The True Cost of TND, TKD, etc.
It's easy to look at the nigger species and say "yeah this can't go on," and sign up for TND. Likewise, it's easy to see that the kike is an eternal existential threat to Aryan wellbeing and say "the holocaust will be made real and we will finish the job this time." But today me and my omnicidal buddies were talking and we got on the subject of the yesmen for the regime and saying that maybe we don't need Total Sycophant Death but we at least need to cull their numbers back with a proper decimation.

But what would be the real magnitude of such housekeeping?
23.8m Jews + millions more sterilized for jewish admixture but who aren't jewish enough to outright kill
37.5m (claimed, systematically underreported) American Blacks 
15.7m (claimed, systematically underreported) American Mixed Race
for a total of 77m victims of the Chuddening.

But then if the Chuds decimate the worst 10% of the white population, that's another 10m victims in America alone for 87m. This would make the Chud regimes some of the bloodiest regimes to have ever existed. On one hand, this is somewhat to be expected as the population will always get larger so whenever a new order comes to power in a time with long overdue housekeeping, they will pretty much always be the bloodiest in history due to having an ever-larger total population as time goes forward. But on the other hand, I wonder how many suburban Chuds really have the stomach for the kind of butchery that will be necessary to clean up this shitsack planet.

Ultimately, I think it's summed up as "the best time for TND was 1901, but the second best time is now." Because kicking the can will only result in ever larger populations down the road. There is projected to be a billion Africans by 2100, so an unimaginable amount of human suffering is going to happen one way or the other. I think the most guiltless way would be if there was an economic collapse and all aid and commerce to Africa halted for around 5 years and nature took its course blamelessly. The blame for the human carnage lies at the neoliberals' feet for subsidizing subhumans for over a century and ballooning their population to well over 650m. A true TND combined with the other measures would have a human life cost of 725 million persons.

All that said, I am still in favor of it. Hundreds of Millions Must Die (mostly through faultless starvation, hopefully). It's necessary to do this housekeeping before we become spacefaring to avoid the Starfield nightmare future, which would be the highest cost of all.
(10-03-2023, 04:19 PM)Carbide Wrote: But on the other hand, I wonder how many suburban Chuds really have the stomach for the kind of butchery that will be necessary to clean up this shitsack planet.

Just look into how humans deal with invasive species, like hogs in America. It's not very difficult just time-consuming.
In the case of niggers, "Let nature take its course" is by far the more elegant solution. End welfare, end forced integration of schools and businesses, and end legal persecution of whites defending themselves and their property. Non-libtards will immediately, explicitly, and totally self-segregate. Libtards will continue to tacitly self-segregate with the exception of a few tokens, and continue to moralize about it, but their complaints will be totally impotent without government enforcement. Explicit total segregation will be so much and so self-evidently better that Antiracism ideology will fade away into complete irrelevancy, like the Temperence movement.

Without the government paying them monthly per niglet, reproductive success will again depend on general biological competence. Many sheboons will outright abort, abandon, smother, or simply stop feeding their own babies without any need for door-to-door nigger lynching squads to cull former wards of the state. The consequences will be truly ugly and horrific, but it won't be on our hands and it will happen in places that no decent white person would go near anyway. A few middle-aged libtards will gather for some gay protest march every year but most people will just agree that, yes it's such a terrible shame, isn't it?

Property owners, police, and if necessary the national guard will further thin out the ones that resort to crime and mass looting. This is the best and cheapest way to do it, simply remove the nigger exception from existing traditional law that whites use to remove these elements from their own population, and whites will gladly self-organize to advance their interests, with a little government backing to handle the occasional mob. Even forming a mob of more than a few dozen is a higher level of organization than niggers are inclined toward; again without active suppression of defenders, incidents like the Summer of Floyd simply won't happen because whites are incomparably better at preparation and organization.

Of course all of this is a coup-complete problem and an utter pipe dream at this point, it would require a total defeat and replacement of progressivism with a state religion that values truth and order. But it would be much more attainable to get hundreds of millions of white people on board with simply removing the nigger exception from existing traditional law, than to get hundreds of millions of white people on board with death squads, death camps, and daytime ghetto firebombing runs. Simply let the white man solve the problem wherever he personally encounters it, and he won't need to learn vicious round-the-clock yet telegraphed bloodlust, nor suffer psychic trauma and guilt that will rebound for generations. The justification will be the same domestically and in Africa: we're the ones who argued against ballooning the bio-refuse pile in the first place, so its maintenance isn't our responsibility and its collapse is not our fault. Shut off the gibs, look the other way, and mind your own business. You could taper the process gradually without even making a big deal of it, and normies would just automatically adapt.
(10-03-2023, 05:42 PM)Handi Wrote: Simply let the white man solve the problem wherever he personally encounters it, and he won't need to learn vicious round-the-clock yet telegraphed bloodlust, nor suffer psychic trauma and guilt that will rebound for generations.

