Words That Annoy You
(05-06-2022, 01:20 AM)Talionis Wrote: More and more frequently I'm seeing "based" be attributed to things relating to GayTrannyNiggerWorld. Is this classifiable as norwood? Or is the word simply just a part of the regular lexicon now? Either way it's amusing to see yet another aspect of the racist internet being stolen by the masses.

Based did come from Based God, so in effect it's simply returned to its roots as a niggerism. But I would draw a parallel with the libtard co-opting of "wholesome", where troons & co. realized they too could say "based" (because it's not a slur, they can only take positive language) and they could start calling troon shit "based" in the same way they call troon shit "wholesome".

There're multiple reasons for this, one being the "dissident right" (or whatever you'd like to call it) following in the footsteps of 4chan as the only "culture" machine left online (niggers will insist they drive online culture, but this is mostly because of Pavlovian nigger conditioning and ZOG astroturfing).
Another is troons do understand consciously (although they'll never admit it, which is smart on their part) that it's a form of poisoning the well. This is similar to how we now see many on the "right" freely using chud, shitlord, etc.

My position is to take any form of language that can be used as a weapon, regardless of where it's from. As well as mirror the troon tactic of poisoning the well. But it's important to discard language when it becomes self-defeating (like much of older RW Twitter culture).
[Image: 0b065d24f0c9a57c24af80cac8885ba2.jpg]
"None of these words are in the Bible."

I even forgot about this one, and remembered only due to an imagined conversation - it's actually one of the worst ones now
I like that one WRT age of consent and marital rape.
(05-11-2022, 02:34 AM)chungus Wrote: Also, I dont think anyone's mentioned the Karen meme as being norwood
The "Karen" meme has always interested me because it's basically just a sexist term, but it's an okay sexist term because it's directed towards white women. That being said, as someone who worked at restaurants and grocery stores while in highschool and college, the behavior described is not exclusive to white women, and they aren't even its biggest practitioners. It's without a doubt fucking sheboons who are the most annoying to deal with at any service job. But this is obviously taboo to point out to anyone that isn't racially conscious.
(05-11-2022, 11:58 AM)chungus Wrote: I've seen someone say that the Karen archetype is just a a person who grew up in a high trust society and hasn't realized it's now a low trust society. I think this is giving too much credit to the karen and I do feel sympathy for wagies.
Well I think there's some truth in the first part of that statement. Many times I've seen the "Karen" term thrown around, it really is just a woman demanding a level of service that would have been expected as normal in previous decades. Having travelled around a bit, service in America seems awful compared to many other countries. Waiters will come by your table twice to give you your drink and then your food and somehow expect to be given 15-20% of your ticket which is obviously absurd. And this isn't even getting into how inefficiently places like the DMV or Post Office run. But what's really makes this phrase Norwood (in my mind) is how and to whom it is applied. The women you described "who grew up in a high trust society" and has reasonable demands of service workers will get called a Karen online. But a sheboon who is being totally outrageous will never have the term applied to her. The naming of the term itself clues you in to this: "Karen." Not Shaniqua or Alejandra or Prisha or Fatima, but "Karen." As if White women were the only ones that are demanding and have an air of unearned arrogance about them? They're simply the only women you're allowed to be openly sexist towards and get away with it in polite company, so people take advantage of it. It's completely fine to talk about how you can't stand "White women," even the Med Gold Castizo futurist faggots do things like this to a degree. But start talking about how annoying black women are in public and all hell breaks loose.
using rw insults but only against rw targets
(05-17-2022, 11:24 PM)capgras Wrote: using rw insults but only against rw targets

“Snowflake”, “cuck”, maybe if they’re brave and feel justified enough they’ll say “faggot”. It’s a very ‘safe’ way to play pretend subversive. Very similar to when they portray themselves as the based white nordic chad in their wojak memes.
The Snowflake epithet itself was corrupted from the original antiSJW Fight Club derived use - telling bespoke xenogender people that they aren't unique - down to another synonym for fragile.

"You are not X, you're Y."

Seemingly making fun of taking on personas by taking on one themself - he's one shrewd commentator who can see through your fantasies and give you the cold gritty truth.

I'm not actuallly opposed to the point, just the rhetoric.
"my dude"
"my guy"
usually at the end of some passive aggressive comment
Every single instance of the no bitches meme is posted by people who don't have them, it's pure goddamn projection
(05-21-2022, 12:44 PM)jacques Wrote: "Sack of meat floating on a rock in space". Don't even have to explain, goes right alongside the other core tenets of Norwoodianity like mocking "sky daddy" and loops back around to the whole "my brother in Christ" thing because they're more comfortable making religiosity a joke than saying nigger.

"No bitches?" and variations thereof. Social value revolves around having sex, especially for the 20-something alphabet freaks and the impressionable high schoolers that listen to them.

These are both standard soyspeak, not the fake dissidence of the Norwood. 

