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“Purity spiraling” is not a problem. As was outlined in the wignat thread there are absolute zero standards to being a right winger so you end up with most dissident right wingers being crypto leftists and pushing abominable anti social philosophy on everyone like Turd Positionism and Taciturn Shieldmaidenism, cancelling, doxxing, and gossiping about each other for being “pedophiles” if they question any feminist orthodoxy, smears about being a “lolbertarian”, attacking each other for zero reason at all (HP Smutcraft pretending that Nick Fuentes oppresses him), having a right wing aesthetic and infiltrating our social circles but no right wing opinions and diluting everything with normalfag garbage, etc. You could make people swear an oath to some pundit, or even better a real philosopher, but that would filter out 99% of people because they are too narcissistic to see the utility in this and they want to reserve the right to nitpick things that smarter people say that make them uncomfortable (“Well I agree with some of what he says, but not everything, aphorism #6969 is obviously wrong because *insert retarded logic*”).

Most people, including most dissident rightists, have too much garbage (false information, false certainty, neuroses, narcissism) in their brain to be of any strategic use to the world. Either let these people burn or create intellectual content that breaks them out of their stupor.

“You also need to factor penis length and testicular volume into your equation or software engineers will be too influential.”
You don't build some global public movement or whatever from the get-go. What you do is make sensible friends in your local area, and take it from there, what one might dare call "start a mafia" organically. Only when you are locally secure can you "team up" with other such groups.

What I'm saying is: go outside and talk to people, make friend groups, connections, and connect with other "focals" such as yourself (assuming people here heed: let's say members of this forum) when the conditions are right. We're just the funny discussion group, hehe. There's no movement, you will say.

Secret society model. Informal, hidden.


>You don't build some global public movement or whatever from the get-go.
seemed to work for paul le roux, at least for a while. i disavow all criminal activity!


(03-12-2022, 08:49 PM)BillyONare Wrote: [ -> ]America First is the best group; I respect Nick, but even most of that group
I am working on a long format blog poast, but for now ill just post someone else' Deep Dive onto the lolcowdom and glowing going on there:

[Image: F0-EC5-ABB-7-C48-4-ADF-A681-E191-E360504-A.png]

Keep us posted! I want to know in depth about how the most courageous young man in the dissident right is actually gay and cringe!


there's no retreating to Evropa, any disengagement from America means more room for foreign elites who will themselves be even more hostile to Europe and its diaspora than America already is. Never tell yourself "it can't get any worse" because it can.
I posted on twitter how some pan-white racialism is basically delusional in this hour, especially without a local plan.

Again, our thing (I very much like the name, follows my previous proposals, hehe) should start from the local level. Build a network. Even if you have to migrate, the whole circle moves, stays in touch.

You don't even have to look at the US as a whole, or even the states. Start with your county, or the "zone of influence" of your town/city if you're an urbanite. Become a local magnate, a man of certain repute... Or, acquainted and in a close circle with one.

There's benefits and drawbacks to everything. In America with enough chutzpah and sneaky behavior you can still make it - there's a reason why there's so many foreigners coming in (the fact that a bunch of Indian paper pushers and Mexican berry pickers can come to work in the US easier than my friend who wants to be a simple truck driver is an atrocity). It's still somewhat "Cindy." Europe is a tad more homogeneous, and sclerotic. Western Europe is perpetually torn between being attached to the US or being their own power like a schizophrenic, eastern europe is a demographic dead zone whose entire mentality is being butthurt and cutting off their own nose to spite the face. Russia is it's own type of European, one that saw what is going on and pulled the hardest "I've assessed the situation, and I am going" and basically is in the process of shitcanning the entire western mental system entirely, both left, right and center (hence simultaneous "denazification" and "decommunization" in Ukraine).

Have a general plan for the high level goals, but plan how you get to them from the bottom. A house is built foundation-first after all.

Generally, do avoid "social napalm" butthurtoid types who can only view one thing and hyperfocus. They are the little basement gremlins you exploit to get ideas which you will chop up and cook with others to get something actually useful.


wrt the decentralized solution: what would the individual cells actually *do*? serious question.


