Internet Tranny Sociology Thread
(10-13-2022, 07:48 PM)Zed Wrote: RE: the "Transgendered" phenomenon

Their impermanence will simply owe to the fact that the "most Transgendered" castrate themselves as a matter of course. Non-confabulated peoples perpetuate themselves from one generation to the next. On the other hand, "Transgenderism" necessarily has to perpetuate itself via pornography, memes in the female case, etc. It is fake and gay, and utterly contemptible. The "Transgendered" are almost entirely propagandized rubes celebrating their own slavery and castration.

You aren't "married" to a "wife", you're "married" to a debased faggot. You've married yourself to an abject denial of Nature and reality.

Seriously, consider the case of a person who's willingly deformed themself for the sake of "fulfilling" a paraphilia. "Transgenderism" isn't dissimilar from the pursuit of Fat Fetishism.
(10-21-2022, 08:50 PM)GraphWalkWithMe Wrote:
(10-13-2022, 07:48 PM)Zed Wrote: RE: the "Transgendered" phenomenon

Their impermanence will simply owe to the fact that the "most Transgendered" castrate themselves as a matter of course. Non-confabulated peoples perpetuate themselves from one generation to the next. On the other hand, "Transgenderism" necessarily has to perpetuate itself via pornography, memes in the female case, etc. It is fake and gay, and utterly contemptible. The "Transgendered" are almost entirely propagandized rubes celebrating their own slavery and castration.

I could live how I am expected to live - or I can live according to my will. There is no denial of nature here though: everything is permitted and selection (as a law) only governs far-ranging trajectories. On a long enough time scale, I will be reduced to a surgically altered male skeleton. But on a longer one, we will both be dust. I have no particular desire to pass on my seed. And slavery, from my vantage point, would be enacting a suppression of the self in favor of achieving social conformity/harmony - for someone such as myself, living in accordance with amor fati is strictly incompatible with such a life.

Quote:Seriously, consider the case of a person who's willingly deformed themself for the sake of "fulfilling" a paraphilia. "Transgenderism" isn't dissimilar from the pursuit of Fat Fetishism.

People change themselves for many reasons, but dismissing it as paraphilia misses the point. Sex orients and governs life; and as Roissy infamously observed, the only absolute metric for determining if someone is an 'alpha' is the quality and quantity of women who will fuck them. As such, many men spend their youth chasing status purely to increase the quality of women they can fuck. I don't think this is unambiguously a positive thing, as it can distract from higher pursuits (even as the drive towards status sometimes results in those pursuits inadvertently). Children, as a means to legacy, is certainly a higher pursuit than sex, but it is far from the only one - the generation of culture is another. In so far as the paraphilia plays a role, it has to do with the fact it inhibits and alters the formation 'non-confabulated' drives from an early age --- by the time sometime transitions, it is not fulfill the paraphilia - but to make peace with the long-lasting psychological consequences of it, even as they may lack the self-awareness to perceive those consequences. And the denial of it does not entail the restoration of normal drives/desires, which are by that point often non-existent.
First time posting) but I just got to say this Zed guy above me sounds like a coping tranny and should join his other 4\10 brethren in the art of the human chandelier
You guys can keep trying but I'm starting to think Zed won't actually commit suicide in response to forum posts.

Also, this might sound like a stupid question, but what's the original source on 41%? Are we all unthinkingly repeating the rainbow flag equivalent to '6 million'?
“Are we all unthinkingl-ACK!”
(10-22-2022, 01:52 AM)anthony Wrote: You guys can keep trying but I'm starting to think Zed won't actually commit suicide in response to forum posts.

Also, this might sound like a stupid question, but what's the original source on 41%? Are we all unthinkingly repeating the rainbow flag equivalent to '6 million'?

The power of 41%: A glimpse into the life of a statistic (unfortunately not on sci-hub)

Quote:"Forty-one percent?" the man said with anguish on his face as he addressed the author, clutching my handout. "We're talking about my granddaughter here." He was referring to the finding from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS) that 41% of 6,450 respondents said they had attempted suicide at some point in their lives. The author had passed out the executive summary of the survey's findings during a panel discussion at a family conference to illustrate the critical importance of acceptance of transgender people. During the question and answer period, this gentleman rose to talk about his beloved 8-year-old granddaughter who was in the process of transitioning socially from male to female in her elementary school. The statistics that the author was citing were not just numbers to him; and he wanted strategies-effective ones-to keep his granddaughter alive and thriving. The author has observed that the statistic about suicide attempts has, in essence, developed a life of its own.
(10-22-2022, 11:45 AM)Chud Wrote:
Quote: the finding from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS) that 41% of 6,450 respondents said they had attempted suicide at some point in their lives.

