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Sometimes I think that the Online-Right is taking the most ridiculously circuitous path possible to come to the same conclusion that the militia types have known for decades at this point; this doesn't end without a fight, so you better be prepared to win.
I am not convinced by this conclusion. Peoples vastly inferior are to be crushed like bugs, or at best, dealt with like zombies in movies. Fight horror with horror. Fight ketman with ketman. A militia is like challenging a rhinoceros to a fistfight.


Zuckerberg was right all along.

The only plausible path to power is to breed a mongoloid female and have Chairman Xi name your spawn.
(03-12-2022, 05:35 PM)Meredith Wrote: [ -> ]There's no need for a long preamble here; the blunt question is that whether you call it "Our Thing", the "Dissident Right" or "the Esoteric Hitlerist Incelbund", we do not actually have any kind of path to victory.

Twitter is full of arguments over US state divorce, critical support for Russia's invasion, critical support for EU/NATO, critical  support for China...all of which betray our extreme weakness, and frankly our desperation.

This is a thread for discussing ways out of this century-long downwards spiral we've found ourselves in. 

If this thread comprises a threat to this forum continuing, feel free to delete it, I would like this place to last a while longer.

Sometimes it is a matter of maintaining a subculture and waiting for an opportunity. Many such cases, from Christianity on. Doesn't mean that's what we have to do, just that it is a minimum expectation - one should not "give up because nothing is happening".

Something that will have to happen, and that I see some people doing already, is the formation of groups that actually meet in person. Things can develop from there.

In lieu of that, it would also be beneficial for someone to form an online group that is dedicated to some kind of practical activity, even such as high level trolling. For some reason, nobody seems to be interested in anything like that, in "activism". Just theorizing, and organizing for the purpose of theorizing. I surmise because the stakes are perceived to be high: the utter ruination of your reputation possibly forever in the eyes of everyone everywhere.

Simple things, but the fact is nobody is doing anything, so have to start somewhere. Maybe the most tentative possible place to start would be by theorizing about practical activity.

Anyone interested in theorizing about not theorizing with me may message me. I am particularly intrigued by the idea of well orchestrated confidence tricks.


what's the point of groups meeting in person? is it just to ensure obedience to directives issued by the organization, or?
(08-13-2022, 04:43 AM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ] what's the point of groups meeting in person? is it just to ensure obedience to directives issued by the organization, or?

To build loyalty between people so that they will actually wish to work together rather than just poast ideas or whatever. Also, yes, to build hierarchical organizations with accountable members. Especially, organizations in local areas.

Many non-autistic reasons of intuitive psychology, also. For example: meeting seems to be "doing more" than being online, and once people have met they will wish to "do yet more", which will motivate them to engage in practical political activity. Another example: knowledge that a group has a physical presence makes that group seem more formidable and prevalent, which makes normies more likely to want to associate with the group, and also more likely to talk about it. Another example: demonstrations in person are more interesting, hence generate more headlines, and such headlines are what pressure politicians.


Something I've been wondering about has been the possibility of creating a service which does nothing more than accept "simple facts" along with a link to an archived source. All references to an "object" in said facts - which object could be a person, a place, a date, etc. - would be linked to all other references to the same "object". The "simple fact" might take the form of "Person X met Person Y in Place A during Event T.", "Person X started work at Organization N at date D", etc.
Assuming sufficient accuracy, one could therefore perform analysis regarding organizations and people (time series, network analysis, etc.). Also, you could have a quiz-generator for the "most important" facts, which could be used for political education.

You could also have a source-based filtering system such that, when searching, if the only sources for a certain "simple fact" are sources in some list, the "simple fact" is discarded.


What you're describing is simply a knowledge graph. Many such systems exist.

In fact, I seem to remember Kantbot claiming to be working on such a system along with a "proprietary file system"--does anyone know what became of that?
So its like wikipedia but with less information and made by a STEM autist


You win by abandoning the right.

