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Hello Amarnites,

As I have announced previously in the shoutbox, I am taking a bit of a break from posting to focus on work and other life-establishing things. However, as of late my mind has been swimming with the myriad possible outcomes of the upcoming 2024 election, and so I sat down and wrote down my thoughts, which I do for my own personal purposes from time to time. Since I have already written this out in full, and since it may well interest you and kickstart discussion (and I know Anthony is always looking to increase the 'rum's post count), I will post it here for your reading pleasure. Any feedback is welcome, but I would more so like to make this thread an open space for everyone to put their own predictions for the upcoming years of 2024 & 2025, which feel oddly portentous to me... Pat Buchanan wrote the ominous line "Will America survive until 2025?" a few decades ago IIRC, and that feels increasingly prescient. Don't take this too seriously - this was written in one session after a lot of thinking about the predictions made by other figure such as Neil Howe and RamzPaul. Just a collection of broad ideas, and not quite a solid thesis.

Anyways, here is the essay: Potential scenarios for the future of America.

Scenario A (Trump 2024): Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election. I see more or less no scenario wherein Trump faces off against Biden in a general election and ends up losing to him, based on ongoing social trends and recent polls. The only way Trump doesn't win the presidency is if the indictments and/or GOP establishment trickery screw him out of the Republican nomination (see Scenario 2).

A 2024 Trump presidency will be different from the 2016 Trump presidency or even a 2020 Trump presidency for the following reasons:
1. Trump will have purged Deep State establishmentarians ("the adults in the room") from his advisors and staff and replaced them with a massive army of loyalists (see the Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025"). Trump now has four years of experience as well as four years of preparing for "battle readiness" with said Trump loyalists. A real "Trumpist" political establishment and network has now been built, which did not exist in 2017.
2. In 2016, Trump was running as a fairly normal 80s- or 90s-style "prosperity president;" in 2024, he will be running as a revolutionary with his back to the wall, who is faced with the choice of winning and actually purging the deep state and "draining the swamp" or going to jail for life. The sheer insanity and hostility from the Left and Deep State have radicalized him.
3. After four years of a disastrous Biden administration, now contrasted unfavorably in the public mind with a fairly prosperous America under Trump between 2017 and 2020, Trump will have a stronger popular mandate (see stronger Trump support among young & especially Hispanic voters - shifting political coalitions).
4. The Left and the Deep State have now exhausted their attacks on him. The "Russian agent" accusations have been proven false, and now they only have trumped-up charges of real estate value inflation. Public fatigue over "Trump hysteria," outside of a very isolated class of (mostly elderly) professional "Trump haters" that regularly watch the likes of MSNBC & Jimmy Kimmel, will likely have already set in.

This then leads to two sub-scenarios:

Sub-scenario A1 (Trump Dictatorship): Trump is inaugurated as POTUS and carries out the most radical and transformative presidential agenda since FDR. He and his loyal agents successfully root out internal and external opposition by any number of means. Democrat city and state governments, now economically floundering and utterly overwhelmed by the Biden immigration policy, now reluctantly cooperate with Trump. After consolidating the power of his "imperial presidency" and taking out his political enemies, Trump and his loyalists will implement a Trumpist nationalist agenda, including the building of a border wall, mass deportations, the building of futuristic "Freedom Cities," enforced freedom of speech on social media, re-shoring of American industries, etc. Parallel movements will likely also take place in Europe.

I don't think that this scenario is particularly likely, as I don't think that the Deep State/Regime/ZOG will go down without fighting tooth and nail to defeat even an implicitly pro-white agenda, but I will entertain the idea for now.

This then leads to two further sub-scenarios for the ultimate climax of this current Crisis era:

Sub-scenario A1.1 (Trump as FDR): Trump finishes out his term successfully. Perhaps he finishes out four years and is succeeded by a loyalist, or perhaps due to some sort of emergency he becomes an FDR-style "president for life." He then at some points leads the nation into a foreign war, most likely with China, which will then fully complete the consolidation of America around him and his agenda. America will win the war and finish out this Crisis era as an authoritarian republic with a Western chauvinist but non-racial civic nationalist ideology, something akin to a more democratic Roman Empire. It is also possible in the following decades that America may return to a more democratic state following the end of war, especially if Trump implements no lasting constitutional changes. The biggest lasting change for us would be the catapulting of "Our Guys" into positions of national and international power and influence by a victorious Trump administration, and we could expect more explicitly pro-white and authoritarian/NS policies in the decades following a successful "Trumpist revolution."
Historical parallels: FDR, Stalin, Hitler, Napoleon

Sub-scenario A1.2 (Trump as Caesar): At some point in the implementation of his agenda, an assassination attempt is made upon Trump. If it fails, refer back to sub-scenario A1.1 but with harsher retribution by Trump against his enemies and a greater likelihood of a declaration of martial law and the seizing of dictatorial powers by Trump. If it succeeds, refer to sub-scenario A2, but with a much stronger Trumpist faction leading to, in all likelihood, a shorter war with a more overwhelming Trumpist victory.
Historical parallels: Caesar
[Image: http%3A%2F%2Fcom.ft.imagepublish.upp-pro...=700&dpr=1]

Overall, I consider sub-scenario A1 to be quite unlikely, given how I think that the Deep State will fight tooth and nail to prevent a Trump presidency and the implementation of a (implicit) pro-white agenda.