All well and good, but then the Chud-lights will just stop killing them when they go back to yessah bossman, nossah bossman, and you will have a situation like Jim Crow where niggers are still raping and murdering, but simply getting lynched for it afterwards. The white death toll will decrease, but continue on. And, notably, this is not TND, it's Total Nigger Pacification. With the right mix of policies, it might even result in a small decrease in the nigger population, but far from eradication. No, I'm afraid not. Half measures are the white man's sin; he lacks the grit to go all the way, to truly accept what it means to embrace total nigger death and total kike death. The only times our enemies have ever decreased in number has been when the state was helmed by a man with the will to say "just kill them all, lmao."
The Green Groyper
Whites as a rule don’t have the stomach for that sort of slaughter. Even Hitler had to use euphemisms and didn’t openly proclaim the Holocaust.

We do our best slaughter when it’s conducted on frontiers and the White Normie can look the other way.

If sufficiently pressed then sure we can extirpate hostile races when it’s them or us, but the spiritual and psychic consequences of this violence inevitably cause us to pull back. Even in the 1830s there were calls to “preserve the Indians”. The actual slaughter wasn’t something the White man in New York looked too deeply into.

That is arguably a weakness of our race, but the problem remains. Most Whites will unless placed in a position of existential crisis balk at bayoneting babies.

You may be willing to do that, but I would bet 99.99999999% of the White population is not.

There will also inevitably be defectors and cold feet. If it’s too many then anything we will have achieved will be undone.

The only way around this is one-total indoctrination of the White population to levels of zealotry outstripping the Waffen SS and Ustashe, or some sort of proxy-robots or bio weapons perhaps. That would allow most Whites to keep their hands clean.

Asking the average White Normie to stick his hand holding a knife into a Kike’s pregnant gut is a sure fire way to get them to turn against you unless you are holding a gun to their head. 

One could argue that might be necessary, or that once TND is completed, anyone who feels too guilty, or broken about it can either be disposed of, or simply allowed to retire, and weep over their blackened souls. Until the next generation of Whites is born without niggers.

In which case the the guilt and negative repercussions will be gone. Though if in a few hundred years someone feels bad about TND in BasedWorld, and wants to angst or write condemnatory essays? So what?
too many 9s
page 2: might be 98%

"VirusChad, listen to yourself right now. The first sign of psychosis is a Christ complex."
The Green Groyper
Most Whites even self declared “racists” will get really uneasy when you bring up what is actually entailed by a catchphrase like “Total nigger death”. It’s easy to shout that on the internet and pretend to be a badass, it’s a very different thing to gut women and children-niggers or not.

Only a very small percentage of our race has the stomach for this, maybe a few more might do it if they felt their survival was immediately at stake, or they were offered grandiose incentives(anything from their lives to luxury well beyond their current circumstances).

Most right wingers I suspect don’t actually have the stomach for real violence. At least not at the scale and intensity that is often imagined. Whites especially do not.

To affect total nigger death say in North America(not even including purging Africa) you would need a vast infrastructure of millions of men, hundreds of thousands at least directly involved, and countless more involved in logistics, propaganda, security and other measures.

In today’s world of the internet, such an extirpation could not be compartmentalized-you can’t tell your America first train track managers and Normie conservative clerks “oh we’re just deporting them”-they will know what they are doing, either because we’ll be telling them or our enemies will.

Whites have a very strong tendency towards guilt, as well as empathy for the outsider. This tendency is even stronger now due to a century of modern liberalism. If our footsoldiers are either balking at orders to crush nigger skulls outright, or they simply can’t handle it-turn over, drug and alcohol addiction, defection, etc… then that would impede our ability to complete the purgation.

Even at the turn of the 20th century, there were Whites that felt guilty about having swindled and slaughtered the Indians to gain the continent. You are not going to turn most Whites, including most Right wingers into some sort of Anime Hitlerian caricature in any timespan.

So TND will need either need be to conducted in such a way, the bulk of the White population is not involved directly thus feels no guilt or is likely to defect, and thus has no spiritual crisis, or it would need to be done quickly and thoroughly. Allowing any aftershocks to happen afterward without reversal.