Barring a collapse, a successful reactionary political movement is impossible. Winning a military victory outside of a subversive coup - doubly so. The wisdom of the Old Right, and the fantasies of reaction are just that: fantasies. Modern RW philosophy is the epitaph of history's losers. Turn away from it - or repeat their failures.

Instead, I suggest you attempt the following: Amongst you, a select few have sufficient intelligence/drive to rise high in the corporate world. Those of you that are capable of it should begin that grind immediately. It may take a solid decade or more, but it will be worth it to have such positioning

Once a subset of you have sufficient collective resources, try to build a lifestyle/networking organization. Think Scientology, think Shincheonji, think LDS - without the garbage. Completely oriented towards the elite, rather than the peasants. Organizational structure should have a private and closed inner circle, composed of your finest men. One leader, was elected for life by a closed inner council. Amongst them, and only them, may you speak openly.

The greater movement/organization will instead receive an exoteric version of your ideas. These should promote certain healthy family formation values, alongside a kind of ingroup loyalty and commitment. Part of the appeal of the organization will be appealing to upper-class strivers trying to land high-paying jobs, as well also giving them a sense of meaning. High value on beauty, aesthetics, and fashion. Structure it appropriately. High IQ women will naturally be attracted to an organization filled with high-status men, and they may be lowkey distributed according to satisfying eugenic ends. This should not be done explicitly. It must be done covertly, without their knowledge/consent.

Here is the hardest redpill: You must embrace leftist rhetoric at all points. You must subvert it too.

1. Things like homosexuality/transsexuality/abortion/contraception must be absolutely embraced externally (and controlled for internally). If the organization ever commands political influence, it should advocate for opt-in sterilization programs for the lower class, justifying them on green/environmentalist/humanitarian grounds. Likewise, it must advocate for embryo modification (even on the grounds of helping black Americans achieve better outcomes). Finally, Polygamy must be embraced. The best of you should be taking multiple wives - and as embryo modification becomes fully available, you may even utilize lower-IQ women as breeding stock.

2. Do not speak of restoring the Aryan race. Speak of breeding as tending to a garden. Leave the rhetoric of National Socialists where it belongs - back in the 1930s. Even internally, within the organization, speaking of your duty to the human race, and helping raise the future leaders of tomorrow. Altruism at all points.

Such an organization should not be exoterically conservative except for a few points. School choice is key, as are parental rights. A hard libertarian line is needed to keep government interference away. This can be advocated for using leftist language. School choice as a way of promoting black communities. Etc etc. Immigration restrictions can be fought for, but using the language of 1920s socialists.

Dues should be collected from members and used to acquire resources and land (inside and outside of America). It should also be used to invest and develop speculative startups, which can receive organization-wide promotion and fast-tracked towards large VC. Most will fail, as they usually do, but those that succeed will yield tremendous economic power. Your inner circle must be incorruptible, not just from external political/intelligence influence - but also from yourselves. If you succeed in building something like this, it runs a high risk of degenerating into a harem and extortion racket for the elect. Hold tight to your morals, and ensure that your descendants do as well. Not every son will be a prince.

The politics of the future is the politics of lifestyle and fashion. This is the one way that one can actually ride the tiger. Everything else in this thread tends toward LARP. You will not inherit zion tomorrow or even in two hundred years, but you may (with extreme work) begin breeding the bloodline that will inherit the earth.
Well, Guest, that was weird.

The so-called "Templist political subculture" recommends a lack of fixation upon broad political theories. Rather, to focus upon local situations, "plays" that can be made within these according to the ethos of Templism.

As many are currently employed in theorizing about political ideals and grand strategies that may or may not apply to particular localities and so are not actionable, the acceptance of this subculture would greatly advance one's path to ultimate power.

I can think of very few strategies that are widely applicable. Depends on what opportunities you have. Guys will say things like "we need to buy land to form RW communities" without appreciating any strategically relevant facts about anything anywhere.

The Templist political subculture is enacted, in its low-effort online form, by posting strategically relevant analyses of localities, or of specific opportunities within some locality or another.


