Words That Annoy You
Sakana Wrote:
Virtue Wrote:"Only people with anime avatars have anything of substance to say, it serves as a marker of being an intelligent young man. Your profile picture depicts a witless looking creature, your post reflects this."
"The Detective does not have to listen to the pointless anklebiting of cowards who strongly resemble peasants."
[Image: image.webp][Image: final.jpg]

You're supposed to put the quotes above the images, like how I wrote it, you retarded nigger. If you attack The Detective, have all your eggs in order.
This place is not twitter, and I am not attacking the detective, I am very fond of him actually, also physiognomies speak for themselves, Erika's avatar and the cow's.

Also the only reason pictures are below in dialogues is, because the Modern Winthropian dialogues were posted on twitter first.
In VNs usually text is below the character sprites.
John II Komnenos
"Dude" is definitely the worst one that I hear way too often. It's simultaneously a word which implies a lack of vernacular maturity while attempting to express some vague notions of still "being hip."

While not a word in particular, any casual practice of using too many swear words never sounds good. I usually see this in socially underdeveloped millennials.
Recent Friend

Usually used by left leaning millennial midwits who think rather obvious implications are an accomplishment to be aware of.

"And then our characters stood at the red light in traffic ... the driver fidgeted nervously."

Millenial midwit: 'okay, media literacy hats on. You see, the subtext, which you may have missed, since you are not as smart as me, is that the characters are GOING somewhere. This isn't explicitly stated, but if you Read Between The Lines, it's clear what's actually going on. They're also in a hurry ...'
Trevor Bauer
I get "this has to be racist" often when I post in normie areas.

(It is)
"Unc" is a term I see used to describe when 20-something 'woods give sagely advice. The term "Unc" is the jive talk term for Uncle and is used among Constarch Americans. "Unc" is now just a cool way to refer to someone as wise in the minds of Zoomies. Ebonics have once again pierced the veil and become the lingua franca among today's youth. Makes me siiiick!!!
Slopnite, Apex Sloppers, Call of Slop, Grand Slop Auto, etc.
"That game looks like pure DEI sloppa."
AI generated slop
Virtue Wrote:"Slop"
Slopnite, Apex Sloppers,  Call of Slop, Grand Slop Auto, etc.
"That game looks like pure DEI sloppa."
AI generated slop

Let's not forget the worst one: "japslop".
Recent Friend
Edge Wrote:
Virtue Wrote:"Slop"
Slopnite, Apex Sloppers,  Call of Slop, Grand Slop Auto, etc.
"That game looks like pure DEI sloppa."
AI generated slop

Let's not forget the worst one: "japslop".

This isn't anathema to me but I sometimes find myself annoyed when I hear "fed" around less discerning groups (= not Our Thing, think of the forklift right). Often it is a meaningless accusation against anyone who discusses race in a cogent way, or has an interest in Hitler. I am not fully aware of how this developed but I have suspicions: it began with the "wignats versus optics" thing, and a semantic drift occurred because of a small group of 2020-2022 trannies on twitter. Accusations against Patrick Little types becoming this amorphous catch-all term for anyone who's outspoken and on the Right. Those who make a habit of reading 4mex screencaps probably started thinking on these terms not long after.

There are many inert characters / weaker links who ride on the coattails, and anything resembling a hardline position causes them deep worry; instead you're supposed to vacillate on your convictions and tepidly accept things as they are. They might need an image of "feds" (which could really just be Cool Nigger) constantly watching them so they don't have to express courage in their statements.
Virtue Wrote:"Slop"

I quite like "ZOGslop" because it rolls off the tongue nicely. Other variations such as "ZOGchow", "Goyslop" or "Goychow" used by my inferiors piss me off to no end, because ZOGslop is the obvious winner here. Slop is most accurate in this context since its referring to food for fat retarded wagepigs to keep them docile and funding the United States Federal Government. Some may have trouble with the acronym 'ZOG', but I think it's funny sounding, and less on-the-nose for the wignat right--think Mike Peinovich types who use 'goy' in the same way that their mental Cool Niggers use 'nigga'. "We reclaimed da word mang". No, you claimed, nay, stole the word for yourself with the help of kikes and libtards. Nigger is the white man's word. Similarly, "goy" is a yiddish word used to call gentiles cattle. Calling yourself cattle is fucking retarded, and you have no libtards in your corner to help you steal that word for yourself. This rant also made me think of "goy" when used by wignat retarded cattle slaves also annoys me.

John II Komnenos Wrote:"Dude" is definitely the worst one that I hear way too often.

Even worse when it has the prefix "My", for "my dude" as in "try touching grass my dude", or "ever think of having a normal one my dude?"
[Image: cca7bac0c3817004e84eace282cc7a3d.jpg]

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