Or…the situation must deteriorate so badly, that even church ladies and kind somewhat liberal soccer moms are wearing nigger trophies-that is food, water and other bare essentials of life are at stake.

All of these scenarios have their own difficulties.

The main problem though is most Whites think in moral terms-and they would find this very discussion revolting and offensive. If TND is presented in such a way as to not comport with White tendencies towards moral thinking and not zero sum self interest-it will never have the White population’s assent.
[Image: ot-lynchingphotosb.jpg]
“Wow, look at all these photos of anime hitlerian caricatures! Oh wait, these are just normal white people, and none of them had a problem of posing with a niggers corpse.”

There are thousands of photos of white crowds spectating nigger corpses hanging. All healthy young men are naturally violent. Just put them in groups together, give them guns, and then tell them to kill and they will. Most people don’t even like niggers anyway and there are tons of right-wing militias ready for the next BLM riots. Whites have a much greater capacity to kill then any other race. There should be no concern on their capacity for violence. It’s just ridiculous. Unless you can prove the genetic deterioration has been to a significant degree compromising their health, there is no reason to worry about young white men’s capacity for violence. The brainwashing is only Permanent after ~28. Plus most conflict isn’t going to be hand to hand but rather impersonal hot weapons, just like their favorite video games.
The Green Groyper
And yet they needed a justification-niggers stole something, niggers raped a White woman, niggers raped a White child then split her open with an axe.

They didn’t lynch without some sort of provocation. Including things Amarnites would see as wholesome Chungus like a White woman’s honor.
(10-05-2023, 09:27 AM)The Green Groyper Wrote: And yet they needed a justification-niggers stole something, niggers raped a White woman, niggers raped a White child then split her open with an axe.

They didn’t lynch without some sort of provocation. Including things Amarnites would see as wholesome Chungus like a White woman’s honor.

And TND isn’t justified? Your argument isn’t rational, nor realist. It denies both human nature/history and our current situation. The whole telos of all your writing is to disabuse the reader from considering TND because it actually is a real viable option. You’er just a dumb libtard. TND isn’t just random sadism to look cool: it’s a conclusion reached after an evaluation of our current situation. Do you remember the George Floyd riots? The cities burning? The violence on a mass scale? Do you remember the Kyle Rittenhouse trial where half the country essentially wanted him to be executed on live tv for a cut and dry video-verified self-defense case? 

The problem with your writing is the problem with all de-radicalization attempted: totally divorced from reality. You act like this is all irrational and ridiculous. Not even the left believes we can live in a post racial conflict world. Again, you just don’t want us to kill your sacred ape. You have picked a side.
(10-05-2023, 04:32 AM)Handi Wrote: “Wow, look at all these photos of anime hitlerian caricatures! Oh wait, these are just normal white people, and none of them had a problem of posing with a niggers corpse.”

There are thousands of photos of white crowds spectating nigger corpses hanging. All healthy young men are naturally violent. Just put them in groups together, give them guns, and then tell them to kill and they will. Most people don’t even like niggers anyway and there are tons of right-wing militias ready for the next BLM riots. Whites have a much greater capacity to kill then any other race. There should be no concern on their capacity for violence. It’s just ridiculous. Unless you can prove the genetic deterioration has been to a significant degree compromising their health, there is no reason to worry about young white men’s capacity for violence. The brainwashing is only Permanent after ~28. Plus most conflict isn’t going to be hand to hand but rather impersonal hot weapons, just like their favorite video games.

This post is not me by the way. Serves me right for not making an account but I didn't expect this to ever happen.
Handi Wink 
(10-05-2023, 09:51 AM)Handi Wrote:
(10-05-2023, 04:32 AM)Handi Wrote: […]

This post is not me by the way. Serves me right for not making an account but I didn't expect this to ever happen.

But did you disagree with it?
Jesus christ @guest (not handi and the doppel, the other guest before that) this is what I mean when I say people have less capacity for textual context than GPT these days. Plus the stereotypical inability to think about things related to a hot topic without sperging out, without relating to it only in normative terms.

the green groyper was clearly elaborating a point already made earlier in the thread, by carbide. Justification and provocation may have a normative meaning when you are thinking about how many cookies white boys versus black boys deserve. It should have been obvious to you that they are thinking about people as objects in this thread of argument. This is called sociology. Thus, justification and provocation likely refer to the immediacy of the fault that necessitates the lynching, not the balancing of some grand moral scale.