Sub-scenario A2 (Trump as Lincoln): Trump wins the election, but before or after his inauguration the results are strongly contested. There are any number of "sparks" for this powder keg: Democrat states refusing to recognize Trump's presidency attempting to engage in nullification of a Trumpist federal agenda, federal judges ordering Trump's arrest and Trump's refusal and possible attempts to in turn arrest said judges, mass resignations or at least disobedience and insubordination by Washington bureaucrats and intelligence agents, an assassination attempt by intelligence agents, etc. Any of these scenarios will end up leading to a civil war scenario, in which two parallel governments emerge, a Trumpist loyalist government and a "democratic" Deep State rebel government. States, agencies, armies, communities, and even families will either split off and join a side or will be split themselves along individual ideological lines. Brutal fighting will then ensue. Trump will have the advantage of being nominally the legitimate president and commander-in-chief, as well as having the loyalty of the military rank-and-file. He will also be able to call upon large numbers of irregular militias. The Deep State, in turn, will be able to call upon the resources of intelligence agencies, certain elements of the military (especially the higher brass), billionaire financiers, and Democrat state governments.
They may also be able to call upon the armies and resources of allied European and NATO governments, but it is very likely that a civil war in America would lead to parallel civil wars throughout Europe and most likely in other Anglo states such as Australia and Canada. The modern Western nationalist right is ironically thoroughly globalized, and the withdrawing of American troops stationed abroad to help on the home front will lead to the weakening of the globalist occupation governments of Europe. This, combined with the added stress of the massive global economic crash that will come about if and when America devolves into civil war and inevitable Russian interference and agitation, will lead to the explosion of Europe into a three-sided civil war between the European governments and the EU supported by the US Deep State and Israel on first side; European nationalist groups, parties, and states supported by a Trumpist nationalist government and Russia on the second side; and migrants and Islamists supported by Arab states (and possibly Russia as well) on the third side.
With the aforementioned Trumpist advantage of having the nominal official commander-in-chief of the US Armed Forces, combined with the biological superiority of a majority-European faction over the affirmative action armies of their opponents and potential foreign support from Russia, will give the nationalists a good chance of winning, but not without extremely brutal urban warfare throughout the greater Western World. The ultimate short-term winners from this scenario would be Russia and China, as their primary competitors will have greatly damaged themselves in civil war and will need decades to recover. However, in the long term Western civilization will have been saved from liberalism and globalism, as even a scenario in which the globalist Regime wins would most likely necessitate the ascension of some sort of conservative but mostly non-ideological general as a dictator of sorts in order to keep the peace and maintain a now-despised regime in the face of mass resentment and anger by means of giving concessions to nationalist causes (militarism, patriotism, mass deportations, border controls, fewer foreign engagements, re-shoring, etc. - we already see small elements of this in the Biden administration).
Historical parallels: the American, Russian, Chinese, Syrian, Roman, and Spanish Civil Wars
[Image: HannahYoest_us_america_civil_war_a9ed346...bde958.png]

Scenario B (Biden 2024): Trump is convicted in court for insurrection after the primaries, and the GOP establishment use this as an opportunity to boot him from the party and install some neocon like Nikki Haley as the Republican candidate. Trump's conviction then goes to appeal and he runs as an independent, splitting to vote and leading to a Biden victory. This would have a number of consequences:
- The complete discrediting of the GOP, and maybe even its dissolution. Could lead to a new, openly nationalist party being created to take its place.
- The alienation and radicalization of the Republican base. The GOP and American democracy as a whole will be completely discredited in their eyes.
- The continued and accelerated discrediting of the US globalist regime and Deep State, for the aforementioned reasons as well as because of four more years of increasingly incompetent and retarded Biden administration policies.
- As part of this incompetence, the economy will probably crash at some point. May reach Great Depression levels.
- The continued mainstreaming of nationalist and even white nationalist ideas and talking points. This is already happening, and four more years of Biden is the perfect environment for it to continue happening.
This scenario may lead to any number of sub-scenarios, but it is too far in the future to predict. Perhaps a new nationalist party will win the presidency in 2028, leading to a nationalist political revolution that parallels sub-scenario A1, but this time with a far more radical nationalist or even explicitly white nationalist agenda. Perhaps we could see a parallel to sub-scenario A2 but in reverse, wherein Republican states rebel and refuse to recognize Biden; I think that in this scenario a civil war and revolution is still possible, but it's hard to predict how the factions would play out, especially regarding the loyalty of the military rank-and-file, whether they will side with the official president whom they mostly hate (Biden) or the would-be usurper whom they mostly love (Trump). However, if we assume that Biden successfully maintains control and we get another four years of Biden, one effect is that Trump's legacy would then go down as that of a sort of intellectual and symbolic founding father of a future nationalist revolutionary consensus rather than its supreme leader, more similar to Benjamin Franklin than to Lincoln or FDR.

Overall, I think that scenario A offers a more immediate victory at two primary costs: said victory being limited in its scope and achievements by the ideological boundaries of Trump's personal agenda of race-blind MAGA Western nationalism, and the potential destruction that could be wrought upon Western nations and populations by civil war. Scenario B, meanwhile, necessitates four more years of Biden malaise (likely including some sort of huge economic crash, not collapse levels but still very bad for Americans) as the cost to be paid for four more years of Biden-era right-wing radicalization. Think of how mainstream conservative and Republican pundits like Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk started talking about the Left's "anti-white agenda" and the "Great Replacement" in 2023, compared to how they were talking in 2019, or how the Jewish question and the nature of Zionist lobbying power is now open for discussion even with normies, and now extrapolate that trend line forward another four years.

In any case, I think that the momentum is now firmly on the side of "Our Thing," especially regarding the proliferation of True Ideas among the Sensitive Young Men of the White World. Much struggle and suffering yet lies ahead, but I don't think I see a way for ZOG to truly win here. Take hope, Amarnites - our day is fast approaching.

I'll take this chance to propose Scenario C (Deep State global takeover (good ending)):
This starts off much like Scenario B, except false flag operations are executed to set up the illusion of a nascent civil war, pinning MAGA republicans and WN controlled opposition groups as threats to national safety. The brief flashes of violence orchestrated are of far greater brutality than anything seen in the West thus far, and widely publicized in graphic detail.
This happens amidst the backdrop of a new gigaflu outbreak declared around the start of the 2024-2025 winter season, with even more draconian self-isolation and mask mandates imposed. This combination of chaos and media-induced stress drive the significant demoralized couch cattle segment of the population into accepting radical measures, including martial law and extensive curfews.

Deep state top brass become the most powerful group in the nation (at least visibly) as brokers of peace, and mass disillusionment in the democratic process is pre-emptively addressed by suspending elections indefinitely. The 2021 NG deployments serve as a test run for this. Biden doesn't get an extended term, resigning voluntarily and ceding executive power to Congress, which will appoint an executive technocratic council hailed as a radical measure to curb the overwhelming number of crises. Climate hysteria also plays a role in justifying this, following a series of disastrous weather events in 2024.

What follows is the WEF's 2030 economic collapse mitigation plan being implemented almost to the letter. Conflicts over Taiwan and Ukraine flare in intensity, requiring limited deployment of U.S. assets, which further aids in keeping the population in a state of constant unease for the time being. Similar developments occur in Europe, where the electric grids are further kneecapped, starting a full-on energy crisis and driving radical austerity measures, with much of the urbanite population utterly dependent on unreliable gibs distribution.

Small WN communities splinter off and form limited parallel societies, these are left alone for the most part, being too isolated to pose a significant threat and providing material for occasional nazi scares. The bulk of the population remains entirely dependent on the deep state, and is subjected to regular and extensive transgenic therapy, with food rations providing a constant inescapable low-dose source of engineered agents, and vaccines being imposed every 6 months or so.
I've had much the same thoughts as pertains to the "Trump as Lincoln" Scenario, especially on the front of NATO/EU being called to "restore democracy" by the Libtards. The only things I think you miss are on a) Russia supporting Nationalist/Right Wing factions in Europe/America, and b) That Trump would have the support of the rank and file across the board. 