"Had attempted"? It's over...
(10-22-2022, 06:25 PM)anthony Wrote:
(10-22-2022, 11:45 AM)Chud Wrote:
Quote: the finding from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey (NTDS) that 41% of 6,450 respondents said they had attempted suicide at some point in their lives.

"Had attempted"? It's over...

They admit as much - a gem from the methodology of the NTDS study:

Quote:First, the…questionnaire included only a single item about suicidal behavior that asked, “Have you ever attempted suicide?” with dichotomized responses of Yes/No. Researchers have found that using this question alone in surveys can inflate the percentage of affirmative responses, since some respondents may use it to communicate self-harm behavior that is not a “suicide attempt,” such as seriously considering suicide, planning for suicide, or engaging in self-harm behavior without the intent to die …The National Comorbity Survey, a nationally representative survey, found that probing for intent to die through in-person interviews reduced the prevalence of lifetime suicide attempts from 4.6 percent to 2.7 percent of the adult sample … Without such probes, we were unable to determine the extent to which the 41 percent of NTDS participants who reported ever attempting suicide may overestimate the actual prevalence of attempts … In addition, the analysis was limited due to a lack of follow-up questions asked of respondents who reported having attempted suicide about such things as age and transgender/gender non-conforming status at the time of the attempt.

Anecdotally, most suicidal trannies are as like to actually do it as most suicidal women - and far more likely to talk about it endlessly on discord. A strongly histrionic personality trait.
(10-22-2022, 06:44 PM)Zed Wrote: Anecdotally, most suicidal trannies are as like to actually do it as most suicidal women - and far more likely to talk about it endlessly on discord. A strongly histrionic personality trait.

Yes, that's what I had in mind. It's just more crankery and attention whoring.
How accurate is the book The Transgender Industrial Complex?
(12-05-2022, 11:38 AM)Chud Wrote:
(10-12-2022, 12:08 AM)Zed Wrote: Let us roll the concepts of the last section into a shitty acronym. Call it the Virtual Dysphoria Machine - the VDM. An extremely tranny name for an extremely tranny concept. If we allow ourselves to grant that the VDM works in the way prescribed above, then we have gained (some) insight into the process - but not yet the nature of the cause. As a positive feedback loop, we believe the VDM eventually generates intense overwhelming dysphoria. A hatred of the body. But it does not exist in isolation. Instead, it constantly interfaces with the social and is subject to other external and internal forces

What stands out to me here is that all these factors are purely external - "is this what I really want?" or "would transitioning actually make me happy?" aren't factored into the calculus. The desire to troon and appeal of trooning are taken as a given, whereas if I were suddenly possessed by such a desire, I'd question it to the utmost degree.

On an irrational level, desire is just tilted heavily towards it in an inexplicable way. Partly by negation and the lack of desires in any alternative directions. For example, I experimented with watching porn as a teenager, attempting to cultivate a mindset of 'Wouldn't it be hot to fuck the shit out of her?' - but never found that it could stir anything within. I similarly tried to watch gay porn, trying to see if I could just be a 'normal' fag. None of that worked. The mating instinct is just absolutely inverted and transformed into something else entirely. By the time I arrived at seriously considering transition, rather than just day-dreaming about it, I had already twice attempted to generate my own form of conversion therapy and failed. I had also nursed quite low-grade suicidal thoughts for years out of a sense of perceived brokenness; of which, my inclinations were just one aspect - concurrent to constant loneliness and a sense of meaninglessness.

When those thoughts came to a head, transition presented itself as a possible alternative. It was the fourth time I had experienced such a breakdown, and by far the heaviest. After all, if it didn't pan out, the noose was always an option. So to answer the question you would pose: Truthfully, I did not expect it to work, or make me happy. It seemed a bad bet, but it felt as if it was the only card I felt I had left to play.

Of course, all of this is particular to myself and doesn't generalize exactly. The only valid generalization is probably this: Before transition occurs, the desire towards it is present, but not dominant - but it does usually require some kind of deep trauma to bring one from passive day-dreaming to actualization. Often this trauma itself will serve as evidence to justify the decision. A common millennial example: A guy breaks up with his girlfriend, one in a sequence of unsatisfying relationship, and experiences an epiphany. With Zoomers, the generalization doesn't hold quite so strongly, but it still holds to a certain degree.
Own that you chose to break every reasonable normative law because it made you happy and your dick gets hard at the idea of putting up a token struggle as a man 'forces' you to enjoy having gay sex with him. Every tranny who can string a sentence together and reads at least a book a year has at least some of their roots arising from sexual desire. The ones who disagree will endlessly cud-chew on their inherently feminine sexuality in discord servers while posting and jerking off to young feminine boys being castrated and forced to live as women.

