It’s the JEWS!!!
Even if you allow that Jews were sometimes persecuted unjustly on account of rumour and mob violence, the point of my post was to show that it doesn't matter whether they were. If Jews had never been persecuted it wouldn't change their attitude toward Aryans. They have something in them that isn't found in any other people, not even their semitic brethren. Maybe they are Neanderthals, the brow ridge and their loathing towards every other race even non Aryans supports this. But I do not think so, as it doesn't explain why whites with high Neanderthal blood do not act the same even on a far lower level. I think they are something older, more corrupt, Jews always invoke in me the uncanny valley effect.
(09-24-2023, 11:16 PM)nex Wrote: This hatred doesn't stem from any particular deed, or even any mutual feud, but rather from a fundamental difference in spirit. I will begin with the Jewish mode of subsistence. Merchantry. This is the most debasing of all things of which a person can subsist, it is in effect a form of slavery, where you reap the benefits of the labour of others without having laboured on your own part.

Merchantry is, itself, slave labor. This reminds me of something I read in the comments of a torrent page for an E. Michael Jones book where someone attempted to diagnose "the tragedy of the Jews" or something to that effect; he wrote that one the Jews' fundamental problems is their love of freedom and money. This is the only mode of anti-semitism one regularly encounters, where Jews are framed as being bad because of good qualities, which they don't even possess in the first place. If the Jews were a race of freedom-loving slavers they wouldn't be as disastrous as they are.
casual rapist
You might have been wondering HOW TO BE A KIKE.
(09-25-2023, 09:56 AM)GraalChud Wrote: It is for this reason that I think one cannot deny the importance of history in the Jew's hatred of the Aryan. Though I've belabored this point and repeat myself for the umpteenth time, it remains true that while most races have suffered persecution at our hands, none has experienced it as intensely, lengthily, consistently, and in such a manner as the Jew has; there seems to be almost no way that this fact, which I believe many Jews are consciously aware of on some level or another, is not a major factor, if not the primary factor driving Jewish hatred of the White man.

Probably going to regret wading into this thread... I appreciate the effort you put into this post. In a sense, you made what I think is the most compelling argument for this particular worldview. At the very least, you reconstructed the structure of the historical grievances and painted the image of a certain frame of mind - which I believe does exist at the margins. And no doubt Jewish neuroticism played a role in the promotion of communism around the start of the 20th century. Still, by and large, I disagree with it.

For the purposes of full disclosure, I'll confess that I'm a philosemite after a fashion - I grew up around jews. I was educated with them, wasted my youth on the internet playing video games with them. When I first argued and debated philosophy as a young teen, it was with jews. To a point, I fully lacked a conception of them as racially and ethnically distinct from whites until I turned 19 - even as I was aware of the NS perspective. Up until then, it was just the case that they were more or less the most interesting people around. They were pretty much the only ones to escape the middle America suburb I grew up in. The vast majority of the young white men had little ambition beyond partying, alcohol, and the childish interests that dominated them at the time.

In college, about fifty percent of the most gifted physics students I knew were Jewish. I- eventually grew close to many of them going out for walks at midnight with discussions wading through Kant/Deleuze/etc. I did lines of coke with some at conferences. Years later, I would attend several of their weddings. Over the years, I got to know their parents and their siblings.. I knew which ones were secretly gay - and trying to hide it from their parents. I knew the ones who had lost whatever remaining faith they had, but couldn't bring themselves to tell their mother. I knew some that were liberal, but were skeptical and horrified by the lowering of the academic standards around them. I knew others were RW. Some hated Israel, some loved it, and others were absolutely indifferent. The extent to which they even saw themselves as a Jew varied. After grad school, I saw much the same later in my first corporate job - and found friends there again reminiscent of those I knew during my university years.

But at no point during any of that was this historical cultural blood vendetta present - at most a few off-jokes about German's specifically, but that was the limit of it. Many of them dated, fell in love, and eventually married white women. On the other side, several of my white friends eventually married Jewish women - that was just how it went. Much as been said about Jewish vs. White spirit in this thread, but none of it really tracks. In principle, there was very little difference between the white and Jewish men in these circles. Neither were obsessed with grievance politics  - which, in my professional life, has almost universally been advanced by white and asian female strivers. That said, if they believed in immigration, it was because they genuinely believed it was a good thing. Much the same with climate change and just about anything else. None of these views were transgressive within the milieu, and they belonged to my white friends just as much as my Jewish ones. It was all just normative.

In the end, none of these totalizing narratives are really convincing past the rhetoric invoked. When America opened the floodgates on immigration 60 years ago, it was done by a congress and senate that was overwhelmingly of european descent, populated by a largely white bureaucracy. The Jew is highlighted - but what of the Christians that advanced and supported civil rights out of a genuine belief in the Christ-like nature of it? Today, there are Catholics the push for yet more racial utopian projects. Many of the movements that are despised here are pushed by a multicultural elite ranging from Obama, to McCain, to Romney. That said, there are jews of course, and they do have an inclination towards liberal politics - but that is more or less a universal of the elite in our age. I believe they are wrong on many things, but I also believe it very rarely stems from any specific racial malice. Their lives are overwhelming grounded in he realities of their particulars, far removed a sense of fitting into this larger historical-cultural tapestry.