As for (a), Russia has, under Putin, consistently supported left-wing anti-American and anti-European gov'ts. See recently his support for Lula in Brazil or the activities of Wagner in Francophone Africa (which is economically tied to and controlled by France to a significant degree). 

As for (b), Trump as Commander in Chief would have the legitimacy that comes with success in the election in case of some kind of overt coup against him (whether hard or soft), but in the eyes of the leadership of the opposition--including much of the top brass in the military, especially the Navy and Air Force--his first election was illegitimate due to the Russians Hacking or because he's Hitler... or whatever excuses their vitriol against him. As for the rank and file, I think the troops who would see frontline combat and their direct superiors would be nearly 100% for Trump, but the many brownoids and women and Beyond Wymxn who work in the Navy or in the Air Force would certainly be happy to kill Whitey in the name of "defending democracy". All is not glum, because as you say the combat ability of the White Race is vastly superior to the huemangs who have infested the military, and maybe just as important, the Veterans of Iran and Afghan who have a bone to pick with the evil libtard regime will be even more happy to kill libtards in the name of Supreme Leader Donald John Trump.
Aizen Wrote:I've had much the same thoughts as pertains to the "Trump as Lincoln" Scenario, especially on the front of NATO/EU being called to "restore democracy" by the Libtards. The only things I think you miss are on a) Russia supporting Nationalist/Right Wing factions in Europe/America, and b) That Trump would have the support of the rank and file across the board. 

As for (a), Russia has, under Putin, consistently supported left-wing anti-American and anti-European gov'ts. See recently his support for Lula in Brazil or the activities of Wagner in Francophone Africa (which is economically tied to and controlled by France to a significant degree).

I anticipated such disagreements but failed to address them sufficiently in my writing. I don't see Putin as a particularly ideological figure. He and his government utilize leftist anti-colonial rhetoric, but I see this as a mostly cynical ploy to get the Third World on their side, albeit influenced by Putin's Soviet Boomer (shit) tastes. I think that if the West devolved into an armed struggle in which the globalist, interventionist Deep State goes to war against a nationalist rival regime, Putin would almost certainly support the latter side, not out of any sort of ideological loyalty to right-wing (white) nationalism, but rather to weaken his primary enemy (globalist Western governments) and to support the emergence a non-interventionist or even isolationist alternative governing structure in the future. A nationalist West, focused primarily on rebuilding after a brutal civil war and mass deporting millions of Arabs, Africans, and Central/South Americans, would give Russia & China a couple decades of "free reign" in their own regional areas of interest. I didn't predict the same type of support for China, btw, because 1) China's security interests are not inherently geographically tied to any Western region in the same way Russia's are to Europe, 2) much of the Western right is hostile to China in a way they simply are not to Russia, and 3) China is more explicitly ideological than Russia, and even though I don't think Xi Jinping is any less of a cynical Machiavellian than Putin, I think that this would prevent the CCP from supporting or funding anti-communist Western nationalists.

EDIT: Second point I agree with fully. The military is not so monolithic that we can just handwave it away as "supporting Trump," but I do think we could say as much for "the military that matters," i.e. white men. The situation is such that losing disloyal grunts would actually benefit Trump's military, as they would lose the actively harmful bloat that is affirmative action welfare kangz & kwangz in the pencil-pushing positions.
Two possibilities not considered -

1. The "trump is elected and doesn't actually do that much" option is a firm (and highly likely) possibility. In all scenarios - he will be hamstrung by the DNC, the GOP, as well as the courts themselves. He won't overrule his lawyers, who will caution conservative choices at every junction, less impeachment is raised.  Further, every executive action will lead to immediate lengthy court battles - and he will not strategically utilize resources towards a targeted end, but proceed by throwing shit at the wall and hoping some of it will stick. In the end, four years of a media shitshow circus.

2. Biden withdraws from the election in the lead up to democratic national convention, Gavin Newsom is rigged to be the next democratic nominee for president. Some connections I have with people affiliated with the DNC suggest that this outcome is well within the realm of possibility, and maybe even expected if polling trends continue in the way that they have.

One other key point not raised in the analysis: We are due for a conflict with China, and that conflict is entirely independent of a Trump/Biden admin, it is lowkey the universal consensus of all members of both the GOP and DNC. If Trump is president, it may be desirable for the establishment to force the matter and thereby minimize his ability to alter domestic policy.
JohnnyRomero Wrote:{scenario details}

Overall, I think that scenario A offers a more immediate victory at two primary costs: said victory being limited in its scope and achievements by the ideological boundaries of Trump's personal agenda of race-blind MAGA Western nationalism, and the potential destruction that could be wrought upon Western nations and populations by civil war. Scenario B, meanwhile, necessitates four more years of Biden malaise (likely including some sort of huge economic crash, not collapse levels but still very bad for Americans) as the cost to be paid for four more years of Biden-era right-wing radicalization. Think of how mainstream conservative and Republican pundits like Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk started talking about the Left's "anti-white agenda" and the "Great Replacement" in 2023, compared to how they were talking in 2019, or how the Jewish question and the nature of Zionist lobbying power is now open for discussion even with normies, and now extrapolate that trend line forward another four years.

In any case, I think that the momentum is now firmly on the side of "Our Thing," especially regarding the proliferation of True Ideas among the Sensitive Young Men of the White World. Much struggle and suffering yet lies ahead, but I don't think I see a way for ZOG to truly win here. Take hope, Amarnites - our day is fast approaching.


They have one (1) year.

Scenarios Ax:

I do believe that we're already in the midst of a (soft) civil war, which future historians will likely recognize as beginning with the theft of the 2020 election. What we're seeing now, with this simmer of sporadic and increasingly targetted violence against white normalcy, is a manifestation of unrest which the ruling power will refuse to acknowledge for as long as possible. White American men find themselves increasingly under-represented (or worse yet, their legitimate representation being completely ignored), making for quite the powder keg of potentiality. I think the most probable cause of ignition would be if Trump were to be nominated as the GOP lead, but then failed to attain power for any reason. That would present a clear breaking point for the Republic. US military enlistment rates would plummet even further, we may see widespread strikes against federal authorities (including the IRS), and any punitive measures undertaken by the feds would lead to open violence between the state and its people (at first in isolated incidents). It'd be characterized by widespread non-cooperation between both sides before boiling over, at which point all bets are off and further predictions are useless.

