Did you get vaccinated? For all your intellect and knowledge gifted to you do you think it will mean anything to the sands of time?

Whether this earth is flat or a globe only matters if you intend to take it. If you pray to any form of authority, if it even aids you.

The winner takes all, and it decides your fate, your history, your culture, your religion.
Filipino or mulatto, some kind of mut.
(07-13-2023, 01:20 AM)Guest Wrote: Filipino or mulatto, some kind of mut.

[Image: a18.jpg]
(07-13-2023, 01:55 AM)anthony Wrote:
(07-13-2023, 01:20 AM)Guest Wrote: Filipino or mulatto, some kind of mut.

[Image: a18.jpg]

You’re right, race doesn’t matter, it’s all about flaunting an elitist attitude and coping talking points and things championed by white supremacists. If it’s no longer about persevering race is there any real problem for allowing ZOG? I guess you can whip the Mexicans into the next white people. 

Again, not that it matters. Race is just superficial. It’s just a social construct and we should focus on elitism. Elitism doesn’t spring from race but like the soul and stuff.
(07-13-2023, 02:18 AM)Guest Wrote: You’re right, race doesn’t matter, it’s all about flaunting an elitist attitude and coping talking points and things championed by white supremacists. If it’s no longer about persevering race is there any real problem for allowing ZOG? I guess you can whip the Mexicans into the next white people. 

Again, not that it matters. Race is just superficial. It’s just a social construct and we should focus on elitism. Elitism doesn’t spring from race but like the soul and stuff.

The post didn't say that. Please take some time to compose yourself and then try reading it again.
You guys know you can just move to Vermont, right? It's 99% white.
(07-13-2023, 04:10 PM)calico Wrote: You guys know you can just move to Vermont, right? It's 99% white.
This article is focused squarely on crime but it has a paragraph that neatly sums up the issue with that

William Voegeli Wrote:"The Department of Housing and Urban Development’s “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” policy (AFFH)—devised under the Obama Administration, scuttled by the Trump Administration, and revised under President Biden—will use federal power to rescue suburbs from the bleak existence of being socioeconomically different from big cities. The AFFH rules could, in Vox’s summary, empower HUD to demand larger housing vouchers “so that low-income recipients could cash them out in more expensive neighborhoods,” or steer “new subsidized housing development into wealthier (and whiter) locales.” The more ambitious possibilities, covered extensively by Stanley Kurtz in National Review, include the effective end of single-family zoning laws and suburban governmental autonomy."

I mean the US government destroyed every inner city on the altar of integration within living memory and our talking heads have been wailing about the injustice of suburbs for years now. There's no reason to believe they won't hit the good schools counties too(A driving source of tension now is the exact fear of that by "Middle Americans"). So yes you actually have to think about the big picture.
[Image: 3RVIe13.gif]

“Power changes its appearance but not its reality.”― Bertrand De Jouvenel
(07-13-2023, 04:10 PM)calico Wrote: You guys know you can just move to Vermont, right? It's 99% white.

The issue with places like Ohio or most of the east coast for that matter is that they all claim to be white majority.
I get that they had a longer history, but they are not white ethnostates. Washington D.C. is literally wall to wall niggers, Chicago is wall to wall niggers, the only place that doesn't have wall to wall niggers are the places that have literally nothing for niggers, which is why Ohio being just farmers and farmland repels them.
Virginia has less niggers which is true. However, the east coast is dominantly nigger infested.

The west coast has more Mexicans and Asians, where as east coast is dominantly Niggers with white people and Cubans sprinkled in.
For the record, Indians are a type of Mexican, you can't really tell them apart when they all get fat the same, even Hawaiians look like fat Mexicans.

I don't hate dot indians too much, they fall short of chinese, but aren't problems like mexicans and niggers.

Mexicans have devolved themselves into wanting to be like niggers, but they are smarter than niggers which means they actually LIKE community, and respect it.
A Mexican will respect a religious man while niggers will tear apart anything that looks like an easy target.
I have seen how... domesticated east coast niggers can be in rural areas. They fear organized white people, but cities always empower and protect them.

In Utah I've noticed that there are a lot of Hawaiians here, Samoans(?) They are called?
I don't know why the fuck they are here. Mexicans are afraid of cold weather and will fuck right off at the sight of an ice cube, they prefer hot areas and depopulate anywhere it snows.
Niggers hate cold weather, but cities will put them on life support, which is why they are in Chicago and New York as examples.

Fun fact:
Did you know nigger bodies are so used to hot climates that when you insert them into colder ones their bones will develop poorly and become brittle?
The government has laced all milk products with minerals and vitamins to help keep nigger bones from shattering from lack of sunlight and cold weather.

It is why you won't see them up north as much, unless there is a city.

Asians have no problems with cold, and like to be on the west coast more due to family flying in from asian countries. So you go north west, you find tons of asians in Seattle. You go north east you find tons of white people and mutt canadians.

I don't think any state is safe from this continuously worsening situation. Going to a state that just has "white people" isn't necessarily guaranteeing you good pay, a house, comfortable living.

Cities DO give you good paying jobs, industry, etc.

Cities just also act as a cancerous growth on society.

Since many of you are preparing to just never fight, roll over, and die.
You should consider what does it mean to be White, and where is your country on the world map?

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