(09-22-2022, 04:52 PM)The_Author Wrote: [ -> ]Well, Guest, that was weird.


Not familiar with the templist movement. I’ll have to research it a bit. I believe this strategy has strong potential based on three distinct data points. I will call such a model a cult, but in a practical scenario - it must resist cult labeling at all costs. Ingroup nepotism, networking, and economic integration are kcore features of this model. Masonry is the closest historical model, but the masons were not nearly capitalist enough - tending instead to a particular flavor of  quasi-religious autism and abandoning their economic roots.

1. The future *will* be a future of cults. High windfall of disaffected millennials/zoomers are already desperate for meaning. God knows how desperate alpha will be. A eugenics cult that promotes self-duty to the future, that speaks of trying to cultivate the best mankind(for the good of all mankind) - will appeal to their narcissism. Everyone believes they are destined for better things, and the laptop class is no exception. Transhumanism is a fertile ground on which to plant these ideas, not Hitlerism or any reactionary trite that stands against the movement of global capital. They are predisposed to a love of a technology, and more than that: a love of themselves.

2.  In so far as cults will be permitted to exist in the west, they must maintain external compliance with hegemon. Transhumanism is prescribed as corporate destiny in the west, through biotechnological advancements. It will drive the flows of capital in the coming century. People mistake trannies as a gateway to more degenerate LGBT stuff. This is a half-truth, but more than anything: It is about a general liberation of all taboos about altering the body. This is an implicit truth, rather than one that is explicitly believed within the upper echelons. Yet those who desire Neuralinks, who desire optimized children, are acutely aware that these old taboos must ripped to shreds. It is the greatest double-edged sword proffered so far in human history. If it is seized, then humans may begin playing with the tools of God towards their end. Rejection of it, the path of the Catholic integralists, will spell the end of all higher forms of being. They would have your children be Mestizo, as your taxes are invested in internationalist Bantu aid programs.

3. Land-based strategies are extremely high-risk for a minority. 109, and still the jews remain with us. There should be inspiration in that. An organization that exists purely on an international level is capable of promoting high freedom of movement of its members,  ensuring that citizens are able to cross-borders are quickly resettle into advantageous economic positions in whichever host nation is most well suited to endure the trials of the future. The mobility of human capital is everything here.

"Templism" is The Author's personal neopaganoid political theory/worldbuilding hobby, FYI. It's not a real movement, it's literally just his Substack
(09-22-2022, 06:21 PM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]"Templism" is The Author's personal neopaganoid political theory/worldbuilding hobby, FYI. It's not a real movement, it's literally just his Substack

I will soon be publishing the Templist Canon in its current form as a PDF, so that NPCs can get past the "it is just a Substack. No known instances of Substack+divine religion" error message. Someone will then publish it as a book to help you past the "it is just a PDF. No known instances of PDF+divine religion" error message.


(09-22-2022, 06:51 PM)The_Author Wrote: [ -> ]I will soon be publishing the Templist Canon in its current form as a PDF, so that NPCs can get past the "it is just a Substack. No known instances of Substack+divine religion" error message. Someone will then publish it as a book to help you past the "it is just a PDF. No known instances of PDF+divine religion" error message.

You can carve it into the face of a gigantic stone pyramid for all I care, but you should consider waiting to call it a "movement" until you at least get a second adherent
(09-22-2022, 07:43 PM)Guest Wrote: [ -> ]You can carve it into the face of a gigantic stone pyramid for all I care, but you should consider waiting to call it a "movement" until you at least get a second adherent

The "no existing norms" error message will also be overcome for you after some time.