That said, the green groyper, carbide, etc are probably more of the universally empathetic sort. I am too. I hate the idea of the human body torn out of shape, it makes me angry and cry. (and yes, I still perceive black bodies as human) I sometimes think about killing people but there really doesn't appear to be any way to be certain that you could kill confidently and without remorse until you've done it.
(10-05-2023, 12:18 PM)Guest Wrote: Jesus christ @guest (not handi and the doppel, the other guest before that) this is what I mean when I say people have less capacity for textual context than GPT these days. Plus the stereotypical inability to think about things related to a hot topic without sperging out, without relating to it only in normative terms.

the green groyper was clearly elaborating a point already made earlier in the thread, by carbide. Justification and provocation may have a normative meaning when you are thinking about how many cookies white boys versus black boys deserve. It should have been obvious to you that they are thinking about people as objects in this thread of argument. This is called sociology. Thus, justification and provocation likely refer to the immediacy of the fault that necessitates the lynching, not the balancing of some grand moral scale.

That said, the green groyper, carbide, etc are probably more of the universally empathetic sort. I am too. I hate the idea of the human body torn out of shape, it makes me angry and cry. (and yes, I still perceive black bodies as human) I sometimes think about killing people but there really doesn't appear to be any way to be certain that you could kill confidently and without remorse until you've done it.

It’s not the balancing of a grand moral scale dumb nigger retard. It’s the facts that all attempts of 2000-2010s colorblind egalitarianism were completely refuted by the nigger riots. There is simply no reason to believe we can ever move past racial conflict without somehow destroying the difference between races(miscegenation or extermination). Rhodesia, South Africa, no matter how much privilege niggers are given, no matter how much gibs, sinecures, portions of authority and prestige, holidays and any other attempt to appease them they will always act like they were getting whipped my Massa just yesterday.

There is no argument against TND else then your weepy soytears. Go suck one of your monkeys’ cocks now.
(10-05-2023, 09:48 AM)Guest Wrote: TND isn’t just random sadism to look cool

If that was the case you wouldn't be saying and agreeing that rats getting brutally tortured is good when you've otherwise condemned blacks who've done similar things to other animals in the past.

Despite your hatred for 'normgroids/normalfags' and that guy who got stabbed, you desperately want them to deem it acceptable for you to be a violently retarded moron as well, just in what you perceive as being the 'correct' way.
(10-05-2023, 02:18 PM)Guest Wrote:
(10-05-2023, 09:48 AM)Guest Wrote: TND isn’t just random sadism to look cool

If that was the case you wouldn't be saying and agreeing that rats getting brutally tortured is good 

Not the same person, meds.
(10-05-2023, 02:19 PM)Guest Wrote:
(10-05-2023, 02:18 PM)Guest Wrote:
(10-05-2023, 09:48 AM)Guest Wrote: TND isn’t just random sadism to look cool

If that was the case you wouldn't be saying and agreeing that rats getting brutally tortured is good 

Not the same person, meds.

Do you think I was referring to "you" as in you alone and not "you" as in Amarnites on the whole? I bet it took you ages to understand how plural words worked since you kept spelling pennies as pennys or bosses as bosss.
(10-05-2023, 02:24 PM)Guest Wrote:
(10-05-2023, 02:19 PM)Guest Wrote:
(10-05-2023, 02:18 PM)Guest Wrote:
(10-05-2023, 09:48 AM)Guest Wrote: TND isn’t just random sadism to look cool

If that was the case you wouldn't be saying and agreeing that rats getting brutally tortured is good 

Not the same person, meds.

Do you think I was referring to "you" as in you alone and not "you" as in Amarnites on the whole? I bet it took you ages to understand how plural words worked since you kept spelling pennies as pennys or bosses as bosss.

But you specifically used what I said to infer something about someone else. Of course you’er not aiming for any coherent though, just raging because you couldn’t refute my point.
Quote:It’s not the balancing of a grand moral scale dumb nigger retard.

yes, that is literally what i wrote in my post. That is literally what I said.

We are describing reality, not morality. Saying "the normies aren't prepared to kill people who aren't attacking them" is not the same as "we need to assess the nigger-aryan karmic trade agreement" unless you have a hilariously blurry intellect based on word associations only.
(10-05-2023, 02:48 PM)Guest Wrote: But you specifically used what I said to infer something about someone else

As if none of you here have never done the same? On that note, I sure as hell don't see you refuting what I said either.

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