Dissident approach to child rearing
(01-12-2023, 11:41 AM)Guest Wrote: What, exactly, is the argument, here? I am saying that raising an athletic, sociable child, who through their distinction excels in the preeminent social environment that they inhabit, is something to aspire to as a parent, and is a good thing for your child. Popularity, as I have already clarified, is not an end-goal, nor is it a prerequisite for attaining superiority, but it is an outcome of high likelihood due to human beings valuing specific qualities above all others. I am not arguing for molding your child into any one particular archetype, but you as a parent should want for them to attain early life success through encouraging practices or behaviors considered universally, naturally valuable.

Knowledge and physical prowess are not mutually exclusive: you can have a track-and-field son who reads the classics - and, in fact, I consider the latter to be "universally, naturally valuable". As for high school being "owned space", I disagree: it is perhaps the only avenue within the typical young man's life where he has the ability to expend his power and energy with relative impunity. It is only later in life, when you are expected to toil away at some glorified serf make-work, alongside diversity hires and HR marms, that the state of the modern world reveals itself.

Now, that isn't inevitable, and shouldn't be, and it's not something I take for granted, either. I don't think supreme focus should be on how to get your child the most pussy while they're in high school/college, but again, mutual exclusivity doesn't apply, here. Your son can be in good physical condition, be sociable, read Homer, and make money is such a way that is not soul-crushing.

I wasn't aware people who had their thoughts shaped this hard by american high school movie tropes still existed.
What are your thoughts shaped around, faggot? Something gay like "philosophy", or "history"? Just stop with this - I have seen every single John Hughes film. Molly Ringwald was my first boner, the Brat Pack spoke my truth, and Ferris Bueller was #toocool. Good luck trying to replicate the feeling of exhilaration that one gets from ripping a ciggy behind Vice Principal Vernon's back during detention whilst simultaneously copping a feel on the cheerleader's cherry-print panties - think you're going to find anything like THAT in your nebbish reading of "Bradbury", or "Fitzgerald", or whatever? You're not going to convince me, at this point, so just stop it!

I watched death note and attack on titan and now understand that I must purge the world. I guess every generation is inspired by the media it consumes. Too bad for you my generation watched un-ZOGGED stuff like anime. It’s over old man, zoomers are out for blood. You can’t stop what’s coming next.
a system is failing
(01-13-2023, 12:08 AM)Guest Wrote: ...

How does it feel knowing you can't convince the new generations to worship and respect all your pathetic boomer cultural icons and beliefs? Instead of giving us anything permanent or meaningful your only contribution to culture was talkimg about how cool you are...and it's not aging very well and people are rejecting it hahaha. Once that's gone what do you have left, does this scare you? That once nobody cares about the Beatles or civil rights anymore you will go down in history as a generation of wimpy losers?
High school is a meme and American high school is an even bigger meme.

M-m-muh team sports - This is what PE is for. If you want something more serious - actual sports clubs, not tied in any way to the educational system.
M-m-muh parties - Only birthdays. And even then usually people would invite just a few people in their friend circle from school, rest of the invitees would be their friends that go to different schools.
M-m-muh young love - The amount of people in relationships with someone else from the school was on the level of a statistical error.

Instead you get a bunch of unstructured people-to-be trying to grasp at something while an uncaring, distant bureaucracy tries to just give them the bare minimum by keeping them somewhat in line and stuffing their heads with stupid shit, resulting in mostly stunted individuals who become NPCs. And in the West, with double the amount of time spent in school per day (more time to peddle muh holocaust and nigger worship) it's probably even worse, resulting in some dysfunctions described today.
None of you have put up anything of comparable value. Can you actually provide any proof of concept for this purported "higher way" that A) isn't just a total fantastical figment of your minds, or B) doesn't just lead to young men becoming resentful, eternally online bloviating squabblers. I hate niggers, and women, as much as the next guy, but come on: let's see some evidence of the contrary, before you start trying to refute my so-called "boomer values".
German youth display (1940)
German troops decorated and troops pass in review along Avenue Foch, Paris, durin...HD Stock Footage

Fascism in general.
(01-13-2023, 04:01 PM)Guest Wrote: None of you have put up anything of comparable value. Can you actually provide any proof of concept for this purported "higher way" that A) isn't just a total fantastical figment of your minds, or B) doesn't just lead to young men becoming resentful, eternally online bloviating squabblers. I hate niggers, and women, as much as the next guy, but come on: let's see some evidence of the contrary, before you start trying to refute my so-called "boomer values".

The word you'll keep finding in these threads (at least my posts) is cultivation. Society already takes it for granted that youth should have their freedom taken from them, their desires and drives rejected and disrespected, countless hours devoted to things they are not naturally wanting to pursue. If you're a sensitive type this is an enormous nervous strain. Think of what you could do with all of the hours schooling took from you given back to you now. Think of what could have been done with those hours. In my youth I practiced an absurd amount of self repression and self denial and all I got out of it was a mountain of completed math "work sheets" (fake make-work) which were discarded the moment they were done.