Author is going to handle everything for you and your NPC brethren. You just sit there and wait and let him take care of it.
i recently watched a video by a youtuber called aarvoll, in which he expounded an analogy relating our present circumstance to a chess game wherein the opponent has the advantage, and is thus free to concede tactical victories while working towards a favorable endgame. what are viewed as victories for the right are, in the historical scheme, irrelevant tactical gains on ZOG's terms. in this light, even major victories like the 2016 election are not just pointless, but dangerous as they allow one to believe there is hope for winning in the long term, provided we continue on the same path.

if we fight in the parameters allowed by the modern world, the best we can possibly hope for is some short-lived period of populistic caesarism. worse still, if you want to succeed on ZOG's terms, you have to live on ZOG's terms. if you spend your youth building wealth, connections, &c you will indelibly tie your whole life to this system, and when you're in your 40s and finally have a family and some assets, the last thing you'll want to do is risk having it all taken from you. (though, i cannot think of any alternative for people who don't already have inherited social/monetary capital)

this dilemma presents itself to anyone who takes a cyclical view of history, and sees our place in it. a new golden age can only follow once the degenerated remnants of our illustrious civilization are swept away, therefore we cannot hope to be newtons or michelangelos or kants, with our names and accomplishments reverberating for centuries, instead the best we can do is be the cleansing flame that clears the path. to me, this is the allure of BAP and his vision; no one else wants to address this difficult reality, let alone propose a way to proceed going forward. to wit, every effort should be made to exist outside of ZOGworld, in small close-knit associations. attempting to take ZOG down "from the inside" can only lead to ruin.
^Source: youtuber

People who do not understand how bitcoin or genetics or economics work are not qualified to have opinions on optimal strategy and the future. This hypercertain self-satisfied blackpilling reeks of wignat Marxism.
(10-27-2022, 09:31 AM)BillyONare Wrote: [ -> ]This hypercertain self-satisfied blackpilling reeks of wignat Marxism.
not a single one of these words applies to my post.
(03-12-2022, 08:49 PM)BillyONare Wrote: [ -> ]I don’t like this talk about networking and joining groups. That’s the fast track to getting the Eye of Sauron on you, especially if they are one of those groups that autistically keep a ledger of Official Members. You also can’t trust all of the members of every group. America First is the best group; I respect Nick, but even most of that group is stupid pieces of shit who might stab you in the back over some perceived slight or disagreement.

Quite the prescient observation. No, if there is going to be a group, it will be, by requirement, no greater than 13 people at it's core, and heavily augmented by technological tools. The smaller the cadre, the more tightly-knit it is, the higher the chance of success- and there will need to be an organization eventually.
(10-26-2022, 11:17 PM)parsifal Wrote: [ -> ]i recently watched a video by a youtuber called aarvoll, in which he expounded an analogy relating our present circumstance to a chess game wherein the opponent has the advantage, and is thus free to concede tactical victories while working towards a favorable endgame. what are viewed as victories for the right are, in the historical scheme, irrelevant tactical gains on ZOG's terms. in this light, even major victories like the 2016 election are not just pointless, but dangerous as they allow one to believe there is hope for winning in the long term, provided we continue on the same path.

if we fight in the parameters allowed by the modern world, the best we can possibly hope for is some short-lived period of populistic caesarism. worse still, if you want to succeed on ZOG's terms, you have to live on ZOG's terms. if you spend your youth building wealth, connections, &c you will indelibly tie your whole life to this system, and when you're in your 40s and finally have a family and some assets, the last thing you'll want to do is risk having it all taken from you. (though, i cannot think of any alternative for people who don't already have inherited social/monetary capital)

this dilemma presents itself to anyone who takes a cyclical view of history, and sees our place in it. a new golden age can only follow once the degenerated remnants of our illustrious civilization are swept away, therefore we cannot hope to be newtons or michelangelos or kants, with our names and accomplishments reverberating for centuries, instead the best we can do is be the cleansing flame that clears the path. to me, this is the allure of BAP and his vision; no one else wants to address this difficult reality, let alone propose a way to proceed going forward. to wit, every effort should be made to exist outside of ZOGworld, in small close-knit associations. attempting to take ZOG down "from the inside" can only lead to ruin.

Aarvoll banned me out of his Discord server after I called him a nigger also he's fatherless so everything he says is colored by that.
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