Trooning should always be decision made under the power of your will, eschewing the values put before you for ones you placed and charted for yourself. There are obviously inherent elements of sorrow and brokenness that push some to troon, but even in those cases, it's sinful to lionize and enlarge their influence. Creating a narrative about yourself where you are an inherently broken person makes you act like the lesser person you've decided you are. All the best trannies revel in being faggots spurning G-d's law, even if they don't realize that's what they're doing. This isn't a coincidence.

Mentally well individuals do things because they want to, and have decided it would make them happy. (Rationalist cringe ahead, but she's right)

There's something Big-R Romantic in the sublime terror of driven to the edge of all that's Holy by the desire you have for your partner, anyways.
This topic is worth exactly as much as pontificating on the tragically inscrutable experiences of people who eat feces or fuck their mothers.
That would be true, if trannies weren't the Jews of the Internet
It is true, and you're a retard if you think miring ourselves in their self-centered conceptual inversion of nature works to our benefit. Like Jews in formal politics, trannies subvert the internet by filling it with repulsive nonsense until everyone else gets fed up and does something healthier with their time. Then they consolidate and sneak into a new battleground.

To allow it a seat at the table is to concede defeat, because its weapon is its own hideous nature. Just call it a faggot and ban it already.
(12-07-2022, 02:53 PM)Guest Wrote: ban it already.

Confirmed beta.

(12-07-2022, 10:01 AM)kirukuni Wrote: Own that you chose to break every reasonable normative law because it made you happy and your dick gets hard at the idea of putting up a token struggle as a man 'forces' you to enjoy having gay sex with him. Every tranny who can string a sentence together and reads at least a book a year has at least some of their roots arising from sexual desire. The ones who disagree will endlessly cud-chew on their inherently feminine sexuality in discord servers while posting and jerking off to young feminine boys being castrated and forced to live as women.

Trooning should always be decision made under the power of your will, eschewing the values put before you for ones you placed and charted for yourself. There are obviously inherent elements of sorrow and brokenness that push some to troon, but even in those cases, it's sinful to lionize and enlarge their influence. Creating a narrative about yourself where you are an inherently broken person makes you act like the lesser person you've decided you are. All the best trannies revel in being faggots spurning G-d's law, even if they don't realize that's what they're doing. This isn't a coincidence.

Mentally well individuals do things because they want to, and have decided it would make them happy. (Rationalist cringe ahead, but she's right)

There's something Big-R Romantic in the sublime terror of driven to the edge of all that's Holy by the desire you have for your partner, anyways.

I agree with all of this, and it is well put. On a certain level, I've always accepted myself as pervert/deviant/whatever. In part because I despise living in cope, and frankly because I always thought it was hotter to be an emasculated feminized faggot than a woman, taking full pleasure in the fact that I surgically modified my body in the image of my partner's desire. That said, life also necessitated a constructed narrative necessary to interface with others. This truth simply cannot be voiced to 99.999% of other trannies, let alone the external world. Still, disregarding the elements of sorrow and brokenness inhibits the understanding of the psychological process and the narrative reconstruction at play. Since the decision invites ostracization, copes are constructed to mitigate and ease the potential loss of the process. Sadly for most, they become internalized.

Most of what I've written in this thread is my understanding of which processes that cultivate a psychotype that will eventually transition, and a rough description of a stereotypical prodomal. I've said comparatively little on what happens during transition, and after. But as you alluded to, there is a direct correlation between the strength of an individual's Will and their need to retronarratively reconstruct their history. It is tedious to listen to weaker types recant the sum of all childhood experiences that 'proved that they were always a girl'. I used to poke gently at those delusions, until I found it only pushed most of them deeper.
[Image: EC390779-F16-E-4585-BD32-60-F42-E7-BEE06.jpg]
(12-07-2022, 01:30 PM)Guest Wrote: This topic is worth exactly as much as pontificating on the tragically inscrutable experiences of people who eat feces or fuck their mothers.

If you want to make those threads I'll post in them.
(12-07-2022, 06:47 PM)BillyONare Wrote: [Image: EC390779-F16-E-4585-BD32-60-F42-E7-BEE06.jpg]

Pardon my ignorance, but what is this from? Is this the alleged contact between Moldbug and that "Eunuch for God" troon?
It is addressed to that troon and I am going to pretend it’s from Moldbug because that’s hilarious.

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