If Trump were to win and attain power, a great deal of the pent up pressure would be released into a simulacrum of political improvement. Trump himself remains a restorative figure, still running on MAGA (though it is now an open question whether he still means the 1980's), and is unlikely to take drastic measures that threaten the form of government explicitly. A1.1 where he successfully carries out a term would clean things up for quite a while, maybe securing up to a decade of renewed prosperity; but unless he also purges the Universities and puts all race-communists in camps, it will not last. The best thing that would come of this is giving us all more time to prepare. If you have children, or any aspirations of "having a normal one", this is likely the safest bet. Also the best if we'd like to salvage existing insititutions with minimal losses (via "Our Guys" getting to where they need to be).

So to recap, A1.1 and A2 are the ones I deem the most plausible. A1 and A1.2 are improbable because it goes against both Trump's age and his character. Though I wouldn't put it beyond Lord Barron (6'11) to fulfill the prophecy.

Scenario B (and a botched offshoot of A1.2):

This could get quite bad. The version of B you described is pretty much spot-on for a second round of Biden. Economic collapse all-but guaranteed. Flooding of the southern border will get worse than anyone can imagine, say goodbye to Texas and Dixie -- it was fun while it lasted.

The very real risk here is fragmentation and misdirection of the Right. If Trump were to be robbed of the GOP primaries or such, we'll see all the retarded grifters stepping in for their scraps of the carcass formerly known as the Republican right. They'll do everything in their power to fill the gap left by a united front under Trump, each bringing their own "hot takes" on where it all went wrong and peddling their half-assed solutions, and it'll be leveraged to misdirect as many white american men for as long as possible.

The most troubling trend is the faux-Right cropping up on X, with that nigger Tate, Tucker, Fuentes, etc. all doing their best to poison the minds of White Americans. I won't bother going over them one-by-one, but essentially they'll have you believe that there's nothing wrong with importing 100'000'000'000 brown migrants as long as they're wholesome Abrahamists (just like you!) who "hate the woke mind virus". "Let me tell you how white chad sleeping around with women is GAYWe must side with Guatemalan Catholics to denounce this degeneracy," "We should bring more Arabs over for their BASED sexual morality and denouncement of DA JOO," and other assorted race-treasons. I am convinced that these exist solely to keep white hatred at bay long enough to secure the enemy's demographic victory.

Finally, we have all of the non-political factors catching up to us in the background. An entire generation of zoomers which basically received no education whatsoever, not from their parents or from school, due to the complete implosion of the shooling system after covid. The competency crises (in part due to migration) affecting all fields of engineering, technology, public works, and tradescraft. Expect everything to get progressively shittier as the interval absent change continues. The peak was 1992, the degenerative asymptote is South Africa.

No matter where this goes, 2024 is the last "legitimate" US election we're likely to see in our lifetimes. How long the rest goes on is simply a question of how much more our people are willing to tolerate. What I do know that now more than ever, the fire of Truth blazes among the youth, the Great Change hath come. Hail Lord Amarna
Pylon Wrote:
JohnnyRomero Wrote:{scenario details}

Overall, I think that scenario A offers a more immediate victory at two primary costs: said victory being limited in its scope and achievements by the ideological boundaries of Trump's personal agenda of race-blind MAGA Western nationalism, and the potential destruction that could be wrought upon Western nations and populations by civil war. Scenario B, meanwhile, necessitates four more years of Biden malaise (likely including some sort of huge economic crash, not collapse levels but still very bad for Americans) as the cost to be paid for four more years of Biden-era right-wing radicalization. Think of how mainstream conservative and Republican pundits like Tucker Carlson and Charlie Kirk started talking about the Left's "anti-white agenda" and the "Great Replacement" in 2023, compared to how they were talking in 2019, or how the Jewish question and the nature of Zionist lobbying power is now open for discussion even with normies, and now extrapolate that trend line forward another four years.

In any case, I think that the momentum is now firmly on the side of "Our Thing," especially regarding the proliferation of True Ideas among the Sensitive Young Men of the White World. Much struggle and suffering yet lies ahead, but I don't think I see a way for ZOG to truly win here. Take hope, Amarnites - our day is fast approaching.


They have one (1) year.

Scenarios Ax:

I do believe that we're already in the midst of a (soft) civil war, which future historians will likely recognize as beginning with the theft of the 2020 election. What we're seeing now, with this simmer of sporadic and increasingly targetted violence against white normalcy, is a manifestation of unrest which the ruling power will refuse to acknowledge for as long as possible. White American men find themselves increasingly under-represented (or worse yet, their legitimate representation being completely ignored), making for quite the powder keg of potentiality. I think the most probable cause of ignition would be if Trump were to be nominated as the GOP lead, but then failed to attain power for any reason. That would present a clear breaking point for the Republic. US military enlistment rates would plummet even further, we may see widespread strikes against federal authorities (including the IRS), and any punitive measures undertaken by the feds would lead to open violence between the state and its people (at first in isolated incidents). It'd be characterized by widespread non-cooperation between both sides before boiling over, at which point all bets are off and further predictions are useless.

If Trump were to win and attain power, a great deal of the pent up pressure would be released into a simulacrum of political improvement. Trump himself remains a restorative figure, still running on MAGA (though it is now an open question whether he still means the 1980's), and is unlikely to take drastic measures that threaten the form of government explicitly. A1.1 where he successfully carries out a term would clean things up for quite a while, maybe securing up to a decade of renewed prosperity; but unless he also purges the Universities and puts all race-communists in camps, it will not last. The best thing that would come of this is giving us all more time to prepare. If you have children, or any aspirations of "having a normal one", this is likely the safest bet. Also the best if we'd like to salvage existing insititutions with minimal losses (via "Our Guys" getting to where they need to be).

So to recap, A1.1 and A2 are the ones I deem the most plausible. A1 and A1.2 are improbable because it goes against both Trump's age and his character. Though I wouldn't put it beyond Lord Barron (6'11) to fulfill the prophecy.

Scenario B (and a botched offshoot of A1.2):

This could get quite bad. The version of B you described is pretty much spot-on for a second round of Biden. Economic collapse all-but guaranteed. Flooding of the southern border will get worse than anyone can imagine, say goodbye to Texas and Dixie -- it was fun while it lasted.

The very real risk here is fragmentation and misdirection of the Right. If Trump were to be robbed of the GOP primaries or such, we'll see all the retarded grifters stepping in for their scraps of the carcass formerly known as the Republican right. They'll do everything in their power to fill the gap left by a united front under Trump, each bringing their own "hot takes" on where it all went wrong and peddling their half-assed solutions, and it'll be leveraged to misdirect as many white american men for as long as possible.