America is not a corpse yet, it's still the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world. Even if these things wane, it's still one of the best pieces of geographic real estate in the world and not something which should be abandoned to one's ethnic enemies, if only because said enemies will then turn it against wherever you retreat to, economically, morally, militarily. Europe is tiny, and simply not enough against the entirety of the rest of the world.

I agree with a lot of that, too much larping at grand politics when you can't pull two irl friends together to marginally improve your immediate situation in a sane and legal way is not healthy.
I would appreciate it if the long-time guests here identified themselves by a name. I don't mean to denigrate guest-posting (they've made great contributions to the forum so far), but these threads can get hard to follow with so many anons chiming in.


Yes, of course. My posts are number #28 and #32

Will Cecil Clayton

The easiest and most effective thing we can do right now is hangout with each other. I know that sounds faggy and lame, but the biggest mover in history is divine inspiration and tight male friendships. I have a bunch of semi dissident friends with a diverse and useful skill set around me. If I had two or three more around who were a bit more politically and grand strategy minded things would be tighter.
(03-31-2022, 01:17 AM)Will Cecil Clayton Wrote: [ -> ]The easiest and most effective thing we can do right now is hangout with each other. I know that sounds faggy and lame, but the biggest mover in history is divine inspiration and tight male friendships. I have a bunch of semi dissident friends with a diverse and useful skill set around me. If I had two or three more around who were a bit more politically and grand strategy minded things would be tighter.

It's not that faggy. In a world where people disavow their own family over petty political differences, close male friendships where you can freely discuss your beliefs and plans are important. Important to build these sorts of relationships IRL and Online. BAP has long discussed how people in Our Thing should attempt to form Männerbunds; I think he's entirely correct about this. A movement always begins with a trusted circle of friends. 

As Nemets says in this post:
Quote:small numbers of determined & capable men can seize control of much greater power structures, leveraging them for their cause.

I would recommend reading the provided passages as well:
[Image: incelbund.png]

Will Cecil Clayton

(03-31-2022, 11:51 AM)Leverkühn Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-31-2022, 01:17 AM)Will Cecil Clayton Wrote: [ -> ]The easiest and most effective thing we can do right now is hangout with each other. I know that sounds faggy and lame, but the biggest mover in history is divine inspiration and tight male friendships. I have a bunch of semi dissident friends with a diverse and useful skill set around me. If I had two or three more around who were a bit more politically and grand strategy minded things would be tighter.

It's not that faggy. In a world where people disavow their own family over petty political differences, close male friendships where you can freely discuss your beliefs and plans are important. Important to build these sorts of relationships IRL and Online. BAP has long discussed how people in Our Thing should attempt to form Männerbunds; I think he's entirely correct about this. A movement always begins with a trusted circle of friends. 

As Nemets says in this post:
Quote:small numbers of determined & capable men can seize control of much greater power structures, leveraging them for their cause.

I would recommend reading the provided passages as well:

Yes. If anyone wants to meet PM me. We can get some coffees and talk about potential locations for haciendas and favorite meat dishes.


(03-12-2022, 05:54 PM)FruitVendor Wrote: [ -> ]Independent meritocracy of 140iq White men who are able to get a steady supply of U235 to fuel Breeder reactors/selling energy. India has a shitload laying around.

"War" is primarily fought with demographics and sanctions. Russia's gdp is smaller than Texas but can squeeze the testicles of the world by withholding ammonia/natgas and people have to kiss up to illiterate Saudis. Energy moves the world. Energy is the "real" economy - not FAANG social media pretty pictures on screens, marvel ticket sales & real estate.

The big problem with ethnostate cargo cult thinking is that you actually have to produce something. You have to be a cut above the rest. My 0.02c.

Expanding on this:

Europe was an ethnostate and gave it all away attempting to prop up a real-estate pension oriented ponzi economy for the elderly that initiates a dysgenic deathspiral. All developed countries are facing this.