Casual Rapist linked this in the shoutbox. It's good so I'm putting it here for better visibility.

Otherwise, as for the Jews. The New York Jew is possibly the worst thing to ever happen to art in the history of civilisation and I intend to properly give them their due eventually. I would like to literally exhume the remains of Sidney Lumet and put his remaining physical rot on trial for crimes against culture and civilisation.
(09-29-2023, 03:00 AM)Zed Wrote: That said, there are jews of course, and they do have an inclination towards liberal politics - but that is more or less a universal of the elite in our age. I believe they are wrong on many things, but I also believe it very rarely stems from any specific racial malice. Their lives are overwhelming grounded in he realities of their particulars, far removed a sense of fitting into this larger historical-cultural tapestry.

In the 20th century one could quite easily point to men like Emanuel Celler of The Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965 fame and see a particular kind of organized Jew. Today that moment and type of person has almost completely passed away as they won arm in arm with certain Europeans and Americans with a ideal of a New World Order which they got by the close of that century so that today most populations in the West including Jews, maybe even especially Jews are rootless empty people who go like dogs to vomit to whatever is thrown out by the institutions constructed by the past generation for Our Democracy and have zero sense of being part of any wider tapestry that is not that.
[Image: Flawp8F.png]
[Image: dmWX3lI.png]

With current trends future Men Of The West as it were will be limited to ideological and social genealogy on the topic as the remainder of the Hebrew people will be ultra orthodox who are not capable of history and whatever mutant form ""normal""fag social life takes next(The future of Israel is uncertain as covered in the thread on it).
[Image: 3RVIe13.gif]

“Power changes its appearance but not its reality.”― Bertrand De Jouvenel
"Malyuta was a frightening individual in general. He was a rabid anti-Semite, not because he had any reason to dislike Jews, but because he tried as hard as he could to maintain the image of a patriot, logically assuming there was nothing else a man called Malyuta could do with his life. All the descriptions of the world Malyuta encountered in the analytical tabloids were in agreement that anti-Semitism was an indispensable element of the patriotic image. The result was that, following long efforts to mould his own image, Malyuta had come to resemble most of all a villain from Bin Laden’s gang in a stupid low-budget action movie, which started Tatarsky wondering whether these low-budget action movies were quite so stupid after all, if they were capable of transforming reality after their own image."
The lack of discussion on the jewish tunnels here is very conspicuous.
Guest Wrote:The lack of discussion on the jewish tunnels here is very conspicuous.

Look at the bottom-left corner of your screen. We love Jews here, sir
Why do you support the rape and murder of white children?
Guest Wrote:Why do you support the rape and murder of white children?

Counter-signaling rape. -1000 Hitler points.
Mason Hall-McCullough
Guest Wrote:The lack of discussion on the jewish tunnels here is very conspicuous.

The official explanation is that a group of younger Jews felt aggrieved about an ongoing dispute over ownership of the synagogue, so plotted to dig a tunnel beneath it.

I'm not sure why Fuentards and others feel the need to make up fanciful stories about a stained mattress and "rape tunnels" when the truth and released videos are already hilariously entertaining and terrible optics for the Jewish people. The reality of what happened is not only very funny, but also serves as a perfect example of the Jew's negative racial qualities.

Secretly digging a tunnel beneath a building is slow, labor intensive and achieves no practical goal, so the effort must have been fueled by incredible resentment and determination. Jews are so neurotic that they even target their close allies (Chabad within Hasidim within Jewry within New York), in highly deceitful plots that can last for months without anyone noticing. After this extraordinarily bizarre feat has been exposed to sunlight, is a neutral observer expected to believe that it is ridiculous to suggest that other groups of Jews aren't also metaphorically "digging tunnels" beneath the foundations of their host civilizations, with no sensible material goal, motivated by a great concealed resentment?

The video of a Jew nervously popping his head out of a drain and running off into the night while wearing the uniform of everyone else in that synagogue, already sends the perfect message. "He's plotting something, he doesn't want you to know what it is, and all Jews are like that."

The way many on the right have reacted to this incident is similar to Pizzagate insofar as Alefantis probably was a pedophile and probably raped children given his homosexuality, social media posts, and the culture he participated in, but he probably wasn't raping children specifically in the basement of his pizza restaurant. This sort of unevidenced embellishment is low IQ LARP that allows the reality to be "debunked" and stops you from convincing anyone outside of your bubble. On the other hand, if you open your mouth and forget to countersignal someone, I suppose you won't feel superior, that's more important right?
The Power Behind Javier Milei's Throne
Guest Wrote:The Power Behind Javier Milei's Throne

I looked into this substack and found this piece a lot more interesting, even if the ideas have been put out before:

As for Milei, the depth of the Jew support is mildly interesting, but I still think it remains to be seen what comes of him and what's in store for Argentina. Maybe Jews do just want to loot the country. Maybe Milei wants to let them. We'll see. Maybe both are true and the country will still get better anyway.

Were jews counted as a separate demographic when tallying crime crates by race, they would likely rival mexicans. Of course it's hard to account for jewish crimes because the stories will never go beyond local news. Who knows how many are actually happening when the press is owned by jews and staffed by libs? How many crimes aren't counted as crime because jewish communities have their own special police forces?

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