The most troubling trend is the faux-Right cropping up on X, with that nigger Tate, Tucker, Fuentes, etc. all doing their best to poison the minds of White Americans. I won't bother going over them one-by-one, but essentially they'll have you believe that there's nothing wrong with importing 100'000'000'000 brown migrants as long as they're wholesome Abrahamists (just like you!) who "hate the woke mind virus". "Let me tell you how white chad sleeping around with women is GAYWe must side with Guatemalan Catholics to denounce this degeneracy," "We should bring more Arabs over for their BASED sexual morality and denouncement of DA JOO," and other assorted race-treasons. I am convinced that these exist solely to keep white hatred at bay long enough to secure the enemy's demographic victory.

Finally, we have all of the non-political factors catching up to us in the background. An entire generation of zoomers which basically received no education whatsoever, not from their parents or from school, due to the complete implosion of the shooling system after covid. The competency crises (in part due to migration) affecting all fields of engineering, technology, public works, and tradescraft. Expect everything to get progressively shittier as the interval absent change continues. The peak was 1992, the degenerative asymptote is South Africa.

No matter where this goes, 2024 is the last "legitimate" US election we're likely to see in our lifetimes. How long the rest goes on is simply a question of how much more our people are willing to tolerate. What I do know that now more than ever, the fire of Truth blazes among the youth, the Great Change hath come. Hail Lord Amarna

They have one year.

Pylon is indeed right about this one. Even if Scenario B were to lead to a rise in radicalization among Right Wingers, I not only it would be insignificant compared to the Radicalization that occured in the right during the period between 2017 and 2021, I also think we would ineeded put faith in false princes who would preach to Normiecons about the reasons why we're failing. "Based Latinos", "Based Muslims", "Multiracial Anti-Semetic Co-Prosperity Sphere" due to demoralization and bad actors would be takes that if you thought were insufferably commonplace now, would explode under a second term of Biden. Plus, another thing is that radicalization after a certain point becomes a negative for most people. If you are not intelligent, conscientous and pragmatic enough to handle the effects of becoming more radical, staying where you are ideologically is preferable, because the way you'll articulate your new-found beliefs will be like Lucas Gage: Low Impulse Control, Low Brow and unappeailng to upwardly mobile right wingers. One undercovered prelude to Scenario A could occur this year.

[Image: 03.2023%20El%20Paso%20Border.jpg]

Prelude-The Operation Lone Star Crisis
Operation Lone Star is an ongoing SMO in Texas that has continued to escalate and spiral out of control due to the border crisis. Starting in 2021, tens of billions of dollars have been spent and thousands of National Guardsmen have been mobilized for the purposes of patrolling the southern border in a fiscal blackhole that seems to not only demand more and more resources but also is becoming more violent and has seen attempts by the Federal Government to criminalize its operation.
[Image: frontonsplit.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]
This is an example of an active operation that occured in the Rio Grande Valley. A 170 acre island compound that contained large numbers of cartel assasins became an ongoing battle of cat and mouse between National Guardsmen, police and the Cartel, with several deaths involved.

Abbott is not a Caesar or someone looking to disrupt the status quo but he could inardvently provide us with a large deal of headspace for one reason: the sheer size of the paramilitary forces in Texas. Texas recently passed SB4, a law which makes illegal migration a state crime and authorizes Texas to remove illegal migrants from Texas. Not only that but it mobilizes the pool of roughly 80,000 peace officers to assist in anti-migration operations. You may not know that due to the 2010 Supreme Court Ruling for the case Arizona v United States, it is illegal for states to deport illegal aliens and that authority only rests in the hands of the Federal Government. Abbott has been sued by the DOJ, who have alleged that what he is doing is a violation of Federal Law. I don't think there will be an armed confrontation between the Texas NG and the DOJ which gets criminal, at least not Abbott himself. That is not neccesary either, as Abbott, who is challenging the constitutionality of AZ v US in SCOTUS is hedging his bets on the change in composition of SCOTUS being enough to get the ruling overturned.  Having the ability for states to enagge in immigration enforcement would lead to a few KINO happenings, which would be merely a taste of what would come under a scenario where Trump is a Caesar, Lincoln or FDR. Abbott is not willing to take a risk but his attorney general, Ken Paxton, is and and personnel is key for a Second Term of Trump.

Paxton should be the Chief Legal Operative of Donald Trump's cabinet. The Attorney General of the Chief Executive of the World's most powerful Man. He has openly admitted to committing felonies and has gotten away with it, even after being federally indicted. He has filed suits on everything from social media censorship to immigration decisions from the Biden Administration to trying to relitigate Lawrence v Texas, which made sodomy laws unconstitutional.

Every Louis needs his Richelieu.

Pylon Wrote:[snip]

Extraordinarily good post, kudos. Raised a lot of points that I had failed to consider, particularly regarding Scenario B. Perhaps I was too optimistic about the possibility of a Biden/Newsom administration, and may have overestimated the benefit that "radicalization," or more accurately to what I intended to mean, the spreading of our ideas and the capturing of political power by said ideas, has in comparison to the potential lasting damage done by four more years of uncontested Deep State/DNC rule.

I also did not consider the possibility of the continued distortion of the Right in Trump's absence. His role as a unifying presence is underappreciated... no one other than Hitler is more uniformly adored than him on the Right. And while I often personally reflect on the Bad Ideas that promulgated throughout the online right in the wake of Trump's failure to instantly become the Next Hitler and Make Anime Real in the face of a massive, hostile New Deal regime, such as primitivism, "NazBol," Atomwaffen accelerationism, etc., I need not ignore the similar trends that have occurred during the Biden years... BAP-adjacent "Peaty" fixation on muh sneed oils and other feminine fad diet junk at the expense of a focus on Jews & race, Third Worldism, "Red Scare" whores, the "dirtbag left," various other Norwoodisms, etc.

Finally, to play a bit of (brown) devil's advocate here, I would like to note that Fuentes, despite being a tradcath and having forged an alliance of convenience with Arabs & Moslems against Israel & international Jewry, remains a staunch white nationalist whose stated primary political objective (other than overthrowing Jewish power) is stopping white genocide and engaging in mass deportations. I think that he is a bit better than most people here make him out to be... but not by much. He has terrible, trashy tastes and an obnoxious negro-brained Zoomer fanbase, but he is nevertheless very much *not* in favor of mass non-white immigration. Tucker, on the other hand, seems to be a completely lost cause. I think it is now becoming painfully obvious that everything "good" about Tucker was just his Fox News writers copying right-wing Twitter. Another case of terrible tastes; white identity le bad... but anyways, back to UFOs and the health benefits of tobacco! This is a perpetual problem on the online right, and I suspect that it may be connected to medium of the internet and social media in particular. BAP falls into this too with his love of the Red Scare whores.