The most obvious baseline suggestion, made by the guest above even, is physical cultivation. Even if I hated every fucking minute of it if those hours were devoted to physical conditioning I would be a physically well optimised burnout unemployable right now. That would be something I could feel good about. I really do believe that I and most people have NOTHING to show for the countless hours they took. THINK guest-poster. Think of the TIME they took from you. Do you really believe nothing is owed? What is your time worth now? What's minimum wage where you live? Why is it okay that that time, not just any time, your best time, your youth. Why is it okay that that was basically dumped in a hole and burned?

If you aren't sore about this you're broken beyond feeling or never had the potential to be more than a serf in the first place.
Lion roar.
(01-13-2023, 08:14 PM)anthony Wrote: snip
So, your main beef is that high school is a waste of time, and that, in your mind, playing sports, going to parties, and experiencing young love is not, at least partly, a remedy to that? Again, I'm not seeing a lot of counterpoints to what I've outlined. What's YOUR basis? Tell me why my "American high school movie trope" values are bad - and tell me what you think is better - in a way that isn't just this pompous over-delivery of vacant blocks of text.
a system is failing
You're thinking too small, Guest. Why remedy the symptoms when we should be curing the disease?
(01-14-2023, 09:00 AM)Guest Wrote:
(01-13-2023, 08:14 PM)anthony Wrote: snip
So, your main beef is that high school is a waste of time, and that, in your mind, playing sports, going to parties, and experiencing young love is not, at least partly, a remedy to that? Again, I'm not seeing a lot of counterpoints to what I've outlined. What's YOUR basis? Tell me why my "American high school movie trope" values are bad - and tell me what you think is better - in a way that isn't just this pompous over-delivery of vacant blocks of text.

Yes, shallow surrogate activities and distractions which I never found interesting are not a worthy trade for my youth. These are all stupid contrived games with stupid boring people. The unifying theme across your examples seems to be some dog-brained notion of intensity of experience. Do you really think you couldn't have hoped for better than this? If you're genuinely happy with this deal I have no idea how you found this site or how you tolerate it.

If your values amount to pursuing the joy and richness of experience you get out of life, for you through these things listed above, your values aren't the problem. The problem is your domesticated animal like complacency. But then we aren't all free cats. That's fine. You aren't a real problem since your judgment doesn't matter. God help any intelligent and feeling son of yours of course. But you have your right place in the world. The world needs a whole lot of you, willing to follow basic instructions, and to one day die, to satisfy just one of me.
A New Career In A New Town
Guest's values are misguided. A sensitive child, the subject of the cultivation here discussed, is most naturally unsatisfied with normie acquaintances and school tard wrangling, and no matter of appeasement is capable of numbing this feeling without tearing apart their sensitivity, and that is precisely what must be avoided.

You're looking at this through the lenses of a failed normie, of someone that saw the american movie high school tropes and thought that there was something wrong with their nature for not being inclined to these petty achievements. So, in that way, the child must be someone that is not an authentic normie and that only through rigorous counseling and work will attain the prized early life success of teenage normality.

Of course, not every nerd envies the jock or the stacy. But a failed normie would envy them, and would actively try to be like them. That is not good at all. It is actually very stressful and inefficient. Of course, in the real world you'd want your child to be successful, to have the status, the confidence, the power of the 'higher stratum' of teenagers, but these things can be accomplished without aping the people that you resent.

You have to look higher. You can actually just do what you want to do. This is a very important message to send to your child: that he is free, that he can do what he wants, that he can be respected and fulfilled beyond the expectations of his roastie teachers and dumb colleagues and that with your fatherly mentoring he could realistically achieve anything. I think that would be a good thing for your child.

A retarded nigger would have no problem playing sports, going to parties, experiencing young love, being popular. They must have had a good child rearing! They must surely have a good life.
If I raise a son to be physically fit, independent, and intellectually capable, he is with utmost assurance going to effortlessly ease into social settings where he will be expected, encouraged, and enticed to engage in "teenage normality" - humans of such constitution do not just slip under the radar. Are you both implying, then, that I should DISCOURAGE him from fraternising with his contemporaries, because it would make him a complacent steer? How is it realistic, or productive, to expect a teenager to tolerate such suppression? I'm having to continuously sustain this circular criticism, and try to piece together from your posts this ethereal "higher way", because - for the third time, now - my question for HOW YOU WOULD DO IT DIFFERENTLY has not been sufficiently answered! If sports, or parties, or girls all aren't good enough, THEN WHAT IS? The onus is on you, now!
(01-14-2023, 07:34 PM)Guest Wrote: If I raise a son to be physically fit, independent, and intellectually capable, he is with utmost assurance going to effortlessly ease into social settings where he will be expected, encouraged, and enticed to engage in "teenage normality" - humans of such constitution do not just slip under the radar. Are you both implying, then, that I should DISCOURAGE him from fraternising with his contemporaries, because it would make him a complacent steer? How is it realistic, or productive, to expect a teenager to tolerate such suppression? I'm having to continuously sustain this circular criticism, and try to piece together from your posts this ethereal "higher way", because - for the third time, now - my question for HOW YOU WOULD DO IT DIFFERENTLY has not been sufficiently answered! If sports, or parties, or girls all aren't good enough, THEN WHAT IS? The onus is on you, now!