Your native population is declining with an attached standard of living search for a new paradigm (Nuclear power). A small, wealthy population that exports energy and uses it to leverage geopolitical power is an infinitely better route than a "third positionist" traditional worker's party that will catapult us towards a wealth allergic third world. Wealth, power, energy & industry is a path towards automation and eugenics. 

The house of Saud is small but holds huge sway under Saudi Aramco, nobody cares and turns a strategic blind eye over the plight of the yeminis.  

We shouldn't be content with just existing, the wasted potential is the most infuriating part. I don't want to run off into the woods and have 7-8 kids on some farm trying to outbreed the trash hijacked institutions endlessly import. Aim for wealth and the upper echelon of society. Any meaningful move will be top-down. Gab is useless now when a behemoth like Elon can appear and buyout twitter flipping the script.

Most of the "run off into the woods and have a ton of kids" types do so due to the belief that, well, the death spiral is a death spiral and can't be escaped, nor that there is nothing salvageable - instead waiting for a total collapse where their sizeable army of grown up kids can compete easily with the imported trash or bickering tribelets.

In the end - one and the same, with different short-term expectations. But very few have a will to see this, and will bicker and shit fling over it as if it's a matter of life and death.
(03-31-2022, 08:37 PM)Will Cecil Clayton Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-31-2022, 11:51 AM)Leverkühn Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-31-2022, 01:17 AM)Will Cecil Clayton Wrote: [ -> ]The easiest and most effective thing we can do right now is hangout with each other. I know that sounds faggy and lame, but the biggest mover in history is divine inspiration and tight male friendships. I have a bunch of semi dissident friends with a diverse and useful skill set around me. If I had two or three more around who were a bit more politically and grand strategy minded things would be tighter.

It's not that faggy. In a world where people disavow their own family over petty political differences, close male friendships where you can freely discuss your beliefs and plans are important. Important to build these sorts of relationships IRL and Online. BAP has long discussed how people in Our Thing should attempt to form Männerbunds; I think he's entirely correct about this. A movement always begins with a trusted circle of friends. 

As Nemets says in this post:
Quote:small numbers of determined & capable men can seize control of much greater power structures, leveraging them for their cause.

I would recommend reading the provided passages as well:

Yes. If anyone wants to meet PM me. We can get some coffees and talk about potential locations for haciendas and favorite meat dishes.

"Kinda true original point but maybe don't just say this and then never post again"
I don't think there can be consensus on "strategy" without consensus on the stability of the current world order/GAE/ZOG/Empire of Lies/Empire of Nothing/etc.

If the status quo is maintainable for another 100 years infiltrating the existing institutions and generally imitating the left might make a lot of sense. On the other hand if some type of "collapse" is nigh, one should not worry too much about defeating the powers that be as that will take care of itself, nor is any long-march strategy viable.

One thing I would not bet on is any story of full-on civilizational collapse. If the end is nigh, I think it would look like the fall of the USSR on a much more gigantic scale and not some Mad Max fantasy. Thus rural homesteading might be the best thing for some people just trying to raise a family but it is a pointless political strategy.


A strategy which has as its required coordinated-behavior only the practice of optimized nepotism seems pretty good regardless of the state of world order stability.
A proposal is the creation of a pseudonymous organization. Every member of such an organization would take an online IQ test (it would have to be accurate enough to measure <150 IQ), which would be made visible to all members. The members will elect (perhaps with a vote-distribution akin to that mentioned above - "number_of_votes=1/(1-iq_15SD_percentile_rank/100)") from among themselves somebody who they believe to be trustworthy enough to verify claims of the possession of a right to influence the hiring of employees at certain organizations (such as claims of being a manager at a company, a government agency, etc.).
The verification being performed, all members of the organization would also announce their current salary (this does not need to be verified), and the "managers" could "offer" jobs to individuals who under-perform their IQ in such a way that does not compromise the "managers"' pseudo-anonymity, but only that of the individuals being hired (the simplest way being that the individuals being hired tell the "managers'" their name, and then proceed to apply to a given organization as normal).

a note: the candidate-verifiers will probably have to make their identities public before the "election"
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