Anyways, back to the point. Good post. We need to focus in and keep our eye on the ball. The stakes are far too high.
Fuentes is a witty, good-hearted SYM. The Jews melted his brain, but not as badly as you would believe by following the Zero HP Lovecraft sphere who retweet his worst coal takes. If you just scroll through his twitter without biasing the worst posts you can see that he's a pretty staunch and reasonable white nationalist. Not that we should stop making fun of him for turd worlding it up and being deranged about Zionism.
BillyONare Wrote:Fuentes is a witty, good-hearted SYM. The Jews melted his brain, but not as badly as you would believe by following the Zero HP Lovecraft sphere who retweet his worst coal takes. If you just scroll through his twitter without biasing the worst posts you can see that he's a pretty staunch and reasonable white nationalist. Not that we should stop making fun of him for turd worlding it up and being deranged about Zionism.

Indeed, there is more overlap between "Amarnites" and Fuentes than might be expected since the Ye24 fiasco. This tweet is a case in point:

[Image: tolmot.png]

Fuentes often attacks what he sees as the "BAP sphere", but these are usually the most mild RW content farmers and unoriginal Substack grifters who have gravitated around BAP. These are those who were targeted by the 1488 accounts. Fuentes' xenophilic tendencies are rightly ridiculed, but exaggerated in the zeitgeist. Just recently he was talking about Mexicans being parasites on productive people. There are a lot of keyed little things about his e-persona I could list. He supports child marriage. As a testament to his Sensitivity, he will go on a tangent and start bitching about how tedious and cluttered the internet is to use, or talk about all the epic things he would do in a post-apocalyptic scenario.

I don't mean to justify his egregious conduct over the years, just to build on BillyONare's post.
I don't know how many times the users here will suffer a carbon monoxide leak in their dwelling place to start saying a Mexican(?) streamer shock jock who gets as many viewers as the average Oak grove AOC edit on twitter at max is smart because he mouths out /pol/ 101 when he has hanged out acoal black talking head who wanted nude pics from his young fans among many, many other stupid and bad actions. Still every time this happens, I will link to my last word on the subject
I am sure there must be a reason that makes it so Nick does not look like the scummy insult to any higher principles he really is its just that I've yet to get one. On the subject from my speed reading of this thread nobody has mentioned in terms of power over the Trump campaign Qanon is a movement of millions and outclasses every single "dissident" subculture in political and cultural weight. I would examine that situation before talking about a plan.
JohnnyRomero Wrote:Extraordinarily good post, kudos. Raised a lot of points that I had failed to consider, particularly regarding Scenario B. Perhaps I was too optimistic about the possibility of a Biden/Newsom administration, and may have overestimated the benefit that "radicalization," or more accurately to what I intended to mean, the spreading of our ideas and the capturing of political power by said ideas, has in comparison to the potential lasting damage done by four more years of uncontested Deep State/DNC rule.

Thanks, I'm glad you appreciated it.

Quote:an alliance of convenience with Arabs & Moslems {...}
{...} very much *not* in favor of mass non-white immigration

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" only works when there's a sufficient distance between you and the third party, not so much when you're being assailed on both fronts.

American patriots don't need to be told about rapprochement with raghead savages, as if their antisemitism is some rare and unique attribute. Telling it to Europeans is even more of a meme.

NuclearAbsolutist Wrote:I don't know how many times the users here will suffer a carbon monoxide leak in their dwelling place to start saying a Mexican(?) streamer shock jock who gets as many viewers as the average Oak grove AOC edit on twitter at max is smart because he mouths out /pol/ 101 when he has hanged out acoal black talking head who wanted nude pics from his young fans among many, many other stupid and bad actions. Still every time this happens, I will link to my last word on the subject
I am sure there must be a reason that makes it so Nick does not look like the scummy insult to any higher principles he really is its just that I've yet to get one. On the subject from my speed reading of this thread nobody has mentioned in terms of power over the Trump campaign Qanon is a movement of millions and outclasses every single "dissident" subculture in political and cultural weight. I would examine that situation before talking about a plan.

I was debating whether to write a deeper follow-up on Fuentes since it was deemed noteworthy, but Nuc + Anthony have already done it.

Regarding Qanon, I am aware that boomers have had their almonds quite activated by the meme, to the point that even my own mother was asking me about it. I didn't bring them up specifically cause it was kind of implicit, they average out with the rest of the disenfranchised white populace.

My HAM radio just transmitted a special code. Yes... Understood. Trusting the plan.
There's a very dangerous "scenario C" that is always likely due to the pure simple *age* of the candidates. Both Biden and Trump are very old; though Biden is visibly in a worse condition, one should be wary about Trump as well - younger, healthier men have died.

Biden is politically discredited. If he actually goes on the ticket, it's suicide, pure and simple. He simply cannot possibly win against Trump - 2020 was tight and had a lot of chicanery involved, but it was just believable enough due to mass TDS and kvetching that the populace more or less accepted it. 2024? Insanity to think they could do the same. The Democrats are retarded, but they're not that retarded. Either way, Biden is "expendable." They can always pick another candidate.

On our end, things are more serious. "Our thing" hedges on one man, and one man only: Trump. And he's rather old. What if he gets a heart attack and drops dead or is otherwise incapacitated? All efforts will go to waste. The other GOP candidates can't win against a gerbil, perhaps they can beat Biden, but if the Dems pull the Newsom card it's completely over. Back to square one. A new champion has to be found, and by the time we can get him to a position where he can threaten the Dems, they'd have destroyed everything.

Age has another issue: the reason why Tucker cucks all the time, why Alex Jones is coaling, and why Republicans keep cucking. These people simply still think, and have the aspirations of, the times when they were younger, and when the situation was different. They're still "naïve." They find it hard to come to terms that the entire system has been corrupted, and that "fair play" is still possible. They're just too... conservative. Bankrupt ideas.