Why would you inflict school upon anybody? What is the positive value of such a place? Everything you're talking about can be reduced to "age-cohort based peer socialisation". I personally consider that yet another catastrophic downside of school, not a completely a redeeming element. If your son is turning out well why would you send him to a school?

Quote:>How is it realistic, or productive, to expect a teenager to tolerate such suppression?

You seem to think of school and age-cohort restricted peer socialisation as natural phenomena. Not sending someone into that is not "suppression". It's not a natural human drive. Stuff to do, people to know, finding out what you like, these are the organic drives. They can, incidentally, usually in highly restricted and corrupted forms, be pursued in a school environment. Does that make schools good places? No.

I would not send him to school.

Quote:>If sports, or parties, or girls all aren't good enough
You know teachers didn't invent these things don't you. There is no magical essential element to them which can only be found in schools. Of course schools are trying to monopolise these things because they understand they're about the only remotely appealing things they can offer. They're doing a decent job. They have you convinced the entire world is some kind of barren concrete box outside of their magical wonderland where they hoard all of the footballs, people to party with, and access to maryjane rottencrotch.

Quote:The onus is on you now

If I had the freedom to I'd make a son as strong and smart and goodlooking as possible and then treat him basically like a free man around the age of 15 or so, with continued support. There isn't much to say here since you seem to misunderstand the direction everyone else is thinking in. School is a soul shredder. It is the negative value of school we are concerned with on this issue. I believe in cultivation, but I also believe we're built to turn out well and most of what's wrong with people is on account of things done to them. You seem hellbent on sidestepping this by invoking the (extremely hazy and ill-defined) value of a few experiences which often happen around school, but are not essentially schooling at all.
American schooling could maybe be a positive force if it didn't mandate children attend daily shifts of 8+ hour day-prison for its own sake, assign young men to write book reports about "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian", or force competition with Han "grindsetted" coolie-spawn who end up cheating on everything anyways. Either way it's obvious most people are entirely unsuited for it.
OK, Anthony, so you would presumably homeschool, then, right? Because education is a legal requirement where I live, so "not sending them to school" is not really an option. I advocated for early childhood homeschooling (4-12) in my very first post, with integration into the school system from pre-adolescence through to early adulthood (12-18). If you intend to homeschool from beginning to end, then good luck, because by all accounts, that is a surefire way to prevent your child from EVER experiencing any of what I have outlined; and, not only that, but expect a longhousing like you have never seen before, with your son's only peers being snaggle-toothed trad-Caths, who engage in such fun things as "lawn darts", and "Christmas potluck". Oh, and good luck ever getting your wife to un-sink her fangs from the boy's neck. Every homeschooler I've ever known was a complete freakish loser, so if that's what you want, or if you think you can do better, then by all means...
(01-15-2023, 09:00 AM)Guest Wrote: OK, Anthony, so you would presumably homeschool, then, right? Because education is a legal requirement where I live, so "not sending them to school" is not really an option. I advocated for early childhood homeschooling (4-12) in my very first post, with integration into the school system from pre-adolescence through to early adulthood (12-18). If you intend to homeschool from beginning to end, then good luck, because by all accounts, that is a surefire way to prevent your child from EVER experiencing any of what I have outlined; and, not only that, but expect a longhousing like you have never seen before, with your son's only peers being snaggle-toothed trad-Caths, who engage in such fun things as "lawn darts", and "Christmas potluck". Oh, and good luck ever getting your wife to un-sink her fangs from the boy's neck. Every homeschooler I've ever known was a complete freakish loser, so if that's what you want, or if you think you can do better, then by all means...

I'm not an advocate of homeschooling. I'm an advocate of deschooling. Unfortunately my post on this didn't survive the death of amarna1 so I might explain again briefly. The school and classroom structure is the problem, not the content of those classes. The founder of real homeschooling, which is deschooling, John Holt, encouraged parents to leave the choice open. Many early homeschool families let their children back and forth between school and home and jobs as they (the children) pleased. This seemed to work quite well. And I believe that if one isn't integrated up to a certain point, they never really want to.