The Norwood variant of "No bitches" is more along the lines of the sad attempt at the glorification of trashlife with nagging slag wife. "Man up and marry a whore, INCEL."
Quintessential to the origin of Norwood humor is FYAD and the Weird Twitter crew disseminating from there. The board was the most controversial on SA and if you peruse the older threads you will even find them ganging up on a mopey and histrionic tranny or two, as well as cyberstalking and doxing people from the smallest amount of information, which continued literally and in spirit on YWNBAWchannel. It was a bastion of true freedom, you could say. They supposedly bullied an autistic man into suicide, but who knows. The FYAD crowd was a chance meeting of what I imagine to be lanklet or otherwise misshapen BPD proto-tranny leftist types who opposed mainstream leftism and the kind of moderate or conservative millennilols who would go on to make places like Kiwifarms and maybe post on places like Sluthate and PUAhate. The Weird Twitter crowd was of course nowhere near these extremes. All of these people were socially maladaptive, not to say that is a bad thing. What they ended up reproducing was an attempt at a normie water-cooler banter environment except with their in-jokes and "ironic" fixations. They used this to mock those more socially maladaptive than themselves.

Their humor was focused on lower class American stereotypes, "Facebook people", "People of Wal-Mart", though the latter would be considered beneath them. I can't say their targets were necessarily white, brown people are also into the things they made fun of. The Bush era was a boring time. It would be easy to say they got bullied by Chad and this was cope, but if you know the kind of Americans they mocked, you understand they aren't exactly good-looking or intelligent.

Weird Twitter carried on these trends in a neutered form. They had their infighting. There was an aggressive side that later fell from the spotlight as wint and the Chapo crew became a thing. This is ground zero of Norwood humor: reappropriating the kind of speaking styles that were already being satirized in Beavis and Butthead but with a chill leftist message and subtle signals about how the person using them is actually smart. It's astonishing how influential this was on the internet. They have also internalized a style of "mean girls" bullying that makes you wonder if this has more to do with being rejected and overvaluing female acceptance. I notice trannies indulge in this quite a bit, the "you dork", "you nerd" attacks. This makes them feel like women, but it never really works, which is why they have to do it more harshly than real women.

I think the conflict comes down to these people feeling a contradiction about being slightly more intelligent than the people they were surrounded by and not allowing themselves to indulge their feelings of superiority enough. Their "chuunibyo" or "Romantic" side was crushed long ago. You could call them house niggers but for autism. They traded in their creative potential to be afforded a place in social consensus reality. It is cruel that what sustained the illusion of this reality will probably disintegrate in the near-future. They will never get to be normal in the way they wanted. They are a triumph of bad conscience, bad faith, resentment, and the enemy of everything that gives value to life.
"ah shit, here we go again"
@Jaume Great post. Keep posting.
The essence of Norwooding is legitimated-to-self conformity. It's not enough to repeat mass media slogans. They have to present themselves as an authorizing force. There arises a desire to get outside of something in order to conform to it. Norwoods will posture with the newly minted argot of the relative margins to generate the worldly-wise impression they crave.

They will lift terminology from the anon-right, niggers, "indie" media, so long as it doesn't genuinely slay the sacred nigger-tranny cow. It will be repeated ad nauseum, but unlike us, the repetition is designed to produce conformity with an artificial consensus. That's why posting gigachad for the 500th time to own a libtard is qualitatively distinct from saying 'My brother in Christ' any amount of times. You should always call attention to the spectacle of authenticity for the craven faggotry it is.
"holy BASED".
"terminally online"
"irony poisoned"
and anything to do with DFW
(05-24-2022, 10:06 AM)Guest Wrote: "terminally online"

[Image: kantbot-beetlejuice.jpg]

"The internet is CRAZY! Had you a mere glimpse of the MADNESS I am subjected to every day as a participant in the 'discourse', it would drive you INSANE! INSANE!"

"Communists! NAZIS! Demons! Hot takes! SEED OILS! Podcasters! RAW MEAT! RAW EGGS! MALE PATTERN BALDNESS! INCELS! Illicit drugs!"

I can't think of any other (sub)culture in human history where people are expected to constantly humble-brag about how CRAZY they are for daring to participate in it. You spend a lot of time discussing particular topics, and thus absorb a lot of knowledge about said topics by osmosis. This is how every culture works. It's not some Lovecraftian process of forbidden knowledge-seeking that will forever alienate you from the rest of humanity.
THAT exact thing I think is at the root of so many of these social phenomena we have today: the making of the mundane into something special. From bookcels to pothead enthusiasts, they all take these completely common, near everyday things and act special. "Wow, I read books. I am special. Wow, I smoke weed with niggers, I'm special. Wow, I listen to the number 2 most popular band instead of number 1. I special." And so on and so forth.

I think it's related to "The Great Flattening." They either lost the ability to differentiate themselves, or never had it, but due to how things work, everyone must be an unique individual with special tastes n shit, or whatever. Now, some of those things weren't so mundane in the past, up to the recent past - reading books was only for the literate. To listen to music you had to go to a live performance, or buy a whole system that was rather expensive. Weed had ritual significance, then was just more expensive. With mass literacy, libraries, and now the internet reading became a basic human action. Listening to music became a basic human action. Substance imbibement became basic human action in a way as well.

Yet, it seems norwoods, still sort of operate on past settings when these things were a bit more luxurious. The cope is that nobody reads books anymore (false) or that everyone listens to shit music (false, but they do), or that doing drugs is epic fighting the system (a portion of every drug sale cash ends up with the local police/government).

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