As for Fuentes - he's simply too easily influenced, too pliable to the suggestions of imbeciles, retards and other useless people, making himself completely politically bankrupt and useless. He's a great asset for all sides depending on how he's managed - right now, with nobody to keep him in line, he thinks he's hot shit, and his... mediocre... followers think the same, and waste their energy on dumb shit. He has decent youth support, but it's, again, mostly mediocre people at best, and retards at worst. However, if we were to somehow put him under our authority, he could be a decent bonus, especially for a "classical Trumpist" regime. Basically, a younger Tucker. But his ego has swollen to ludicrous sizes, and I don't think he would ever accept, barring some sort of deal where he gets his own "mainstream media" position like Tucker had.

Still, I think we should, apart from supporting Trump, be looking for a viable successor right now, just in case, though it might be too late for that now anyway. Barron would make for a prime candidate, but he's too young right now... And Trump's other children, are, well - we know all about it. Completely useless without daddy.

One asset that could be useful: Elon Musk. Tycoon to President has already been done... A younger Trump?
JohnnyRomero Wrote:I anticipated such disagreements but failed to address them sufficiently in my writing. I don't see Putin as a particularly ideological figure. He and his government utilize leftist anti-colonial rhetoric, but I see this as a mostly cynical ploy to get the Third World on their side, albeit influenced by Putin's Soviet Boomer (shit) tastes. I think that if the West devolved into an armed struggle in which the globalist, interventionist Deep State goes to war against a nationalist rival regime, Putin would almost certainly support the latter side, not out of any sort of ideological loyalty to right-wing (white) nationalism, but rather to weaken his primary enemy (globalist Western governments) and to support the emergence a non-interventionist or even isolationist alternative governing structure in the future.

Why does he not support the Anglo/Euro right in the first place then? He of all people should understand that the American left was truly the USSR's greatest ally during the decolonial era though they themselves may not have known it. The left will always be owned by hidden masters they don't know or understand, and Putin should know that their hidden masters see him as their enemy. The Right is really all that exists to oppose the current power structure, and I don't know if he's just doesn't know or mayb too much of an old Soviet Boomer to see the truth. Hell, he could do a lot more damage to the Globalist regimes by openly supporting right-wing entities and organizations in the West, thereby giving the niggers in power a non-invented casus belli against us--and I say "us" very broadly to include everyone from MAGAmoms to Boomerwaffen to Ideological Anime Nazis. Of course, MAGA doesn't want or care about Putin's support, so this would cause even more immense discord than what the current regime has already wrought. I'm not sure what his play is, maybe you're right and I look too much into it.
Don't overthink things. Trump lost by ~1% in the important swing states. By default incumbents lose votes but Biden also didn't do anything he promised to do and rent has gone up. All Trump has to do is get one in fifty Biden voters in a few states to stay home because he lied about student loan forgiveness, etc. and he wins. No one who wasn't already convinced cares about him getting sued or January 6th or whatever.

It's Trump's game to lose and despite being a uniquely retarded and fat President he's extremely good at campaigning.

He's not going to do anything when he wins because he's still fat and retarded, yet somehow also increasingly senile. He'll appoint the same Ivy League freaks to manage things, throw a tantrum when they sacrifice his already nonsensical agenda for the sake's of their own careers, and then die of a massive heart attack playing golf in his third year. It's whatever.

Nikki Haley might win in 2032 or thereabouts who knows. Maybe they'll run Ivanka vs. Chelsea. That could be fun.
Let's face it, I think the only thing that will stop Trump from getting elected at the end of this year is a conviction and even then there's still a chance he might win. Libtards are notorious for their cowardice and fear of direct actions which is why they always fall back to no name bureaucrats and judges who can take the fall if things go sour to do anything and Trump is a hot potato that no one wants to get caught holding which is why it took a bunch of retarded black strivers (whose sole motivating goal in life is attention and self interest) to actually start the prosecution process while mealy mouth white judges shuffled around for a few years making "recommendation" that someone else prosecute him (not me though I'm too scared).

Biden's press conference yesterday made it pretty clear that he's dead in the water, he can't campaign publicly and he's going to get shredded in the eventual debate which the democrats will probably only agree to one of with 100 layers of moderation and softball questions toward the end of the campaign, assuming they even have one at all. All of Biden's natural voter base is depressed, blacks don't care, middle class Hispanics are pissed because their semi-luxurious 30k a year income has moved them into poverty due to inflation, arabs and other mystery meat browns are pissed off at Biden because of the Israel Gaza war which basically leaves him with upper-middle class libtard whites and single women which won't be enough to get him over the line in comparison to all the Gen-X and boomer middle class whites and working class whites who will swing for Trump.

Georgia and Arizona are basically a lock for Trump (remember that 2020 polling had Biden ahead in Georgia and Arizona by 1-2 points and even then only won those states by a few thousand votes) which basically means all Trump has to do is knock out one of the rust belt states and he's won the election. Keep in mind that Trump is already ahead of Biden in basically all metrics and he's barely even started campaigning, not to mention we still have 9 more months of Biden gaffes and failures to look forward to. No one cares about Jan 6 anymore, people are tired of inflation and 1 billion illegal immigrants and the democrats have already spent most of their post-Roe v Wade political capital.

As for what lies ahead in a 2nd Trump presidency it's hard to say. Expect more dem political shenanigans but at the same time I also expect Trump to have better experience dealing with them. Cabinet appointments will still be pretty cringe but that's mostly due to the shallow pool of talent the Trump admin will have to draw from, but they probably won't be anywhere near as bad as Trump's first term. My guess for the first 2 years is nothing but focus on drawing down immigration, it's the one thing we can definitively trust Trump on. I don't want to hear any of this gay blackpilling about "two sides of the same Kosher coin" Trump did put legitimate effort into trying to lower legal and illegal immigration and it was only liberal activism and the RNC which prevented him from getting anything done. The main obstacle for Trump will probably be in the house, with districting shenanigans the chances of Republicans keeping the house this year will be pretty low but we can always hope. The senate is expected to flip to R which will be good although who's in charge will determine whether it's a force for effective good or just a waste of a chamber depending on who they vote in once McConnel retires (and it'll be a win regardless just to avoid having to hear that whiney Jew Schumer act as if he has any legitimate authority).

There'll probably be a lot of economic liberalization, removing red tape and palming off a lot of the gay climate change stuff, but one thing I would really like to see Trump do is take an axe to the bureaucracy, actually make "small government" a thing as opposed to just saying it. Cleaning out the state department would be good and especially the military, as nice as it is to see them suffer from all their promotions of retarded faggotry having the military be composed of a majority brownoids and 3rd worlders who are just there for a paycheck is an objectively bad thing. Hopefully he gets better recommendations for the people he'll promote to the military but I'm not holding my breath for them to find a magical based 21st Century McArthur in the current ranks.
womanobliterator Wrote:Let's face it, I think the only thing that will stop Trump from getting elected at the end of this year is a conviction and even then there's still a chance he might win. Libtards are notorious for their cowardice and fear of direct actions which is why they always fall back to no name bureaucrats and judges who can take the fall if things go sour to do anything and Trump is a hot potato that no one wants to get caught holding which is why it took a bunch of retarded black strivers (whose sole motivating goal in life is attention and self interest) to actually start the prosecution process while mealy mouth white judges shuffled around for a few years making "recommendation" that someone else prosecute him (not me though I'm too scared).