And that's where I really take issue with your posting, the idea that integration into this feral anarcho-tyrannical cannibalistic rat-empire is desirable. I believe that the specific damages of school are time wasted, the debasement of doing fake work, and this integration. The insecure, artificially enforced age-cohort peer socialisation. Here, have some homework on that last point. I like Gordon Neufeld.

Quote:that is a surefire way to prevent your child from EVER experiencing any of what I have outlined; and, not only that, but expect a longhousing like you have never seen before, with your son's only peers being snaggle-toothed trad-Caths, who engage in such fun things as "lawn darts", and "Christmas potluck".

I'm not a Mennonite. I know normal people and grew up in schools. I knew these normalfaggots. I knew normalfaggots who played sports, were considered admirable by their peers, and got to finger maryjane rottencrotch when they were 15. You know where they all are now? They're right in the longhouse with everyone else. If anything this stuff sets you up worse for life in the 21st century because it makes you complacent. You are encouraged to consent to an impure age when it gives you mixed, superficial, socialised rewards. These guys are all system-trusters. And of course I don't believe that the experiences you make so much of are actually that inherently enjoyable or good for us, they function more like informal medals and trophies. Socially recognised markers of socially formed notions of achievement and success. But society can be wrong. That's why this forum exists.

And I don't have children. So if we're willing to get that hypothetical why do have to stick on the gigantic asterisk of "you can only live and socialise with this one very specific existing homeschooling culture of faggots"? If this is my ideal scenario I'm living in something between Captain Fantastic and Metal Gear Solid.

Quote:Oh, and good luck ever getting your wife to un-sink her fangs from the boy's neck. Every homeschooler I've ever known was a complete freakish loser, so if that's what you want, or if you think you can do better, then by all means...

Everyone is a freakish loser. It's the 21st century. And women have everyone by the balls. Even you. You'd subject yourself to life in a rat-cage for a shot at standing in line for a go at maryjane rottencrotch. You will judge human worth by this experience. I think i could do better. I like to think my contempt for women runs so deep I'd be above this. Also probably above marriage and reproduction, but again we're talking about ideals and hypotheticals.
Right-wind dissidence takes no physical form in the modern world - it's all conceptual. I think that's the major point of contention between you and I, here. It says a lot that, as I was writing a response to you, I was having difficulty really conjuring up a realistic illustration of what a right-wing dissident's child would behave like. Maybe it's impossible, but can you say what that would be like, and how it would differ from a more normative child? Could it be the case that, even in your ideal execution, where every facet of your attempt at parenting goes according to your plan (which it won't), the results won't be as romantic as, perhaps, you are thinking they will be?

That is what I've been trying to get at, overall: that even if you teach your boy to bow-hunt, rock-climb, and read Schopenhauer (fill in your own right-wing dissident child activities, here) he's still in all likelihood going to want to go to parties and put his hands down a girl's pants. If that's not satisfying enough to you, romantic enough to you - if that is your son submitting to the domesticated normie culture - then, maybe it's not the world's problem, but rather, your problem with the world.

[Image: n6dfkewpll691.png?width=640&crop=smart&a...fa7daf74d2]

“He who would live must fight. He who doesn't wish to fight in this world, where permanent struggle is the law of life, has not the right to exist.”
-Adolf Hitler

(01-15-2023, 06:51 PM)Guest Wrote: Right-wing dissidence takes no physical form in the modern world - it's all conceptual. I think that's the major point of contention between you and I, here. It says a lot that, as I was writing a response to you, I was having difficulty really conjuring up a realistic illustration of what a right-wing dissident's child would behave like. Maybe it's impossible, but can you say what that would be like, and how it would differ from a more normative child? Could it be the case that, even in your ideal execution, where every facet of your attempt at parenting goes according to your plan (which it won't), the results won't be as romantic as, perhaps, you are thinking they will be?

That is what I've been trying to get at, overall: that even if you teach your boy to bow-hunt, rock-climb, and read Schopenhauer (fill in your own right-wing dissident child activities, here) he's still in all likelihood going to want to go to parties and put his hands down a girl's pants. If that's not satisfying enough to you, romantic enough to you - if that is your son submitting to the domesticated normie culture - then, maybe it's not the world's problem, but rather, your problem with the world.
True point of Conversation and viewpoint are revealed here. Right-wing dissidence is just idea, and actually not valid point to argue so conform to ZOG. Your dissatisfaction towards world is actually just your problem and has no bearing in reality, your mentally ill. No truth beyond ZOG world exists, go to therapy.

It goes beyond conversation of child rearing and into critique of right-wing dissident themselves. This guy is not motivated by any dissident intent, he’s a normie satisfied with ZOG world and willing to defend it. At most he’s seed-oil trad who doesn’t want fat son, that’s it. No need to further conversations with him, it would be as pointless as with any normie.
“But I did eat breakfast.”

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