Biden's press conference yesterday made it pretty clear that he's dead in the water, he can't campaign publicly and he's going to get shredded in the eventual debate which the democrats will probably only agree to one of with 100 layers of moderation and softball questions toward the end of the campaign, assuming they even have one at all. All of Biden's natural voter base is depressed, blacks don't care, middle class Hispanics are pissed because their semi-luxurious 30k a year income has moved them into poverty due to inflation, arabs and other mystery meat browns are pissed off at Biden because of the Israel Gaza war which basically leaves him with upper-middle class libtard whites and single women which won't be enough to get him over the line in comparison to all the Gen-X and boomer middle class whites and working class whites who will swing for Trump.

Georgia and Arizona are basically a lock for Trump (remember that 2020 polling had Biden ahead in Georgia and Arizona by 1-2 points and even then only won those states by a few thousand votes) which basically means all Trump has to do is knock out one of the rust belt states and he's won the election. Keep in mind that Trump is already ahead of Biden in basically all metrics and he's barely even started campaigning, not to mention we still have 9 more months of Biden gaffes and failures to look forward to. No one cares about Jan 6 anymore, people are tired of inflation and 1 billion illegal immigrants and the democrats have already spent most of their post-Roe v Wade political capital.

As for what lies ahead in a 2nd Trump presidency it's hard to say. Expect more dem political shenanigans but at the same time I also expect Trump to have better experience dealing with them. Cabinet appointments will still be pretty cringe but that's mostly due to the shallow pool of talent the Trump admin will have to draw from, but they probably won't be anywhere near as bad as Trump's first term. My guess for the first 2 years is nothing but focus on drawing down immigration, it's the one thing we can definitively trust Trump on. I don't want to hear any of this gay blackpilling about "two sides of the same Kosher coin" Trump did put legitimate effort into trying to lower legal and illegal immigration and it was only liberal activism and the RNC which prevented him from getting anything done. The main obstacle for Trump will probably be in the house, with districting shenanigans the chances of Republicans keeping the house this year will be pretty low but we can always hope. The senate is expected to flip to R which will be good although who's in charge will determine whether it's a force for effective good or just a waste of a chamber depending on who they vote in once McConnel retires (and it'll be a win regardless just to avoid having to hear that whiney Jew Schumer act as if he has any legitimate authority).

There'll probably be a lot of economic liberalization, removing red tape and palming off a lot of the gay climate change stuff, but one thing I would really like to see Trump do is take an axe to the bureaucracy, actually make "small government" a thing as opposed to just saying it. Cleaning out the state department would be good and especially the military, as nice as it is to see them suffer from all their promotions of retarded faggotry having the military be composed of a majority brownoids and 3rd worlders who are just there for a paycheck is an objectively bad thing. Hopefully he gets better recommendations for the people he'll promote to the military but I'm not holding my breath for them to find a magical based 21st Century McArthur in the current ranks.

In regards to the house, I think Republicans have a pretty decent chance. There was a poll that recently got released in George Santo's district, which is a heavily affluent district in the North Shore of Long Island, which has Trump up by 5. The district voted for Biden by 9 points, which shows a continuing trend of Long Island becoming a one party dictatorship under Trump. The Independent Comission is redrawing the map but from what I've read, theres likely going to be little changes and also, in NC, its possible that the GOP flips 4 house seats due to redistricting and because polls have Trump up by a likely margin in NC. Also, NC GOP chairmen is likely going to be the new RNC chair, who has managed to run a Romney + 2, Trump + 3.5 and Trump + 1.5 district like a one party state. I think we have a chance to actually expand our house majority, depending on how Trump does in districts such as the NYC suburbs, Northeastern Pennsylvania, Northern Maine, etc

[Image: image.png?ex=65da439c&is=65c7ce9c&hm=817...height=695]
[Image: jmc2020102601_Map1.png]

[Image: image.png?ex=65da42cc&is=65c7cdcc&hm=733...height=442]

These are my predictions at the moment, based on polling:

[Image: B5BEL3M.png][Image: YAPmsScreenshot_3.png?ex=65da455e&is=65c...height=746]
[Image: YAPmsScreenshot_2.png?ex=65da448d&is=65c...height=746]
I just thought about Scenario Xi:

Some time this year, the CCP activates their sleeper cells in the US that have come through the border to disrupt Power Grids.  Think of it, some 28,000 have entered the US only last year; if only 1% of those are agents then you're looking at some 300 men spread throughout the country able to cause general Chaos while they invade Taiwan.  This would allow the Brandon Regime to "fortify the election" against China, securing another four years with a fraudulent vote and a war against China.  I wonder if they'd be stupid enough to go for "Drumpf is the favored candidate of China" in this situation.

If this happens, I don't think it will play out how they'd like.
(02-13-2024, 04:02 PM)Aizen Wrote: [ -> ]I just thought about Scenario Xi:

Some time this year, the CCP activates their sleeper cells in the US that have come through the border to disrupt Power Grids.  Think of it, some 28,000 have entered the US only last year; if only 1% of those are agents then you're looking at some 300 men spread throughout the country able to cause general Chaos while they invade Taiwan.  This would allow the Brandon Regime to "fortify the election" against China, securing another four years with a fraudulent vote and a war against China.  I wonder if they'd be stupid enough to go for "Drumpf is the favored candidate of China" in this situation.

If this happens, I don't think it will play out how they'd like.

That sound awesome, life wouldn't be so boring if shit like that actually happened, like an Alex Rider novel. It would give us free reign to make the Imperial Japanese look merciful as we raped China to death in response too. When I got conscripted, I'd try to end up as a dog trainer just so I could give the chinks an ironic death where they get eaten alive by dogs. Seems like a win-win for me
Short of being executed, Floyd 2.0 but a million times bigger, or a false flag ""civil war"" (never going to happen and that's a good thing), there is no way that President Donald John Trump loses the "election". I think that a lot of people with Big Money just saw the clown shows involving the two Black Queen LAWLyers in New York and Georgia, among many other recent happenings, and realised which horse they should be betting on. American Patriots should be whitepilled out of their minds.
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